California Gun Control Felon 500 Guns

L.A. sheriff’s detectives seize more than 500 firearms from felon’s home

This is how well California’s vaunted system of strict gun control is working . . .

Fernandez, 60, was arrested after the raid, during which investigators found 432 guns. A search the next day uncovered 91 firearms concealed in the house. Investigators also seized electronics used to purchase the weapons.

The investigation led detectives to a woman linked to the firearms purchases. While she was not home, detectives recovered 30 guns from her home, officials said.

“The case is a testament to the community’s involvement in reducing crime and taking guns out of the hands of criminals,” Sheriff Jim McDonnell said, citing it as a positive example of the department’s “see something, say something” campaign.

Williamson county gun range 18,000 pounds of lead remediation

Williamson gun range has built up 18,000 pounds of lead. Now it’s a hazard.

The EPA would have shut this range down a long time ago if it weren’t owned by the county . . .

The backstop berm – the raised strip of land behind the targets that catches all the bullets fired – is packed with lead. The department has been asking Williamson County Commission for the funding needed to remove the lead since 2015. The funding has never been approved.

With the funding the department has received, it has gone to pay for new positions and equipment to keep deputies safe – both of which have been a higher priority than addressing the lead.

“You’re only given so much money, and that might not fit into the amount you’re given by the commission,” Sheriff Jeff Long said.

Neither Long nor Elliott are aware of any previous professional lead removal from the gun range.

Humanium gun watch Triwa

This watch is made from melted down guns

It’s made of Humanium which is right next to Unobtanium on the periodic table . . .

The metal case on a new watch might have once been part of an AK-47 owned by a gang member in El Salvador. The watch, made by the Swedish brand Triwa, is the first product to use a new material branded as Humanium–a metal made by melting down guns that have been confiscated by police.

“The watch industry is very focused on precious metals and status, and we saw with this metal we could use the symbolic value of a watch for something bigger,” says Ludvig Scheja, cofounder and creative director of Triwa.


American Medical Association Proposes More Anti-Gun “Solutions” at Its Annual Meeting

Any “solutions” for the 200,000+ people who die from medical mistakes and malpractice every year? Hmm . . .

Inexplicably missing from (AMA’s former president, David O. ) Barbe’s comments was any mention of victims of car crashes being treated in emergency rooms (more than 37,000 die every year as a result of them in the United States), poisoning (more than 47,000 a year die from overdoses), or unintentional falls (more than 33,000 deaths). Perhaps it’s because automobiles are already registered, bottles of rat poison are commonly available at Amazon and recipes for making it are available on the Internet, and ladders aren’t considered “assault weapons.”

But the AMA persists in offering its anti-gun “solutions” anyway, including 1) expanding ERPOs (extreme risk protection orders) and GVROs (gun violence restraining orders) to include not only family members but household visitors and dating partners; 2) prohibiting anyone under a domestic violence restraining order, convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence crime or stalking from possessing a firearm; 3) those under such orders have their data entered into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System; and 4) demanding that every school in the country be a “gun free zone” while opposing any school board’s requirements or incentives offered to teachers to carry weapons on campus.

Chadwick Boseman MTV Award Jame Shaw Jr. Waffle House Hero

Chadwick Boseman gives his MTV award to Waffle House hero

That would be a nice gesture if anyone thought an MTV award was still worth anything . . .

“Receiving an award for playing a superhero is amazing, but it’s even greater to acknowledge the heroes that we have in real life,” Boseman said. “So I just want to acknowledge somebody that’s here today. James Shaw Jr. Where are you? Stand. If you don’t know James Shaw Jr., he fought off a gunman in Antioch, Tennessee at a Waffle House. He saved lives. Come on up here.”
Shaw then took the stage and Boseman handed him the golden popcorn award, “This is gonna live at your house.”
Shaw was grazed by a bullet while grappling with the gunman and burned his right hand grabbing the barrel of the weapon.
Shaw also created a GoFundMe page to assist the victims of the shooting.
Daniel Patinkin Gun Violence Solutions

Federal gun control is not enough: To reduce gun violence, we need big changes to social policy

Is Patinkin’s book on your summer reading list? . . .

However, political inertia is not the only obstacle to success; the gun regulations that can be advanced by the Congress may not be effective. There is debate over whether the Federal Assault Weapons Ban had an appreciable impact on gun violence in America. Further, leading researchers question whether existing federal background check laws save lives. Daniel Webster, director of the Johns Hopkins Center on Gun Policy, points out that “the federal Brady Law, which mandates background checks for firearm sales but exempts sales by private parties, has not been strong enough to reduce homicide rates.” So it appears that the best Congress can do may not be good enough.

