TTAG Crests 2m Page Views

I just got off the phone with Chris Dumm. The criminal defense attorney and TTAG scribe was worried that his ArmaLite M15 review wasn’t getting much traffic. I told him to chill. While I like healthy reader stats as much as any ad-revenue hungry webtreneur, TTAG is powered purely by the truth about guns. A year ago, this website had 100 page views per day. I didn’t write any less, or any less enthusiastically. Don’t get me wrong: there has been a big change. It’s not just Brad and me and a few wayward surfers anymore. TTAG is now a community of spirited writers, regular readers, colorful commentators and supportive advertisers. All sharing a boundless passion for firearms. Rest assured we will continue to provide you with fresh grist for your collective mill without regard to site stats. But in case you were wondering, Google Analytics reckons we entertained 158,868 unique visitors in the last 30 days. You are all most welcome.

12 thoughts on “TTAG Crests 2m Page Views”

  1. Impressive considering pretty much all the other gun bloggers hate your site with a burning passion. Must be a lot of google or direct traffic.

    • “Impressive considering pretty much all the other gun bloggers hate your site with a burning passion.”

      That’s a bit of a stretch. I’ve seen a few negative comments, but nothing approaching hatred with a burning passion. There are many gun blogs that routinely link to TTAG often.

    • Just a thought, but there are plenty of people who would define themselves as liberal or progressive and still believe in the sanctity of The Constitution and gun rights.

      We could spend the rest of our lives debating the exact definition of “conservative”, “liberal”, “libertarian”, “tea party”, or whatever label one chooses to identify oneself and more importantly, others.

      Fact remains, this is “The Truth About Guns”. That would seem to be an inclusive monniker that spans all people, because hey, it’s The Truth About Guns…

      • “there are plenty of people who would define themselves as liberal or progressive and still believe in the sanctity of The Constitution and gun rights.”

        Please introduce me to them, because I haven’t met a single one. But I have hope.

        • It’ll be much more fun if you find them on your own.

          They’re everywhere.

          (OK, not at statist, racist, homophobic, science denying, voodoo economics, misquoting the Constitution, misquoting history, plutocracy worship, religionfests that are now grossly mislabled as somehow “conservative”. They aren’t there. But they are everywhere else.)

  2. Congrats on the milestone. I’m sure the Glenn Reynolds links haven’t hurt traffic much. You know you’re doing something right to have grown so fast in a year. Keep up the good work.

    And, uh, what other gun blogs hate TTAG? I visit a number of them regularly and seem to have missed all the negative waves.

  3. Congratulations on the mile marker. I stumbled across this website a few months ago and it since has become my home page. I look forward to all the updates, regardless of news, reviews, or simply the irresponsible gun owner of the day. Also, in the last few months I’ve turned a lot of my friends back home on to the site and they as well have become daily visitors. Word of mouth is a mighty thing. Thanks for all you guys do.

  4. Congrats on the million mark. Uhh.. I hate to be the one to say it but the reason the Armalite blog ain’t been hit so much is because most of us are ARed out… Every gunmaker seems to be making one… Remington, Ruger, Etc. FN makes them for the US military so why bother selling to the civvies. After awhile of seeing almost every gunmag having them on the cover, 20+/-(it seems) ads for them in each issue and 3 or 4 articles in most mags sometimes just makes one numb to ARs of any color. Plus now you actually have some choices besides ARs, M1As,HKs, etc.

  5. Congrats on the milestone! That is quite an accomplishment for one year. I’d be willing to bet that you get more traffic already than all of the anti-gun blogs combined.

  6. I first came to the site reading the Rhino pistol reviews but I check most days to see whats new.

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