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How to replace the Second Amendment

A Washington Post reader indulges in some wishful thinking . . .

To borrow a phrase from Republicans, it is time to “repeal and replace” the Second Amendment. The fewer guns there are, the less gun violence. Ask Australian, British and Japanese citizens.

Hunters can hunt with single-shot rifles and shotguns. If they need another shot, they can cock the weapon again. People can have a revolver for personal protection. Those who are that fearful probably can convince themselves that they are safer that way. We do need a clear law under an amendment that would eliminate all automatic and semiautomatic weapons from our population and that would allow Congress to regulate guns.

This may not be an immediate panacea, but our existing permissive practices are woefully insufficient to correct the gun-violence problem. And given the experience of other nations that restrict gun sales and production, it is incumbent on our federal government to assume control of guns capable of mass shootings.

New York Law School

New York Law School Starts Gun Control Clinic

Michael Bloomberg distributes a little more pocket change . . .

New York Law School announced it is starting a new law school clinic focused on gun violence. The clinic, NYLS-Everytown for Gun Safety Legislative Advocacy Clinic, is possible through a partnership with Everytown for Gun Safety. According to, this is the first law school clinic of its kind.

Everytown for Gun Safety is a nonprofit gun control advocacy organization created by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2014. Two of the group’s deputy legal directors will lead the clinic as adjuncts. One of them, Jonas Oransky, said, “We consider ourselves a counterweight to the NRA, and we’re up and running in 50 states – pushing strong gun safety legislation and trying to fight the worst gun lobby items. We now have enough work and bandwidth that we can really let students take on a lot of it.”

There are clinics at other law schools that focus on policy or legislation but none are solely focused on gun control. This clinic will allow eight students to spend their time addressing gun safety laws for each state, helping to push for changes to improve gun control and fight off challenges. The legal directors stated they will have the students doing research and legislative outreach work on issues like background checks for gun purchases and stopping domestic abusers from obtaining firearms.


This is how to ultimately defeat the NRA

The NRA’s six million members provide the funding for their political efforts. Seems pretty democratic to us . . .

Cynics are correct to doubt, despite the epidemic of school shootings around the country, that meaningful gun control policy will be forthcoming, even though over two-thirds of Americans want stricter gun laws. And everyone knows that there are two groups to blame: The NRA, and the politicians caught in its thrall.

To break the NRA’s stranglehold on politics, we have to directly address the attributes that make them so effective. This means democratizing political fundraising to limit the NRA’s financial firepower, and expanding the number of active voters to normalize the impact of NRA members in many districts where candidates are held hostage by the organization.


Iceland is a gun-loving country with no shooting murders since 2007

And in the US, gun ownership is a civil right, not a privilege granted by government officials . . .

Candidates are examined by a doctor who checks they are in good physical and mental health.

They have a meeting with the chief of police, who asks them why they want to own a gun and runs a background check to make sure they have no criminal record.

Then comes the lecture, followed by a written test the next day that they have to pass with a grade of 75 percent or higher.

The final part is a day-long practice session at a shooting range outside the capital. Here, against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, they blast at bright-orange targets fired into the sky by a machine.

“It feels like somebody cares that you’re getting a gun and what you’re going to do with the gun,” Garðarsson says at his apartment on the outskirts of Reykjavik. “So you’re not going to buy a gun to do stupid things.”

courtesy and Reuters

Florida Cop Under Fire for Violent Facebook Comment About Parkland Student David Hogg

Wishing harm on the little twerp is stupid and unproductive, but this is tame by any standard . . .

A veteran Florida police officer is facing disciplinary action for posting a violent comment on Facebook about student gun-control activist and Parkland school student David Hogg. K-9 officer Brian Valenti of the Coconut Creek Police Department made the comment on a post about Hogg’s recent anti-NRA “die-in” protest at Publix stores.

Commenting on a photo of the protest, Valenti wrote, “Hope some old lady loses control of her car in that lot. Jus saying.”

Valenti, who has 23 years on the force, later removed the post but not before it was spotted and his superiors made aware of it. The police chief, Albert Arenal, later admitted the comment was “unprofessional and inappropriate,” saying Valenti “will be offering an apology, as he has indicated that he wants to do whatever he has to do to make it right,” the Sun-Sentinel reported. Arenal could not say how Valenti would be disciplined but said the department will “look into it more fully on Tuesday.”