These failures and shortcomings do not preclude efforts to address gun violence at the highest levels. However, they do emphasize the importance of considering other ways to move forward. If we want to devise and implement effective strategies, we must keep our eye on critical underlying factors. Although I would not describe myself as an expert on gun violence, I spent 18 months recruiting and interviewing individuals who have shot someone for my upcoming book, “The Trigger: Narratives of the American Shooter.” (Read an excerpt here on Salon.) This experience has afforded me a somewhat unique perspective on various factors that contribute to the problem.



  1. THIS is what comes from registration. This supposed/so-called “felon” is a felon ’cause we say so. Would an actual felon tell the state what he had?!?

    • Any idea on what his prior felony conviction was? Did he previously get convicted as a felon in California for owning a 11 round magazine?

      • According to my brother-in-law, he was 1 week late on paying his court fee for a misdemeanor charge. The only source supporting that I found was here
        Looks like he commuted a non-violent felony (possibly multiple), got it pled down to 1 misdemeanor, but had to pay restitution in full within 6 months, failed, and so the conviction was upped to a felony. Not sure about the legality of that (I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play 1 on tv) but it sounds odd to me.

        • Pretty much the same as being released providing you commit zero offenses within the next “X” years. If you get caught committing an offense, it’s right back to finish out your term. When he pled down to a lesser charge, there was likely a stipulation he signed which informed him that any further offenses would result in reinstatement of the original charge(s) and may even have already listed what his punishment would be.

      • Calguns says he was a week late on a restitution payment, forfeiting his plea deal and bumping his charge to a low level felony. So some b.s. basically.

      • [“The case is a testament to the community’s involvement in reducing crime and taking guns out of the hands of criminals,” Sheriff Jim McDonnell said] Really? The guy accumulates 500+ guns over many years – looks like he could have armed a small army! The only way that sheriff’s statement would hold water is if these 500 guns came from 500 different criminals!

        Then they talk about the cost of removing the 9 tons of lead from the berm and how costly it would be, but it really shows just how STUPID Commiefornian politicians/elected officials truly are – all they need to do is ask any number of gun-guys if they’d like to come and sift out some lead and it would be gone in a week!

    • I read every linked source to that article and never saw any mention of what that wealthy sixty-year old gun collector was a felon of… murder? Robbery? Money laundering? Election fraud? Who knows? But there are felons and then there are Felons and this guy sure didn’t sound like the sort anyone needed to be afraid of other than he owned more than a few icky, disgusting, drenched-with-the-blood-of-children guns.
      Here’s to hoping he beats the rap and has any chance at all of getting any of those collectables back*.
      *he can kiss that Colt Python goodbye – it will definitely be going home with the Sheriff.

      • You will note that many of those rifles, as best I can make them out, are milsurp and C&R, so probably did not pass through an FFL to get to him. Second, I don’t think that nay of those uppers constitute firearms under California law. In fact, if you have an upper and a lower that are not connected, they don’t even constitute an “assault weapon” while they would if joined.

        • {California and ARs}

          “In fact, if you have an upper and a lower that are not connected, they don’t even constitute an “assault weapon” while they would if joined.”

          Whoa, *seriously*?

          As in, no need to even register them at all?

        • “many of those rifles … are milsurp and C&R, so probably did not pass through an FFL to get to him”

          Uhhhh…. What? If someone has a “C&R”, what they actually have is a “Federal Firearms License, Type 03: Collector of Curios and Relics”. So either he had the C&R license (unlikely as he would not have passed the requisite background check) or the person he bought them from had a C&R license. Either way, if it was a C&R gun transferred through a person with a C&R license, it DID go through an FFL: the person with the C&R license. Unless you meant the guns were likely private-sale transfers? In which case sure, they would not have gone through an FFL in that case, but then that has nothing to do with being a milsurp/C&R-eligible gun as you can do private-sale transfers for any non-NFA firearm, not just milsurp/C&R guns.

        • In Ca, all gun transfers(even C&R licensee) have to go through a FFL01. If they are brought in from out of state you have to file a form with the state within a few days, so any firearm has to be “registered” with the state.

        • CA under present law, does not require anything for uppers. The lower, with or without the upper is classified as a firearm because that is where the serial number is located. Under proposed law, any part from a firearm (springs, pins, whatever) will be classified as firearms and will require an FFL holder to purchase.

