Don’t Believe What Pollsters Say about the Gun Control Views of NRA Members

But pollsters are are always accurate. Just ask Hillary Clinton . . .

Time and again national pollsters insist on reporting how NRA members and other gun owners feel about gun control.  Don’t believe a word of it.

None of these pollsters has access to NRA’s membership list. NRA strictly protects its membership list and doesn’t give it to mainstream media types, pollsters, solicitors or anyone else.  It is a private list and always has been. Anyone who claims to have access to NRA’s membership list is not telling the truth.

Pollsters simply ask people they survey if they are NRA members or gun owners. However, they have absolutely no way to determine whether the information they get is accurate. So despite their claims, they can’t accurately say how NRA members or gun owners feel about gun control.

US Army making 100 kilowatt lasers to defend against drones, rockets and mortars

Twenty-first century flak . . .

Raytheon Company is developing a 100 kW class laser weapon system preliminary design for integration onboard the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles. This is a $10 million U.S. Army’s High Energy Laser Tactical Vehicle Demonstration program contract. It is expected that there will be a follow up $130 million contract starting in 2019.

The laser will be used to defend the army against drones, rockets and mortars.

The US army has already tested 5 and 10-kilowatt lasers on trucks.

Medium tactical vehicles have 5 tons of cargo capability and are usually 10-ton vehicles. Vehicles can be heavier if they have more armor,

UK man defends against gang arrested

Magistrate, 67, who defended his family against an armed gang who stormed his £2million mansion was ARRESTED himself… and accused of racially aggravated assault

This is why we’re celebrating today the fact that we’re no longer British . . .

A magistrate defending his family against an armed gang who stormed his home ended up being arrested himself – and accused of a racially aggravated assault.

Police detained Nigel Stringer for three hours and he remains under investigation while the gang – believed to have been armed with a gun, knives, metal bars and a crossbow – were allowed to leave.

The 67-year-old, who has been a magistrate for 26 years, is now standing down to pursue a private prosecution against the men.

His wife Cindy, 55, says she lives in constant fear following the terrifying events of January 14.


Judge Kavanaugh’s Record on Second Amendment/Gun Rights

He’s reportedly the front runner for the Supreme Court nomination . . .

In follow-on litigation to the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on the Second Amendment in D.C. v. Heller, a D.C. Circuit panel majority, consisting of two Republican appointees, upheld the District of Columbia’s ban on possession of most semi-automatic rifles and its registration requirement for all guns in D.C. Judge Kavanaugh dissented (in Heller v. D.C. (2011)). An excerpt from his dissent:

In Heller, the Supreme Court held that handguns – the vast majority of which today are semi-automatic – are constitutionally protected because they have not traditionally been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens. There is no meaningful or persuasive constitutional distinction between semi-automatic handguns and semiautomatic rifles. Semi-automatic rifles, like semi-automatic handguns, have not traditionally been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense in the home, hunting, and other lawful uses. Moreover, semiautomatic handguns are used in connection with violent crimes far more than semi-automatic rifles are. It follows from Heller’s protection of semi-automatic handguns that semi-automatic rifles are also constitutionally protected and that D.C.’s ban on them is unconstitutional. (By contrast, fully automatic weapons, also known as machine guns, have traditionally been banned and may continue to be banned after Heller.)

‘I’m coming to your stupid country’: Adelaide artist takes another jab at America in campaign

Wonder how much he’d take to stay there . . .

Adelaide’s Peter Drew has taken another swing at America’s gun control laws, as he prepares to visit, what he refers to as the “stupid country” for his latest poster campaign.

Drew began his poster campaign in 2015 and has generated awareness around the way Australians treats asylum seekers as well as the traditional owners of Australian land.

But his latest campaign looks beyond Australia, with the artist heading to the United States to generate discussion around American gun laws, equality and offensive comments.


    • Exactly. Australia also allows double jeopardy on “new evidence”, it allows searches at lower warrant thresholds, in practice you can be held without charge much longer, it allows mental illness commitment at lower thresholds, and has many other lower levels of civil liberties akin to our US First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights. heck Bloomberg’s unconstitutional expansion of “stop and frisk” is fine there.

