Intuit Credit Card Gun Retailers Ban Congress NSSF
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Handgun retailers lobbying Congress after credit shutdown

Time to sweat a few CEOs under the lights like they did Zuckerberg . . .

Cut off by their credit card processors, some handgun retailers are asking Congress for help, The Post has learned.

The small business owners and an industry group have asked the Senate Banking Committee to take a look at the actions of the credit card processors — which they claim stopped servicing perfectly legal transactions.

“We are talking to members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, and they are considering asking for oversight hearings for these financial institutions to come in and justify their policies,” said Larry Keane, a vice president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, of Newtown, Conn., which represents the gun industry.

ATF Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act Gun Control Congress

Unable to Ban Guns, Lawmakers Want to Weaponize the ATF Against Gun Dealers

Statists gotta state, preferably while using Orwellian names for their legislation . . .

What’s a politician to do when it’s clear that people will vigorously resist attempts to restrict their lives? Well, you could empower government officials to arbitrarily punish anybody who might help them exercise their freedom. That’s the approach favored by three Democratic members of Congress, who appear to see the path to limiting private firearms ownership in harassing gun dealers and subjecting them to the whims of government officials.

Not that they’re the only legislators to wield regulations as bludgeons, but it’s always a lousy idea.

Ostensibly, the “Keeping Gun Dealers Honest Act” (a name that maintains the congressional tradition of pompous bullshit) is aimed at “gun dealers who engage in illegal sales practices,” which is to say it’s supposed to make it more illegal to do illegal stuff. This isn’t a new practice—Representatives Ted Deutch (D – Fla), Jim Langevin (D – R.I.), and Gwen Moore (D – Wis.) are hardly alone among lawmakers in thinking that what the country with the highest incarceration rate in the world (although we should take a few countries’ official numbers with a grain of salt) needs is more people behind bars. And these three are also in good company in thinking that augmenting legal penalties with arbitrary harassment is the key to a better world.

Andrew Cuomo New York Gun Control SAFE Act Extreme Risk Protection Orders
courtesy AP

Gun owners should be wary of latest state bills

Always good advice in New York . . .

The whole gun control issue is, and will continue to be, spun out of control for the foreseeable future. And, all the homebrew remedies Albany manages to cook up to “fix the problem of gun violence” will not change a couple of indelible facts: The people with nefarious intent will continue to do their dirty deeds and the law-abiding gun owner will continue to be punished for crimes they haven’t and would never commit.

So far, the SAFE is not shaping up to be a deterrent, either to the criminals who ignore it, nor to the lawmakers who feel compelled to improve upon it. There is no evidence to date that would suggest that the SAFE Act has had an impact on crime way or the other, although it has made a goodly number of honest citizens look like criminals.

Now, the latest ruse, two bills introduced in the Senate and Assembly — S7133A and A8976B — will enact “extreme risk protection orders” in New York.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signs 6 gun control measures

Another banner day for New Jersey gun rights . . .

New Jersey on Wednesday enacted measures to tighten its already strict gun control laws.

Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy signed the half-dozen bills that began advancing after the fatal high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in February that left 17 people dead. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Alfonso Calderon joined Murphy on stage.

In a tweet Tuesday Murphy mentioned the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, saying “our hearts are heavy” on the two-year anniversary of the attack and saying that New Jersey now has some of the country’s toughest gun laws.

Army Sub Machine Gun Trials Competition Contract
Courtesy and Military Times

Army’s submachine gun challenge: 10 companies vying to supply conventional forces

This will be fun to watch . . .

The U.S. Army recently put word out that it wanted submachine guns for conventional forces, and gun-makers were quick to respond.

Ten companies are currently vying to supply troops outside the special operations forces realm with subguns for the modern battlefield. Officials said they wanted a weapon with full/semi-automatic selectable variant and a Picatinny rail, among other features, and organizations from Sig Sauer, Inc. to Colt answered the call.

“For the first time in a long time, the Army is looking at a subgun for conventional forces,” Todd South of Military Times reported Wednesday. “Special operations forces have carried these guns for a very long time, but your conventional soldiers and Marines don’t really have them in their arsenal until now.”

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    • Special Operations need a small, maneuverable, relatively quiet, full auto (switchable) for close up action. They have even used .22s in the past; OH, the horror of it!

      I’m sure they already have their long range needs satisfied.

      • A friend has an old .22 that he had a smith fix up years ago. He go the rifle from a family member and it had sentimental value to him. The smith asked to buy it, which my friend declined. My friend thought it was a military training rifle. Supposedly, per the smith the rifle was a “sniper” rifle from WWI, many of them were destroyed. The sniper would sneak to a near by position and fire upon the enemy and the .22’s report would be overpowered by the other weapons. I don’t know how accurate the info was but that’s the story as I heard it.

    • SMG with a 6 inch barrel in 6.5 Creedmoor? I think that’s a solid war winner right there.

    • No, but it should certainly be in .45 ACP in honor of our 45th President. America carries a 45.

      The Donny Gun. Okay, I should have quit while I was ahead.

    • The Thompson would be silly. Long ago replaced by the M3. I’m sure HK could produce an M3A1 with rail for under $2500ea

      • 7.62X25 Tokarev would be an awesome sub gun.
        With AP ammo!
        I want a Glock in this caliber.
        It’s like an 88 magnum. “Shoots through …….”