          Get your own FFL now if you can. Or start getting your liberal friends to realize that they are having their rights infringed. I have a number of lefty friends who saw the light after experiencing life changing events, when I explained that supporting infringing gun controls denies them their right to change their minds about how they feel about guns.
          God forbid we ever get into the condition for which the 2nd Amendment was actually written… a tyrannical government which no longer recognizes the rights of the people.

  2. And all those guns will be melted down into some liberal trash piece of art to represent why we need “gun violence” restraining orders or someshit.

  3. Quote: “Federal gun control is not enough: To reduce gun violence, we need big changes to social policy”

    Don’t need a change in social POLICY, the government has no business interfering in anything social. They have demonstrated their ability by destroying the social structure of the black family and are working on destroying the social structure of everyone.

    We are far down the path to social anarchy with little chance of turning it around.

    Be Prepared !

  4. That picture looks like it was taken from a Mexican daily news story. Looks like the U.S. need to keep the borders wide open so cartels can move in.

    By the way, that’s an actual arsenal right there.

      • I’m seeing a lot of wood… Vastly more wood than evil black rifles. He’s either arming bears or the most inefficient rebellion this side of the Pacific.

        • Back in WWII , almost all rifles were mostly wood.There are a lot of semiauto wood rifles out there,

  5. ‘…ladders aren’t considered “assault weapons.’

    Ladders are frickin’ dangerous. Worked with a guy (I wasn’t there when it happened) who slipped stepping off a roof onto an extension ladder. I’m assuming they separated the top from the bottom and it was the bracket that got him, but that ladder ripped a 3′ (yes foot, not inch) gash from the bottom of his rib cage to his elbow. Then he dropped 10 feet. The boss rushed him to the emergency room in his truck and I was told there was like a couple gallons of blood he had to wash out afterward. Not sure I needed that lesson, but stepping off roofs onto ladders always gave me the willies.

  6. “Federal gun control is not enough: To reduce gun violence, we need big changes to social policy”

    How does he plan to reduce the number of blacks and Hispanics in the population?

    • Leave it to us Asians, the minority that no one counts as a minority for crime statistics?

    • Way back in the day, a politically correct family was 2 parents (M+ F), and 3 children. Advertisers started showing ads with 2 parents and 2 children. In a short period of time, the population growth rate in Japan went to zero, and they lost a generation which was supposed to be their educated mid level managers.

      Look at ads, and even tv programming, today in the USA. single parent situations, gay parent situations, 1-3 children, bi-racial marriage, bi-racial girlfriend-boyfriend living together, etc. Add in programs which glorify bad behavior (like Growing Up Gotti) which kids grow up with. What should we expect to happen to society? I’m not saying that video games are bad and cause all the problems. What I am saying is that when kids are not taught to respect traditions, laws, authority, and they have all this garbage over-loading their minds, they are far less likely to turn out good citizens.

  7. Shooters should volunteer their time to clean up public ranges. A dozen guys with shovels, sifting tables, buckets, and a few pickups can remove that lead from the backstop in a few weekends. Then they can melt it down, sell the copper jacket scrap, and cast new bullets with the lead. If we want public ranges to stay open, then we have to take care of them.

    • It’s the Sheriff’s Department range, and nothing in the article mentions it being readily available to the taxpayers for their use. If anything the article say that the department has expanded its force, so more deputies are using it than before. Logic would thereby dictate even less availability to the public at large.

      If this were a public range, then I’d agree that those who use it should help with the lead removal issue with donations of either time or money. Otherwise, the sheriff should figure out a solution that the taxpayers can afford. Maybe make the deputies pitch in??? I can hear the howls of protest coming from the uncivil servants being required to do something that they’re not being paid for.

    • Lead also has a scrap value. One could actually fund the cleanup just from the sale of the lead.

      But what am I kidding? That’s never how public officials think. They’ll get tax dollars to clean it up, then sell the lead to fund a department boondoggle.

      • you wish it was that simple.

        First, they’ll charge the taxpayers for a study to determine the best course of action for removing the lead.

        Then, they’ll charge the taxpayers for administering the bidding process for the contract for removing the lead.

        Then, they’ll charge the taxpayers to pay the contractor to remove the lead.

        Then, the contractor will discover some previously unknown issue and demand more taxpayer money, or leave the job half complete.

        Then, they’ll charge the taxpayers to finish the job.

        Then, the contractor will recycle the lead and keep that money off the books.

        • And then the Sherrif’s department will ask for more money. Because they would never return any surplus funds….

    • I belong to a skeet, trap, and clays club. Our club is actually paid by a firm for the right to scrap the area out in front of the skeet fields so they can reclaim the lead. It is a profitable arrangement for both the club and the salvage company.