Illegal gun deals?

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  1. Hogg always reminded me of someone, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Then I was rewatching Game of Thrones. Geoffrey. That little shit.

    • That is pretty much dead on.

      If any one could fill the role of a totalitarian dictator perfectly, its hogg.

    • a super liberal friend of mine told me he thought Hogg had a “very punchable face”. Mind you this is someone who votes progressive and hates the NRA. That pretty much says it all.

  2. That Politico poll doesn’t show what they want it to show, so they just say it says people support gun control. Why do people put up with such lies? The poll shows most people don’t blame the NRA (54%) while over half correctly identify mental health as a major issue and almost two-thirds blame illegal gun dealers.

    Let’s focus on what most people actually want: enforce existing laws and get people mental health care.

    • quote——————–Let’s focus on what most people actually want: enforce existing laws and get people mental health care.——————-quote

      Unfortunately as long as the skin flint republicans are in power that will never ever happen. As a matter of fact their new Tax Rape Law actually reduces mental health care as well as physical health care. I sometimes wonder that it would be kinder of them to just shoot people in need of health care rather than let them suffer and die over so long a period of time without physical or mental health care. The Nazi’s shot sick people they were in charge of and in a way were more humane than our Republican Nazis are.

        • His mommy quit nursing him when turned he 30. Poor little snowflake all alone in her basement.

      • Hey Troll, “Japanese society is 98.5% Ethnic Japanese.” CIA Library, “The World Factbook.

      • The Dems don’t do a very good job of enforcing existing laws.
        Obama directed his IG to ignore several classes of laws.
        Hillary still walks free.
        Gun running was not just allowed, but encouraged.
        Yeah, those evil Republicans are the real problem.
        There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    • The poll shows that people don’t know anythig about guns, the news, or life in general. 83% blame illegal gun dealers, but I know of no mass shooting where the criminal got their gun from an illegal dealer. The closest I can think of is Columbine where a private party illegally sold a handgun to an 18-year-old. Generally, the shooters buy the guns legally, or steal them from family members who had bought them legally.
      If the question was about shootings in general, then many murders are gang related with shooters who buy/share black market guns that had been burgalled, smuggled, or straw purchased — none of which is the fault of a licensed dealer.

  3. The easy way out for the cop and FB post, is to deny he posted it . Where I live the DA won’t even prosecute threats made on FB or emails . Every time they put the arresting office on stand the defense attorney,asks if he saw him type and post it ? No. Case dismissed.

    • There is no 5th ammendment protection for administrative and civil investigations. The cop isn’t being charged with a crime, hes being investigated by his department for violating officer conduct rules. If he lies (which will be absolutely transparent), then he’ll get fired on the spot….. no court, no jail…. and no job.

  4. Do the criminals in Iceland, or any of the other gun control paradises they’re always on about, go through the same process when acquiring their weapons?

    • Well for one thing, they’re an island, and for another thing they’re mostly ethnically homogeneous and economically well-off. As a general rule, most violent crime is caused by the lack of those three things. Same deal with Japan. Continental Latin America is the example of the opposite- most people there are very poor, ethnic tensions are high, and guns flow freely from corrupt military and police (who at the same time make laws saying that no normal people may possess weapons) and sometimes the ATF and CIA backing rebels and drug cartels. Then you have Britain and Australia, which are islands, but poverty and longstanding cultural devolution has basically made chavs and bogans into ethnicities separate from nice, polite, tea-and-crumpet-munching Britbongs (not to mention the Abbos and Muzzies). Criminal guns there are mostly homemade or smuggled in, and when they do that, they don’t care whether it’s semi-auto and “sporting” or whether it’s a full-auto sheet-metal MAC-10 or AKM.

      • to brainless moose

        Quote: Then you have Britain and Australia, which are islands, but poverty and longstanding cultural devolution has basically made chavs and bogans into ethnicities separate from nice, polite, tea-and-crumpet-munching Britbongs —————-quote

        Nice try you racist scum bag so here is something to shove down your dirty Nazi throat.

