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Gun Control is a Human Right, Hanoi Jane for I-1639, and an Expat Brit Lives in Fear – TTAG Daily Digest

‘A human rights crisis’: US accused of failing to protect citizens from gun violence

How about you do Venezuela, Syria, North Korea and China, then come talk to us . . .

American gun violence is “a human rights crisis” and the US government’s refusal to pass gun control laws represents a violation of its citizens’ right to life, according to a new report by Amnesty International.

“The USA is failing to protect individuals and communities most at risk of gun violence, in violation of international human rights law,” Amnesty argues. “The right to live free from violence, discrimination and fear has been superseded by a sense of entitlement to own a practically unlimited array of deadly weapons.”

To address the crisis of gun homicide, suicide and injury that leaves about 38,000 Americans dead and 116,000 wounded each year, Amnesty recommends the US pass a sweeping set of gun control measures, including universal background checks, the requirement of a valid license to buy a gun, no gun purchases for those under 21, a ban on certain military-style weapons and ammunition, and the creation of a digitized national gun registry.

Pheasant hunting dog break

If You Want To Get Into Hunting And Fishing, Start Here, Not With The Washington Post

You don’t say . . .

My father took me on my first hunting trip when I was 11 years old, and our last hunting trip was about six months before he died of cancer. When he passed away, I had to go through all the papers he had collected over the years. In a desk drawer I found an edition of The Washington Post from the 1980s. My dad kept it because there was a big, separate section on hunting.

You heard that right, the WaPo used to publish a stand-alone section in the lead up to the annual hunting season. The paper’s recent ridiculous coverage of the deer culling in one of Washington’s suburbs goes to show how much has changed in those 30 years.

Yet as I’ve argued above, hunting (and fishing) are activities that Americans of all political persuasions should not only support, but pursue. Indeed, to humor the author of the WaPo article cited above, in killing our own meat source, we in a sense can give to the poor. The poor, in this case, are ourselves, who in hunting and fishing are enriched with a deeper appreciation for nature, our heritage, and, of course, the taste of venison.

Hanoi Jane Fonda for Gun Control I-1639 Washington State

Jane Fonda to volunteers: Canvass as if your life depends on it

Hanoi Jane hearts gun control . . .

“This is the most important election in my lifetime and that is saying something,” Fonda, 80, told a packed house of Initiative 1639 and I-1631 supporters in the University District.

She was joining U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., perhaps America’s least endangered member of Congress. Jayapal copped 82 percent of the vote in Washington’s August primary, and her Seattle-centered district is one of America’s most progressive.

But Jayapal is putting her clout behind two ballot initiatives: I-1631 would impose a carbon fee on most of the state’s major polluters, and devote much of the revenue toward transitioning Washington to clean energy.


Cannabis dispensary worker uses bong to fight off bandits wielding bear spray

Bong hit! Wonder what would have happened in, say, California if the clerk has used something more ballistic . . .

Security cameras in a cannabis dispensary in Canada have captured the moment a man used a bong to fight off three would-be bandits wielding cans of bear spray.

CCTV footage showed three men with their heads covered enter the premises in Tyendinaga, Ontario, before one of the men sprayed a man and woman working behind the counter.

The staff ducked, before the man emerged clutching a bong that he used to fend off the men.

Del Mar Gun Show Ban
courtesy San Diego Union-Tribune

Del Mar board votes to suspend fairgrounds gun show up to a year

Another brick in the wall . . .

The family-owned company that has operated the gun shows at the Del Mar Fairgrounds for nearly 30 years failed to overcome growing public concern about gun violence nationwide and questions about its owners’ legal troubles.

The board that oversees activities at the state-owned venue voted 8-1 Tuesday to suspend the shows after Dec. 31 until a policy is developed that could include a complete ban on the possession of any firearms or ammunition.

It may be the first agency in the state to take such action, a remarkable turnaround for a hugely popular event that for decades drew little scrutiny from the board. The directors routinely approved its contracts allowing the exhibition and sale of the latest in high-tech weaponry, accessories, clothing and gear.

US gun owners are holding the country hostage – and I fear for my family’s safety

There’s an app for that . . .

Friends and family in the UK often ask me: “What do you hate most about living in America?” My answer is always the same: “Guns”. The horrific epidemic of mass shootings. The ludicrously easy access to firearms. The ridiculous power of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Here in the US, guns are everywhere. Virginia, where I live, is an “open carry” state, which means it is legally permissible to carry a firearm in public. My halal butcher is located right next door to a gun store. My commute to Washington, DC requires driving past the imposing headquarters of the NRA. The Walmart round the corner from my house sells both guns and ammo.