  8. Not going to lie: that watch looks pretty sweet, and I would proudly wear it precisely because it is made from guns. It just may mean something different to me than the makers intended.

  9. Sadly, those 500+ firearms will be melted down. It’s a real shame as there are some high value items there, like the C96 Broomhandle and the Colt Python. The low resolution picture makes exact identification impossible, but there appears to be a large number of collectible military surplus rifles there too.

    • the guy was, in all likelyhood, just a harmless collector…now there going to make an example of him…

  10. We need to keep guns from “misdemeanor domestic violence and stalkers”.


    There’s even an entire question on the form dedicated to such an issue.

    • As I told a judge this week when called for jury duty… misdemeanor domestic violence is not a crime. I flat out refuse to convict anybody under that statute, simple domestic battery in this case, because of it’s disparate impact on men and unconstitutionally disproportionate punishment. (Losing your 2nd amendment rights for life.)

  11. “The backstop berm – the raised strip of land behind the targets that catches all the bullets fired – is packed with lead. The department has been asking Williamson County Commission for the funding needed to remove the lead since 2015. The funding has never been approved.”

    Recycling,lead was mined from the ground and shooters are just redepositing it,thus recycling it.

  12. The picture with the doctor holding up the snubby? He had protective eye wear and a flashlight. Did he just pull it out of a patients azz?kkk

    • wonder how gun deaths stack up against all those people they kill through medical mistakes…

      • Remember medically assisted suicides are not murder. But self practiced suicides are murder. Soooooooooooo….should we start counting the end of the deck or the beginning? And are we using a 7 deck shoe or an auto-shuffled singledeck every hand. Sorry to be so difficult. The details matter a little bit when discussing the details.

  13. Chadwick Boseman seems alright.

    Chris Pratt’s acceptance speech from the same awards is worth a watch too.

    That LA gun confiscation sure has a lot of lumber, a broomhandle mauser, a lot of AR uppers (that they probably counted as firearms for Reasons) I wonder if they’re going to prosecute the woman for straw purchases? Probably not. Unfortunately being a former felon in California probably means never recovering your gun rights, even if you clearly have the money to go through the courts for it.

  14. I live in Williamson county, and trust me, they have plenty of money if they need it. It is the most affluent county in TN with a median house hold income of 87k. Every deputy car is brand spanking new, and good for them if they have the funds.

    As long as they don’t use the range berm as the playground for the local day care , then just leave them thar bullets there.

    • It shouldn’t cost anything to clean up. there are companies that will happily ‘mine’ a berm for copper and lead recovery, IIRC they keep everything and you pay nothing past some likely mandated hazmat fees.

  15. The AMA needs to address the hundreds of thousands of patients murdered each year by healthcare “Professionals”. Lawyer groups claim the number is 400,000+, the docs themselves admit 250,000.

    They also need to address their part in the opioid crisis — without a prescription from a doctor, you cannot legally obtain the narcotic. Doctors are the primary pushers, either through ignorance or greed.

  16. Lead recyclers came to our range and mined it for free. In fact the lead from the shotgun range was reusable as is and the club reloaded some of the pellets that the recycler returned to the club as part of the deal.

    • I have purchased reclaimed lead shot from a local trap range. It’s a win-win scenario to excavate a gun range berm and should return $$ to the berm owner, unless it’s owned by a municipality run by ignorant bureaucrats.

  17. CA needs to have a few meteors hit it. The Swedes can cram their watch. The Sheriffs in TN can cram their lead (Pb).

    All anti-gunners need to be leaned on (by all legal means available, and any other means that’ll survive the thinnest judicial scrutiny).

  18. Any “solutions” for the 200,000+ people who die from medical mistakes and malpractice every year?

    Yeah, according to the AMA, the solution is to STFU and take our medicine.

  19. I’m so pleased that the AMA has solved all the problems of diagnosis, treatment, treatment delivery, wellness management, drug interactions, medical technology development pipeline, care provider pipeline, care provider quality of life, and of course costs.

    Obviously. Otherwise why would the be off proposing legislation? About a non-medical issue? To people who aren’t in their industry, let alone their members?

  20. Many years ago, our gun club was renegotiating our range property lease with the town that owned the property. One of the selectmen was apprehensive about the amount of lead in the backstop, which was composed of old tires and earth. Our club president informed the selectman, “We have a recycling company that comes in every year with a lead magnet, and they extract at least 98% of the lead.” We then went on to sign a new lease with the town. After we left, I said to our club president, “Bob, I can’t believe you told them that whopper!” He smiled and said, “I can’t believe they actually swallowed it.”

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