        The above video is about a human being that you as a filthy Nazi hate of course without ever meeting him because he was an immigrant and a refugee. He climbed up the side of building to rescue a child hanging from a balcony railing and he cold have lost his grip on any of the floors he hand climbed and fell to his death. The video went viral and he was immediately given French Citizenship and a job at the fire department. Yes the French often make America look shameful because they have taken in tens of thousands of refugees that we caused to be refugees because of our Middle East wars while we have taken in only a few thousand not the 100,000 we promised mostly due to Herr Drumpf pleasing scum like you so he could get elected.

        Yes its low life racist scum like you that represent everything that is wrong with America these days. You are a total disgrace to all of humanity. The lowest form of life on the planet.

        • Hey look! A bigot is lobbing slurs at someone without even reading his comment. Also, he got bonus points for parroting the leftist idiocy that being muslim is somehow a religion! Yay for stupidity!

          Commie go home.

        • I know all about being the lowest form off life on the planet! Takes one to know one.

        • Yeah, I saw that on the news tonight. There are good Muslims and nice Muslims, but opening your borders and your welfare programs to millions of illiterate foreigners who hate you is a really dumb idea and Europe is paying dearly for it. It is indisputable that a large amount of Muslims with British citizenship or permanent residency openly recruit others into terrorist organizations and ship them off to make war against secular governments in the MENA region, run rape-gangs, and go into Southern/Eastern Europe, pack their cars up with full-auto military weapons, and then drive back through the Chunnel- and the Brit police won’t a damn thing about it because it would be “politically incorrect” to so much as verbally chastise someone with slightly-tanner skin, a (made-up) foreign name, or a different religion.

        • Hey Troll, “Japanese society is 98.5% Ethnic Japanese.” – CIA Library, “The World Factbook.

      • Latin America has political and legal problems that cause poverty. Many of the problems started back in Bolivar’s day in terms of how Consititutions were structured and continue unabated to today.

        The root problem is a lack of true private property rights.

      • Hey fellas, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for all the lies and untruths I’ve spewed over the last few weeks. Truth is ever since my mom stopped having sex with me I’ve had a build up. The dreaded semen build up. I tried off loading a few times on my sister but since she hasn’t past puberty it is sort of dull. Tried my neighbors dog but that too was disappointing. Unfortunately the dog is much better looking than my mom or my sister and I feel inadequate with I am with her. Well anyway,, please bear with me as I try and get mom back in the saddle. I should be back to my old happy self in a few days. God bless and guns are bad ummkay.

  5. This clown that wrote this had better do some research. London has more murders than NYC yet guns for civilians are outlawed and so are knives and pretty much anything that can put a hole in another person.

  6. What exactly is ‘democratizing political fundraising’? Giving more taxpayer dollars to liberal causes?

    • ‘[D]emocratizing political fundraising’ means making sure my political friends get at least as much money as yours do, even if we need to spend taxpayers’ money to do it.
      That that is socialist, not democratic, it to be ignored.
      As has been pointed out a lot of times, to the Dems, “fair” mean equal outcomes, not equal opportunities.

  7. “…This means democratizing political fundraising to limit the NRA’s financial firepower,”

    So political fundraising for organizations you dislike, the NRA for example, must be stopped.

    But political fundraising for organizations you support, Planned Parenthood for example, is democracy in action.

    I really have to ask….is political lobbying is good or bad? Because it can’t be both at the same time.

    • Per the article, the “matching rate” contributions schema are the secret to undoing the NRA. NY is 6:1, Seattle’s 4-$25 vouchers, Yup, spend more taxpayer money to solve the under funded initiatives/politicians they like.

      Can you imagine the confusion that will ensue when NRA members start sending contributions directly to the same politicians that the NRA is endorsing? 6 to 1matched contribution AND NRA money!

      • And millions of people in America are influenced by it.

        You know, the same people who vote for those lawmakers in DC.

        Know the enemy. That’s why we had better care and pay attention to what they say…

  8. “…and expanding the number of active voters to normalize the impact of NRA members…”

    translates to giving illlegals the vote.