What disturbs me most about living in a country filled with legally acquired firearms, however, is the widespread fear and anxiety; the terrifying realisation that you could be shot and killed at any time, in any place. A cinema. A school. A college. A church. A nightclub. A video games tournament.

96 thoughts on “Gun Control is a Human Right, Hanoi Jane for I-1639, and an Expat Brit Lives in Fear – TTAG Daily Digest”

    • “Hanoi Jane is perfectly fine holding a gun if it’s pointed at American servicemen.”

      I’d much rather prefer her holding it to her temple and do some finger-squeeze ‘exercises’.

      Tell her you will guarantee her it will blow her (admittedly minuscule) mind…

  1. Until y’all Ban cellphones an Motor Vehicles Weapons. Fuck off. I will buy for my family’s that are 18 19 an 20 years old. Disarming folks that don’t break the laws. And make them easier targets doesn’t help. Only helps criminals thugs rapist murders. If a 18 19 an 20 years old can’t be aloud to hunt nor exercise their US Constitution 2nd Amendment Rights. Then anyone under 21 shouldn’t be aloud to own a motor vehicle nor a cellphone nor have a driver license until 21 years of age. Shouldn’t be aloud to join the military. Nor should be consider a adult until their 21st birthday. Shouldn’t be aloud to buy tobacco products until 21 years of age. Nor be aloud to vote until 21 years of age.

    • I remember the hypocritical stance taken by Amnesty International about gun owners in Australia in the 80s and 90s. It was “lock them all up and throw away the key”.

      For a group that objected to people being arrested and imprisoned for political, social, and religious reasons was more than willing to turn the other cheek when it came to someone’s sporting affiliation.

    • Im Not the Hulk…….. Amnesty International seems to be rather quiet about the racial genocide going on in South Africa. Anyone afraid of living in the U S A because of our constitutional rights should leave.

  2. Let me tell everyone a little story about Jane Fonda that you might want to pass on. Many years ago, when Jane and Tom Hayden were still married, they had a break in at their home in Santa Monica. The police showed up after they were called and noticed that both were “heavily armed”. One of the officers asked her why they were walking around with guns when both of them had expressed anti-gun sentiments in the past. Jane replied and these are her exact words “Oh, that’s for other people, not us.”
    See, that’s gun controls dirty little secret. Many of the actors and actresses that express anti-gun beliefs publicly are pro-gun privately because they feel that they are of a different set than the “little people” and their lives need protecting but not the “little people” who watch their movies.

  3. Never before has there been so much fail in one daily digest. First I’ll quote SNL, “Jane, you ignorant bitch”. To the a55hole from England, if it’s so damn scary here, go home, no one will miss you.

  4. I’m not Fonda that hag…although she sure was stunning in Barbarella. The potshop video is HILARIOUS😄😎😏Canada aaaaaa?

  5. Seems just the other day someone was arguing that bear spray was more effective than a 10mm GLOCK. Appears it’s not even as effective as a bong.

  6. My halal butcher is located right next door to a gun store. My commute to Washington, DC requires driving past the imposing headquarters of the NRA. The Walmart round the corner from my house sells both guns and ammo.

    Does this author, perchance, realize the amazing and rare freedoms he’s catalogued in this supposed jeremiad? Freedom of religion, freedom of movement, freedom of association, free exercise of commerce and lots of it! Sorry for shouting, but WHERE ELSE, BROTHER?

    Oh yes, nowhere else that doesn’t also have the freedom to keep and bear arms. Gratitude, friend. It’s a good thing.

    • I call bullshit on this. I know where most of the gun stores are around me and there are no Halal butchers next door. Unless he is a glutton for punishment (morning commute from hell) and lives out past the Cabelas. I haven’t explored out there much yet.

      I decided to do a bit of research using FFL finder and the handy google map with street view that is built into it on Bud’s Gunshop. Here is what I found. A lot of FFLs are home FFLs on the list. You wouldn’t know they sell guns. The other brick and mortar stores within about a 20 miles radius are not next to a halal butcher. I could have gone out further but I’m not a 4chan weaponized autist. The only place even close to a halal butcher is NOVA Armory. It is next door to Astor Mediterranean restaurant. It’s not a butcher shop from what I can tell. So if they are going to get a gyro or pizza, then they would have been correct.

        • Never mind, I looked it up, kosher food for Muslims. Boy howdy, a Muslim bitchin about “my” guns in “My” country, it figures.

        • Why are ya’ll bitching about someone professing to be an assimilated/Americanized Muslin proclaiming how great the USA is?