      The VAST majority of “illegal immigrants” (10:1) actually in Australia are “Visa overstayers” from first world developed democracies, like Canada, the UK, New Zealand and the EU. These people are wealthy, skilled and VETTED for criminal records. That is why they don’t have the problem the US has with illegals, almost all of whom never have a Visa and were not vetted, in the US committing violent crimes at 2.6 TIMES the rate of the US population.

      Australia also puts puts the vast majority of their never legal illegal immigrants in third world 5hitholes. They border no one and put over 90% of attempted maritime arrivals in holding camps in new Guinea that make the fake news US “cages” look like summer camp at Hogwarts in comparison.

      On top of that Australia’s gun control did NOTHING positive. Oh its murder rate fell about 40% since its 1990’s peak, but the US murder rate fell MORE, over 50% as the US increased guns. Australia’s suicide rate did not change, it just moved reduced gun suicide to other means.

      There is no more of a nanny state in the world than Australia and even social scientists there are noting this is creating the most infantilized adult population in the developed world.

      • Actually we did not have a drop in murder rate after the NFA here. there was a tiny peak in the late 80’s -90’s due to a couple mass murders with guns but otherwise it has continued the same downward trend it started in the late 60’s. this is gun murders only though. murders by other means however have been on the rise. also our suicide by gun was about 70% of our suicide rate, it is now almost nil however the murder rate by gun which is in part made up by the suicide rate by gun did not make the same drastic drop but continued the same downward trend. for this to be the case the actual murder rate has to have gone up and suicides since then have also gone up just using different methods and that is despite “better” mental health services being implemented around the same time as the gun laws came in.

      • also strongly agree on your last comment about the most infantalized adult population. that is part of why i want out of this country. at the very least if i cant move then it wont be long before i just head bush and drop out of society completely.

  1. The NRA membership list … “is a private list and always has been.”

    Don’t count on it. Mueller has seized all the tax records of the NRA according to reports last week. Once inside the NRA, with unlimited power, I suspect this Nazi bastard will go after (or has already) the membership list. Once he has his hands on it, it will go directly to the DNC and others on the left. Guaranteed….

    • He will never release it –but a thumb drive of all that info will ‘mysteriously’ come up missing and some nit witt will take one for the team and get PAID later!

    • Using “nazi” to refer to everyone you don’t like… where have I heard that before…

      • You are right! Mueller may have the belief system and tactics of the fascists of the 1930s, but he is certainly not a Nazi — a member of the National-Socialist Party. That party was banned in Germany after WWII so it would be impossible.

    • Your membership dues are not on any tax records of the NRA as they are not tax deductible. About 7% of NRA funding is tax deducible donations to their c3. On the other side though, the gun control lobby’s funding is over 80% tax deducible “donations.”

      • Pls read what I wrote. Never said membership was on tax records. I SAID Mueller has unlimited power and once he WANTS to sieze ANY NRA info, he will. To think he wont is silly. If he sees a need to damage an enemy he will.

        • “I SAID Mueller has unlimited power and once he WANTS to seize ANY NRA info, he will.”
          No. Mueller still needs warrants in order to act under the color of law.
          He’s a special investigator, not an extra-legal anything. The fourth amendment applies even to him.

        • In a perfect, legal world, yes, Muller would have to have substantial probably cause to get a warrant. Unfortunately, with the whole FISA warrant scandal, it is obvious that the whole system is corrupted. With a few winks, a few hours on the golf course, and a round on the 19th hole, Mueller will get a warrant with less than a smidge of justification.

        • Bill clearly has not paid attention to what that POS Mueller has been doing. This lawless (FBI standard not withstanding) actions included threats that his targets may not release info that they have been “interviewed” or what he has seized. Under threat of having their life ruined. The bastard has a lifetime record of incompetence and lawless activity while hiding behind the fed protective shield.