  9. I love how they always pick these culturally homogeneous countries such as Iceland to serve as comparisons to the US. How good a model is a country of less than 340 K that is 94% one ethnicity, and everything else is reported as “other”?

    The fact is, the countries that are always cited as gun-free utopias are also culturally homogeneous countries with no significant gang issues. Compare the US with ethnically diverse countries such as Mexico and Brazil, both of which have gun control policies even Europeans would drool over. Of course, they are two of the most violent countries in the world. And Europe is discovering that as cultural homogeneity starts to break down, the peace that comes with it, that many have taken for granted, starts to dissolve as well.

    • B-but diversity is our strength! We need rainbows of beautiful mixed-race children, except that your evil White seed should not dilute the pure melanin of the African Kings!

      -sh!t that at least 100 Democrats are saying at this very moment

    • to Carlos the Jackel

      quote———————–. And Europe is discovering that as cultural homogeneity starts to break down, the peace that comes with it, that many have taken for granted, starts to dissolve as well.——————-quote

      Oh brother you could not be more ignorant. Sociology you did not flunk, you never had it. Its not the break down of homogeneity rather its the lack of jobs and equal employment opportunity and discrimination along with lack of affordable education or job training which leads to poverty and crime that causes violence and murder.

      Nice try using the race card but that is just pure ignorance.

      • Hey Troll, “Japanese society is still 98.5% Ethnic Japanese.” CIA Library, “The World Factbook.

      • Bullshit!
        If there is any racial discrimination in the US, it’s against whites. Affirmative action rings a bell?

        I know plenty of legally unemployable, barely able to communicate in English, no education worth anything here, no SSN or driver’s license, east European immigrants. They don’t deal drugs, don’t mug people and don’t live on public support. They work hard in their own businesses.

        On the other hand I have seen many more natural born citizens (with all the opportunity they could wish for) sleeping until noon, and then doing nothing but drinking, using and dealing drugs every day. Where? South side of Chicago where I used to work, fixing their paid by the taxpayer homes.

        Some people will not voluntarily work under any circumstances. Same kind of people commit overwhelming majority of violent crime. You can recognize low crime states and countries by lack of them.

  10. I wish I could give the old lady a monster truck, just so she could run over all those little retards at the die in. Turn them into roadkill! 😈

    • to Grand Kook

      quote:I wish I could give the old lady a monster truck, just so she could run over all those little retards at the die in. Turn them into roadkill————quote

      Yes keep up the Out House diatribe and every person who is sitting on the fence in regards to more gun laws are so sicked by people like you attacking children that were traumatized by mass murder that it simply pushes more and more people over to the “ban all guns philosophy” as they regard people like you as the real danger to society.

      • Oh great, you again.

        Well, you’re right about one thing, it is just me spouting crap. I’d like to believe others know the difference between an honest post and one where I describe a silly, unrealistic solution to satisfy my own frustration, but whatever. For the record, I certainly wish I could attack them with a monster truck, but I know that won’t happen. Similarly, I wish I could have a Thompson, but that also will never happen. If I had either of those items, I would be unlikely to forfeit them by doing something so stupid with them, no matter how much I despise David Hogg and his followers.

  11. “The fewer guns there are, the less gun violence. Ask Australian, British and Japanese citizens.”

    How about this: “The fewer Bloods, Crips, Mexican Mafia and MS-13 there are, the less gun violence. Ask Australian, British and Japanese citizens.”

    Or is that politically incorrect?

    • The fewer blacks less crime. Just ask any other nation not in Africa or the Caribbean.

    • to Ranting Ralph

      quote—————–“The fewer guns there are, the less gun violence. Ask Australian, British and Japanese citizens.”——————quote

      Tell me to do you practice hard at making a fool of yourself or were you a natural born Moron.

      The real facts are that Britain put an end to school shootings way back in the 80’s with new gun control laws and and Australia has not had a big mass murder since the 80’s either. And Japan’s laws have also worked very well with no mass shootings at all.

      Even when a gang of terrorists in Britain last year wanted to kill masses of people all they could come up with were knives and when they invaded a pub the patrons beat the fk out of them with broken beer bottles and chairs flying in every direction mostly on top of the terrorists heads. They were annihilated in short order so yes British laws did indeed work very well.