      • Well, even if he’s makin’ it up (and I ain’t sayin’ he isn’t), the fact remains that because of the free market and the First Amendment, a halal butcher can set up next to a gun store and NRA headquarters should he choose. I see zero conflicts in this. Halal meat is usually tastier, so Ollie North might come down for a kibbe.

      • He may be talking about dominion arms which is very close to al inshrah halal market, according to google. Theyre probably in the same strip mall on rt28.

        • Yep, it looks like it is in the same strip mall. Again, not right next door like he makes it out to be. It might be getting into the weeds on his article, but they would do the same to us for something like this.

          The one fun thing about my searching are some guns stores I haven’t been to yet. I even like to go to crappy gun stores just to see what they have. You never know what you might find.

    • It is really ironic that pacifist holes will go to a halal butcher, who slits the throat of the animal to kill it, instead a power hammer to the head to make it quick. A longer time suffering for the animal.

      • That’s the same reason that I’ve decided to rethink my position on kosher products, as they observe the same slaughtering protocols. I’m no PETA activist, but I believe agricultural livestock deserve a quick, and painless as possible death.

        I appreciate the sanitation standards that kosher/halal butchers adhere to, but not the cruelty.

  7. “The right to live free from violence, discrimination and fear…”

    When has such a condition ever existed in human history?

    Hint: Never. Period. Full stop.

    …unless you believe the Bible’s story about Adam and Eve, and even that ended when they ate the fruit.

    • They not only think they have a “right” to “feel” safe but that their feelz are justification for them to exercise dominion and control over your behavior.

      • Speaking of which, YouTube finally removed one of my gun videos. I’m surprised it took this long for them to get around to me. Hope everyone “feels” safer now.

        • Ah yes, much safer now, thank goodness

    • Here’s the thing these guys don’t get. Having a right to something doesn’t mean it’s provided for you. It means if you have what it takes to acquire it, there is no legal consequence.

      I bought my guns. They’re a right, I’ll face no punishment. If you want to feel safe, go right ahead! No one is gonna come arrest you. If you want to move somewhere safe, then do so! If you can’t afford to move or you can’t control your emotions, that’s not my problem. Just like if I can’t afford a guy, that doesn’t mean you have to buy me one

  8. We need a new ban. That was clearly a high capacity assault bong, probably obtained at a bong show without a background check!

  9. “My commute to Washington, DC requires driving past the imposing headquarters of the NRA.”

    Uh, the NRA headquarters is fairly unassuming. It actually looks kind of rundown and olf from I-66. The shooting range is pretty dang nice though. 50 yards indoors! I had a great couple hours and they even have a decent selection of ammo if you forgot to buy some. Prices are about what you would expect for a gun store. Also, the firearms museum is neat. Lots of cool guns to drool over.

    Now, I’ve only seen one person open carry in VA since I moved here. Of course, I do raise a few eyebrows when I use the elevator in my apartment complex carrying three bags for the range.

    Most of the articles today just make me think one thing, these people are irrational and hysterical. They really need to sort themselves out. I am currently surrounded by firearms and edged weapons. Not a single one has moved or done anything to harm anyone.

    For the if we ban all the things crowd (Like Amnesty international, you know they want a full on ban, but those commies can go get stuffed), who say ban guns and there won’t be any guns anymore, I am sitting next to a fully functional 150 year old rifle and a 170 year old rifle that I am messing with that would fire if I put it back together. Even if there was a ban, a modern weapon would probably hold up better to rust and corrosion than the old guns.

  10. “US gun owners are holding the country hostage – and I fear for my family’s safety”

    They are free to leave the USA and the Constitutional protections any time,perhaps they would be more happy in someplace like Cuba or Venezuela as they don’t have a 2 nd.amendment..

  11. Re: Those of us that live in Washington state better watch I-1639. That’s extremely bad news for WA. Not the least of which lets an activist progressive judge or a nosy cop violate your HIPAA rights.

    • Direct democracy. How is that exactly a good idea? But is is nice for the politicians, as they are not responsible for the crap that passes.

    • Unfortunately, there’s pretty much a 100% chance that it will pass. In terms of initiatives, what Puget Sound wants, Puget Sound gets.

      • Yep. All it needs is 35-40% support elsewhere, and the Puget Sound’s progressive hordes will fill in the rest. I can (and will) write letters and personally try to influence whoever I can, but it’s not going to help.

        My official prediction is that this passes with 56% of the vote.

    • Get involved, or lube up for whatever policy ideas Bloomberg thinks he can impose on us.

      Put your zip code in the box and go to the meeting.

      I am aware that there are plenty of people around here who criticize the NRA, this is not a time for the ideologically pure to be picky about their allies. All of the people of the gun need to stand together, or Mike Bloomberg is going to re-write our state gun laws via the initiative process.

