More evidence that the NICS system is a nothing more than security theater.
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Tell us again how we need to expand the NICS system to include even private gun sales . . . Tens of thousands with outstanding warrants purged from background check database for gun purchases

Tens of thousands of people wanted by law enforcement officials have been removed this year from the FBI criminal background check database that prohibits fugitives from justice from buying guns.

The names were taken out after the FBI in February changed its legal interpretation of “fugitive from justice” to say it pertains only to wanted people who have crossed state lines.

What that means is that those fugitives who were previously prohibited under federal law from purchasing firearms can now buy them, unless barred for other reasons.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra (courtesy

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . California DOJ Pushes New “Assault Weapons” Regulations Before Thanksgiving Holiday

Once again, the California DOJ and Attorney General Xavier Becerra have used 11th-hour tactics to push its anti-gun agenda, this time by releasing new proposed “assault weapons” regulations right before a major holiday.

FPC has published the new proposed regulations at — a Web site it established in 2016 for tracking the new California assault weapon laws and regulations — where members of the public can use FPC’s grassroots action tools to submit written comments to DOJ regarding the proposed regulations. A public hearing on the new regulations is scheduled for 10 a.m. on January 8, 2018, at the Resources Building Auditorium in Sacramento.

Last December, the California DOJ submitted its first attempt at “assault weapons” regulations under the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) “File & Print” process, which means that the DOJ believed the regulations were not subject to public notice or comment. However, thousands of FPC members and Second Amendment supporters sent letters opposing the secret process through FPC’s grassroots tools and, without further comment, the DOJ withdrew the regulations near the end of OAL review period.

Then, in May, the DOJ re-submitted regulations under the same “File & Print” process. Those regulations were summarily rejected by OAL a little more than a month later. Following that, the DOJ submitted a virtually-identical set of regulations under the “File & Print” process, which OAL approved in July.

Where Americans agree - and disagree - about guns (courtesy Axios)

The issues by party affiliation . . . Where Americans agree and disagree on gun control

Some of the widest partisan divides over gun control policies involve allowing teachers to carry guns and permitting concealed carry in more places. Republicans and Democrats also differ greatly when it comes to the role legal gun access has in gun violence.

While rigid partisanship seems to rule the gun control debate, both Republicans and Democrats tend to agree that those with mental disabilities and those on no-fly or watch lists should be barred from legally owning guns, according to a Pew Research poll from this spring.

Michael Bloomberg dumps $71 million into three election cycles

What Mike does with his pocket change . . . Bloomberg-Funded Gun Control Lobby Spent Over $71 Million Total in Three Election Cycles

The tens of millions of dollars that flow into Micheal Bloomberg’s gun control lobby via his direct, personal donations are complimented by millions that he spent for SKDKnickerbocker to make gun control look popular and achievable.

SKDKnickerbocker is a PR firm where managing director Josh Isay has secured victories for Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and been part of Bloomberg’s multi-million dollars gun control campaigns. …

On October 26 Breitbart News reported that Bloomberg dumped over $50 million into the gun control lobby in the year 2014 alone. Slate reported that this money consisted of a $36 million gift to Everytown for Gun Safety and $16.7 million to “[support] governors who favor tighter gun laws.”

In addition to the $56.7 million, Open Secrets shows that Bloomberg’s Independence PAC paid SKDKnickerbocker $6,816,541 during the 2012 election cycle and $11,659,753 in 2016.

Pretty sure there’s no one in Congress who’s capable of feeling shame on any issue . . . States, cities shame Congress by banning rapid-fire ‘bump stocks’

States and cities are taking the lead when it comes to banning rapid-fire “bump stocks” for guns after Congress has done nothing on the issue.

Proposals to ban bump stocks — devices that turn a semi-automatic rifle into one that fires like a fully automatic weapon by using its forceful recoil to quickly re-engage the trigger mechanism — caught fire in Washington after reports that the shooter in the Las Vegas massacre had used them in his attack.

Politicians from both parties, including Republicans often opposed to gun restrictions, said banning their sale should be seriously looked at. But nearly two months after Reps. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., and Seth Moulton, D-Mass., introduced a bipartisan bill to outlaw bump stocks nothing has happened.

Here’s one that narrowly avoided the table . . .


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  1. “… and those on no-fly or watch lists should be barred from legally owning guns, according to a Pew Research poll from this spring.”
    Which is a real shame because it means few people either understand or care about due process.

    “Bloomberg-Funded Gun Control Lobby Spent Over $71 Million Total in Three Election Cycles”
    Of course, when the NRA spends money this way, it’s evil.

    • ^This. As long as unaccountable bureaucrats can add names to that list with no real oversight and no easy way to be legally challenged I will never support turning people on that list into prohibited persons.

    • Somehow, I got on that list. I was born in Tennessee, have lived in the south all my life, never even had a traffic ticket, but somehow I got on that list and my congressman’s office tells me the reason why is classified. I get detained in customs and the custom’s agent let two things slip that they weren’t supposed to as how I got on the list. 1.) I have a common name. 2.) There is someone who has my exact name who is wanted for international child trafficking and possibly terrorism-like there’s much of a difference. Then they let one more thing slip: They said they had a picture of the guy on their screen and it obviously wasn’t me. He’s Indonesian. I had to go through a process to clear my name and it wasn’t easy, but they can decide to put you on that list for other random reasons.