      Now any more Moronic babbling’s that you would like to mouth off about.

      • Oh, Crisco, you are as always a horse’s ass. But I give you points for consistency.

      • Kanagawa Prefecture, Tokyo Stabbing- 19 dead
        Akihabara massacre- 7 dead
        Nice, France Truck of Peace- 84 dead
        Manchester Arena Bombing- 23 dead
        Cumbria, England shooting spree- 12 dead
        Berlin Truck of Peace- 12 dead
        Munich, Germany shooting- 16 dead
        Winnenden, Germany shooting- 16 dead
        Paris attacks- 130 dead
        Charlie Hebdo – 12 dead

        There’s more, but i think you get the point. Or not, you unhinged lunatic.

        • Ok I know who you are. Ashamed to post under our original moniker Gun shoot em up in school zones.

          Kanagawa Prefecture, Tokyo Stabbing- 19 dead
          Akihabara massacre- 7 dead
          Nice, France Truck of Peace- 84 dead
          Manchester Arena Bombing- 23 dead
          Cumbria, England shooting spree- 12 dead
          Berlin Truck of Peace- 12 dead
          Munich, Germany shooting- 16 dead
          Winnenden, Germany shooting- 16 dead
          Paris attacks- 130 dead
          Charlie Hebdo – 12 dead

          quote————————–There’s more, but i think you get the point————————quote–

          No you idiot its you that do not get the point. Brother what a Moron

          All the stats you just posted were the result of acts of terrorism sponsored by a foreign country. The incidents have zero to do with any domestic gun control laws as a foreign country at war with you obeys no laws not even their own.

        • Wrong again, nazisco. But then, you’ve never been right.

          Who’s buried in Grant’s Tomb?

        • So the people killed in these “terrorist attacks” are not really dead, right? That’s why they don’t count!

          You said no mass murders.
          You got called on your LIE. Disgusting little lying liar, you!
          You move the goal posts.
          You look like even bigger fool than before.
          We LAUGH AT YOU!

        • The Japanese mass stabbing was a product of foreign control?

          Go back to taking your meds… you really need them, sweetie.

  12. Iceland does not matter a damn bit…how is an island in the north Atlantic part of Europe anywho? The NRA added 1000000 new members recently so quoting “most Americans want” is utter BS. As is Hoggboy. I remember beating up twerps like “him” in HS(it was the 70’s). Good times😄

    • To Nut case who thinks he can walk on water

      Quote—————————Iceland does not matter a damn bit…how is an island in the north Atlantic part of Europe anywho? The NRA added 1000000 new members recently so quoting “most Americans want” is utter BS. As is Hoggboy. I remember beating up twerps like “him” in HS(it was the 70’s). Good times————————–quote

      Yea and if you bullied people like that today you would get your damn head blown off. Too bad they were not that unforgiving back in the 70’s as we could have got rid of bullies like you way back then. And to quote you ”
      the good times would really roll again”.

      • You are on a rage post train here. You should consider calming down and understand that you are not morally superior by any means.

        • to JS

          quote—————————You are on a rage post train here. You should consider calming down and understand that you are not morally superior by any means.—————–quote

          You forgot to mention “In my opinion” which when dealing with some of these racists on this forum would make you dead wrong and perhaps even part of their gang of Nazi Thugs.

        • Cisco is deluded by drugs. It allows him to rant about his superiority and normal Americans being “untermentshen”. I believe that Cisco needs to be tested to see what drugs drive his insane blathering.
          Of coarse, I could be wrong and he/she/it could just be a Russian Bot trying to sew discord amongst us. Will not work, but the Russkies have nothing to lose trying.

      • Hey Troll, “Japanese society is 98.5% Ethnic Japanese.” CIA Library, “The World Factbook.

        • to Klaus Von Storm Trooper of the Hitler Brown Shirts.

          Quote————————-I’ll bet you got your ass kicked plenty you useless old hippie pinko.———————–quote

          Heil Hitler to our resident forum Nazi. Your moniker could not be more truthful or descriptive.

      • Mommy wants her basement back loser…are you that 30year old boy ordered out of his parents house? Girls beat you up? Couldn’t take a shower in gym class? America rules-Sissyco drools.