  2. “There is no meaningful or persuasive constitutional distinction between semi-automatic handguns and semiautomatic rifles. Semi-automatic rifles, like semi-automatic handguns, have not traditionally been banned and are in common use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense in the home, hunting, and other lawful uses. Moreover, semiautomatic handguns are used in connection with violent crimes far more than semi-automatic rifles are. It follows from Heller’s protection of semi-automatic handguns that semi-automatic rifles are also constitutionally protected and that D.C.’s ban on them is unconstitutional.”

    We want Judge Kavanaugh. Full stop.

    A late ‘Digest’ update :

    “‘Let’s see who I can piss off’: David Hogg was born a pest, book says”

      • If we’re nominating a lady, I’d rather see Dianne Sykes get the nomination. Yeah, she’s old, comparatively speaking(60), but she has a good conservative record on the same Court of Appeals as Barrett, who’s been there less than a year.

        I’d rather see Kavanaugh now and save the female slot for when Ginzburg dies.

        • The pressure we’re getting now is on semi-autos and mag capacities. Kavanaugh was clear about what he thought of those, and ‘universal background checks’, the the whistle-words for gun registration…

        • “female slot”?? I’ll check my Constitution but I don’t recall such empty headed BS.

          Nope there is no “female” ANYTHING. Stop being a prog.

      • She has NO public record on guns, including anything ever said during public speeches and debates as a professor. None. Zero, zilch. All of her public remarks, in full transcripts, were given to the senate last year when nominated to the federal bench. This is much too important to take a flyer on. We need someone who has either publicly spoken on the 2A being sacred or has ruled as such. For this alone she can not get the nomination.

    • I dunno. Don’t like his “machine guns can continue to be banned” line. I want the registry opened.

      • personally i say the registry should be scrapped full stop for anything, firearms, cars, businesses, every single registry that the govt has control over destroyed and all removed from restricted and/or regulated.
        yep i am anti bog govt in all ways.

      • The “machine guns can continue to be banned” line is about the result of Heller saying that semis are in popular use. Machine guns just aren’t in popular use.
        That does not mean he thinks machine guns should remain NFA items, just that the interpretation Heller used doesn’t cover them.

  3. From the National Review article :

    “D.C.’s registration requirement, which is significantly more stringent than any other federal or state gun law in the United States, is likewise unconstitutional. Heller and later McDonald said that regulations on the sale, possession, or use of guns are permissible if they are within the class of traditional, “longstanding” gun regulations in the United States. Registration of all lawfully possessed guns – as distinct from licensing of gun owners or mandatory recordkeeping by gun sellers – has not traditionally been required in the United States and even today remains highly unusual. Under Heller’s history- and tradition-based test, D.C.’s registration requirement is therefore unconstitutional.”

    This is the next battle to be fought.

    Mandatory gun registration must be declared unconstitutional…

    • registration full stop must be declared unconstitutional, even your car or business. Regis is one of the latin roots meaning the king and it is signing over ownership to the king. in leagalese you need to look at the latin, greek and hebrew roots of the different words. what it means is that govt can regulate it and if you dont follow all their regulations they can take the business or whatever else you REGIStered off you without it being theft. licensing also needs to be declared unconstitutional as it is literally a way of stealing a right and then selling it back to you (a tax) that they can gradually raise higher and higher effectively removing your right

      • “licensing … is literally a way of stealing a right and then selling it back to you” So true!

        • yes well registration also applies to you in america. you might not be signing it over to the KING literally but rather the govt. they then regulate that you must maintain it to a certain standard and that you cant MODIFY it in ways they deem unfit or again it is taken from you. a govt no matter the sort is just another form of king and it depends on the character of its makeup (the character of the REPRESENTATIVES) whether it holds liberty dear or sells the people it represents down the drain

  4. Bring it on leftscum. Anyone calling me without identification(caller ID) is unanswered. Even the NRA gal who called got an earful. SOL British judge. I don’t care…happy 4th!

  5. I can’t even express how furious that case in the UK makes me. A man defends his own home against criminal invaders, and the law goes after HIM while excusing the perpetrators? There are no words for the wrongness of it.