  2. Soros and kapo bloomberg. If they go away gun control is a dead issue here. 2 men that are hell bent on destroying human and civil rights.

    Ongoing crimes against humanity that they need to answer for.

  3. I once put a bump fire stock on a sweet triggered liberal. It turned into a suicide vest and she exploded.

    • Sir,
      We need to discuss this device you manufactured without filing a Form 1 or Federal Firearms License. Please step out on your porch with your hands in plain sight.


      P.S. Your dog was already shot when we got here. We suspect a wraith with a ghost gun got him with a phantom bullet.

  4. “….Tens of thousands of people wanted by law enforcement officials ”

    But we don’t want them bad enough to actually go get them. We’re just going to wait until they go try and buy a gun then, maybe, we’ll go get them.

    • No no, we’re gonna let them buy the gun, kill somebody with it, and then say “See? The system is broken. Americans cant be trusted with guns. We need to do something about it!”

      • I once met a guy who had a $50 warrant for an expired vehicle registration ticket. I met an other guy who had a $110 warrant for a broken headlight. One guy had a $1,000 warrant for driving with a suspended license in one county and in an other county had a $100,000 warrant for the same thing. There are hundreds of thousands of warrants out there just like those with no uniformity among the issuing courts/agencies….. the article didn’t specify what types of warrants were entered in to the NICS or if there was any policy regarding what type of warrant states submitted to be flagged by NICS. The article left the impression that everyone with a warrant is some kind of murderer or psychopath and Jeff Sessions made it okay for them to buy guns.

    • Yep… apparently they get to write statutory law and determine what constitues a felony (or change what constitutes a felony) without having to go through the state legislature. Anyone who registers their “assault weapons” is an idiot…. the DOJ can pull the rug out at any time, change the regulations or definitions, and decide you are now a felon….. a registered felon if you were dumb enough to submit the paperwork along with high definition pictures of your gun (yes, you have to do that per the regulations) to Ca DOJ.

  5. More proof that progs dont give a rat’s-ass about crime prevention. They only care if they can use crime to further their agenda, if they can’t, they switch to something else in the moment. Erm-herm-ur-me-gurd–think of the children…

  6. How in the unholy gates of hell can they restrict private sales? Ahhhhh haaaaa, credit cards. Little known fact, this government and all the rest want to eliminate hard currency, they been working on it since 1973, they projected 2013 as the timeline total. Wal -Mart no longer receives $20 bills from wherever they get their cash. This hidden agenda is more serious then any gun ban. So the next time you swipe that card think about this, please. It’s not about saving trees, cost of printing, or any other argument for credit cards. It’s a government will know every thing you’ve purchased. Free barter, yes, to an extent.

    • Ironicatbest,

      I have no doubt that Big Brother (whether of the state variety of fedzilla) would love, LOVE to have the ability to track every single dollar that moves around our nation.

      My bigger concern: when will banks and businesses be scanning and reporting the serial numbers of paper money transactions? Once that happens, the only question is how long it will take government to require that businesses verify identification with every cash purchase. THAT would eliminate private cash transactions.

      • Don’t use cash- use what Mexican drug cartels have already figured out how to use:
        Gift cards.

        Amazon ships most everything, worldwide. Walmart and Sportsman’s guide are close.

        Go and “Smurf” a bunch of $100 cards, and give them in trade for the guns/ammo.
        Seller confirms they are valid on his smart phone, while you both have a coffee, etc.

        (Smurfing being the practice of buying different cards at different locations, so a single
        receipt won’t show the value of the gun, or the total value the seller received)

  7. Why would they want to restrict the definition of a fugitive? Gun controllers will scream bloody murder about it, and it’s not as if the NRA has been pushing to expand the rights of in-state bail jumpers. Would it be cynical of me to guess they’re suddenly interested in reducing the number of records that need to be reported to NICS because that means a lower workload and less risk of being caught not making entries?

  8. “… the California DOJ … [have released] new proposed ‘assault weapons’ regulations right before a major holiday.

    FPC has published the new proposed regulations … where members of the public can … submit written comments to DOJ regarding the proposed regulations.”

    Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! I’m sorry, let me catch my breath after such intense laughter. This arrangement is about as kosher as the the mafia announcing that they are going to offer a new service in their territory and want public comment before going door-to-door to promise to break kneecaps enlist everyone’s support.

  9. I never was clear on what legally constituted a “fugitive from justice” for Form 4473 purposes. Apparently, neither were the FBI and the ATF. Intuitively, I would have thought that fugitive from justice would at least mean someone who has an active arrest warrant for failure to appear (whether appearing before a court, a parole/probation officer, at halfway house, left their last known address without providing a new address etc.).

    Something B.S. like an arrest warrant for an unpaid traffic ticket, your basic Class C misdemeanor punishable only by a small fine, should be excluded from consideration and inclusion among disqualifying elements. What’s next? Library fines?

    “Fugitive” implies someone who has gone to great lengths to evade the justice system over some serious offense; somebody who is on the lam, not some suburban guy with an overdue library book in his glove compartment that he keeps forgetting to stop by and return.

  10. So, the FBI did something dumb, the Cali DOJ is doing something sketchy, and Bloomie is throwing around political influence money better measured in units of “Entire Russian Economy.” (His astroturf agitprop budget is what, about three ERE per year, sustained?)

    It must be Tuesday…

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