  13. “Illegal gun dealers” to me means “gangster guy selling guns to his drug dealer friends that he stole from some guy’s house, bought off a corrupt cop, or had somebody without a record straw-purchase for him.”

  14. “…it is incumbent on our federal government to assume control of guns capable of mass shootings.”

    Am I the only one who finds the wording of this sentence to be… uh, unsettling?

    • Nope, especially considering that the last mass shooting was with a revolver and a shotgun. They’re usually not THAT obvious.

    • Any gun is capable to be USED in mass shooting. But they know it and if they succeed in banning semi autos, they will be back next day, demanding bans on revolvers, lever action and pump guns like in Australia. Bolt action, break barrel and muzzle loaders will be next. Then air guns, bows and crossbows. Gun grabbers never stop until everybody except agents of government and criminals are defenseless.

      Just say NO!

  15. I am replacing some parts on a 1911 has anyone had any experience with Cylinder and Slide brand products.

  16. Officer Velanti, may I offer this for an apology:

    I am deeply sorry for my comment. In reality it would be horrible for anyone, especially an innocent elderly woman, to possibly damage their car and get some whiny communists’ bodily remains smeared on it. My comment was insensitive to say the least.

  17. The officers sentiments towards dweeble-dick twirp at large Hogg, is by no means alone. There’s a lot of red blooded Americans who wish things would happen like a defunct Chinese booster rocket would fall from orbit and squish him the little worthless bug he is.
    There are people around I wish would just go away forever and he’s one of them.

  18. Not a wise thing to post, nor professional. That said, it’s not really “violent” anymore than wishing that the attention-hungry kid would trip and break his leg is ‘violent.’ He didn’t suggest someone should run him down.

  19. I wonder what the unions (and thus the Dems) will say about shutting membership organizations out of U S politics?

    Or just issue advocacy ones … what will Bloomie do with all his play money if he can’t t fund A G campaigns places he doesn’t live? Mother’s Against Things but OK With You Dying would have to find another l sponsor… and hobby. Bothersome.

    It sure seems that “ban 6,000,000 fellow citizens from politics”-guy has not thought this through.

  20. The kid is a puppet. If he had his demonstration at the Publix near me instead of the Coral Springs store. Id have found a way to have stepped on his head. A slight kick in the head might improve the little shits cognitive abilities.

  21. Iceland is a gun-loving country with no shooting murders since 2007

    And in the US, gun ownership is a civil right, not a privilege granted by government officials

    like it or not, definitely not, i think this is where we are headed. its just inevitable at this point. Trump has killed any possible change at another Republican Term. God knows who the Dems and SJW’s will put up as their candidate. they think its bad now? just wait until the “progressives” have us wearing little patches on our shirts to designate gender.

    God help us.

    • I think you have this backwards.

      Thanks to the open insanity of the Left the 2018 “blue wave” is probably now a ripple and if the economy continues it’s current trajectory DJT very likely wins 2020 easily.

      As WJC said, rather sagely, “Its the economy, stupid”.

      • “As WJC said, rather sagely, “Its the economy, stupid”.”

        James Carville, actually, but he was WJC’s campaign manager :,_stupid

        Carville is a rarity. Off-the-charts brilliant, dedicated Leftist, but he isn’t an obnoxious asshole about it. And he’s married to a conservative, Mary Matalin.

        He’s the one Leftist I’d actually like to meet one day…

        • EDIT – Mary Matalin was an advisor to Dick Cheney, and was with him on 9-11-2001…

  22. “How to defeat the NRA”

    Wouldnt that method also stop bloomburg and his b.s. too? so stalemate is what you want…

    • You’re more right that you might think.
      The Dems are all for equality, as long as that means equality of results, not equality of opportunity.
      And they have absolutely no qualms using the taxpayers’ money to achieve that equality, either.

  23. So, when the NRA is unable to stop all the end runs on all parts of the Bill of rights caused by Socialist authoritarian police-states ramming through “ERPO Laws”. We all know that they’ll be used to crush politcal opposition like on comment boards like this…It will be used to blanket accuse Pro2@ supporters, have them disarmed, lose all their rights, forced to receive mental healthcare as a political dissident, and be Quelled! Just like in Nazi Germany, or the Communist Bloc countries…Trying digging out of that bureaucracy! One step closer where citizens can be declared politically unfit, and as an ” Enemy of the State!” Authoritarianism into Totalitarianism…..