      Either we stop him, or the day will come when we envy the laws people in New York and California live under.

    • I-594 was the beginning of the end for gun ownership in Washington state. We sued for vagueness, but it was thrown out for lack of damages. After two years, there had been no arrests, prosecutions, or convictions, so nothing to overturn, right? And then the use it for some scum sucker up north, the whole thing is made legitimate, and goodbye gun rights.

      I moved to Missouri last year. A friend of mine asked me to drop some guns off at his parent’s farm because he’s going to take a bunch of DC-area coworkers out to play with some big toys. My first comment was going to be a snarky one about getting background checks done before the transfer, but then I realized I live in a sane state where I can just loan my property to my friends without the government trying to throw me in jail for it.

      So, yeah, Washington is screwed, because Seattle is gonna pass that for the whole state.

  12. This falls under “know the 2A enemy”.

    An interesting 1-hour long video of a meeting by Google’s leadership right after the 2016 Presidential election.

    It really is a look inside their twisted heads.

    *Lots* of tid-bits in it :

    “A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.”

  13. “What disturbs me most about living in a country filled with legally acquired firearms, however, is the widespread fear and anxiety; the terrifying realisation that you could be shot and killed at any time, in any place. A cinema. A school. A college. A church. A nightclub. A video games tournament.”

    You forgot to mention a lunatic asylum, dingbat.

  14. Its still amazing how the three L’s want to let people come to the america from the UK and elsewhere who don’t believe in american values. And they want to make the USA like the shit hole they came from.

    • I know I keep saying this, but you need to meet some more libertarians. We generally don’t want half the stuff you claim we’ve got hard-ons for. We’re certainly no friend to the left.

      • Chris knows.
        Leftists appropriated the name Liberal and turned it into its opposite. Today it means the same. But three “L”s sound better than two “L”s.

        Libertarians have very little in common with Leftists, but single “L” would sound outright silly. So three is the number.

        Only thing I’m missing in his today’s post is ‘well fitted dildo’. 🙂

  15. Hanoi Jane Killed more American’s by her Action than any other Bitch in the US, She’s a Traitor and it’s a real shame that she was allowed to profit from her treasonous acts. Now along with her brother they are conspiring to destroy the US.

  16. A Fox Butterfield impersonation from the Brit:

    Surveys suggest that American gun-owners no longer cite hunting or target shooting as their main reason for buying and possessing firearms; they cite personal security. This is despite a dramatic fall in violent crime in the US over the last 25 years.

    Maybe crime isn’t down because guns have increased, but it’s a thought worth exploring. And the opposite idea, that guns make us less safe, is hard to square when those trend lines move in opposite directions.

  17. Matter of fact I just got to be thinking. No 1st Amendment Rights to anyone under 21 years of age. So all kids in school must wear uniforms. No tattoos no piercings of any kind. No color hair whatsoever besides normal color that they were born. matter of fact or just go ahead and lemonade the due process right I do believe that falls in a constitutional right as well. I think we’ll just go ahead and lemonade the Fifth Amendment why don’t we just eliminate all constitutional rights to anybody under 21. That should kinda cover everything.

  18. “The right to live free from violence, discrimination and fear has been superseded by a sense of entitlement to own a practically unlimited array of deadly weapons.” What about my right which is regularly superseded by individuals who are bigger than I (5′ 5″), stronger than I (limit 50 pounds) and younger than I (age 73)? A gun doesn’t give me an unfair advantage over such individuals. It just redresses their advantage over me.

    “What disturbs me most about living in a country filled with legally acquired firearms, however, is the widespread fear and anxiety; the terrifying realization that you could be shot and killed at any time, in any place.” And it never occurs to her that she could be murdered by an unarmed individual bigger and stronger than she.

    Look around to see whom you could fight off should they decide to attack you. Better not annoy the others. Unless you have a gun, your survival is contingent on their good will.

  19. Hanoi Jane loves gun control because without it the Communists wouldn’t have been able to kill one million southern Vietnamese people. I went to class with a refugee who escaped the slaughter as a little child.
    They killed his relatives.

  20. The right to live free from violence, discrimination and fear …

    Hahahaha. These people are so disconnected from reality.

  21. Well Gumby, if you’re so scared living around CITIZENS with guns (as opposed to neutered subjects), take your rotten toothed self back across the pond.