    Fuck that miserable excuse for a country. Fuck anyone who thinks that’s the right way to treat peaceful citizens who only want to be left alone. Fuck everyone who goes along with that unjust garbage.

    This is where our “progressive” left wants to take us — back to a time when they, the regressive totalitarians, can decide that their authority is everything and human life is nothing. Well, fuck them too. The garden-variety progressive drones, the antifa commie pukes, the SJWs… ALL OF THEM.

    This is why I own guns and carry one everywhere: Because I refuse to give anyone else the power to decide what my life is worth. At the individual level, even if the likelihood of needing to defend myself with a gun is small, the consequences of not having one can be fatal.

    I carry because to give up the right to self-defense is to hand civilization itself over to cruelty and barbarism. Anyone who wants to take my life, livelihood, or our society by force or fraud had better be prepared to die for it.

    • That sir, is exactly why we fought the first revolution. And why we, despite what many claim, we will eventually fight the second one. Once Americans truly come face to face with what the left truly demands, it’ll be war. And a war that Americans win, again.

      • Not if the left gets its hands on 6.5 CM. If we start launching 6.5 CM rounds at eachother there won’t be a country, just a sparsly populated denuded wasteland. Hopefully we only use nuclear weapons against eachother, becuase the alternative is too ghastly to contemplate.

      • Take it easy there. Words have meanings. Let’s be precise here. We will NOT have a revolution. That implies the usurpation of an existing government or govt rule. What we will have, undoubtedly, is a Civil War. Our fight isn’t with the govt, which is as close to perfect a govt that the world has ever seen. Our fight is with the filthy leftists who wish to “fundamentally transform” our traditions, govt, and US Constitution. Those “people” and their ideology are what needs to be eliminated.

        • Well said.

          Given the circumstances, we are Loyalists (to the constitution) while our opponents are revolutionaries.

          It is more than a semantical distiction; when large swathes of the private population are firmly on the side of the prevailing government, such governments tend to withstand revolutions.

          I’d venture the PoTG are much more willing to come to the aid of our elected government than its enemies are willing to wrought its destruction.

          That said, if the second American civil war threat were a clock with general warfare at midnight we are only at noon. That is, such open revolt is highly unlikely at this time. That said, history informs us that where sufficient tensions exist, hostilities can precipitate quite suddenly, when circumstances and events conspire to destabilize the existing order. Consider the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand; a salient event that in different circumstances would have resulted in a mere criminal prosecution lead to a world war as it ignited the powder keg of circumstances underlying it. We are not Europe of 1913/14, but we might be Europe of 1905. That is, if tensions continue to increase, and the rate of polarization continues to accelerate, we might well be on the path to war, but we aren’t nearly there yet.

          Consider what it would take to get YOU to join an armed gang in an attack on say ANTIFA. Not a street fight, but a highly lethal ambush. With that in mind, consider; are you banking on lack of govt will to investigate, to prosecute, on jury nullification, on a pardon? If you and 50 friends did so today, how do you think your neighbors would react? Would they support you, hide you, fight to defend you? How would our government react? Disinterest, veiled acquiescence, or would it pursue and prosecute you to the limits of its power?

          Turn the matter inside out, how would the public and government react to ANTIFA launching a lethal assault on say NRA headquarters?

          As it is, the populace and government are both robust and stable, may it ever be so, and stable societies aren’t ripe for either revolutions or civil wars (generally that is, there are exceptions, see 1st US Civil War).

          When government will not or cannot pursue and bring to heel an organization openly attacking its opposition with bombs and guns, when large segments of the population openly support such actions; bombings, shootings and assassination, then we will know that general civil war may be imminent. Such is not the case now, and there are still at least as many ways to avoid a civil war as there are events that would precipitate one. For this, we all ought to be thankful, enjoying substancial liberty and a standard of living so high as to be the envy of most of the world.