  1. Words cannot express the disappointment I feel at finding yet another Creedmoorless Daily Digest.

  2. For subgun, Tom Clancy’s 10mm HK MP5 !
    Or, why not the cheap, serviceable M3 Grease Gun?

    • The M3 isn’t all that good of a subgun. The controls make it difficult to operate when your hands are wet or cold and the cycle rate is a little too low. The reason the US military used it was because they need something cheap and quick in WW2 to make and that’s what they came up with.

      • In other words, the M3 does everything for which a submachine gun is actually potentially useful.

        • Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think any version of the M3 was select-fire.

    • Because 5.56×45 out of a sub-gun sized AR sucks out loud. You’re talking 7″ barrel max.

        • As soon as you’d get one of those pistol/shotgun powder rounds into a carbine or rifle length barrel, you’d have a serious problem.

        • “As soon as you’d get one of those pistol/shotgun powder rounds into a carbine or rifle length barrel, you’d have a serious problem.”

          Yeah, mixing up your ammo would be a *boom* problem. It’s always those pesky details…

  3. I would like a civilian version of whatever 9mm sub gun the military chooses. There are so many great 9mm options these days, it’s hard to pick one. I’ve currently got the glock 19 in a roni and a highpoint carbine that’s waiting on the high castle mod, but I think I’ll be adding to my shouldered 9mm collection with a CZ with brace in short order.

    If the new sub gun comes in 6.5 creedmoor, it’s a must have. For, like spraying bullets greater than 600 yards and stuff.

    • And repeal the g** d*****d flagrantly unconstitutional Hughes Amendment and NFA so these guns can actually be useful for defending the security a Free State.”

  4. Rep. Jim Langevin ( D – R.I. ) was paralyzed by negligent discharge from a swat cops .45 ACP bullet when he was a teenager in the Boy Scout explorer program. There isn’t a gun control bill that he wouldn’t endorse.

  5. I believe the requirement is for 9mm. It’d be easier to just go with 300 Blackout. Eventually, they’ll switch all ARs to it. Easy, peasy. I just saved the gubmint a bunch of money! 😉 But we know that isn’t what this is all about.

    • Are you making fun of Il Duce Nuovo ?????
      His goons will be coming after you once he’s President.

      Creedmoor is a stinking British place – it no longer has any right to be a name for any arms/weapon/cartridge.

    • SOCOM has the MP5, UMP, MP7, Mk18, HK416, and MCX (and also the SCAR-L for branches that opted for it- these 10″ intermediate-caliber carbines are arguably SMG replacements, although they are louder and more unwieldy than a small SMG like an MP5K or MP7). Big Army hasn’t used any SMGs since the M3 Grease Gun was retired, although close protection units and MPs and the like have MP5s at their disposal.

  6. Yep sic congress on these credit processing bastards. Where is the “benefit” of having republitard’s in charge?!?

    • yes i quite agree. the Owen Gun from what i have heard was the most reliable sub gun bar none even since it got phased out. in fact a mate found 3 of them buried in the mud up in far north Queensland in the early 80’s. cleaned them out and got 2 of them working again after being buried in mud for at least 10 years

  7. Cue the phoney capitalists with their drivel “it’s their business banks can do whatever they want.”

  8. Why not pick an SMG that would make sense? Plenty of companies making 9mm AR-15s.
    Give it full auto, a 7-10″ barrel and presto. You got a SMG that most soldiers will be familiar with right off the bat and will have atleast some parts commonality with existing rifles.

    I mean come on guys. A Thompson? Seriously? Why the hell would anyone drag a Thompson into combat nowadays? When there are subguns out there that are just better in pretty much every way that matters in a combat weapon.

    • Maybe because the MP-5 /MPX et al and the HK have a smaller footprint than an AR, and ARs don’t have folding stocks. Although the MP-5 is obsolete, one of my dream guns would be one with the integrated suppressor. Sweet gun.

    • I know you yanks are going to hate this but the Thompson is really overrated. In the Pacific Theatre in WW2 it had to be wrapped in oily rags right up until it needed to be used. This was to stop it rusting and to keep foreign material out to stop it jamming.

      The Owen had such a reputation for reliability even US troops would try to get one. And so did their sons in the Vietnam War.

      The only issues with the Owen were that it was heavy and it could have been issued more than a year earlier in .45ACP. Several prototypes were in .45ACP. But the Australian senior officers wanted the British STEN, which they thought was better because it was British.

      Even in tests where the Owen was set up to fail and the STEN was set up to pass, the STEN kept failing and the Owen kept passing.

      After the war the British even admitted the Owen was much superior to the STEN, and by the way do you have any spare we could use in Malaya?

  9. Is it just me or does it seem like special kind of ‘Chutzpah’ to turn to American gun makers to make a gun that they will turn around and deny to the very people that built the gun, as well as the rest of America.

    I dont know, just seems a little ‘Kim Jung Un’ to me.

  10. 300blk. Parts commonality, mag commonality. Hits like a 45acp in subsonic. Optimized for short barrel.

  11. Let’s just reintroduce the M1A1 Thompson. A 10lb submachine gun will really teach everyone to complain about how heavy their rifles are. And our troops will look super gangster.

    • I’d point to my argument below, but the Thompson does look much cooler than the M3 Grease Gun. 😎

  12. I say the old M3 Grease Gun should be brought back, just in 9mm. However, that’s a practical approach to the issue. The issue, of course, is that they just want another gun. Seriously, why can’t they just come out and say it? There is nothing wrong with wanting another gun, though I think it shouldn’t be taxpayers who pay for overpriced toys.


    Like the Creedmore stuff, it needed to be said at least once here.

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