  22. I’ll never forget how a few months after I moved to the US, my then eight-year-old daughter came home and told me about the “safety drill” at her new elementary school. “You mean the fire drill?” I asked, only half paying attention. “No,” she said, hesitating. “It’s what we have to do if a bad man comes into the school. We all have to hide somewhere in our classroom, in case the bad man looks through the door window.” There was a pause. “I have to hide behind the coats and my teacher has to hide behind her desk.”

    What kind of society is this? What kind of nation would rather scar an entire generation of innocent young children than regulate the sale and ownership of lethal firearms? What kind of people abdicate their responsibility to keep their kids safe?

    The only ones scarring anyone are the hysterical leftists terrifying children with these pointless drills. I believe the real purpose of these drills is to inculcate fear — not just fear of firearms, but a fearful nature in general. They want children to consider themselves helpless in a dangerous world and to need protection by the state.

    • “The only ones scarring anyone are the hysterical leftists terrifying children with these pointless drills. I believe the real purpose of these drills is to inculcate fear — not just fear of firearms, but a fearful nature in general. They want children to consider themselves helpless in a dangerous world and to need protection by the state.” …Nailed it!

    • Yep. Meanwhile, they’re making sure that anyone who actually does attack a school will do the maximum possible damage.

      They measure progress in dead children.

  23. Self defense with a firearm or any other weapon is a human rights issue. The 2nd Amendment is included in the Bill of Rights specifically to protect citizens from a tyrannical government attempting to takeaway away our rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and provides the “common sense” right of individuals to self defense of life and property. No doubt!
    That supersedes any arguments put forth by gun control advocates.

  24. .stop using toilet paper if u don’t like white stuff
    .don’t own a gun if u don’t like them
    .gtfo of America if u don’t like the Constitution

  25. Wow, I was unaware the the entire population of the United States walked/drove around all day in constant fear of guns. I must say that that they hide it very well.

  26. “Gun Control is a Human Right”

    Yes yes, like War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. We know how leftists think, we’ve read Orwell.

  27. “My halal butcher is located right next door to a gun store. My commute to Washington, DC requires driving past the imposing headquarters of the NRA. The Walmart round the corner from my house sells both guns and ammo.”

    Exactly. Because ‘merica.

  28. “My halal butcher is located right next door to a gun store. …”

    And nobody, is wasting nobody. Because ‘merica.

  29. “… the terrifying realisation that you could be shot and killed at any time, in any place. A cinema. A school. A college. A church. A nightclub. A video games tournament.”

    But how about the same realisation and higher likelyhood that you stand a far greater chance of being hit by a motor vehicle, killed while riding in a motor vehicle, at any time, in any place across this country. Going to the cinema, to school, to college, to church, to a nightclub, to a video games tournament. If you’re more afraid of gun violence with statistically lower incidences, and not concerned with the higher rate of deaths by motor vehicle, I would say you are either mentally ill or a political pawn.

  30. So, if gun control is a human rights problem, because people with guns take human lives, how does the government propose to actually protect unarmed, law abiding citizens when they have given up their guns but criminals have not? This question is never answered, yet it MUST be before any further restrictions are put on gun ownership.

    Just to make it harder for gun controllers, there are two points they must address:
    1) the old saying “when every second counts, the police are only minutes away” is, unfortunately true.
    2) Even the US Supreme court has ruled that police are NOT required to risk their lives to save a citizen. Many, most even, will, and even more believe they would, never having been in a situation that calls for them to really put their life in the line of fire for someone elses. But they can’t be required to, the Supremes ruled so.
    By the way, these two points rewrite the common police motto of “To Serve and Protect” more correctly as “To collect evidence after the crime and sometimes apprehend law breakers.” Yes, police actually do other things to (mostly) preserve order, also.

    Anti gunners MUST present a viable plan to make law enforcement officers always and immediately available to protect every citizen all the time if they are going to take away the citizen’s right to self defense.

  31. The Supreme Court has stated that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is an individual right. District of Columbia v. Heller. That means that the right to Gun Control is also an individual right. If you don’t like guns don’t have guns, and are afraid of guns, don’t go to places that have guns! Ladies and Gentlemen is this correct?

  32. Hunting and fishing are fine, if you like them. Just understand that the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting. For some reason, some get that confused. The Second Amendment is for taking out tyrannical government. Remember, the British were on a run to confiscate gunpowder which resulted in the first battles of Lexington and Concord.

  33. “Friends and family in the UK often ask me: “What do you hate most about living in America?””

    Weird question. In my 20 years in America I’ve never been asked what I hate most about living here. Not once. I strongly suspect it’s because to often asked question “How do you like America” I have never answered “I hate it!”.

    Guns are one of many reasons why I love this country. But then again I’m not a muslim trying to undermine our rights and freedom under guise of safety. Or queen’s subject.

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