          There are revolutionaries in our midst, those who truly desire a conflict in an attempt to suddenly and radically alter the course of government and society. Fortunately they are few, disorganized and constrained by not only the federal government, but state and local government, and, most importantly, the mood and will of their neighbors.

          There are revolutionaries both left and right, held in check not by each other, but by those, more moderate than them, but nearest to them. Let us not encourage radicalism of any stripe, lest our zeal to avoid the worst of the plans of our enemies give agency to the worst of the plans of our allies.

          We have a functioning economy, society and representative government. Each is imperfect, and will always be so, but both patriotism and prudence demand that maintainence of the status quo be our cause, and that our dedication be not to radicalism, but rather incremental improvement of these institutions.

          It is often misunderstood that maintaining the systems and society we have is a passive act, and that change is where the action lies. I submit that preserving the republic is a conscious act, worthy of and requiring every bit as much effort as tearing it down, that it is in fact as much more difficult as it is more noble to preserve our form of government and way of life in the face of opposition. After all, from whence do we derive the zeal of our patriotism if not from pride and jealousy of our form of government and our society? If these institutions are not worthy of preservation, what is the value of, and in fact the legitimacy of our concern?

          For now, the soap box, the ballot box and the jury box; back these with the dormant threat of the cartridge box, sure, but now is not the time and these are not the circumstances for violent confrontation. For so long as we retain the liberty to peacfully and effectively resist that with which we do not agree, within the bounds and through the mechanisms of our society and institutions, for so long as these still stand and function in our service, and provided the final trip wires, the means to violently resist should such become necessary, are left intact, then it is the former form we must take, reserving the latter for and if such circumstances precipitating their use should arise.

          How will we know when the time for the cartridge box has come?
          When the mechanisms of government no longer comform to the will of the people, when votes are not held or counted, when the courts give no relief, or, most frighteningly and unfortunately most likely, when we are at dire risk of loss of the cartridge box as a resort. Until one or more of these calamities comes to pass, our duty as patriots is to constrain the more radical among ourselves, to avail ourselves of the democratic process, the courts and the forum, to maintain our armed deterance, but to abstain from violence so long as civility prevails.

        • Given that in 1888 Bismarck said “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans.” we are much further along on your timeline than you suppose.

    • Should have put her in the home at 85. Sounds like she has a screw loose.

    • Humans may well be living too long at this point…. I mean what good is it really to be staggering around at 92yrs old in your bathrobe with two marbles rolling around upstairs…

      The 72yrs old son was probably just trying to enjoy his own retirement, relax, watch some TV, pop a couple of blue pills and bang his 56yr old girlfrield… And his mom just wouldn’t freakin’ kick the bucket and let him carry on with life.

      Don’t out live your welcome folks.

      • Maybe sonny should have moved out of his mommy’s basement decades ago. Then he could bang whomever he wanted to, and Mom wouldn’t have anything to say about it.

        • I live in Maricopa County, and know what happened.
          They actually shared an apartment in Fountain Hills, a suburb of Phoenix. The sheriff’s office had sent deputies to their home several times.
          She appeared in court in a wheelchair.

  6. I’m absolutely thrilled — thrilled! — that the British magistrate is in hot water for defending himself and his family.

    Magistrate Stringer is a core member of the political class that created the insane mindset that currently afflicts that accursed island. He’d be the first guy to toss a defender in jail for having the gall to defend himself. So screw him, good and hard. I hope he gets ten years.

    After all, as Shakespeare wrote, “’tis the sport to have the engineer hoist with his own petard.” A limey of all people should appreciate that.

    • Everyone in England who had the gene for courage must have been killed during WW II. It is irrelevant whether this magistrate is part of the foolish ruling class. The ONLY people with any gumption in England are immigrants. I have only contempt for people that think this is ok. Just become extinct so some one can make use of the land.

      • “Just become extinct so some one can make use of the land.”

        The Mullahs are working on that as we speak.

  7. ” (By contrast, fully automatic weapons, also known as machine guns, have traditionally been banned and may continue to be banned after Heller.)”

    Into the trash he goes. Bans on freedom are the tradition, America was the big, radical change. His circular logic is unsuited for the supreme court.