  24. The fewer guns there are, the less gun violence. Ask Australian, British and Japanese citizens.

    This is called truth by omission. Factually, less guns probably do equal less *gun* violence, but connecting these countries to that fact is a common misleading debate tactic. Overall violence in the first two countries has spiked, to the point where the UK has advert campaigns against knives. Japan is first place in suicide rates. Australia just had another mass shooting inspite its laws. Meanwhile, japan itself is the preeminent example of why an armed society is a polite society with an armed nobility ready to kill at the first sign of insult.

    These arguments are getting as bad as tv tropes.

    • to the Wizzard of Oz

      Quote———————–Meanwhile, japan itself is the preeminent example of why an armed society is a polite society with an armed nobility ready to kill at the first sign of insult.—————————–quote

      Its obviously you have never been to Japan and now nothing at all about their culture. The facts are they are one of the most polite societies on earth and they do it every day without pointing guns at people to make them behave correctly like here in the savage land of the U.S. of Hay.

      • You yourself have clearly never been to Japan my mentally disturbed friend. Japan is culturally and ethnically homogeneous to the point where you can still commonly encounter businesses that don’t serve non-japanese. They have an extremely polite society but that’s built on a deathly fear of losing face in front of your peers, the country also has an absurdly high suicide rate due to stress.

        One has to wonder how the overall crime rate is so low on nearly completely ethnically homogeneous country with the remnants of a strict and honor bound culture. Said country is also an island with extremely good controls on border entries and one of the demanding immigration policies on Earth. Even despite that they have a very well known organized crime network and a lot of crimes are shuffled under the rug due to the British method of not reporting crimes until they are properly solved.

        I suppose it’s a complete mystery why they’re so relatively peaceful whereas Great Britain is suffering from escalating violent crime despite being in formerly similar situations. Just like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, the world may never know.

        • Additionally Japan is so afraid of losing face among their peers that they fudge their murder numbers. Not clearly a murder? Just mark it a suicide and move on. Yakuza related? Yeah, suicide and move on.

      • @Cisco Kid

        I am genuinely curious
        Are you capable of engaging in debate/conversation without spewing insults?

        you don’t appear to have enough confidence in your position if you need to accompany each comment with insults.

      • Japan has 45% higher lethal violence rate. You included gun suicide but not suicide other means? Are you saying that suicide is violent or not? if it is not violent the US trends are BETTER than Japan, US murder rare has been plummeting.

        If you are saying suicide IS violence, and you have always included suicide in your postings — than Japan proves an armed society is a polite society since Japan has WAY more lethal violence than the US.

    • The fewer open water bodies there are, the less drownings. Ask any African Bushman.

      Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children aged 14 or younger. Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States.

      OMG! Fill the lakes, rivers and pools. Do it for the children! 😆

  25. “…it is incumbent on our federal government to assume control of guns capable of mass shootings.”

    Like any parlor game, pretty much any item can replace the word “guns” and still be true.
    Cars, bicycles, swimming pools, baseball bats, knives, hammers, bookends, you name it. All have been used as weapons, and some kill far more than guns do (when you don’t count suicides).
    Bicycles and swimming pools seem to particularly target our children, too.
    This points up the fact that these people really aren’t interested in saving lives (especially of our children), but instead are attempting to disarm law abiding people.

    • You are correct that the elite do not really care about results. They care about control of the total population. An armed population can not be controlled. Any form of arms in the population means that someone can somehow take out the arrogant tyrants.

  26. Instead of triggering this cisco clown with facts, all you guys should go to the zoo and visit the monkey house. There you can make faces at the monkeys and get the same response you get from these filthy liberal. The good part is the monkey response will be more articulate and better reasoned.

  27. “Adam Eichen: This is how to ultimately defeat the NRA”

    Why are all of the strongest proponents for gun control Jewish? Are they afraid there will be pogroms if they let normal people have weapons?

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