    • agree completely. bans on anything removes freedom. anti discrimination laws remove freedom of choice, in some cases freedom of religion and often freedom of speech. bans on guns remove freedom of self defense and defense of others as well as removing your duty as a freeman to defend yourself and your nation. yes as a freeman it is not just a right but also a responsibility that most shirk

    • “traditionally been banned” means for 72 years were NOT banned (from 1962 Gatling to the unconstitutional1934 marxist “Gun Control Act”).

  8. Kavanaugh‘’s an ignorant douche. He’s been alive since the full-auto ban, and the rolls for transfer only closed for post 1986 produced weapons. He has not a fucking clue how many actual full-auto weapons are out there, or how easy it is to make a slam-fire weapon at Home Depot. What he also doesn’t know, and can’t guarantee for even a single second, is how ling we’ll tolerate the continuing existence of a broke dick SCOTUS that takes it upon itself to continuously shit all over the Constitution. You’re supposed to beat back the barbs of anti-Constitutional bullshit laws out there, not to play burqa’d founding-mothers.
    Gavel yourself.

  9. “He said police were uninterested in the injuries he suffered and told him the gang had simply entered his garden as civil trespassers and ‘done nothing wrong.”

    Oh, well then, that’s a horse of different color. He should have just invited them in for supper and a bit of the ol’ in and out with the Missus. Clearly the young chaps are the victims here.

  10. Editing for Constitutional correctness.

    “In Heller, the Supreme Court held that handguns – the vast majority of which today are semi-automatic – are constitutionally protected because they have not traditionally been banned infringed and are in common use by law-abiding citizens. There is no meaningful or persuasive constitutional distinction between semi-automatic handguns and semiautomatic rifles. Semi-automatic rifles, like semi-automatic handguns, have not traditionally been banned infringed and are in common use by law-abiding citizens for self-defense in the home, hunting, and other lawful uses. Moreover, semiautomatic handguns are used in connection with violent crimes far more than semi-automatic rifles are. It follows from Heller’s protection of semi-automatic handguns that semi-automatic rifles are also constitutionally protected and that D.C.’s ban infringement on them is unconstitutional. (By contrast, fully automatic weapons, also known as machine guns, have traditionally been banned infringed and may continue to be banned infringed after Heller.)”

  11. The Nigel Stringer story sounds unbelievable… so much so that I don’t really believe it. Call me nuts, but my spidey sense is tingling.

    It does that when the press grabs hold of a hot story and doesn’t go past one account of it, despite some very strange circumstances. I don’t know about you, but if I see someone outside I think has a gun, I’m not marching out there to do battle with a hockey stick.

    It’s the Daily Mail. It’s a rag. Expect that there’s a little more to the story.

  12. Adelaide’s Peter Drew has taken another swing at America’s gun control laws, as he prepares to visit, what he refers to as the “stupid country” for his latest poster campaign.
    Deport the little bastard.

    • Treasonous scum like him are lucky i am not living completely off the radar. they would end up “disappearing”.

      maybe find a way to charge him with aiding and abetting sedition

    • Bigger question is who is funding his little visit? He is sucking from bloomberg’s teat. He has no legal standing in protesting our laws, he’s not an US citizen. If he does not like our laws, go back home to the land down under. Or best, do not allow him to clear customs.

      • And what Obumer holdover is giving the SOB a VISA. The US has no shortage of useless “actors” Go tour Peking.

    • C’mon now, you can’t expect accuracy in reporting here at TTAG. Heck, they don’t even seem to do basic proofreading of articles before posting them. Just look at how they fake news’d up their attack on Optics Planet a few months ago.

  13. If the “polls’ supposedly showing that NRA members supported “sensible gun safety measures ” were really accurate the NRA would be supporting these gun control measures!

  14. If someone didn’t bother reading the last article, here’s the gist of it: Peter Drew is a Leftist shit poster and internet troll that somehow transplanted itself into real life, and is now desperate for attention and money. My only question is, “how is this guy a thing?”

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