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Parkland Student Calls For Confiscation Of All Semi-Automatic Firearms

Leader of the Authoritarian High School Lollipop Guild is coming for your semi-auto guns . . .

On Sunday, the most recognizable far-left activist from Parkland, Florida called for the confiscation of all semi-automatic weapons from American society in the wake of a shooting in Tennessee.

Reacting to the shooting at a Waffle House in Tennessee in which several people were shot, far-left activist Emma González immediately attacked the NRA and Smith & Wesson Corp.

After several tweets, González called for the confiscation of all semi-automatic firearms, writing: “Removing the assault and semi-automatic weapons from our Civilian society, instituting thorough background checks and mandatory waiting periods (and raising the buying age and banning the production of high-capacity magazines) are the ways to stop shootings in America.”


Gun Control Advocate Assaults Student for Supporting the 2nd Amendment

The face of a new generation . . .

Heil responded, “We’re giving you facts. All you’ve given us so far is we should ban the AR-15 because it’s high capacity.”

Mikey Diederich, a member of Liberty Hangout at Kent State, jumped in, “You have a fact sheet right there. We’re giving you numbers.”

Marcinkiewicz then angrily crumpled up the fact sheet, to which Heil said, “We’re just trying to start a discussion.” Marcinkiewicz proceeded to throw the paper to the ground, and then swung at the cameraman, Nathan Murphy. Murphy lunged backwards, and Marcinkiewicz hit the camera, knocking it to the ground and breaking it.


Idaho Sees Job Results after Attracting Firearms Industry

The gun industry employs tens of thousands around the country . . .

Idaho officials say employment in the firearms industry has grown after targeting the sector a decade ago.

The Idaho Business Review reports the Idaho Department of Commerce began efforts to attract the industry in 2008 by promoting the state’s gun-friendly culture and business-friendly environment.

Department officials say industry employment grew by nearly 40 percent from 2012 to 2017. The state reported about 1,600 firearms and ammunition jobs last year.


‘I was seriously lucky’: Machete attack victim healing from injuries; 2 suspects charged

It should have been a defensive gun use . . .

King County prosecutors have charged Ivan Schoolcraft, 30, and Timothy Whitmer, 25, both of Seattle, with first-degree assault in connection with the Wednesday attack. Schoolcraft, who was allegedly armed with a machete, and Whitmer, who was armed with a belt decorated with metal rings and studs, are being held at the Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent, court and jail records show. Whitmer’s bail was set at $200,000 while Schoolcraft is being held in lieu of $250,000 bail, according to jail records.

O’Dell, who is homeless, says he and his girlfriend, Talitha Holman, sometimes sleep in a friend’s van or in cheap motels in Burien. He said he’s seen an increase in harassment against the homeless in recent years, usually involving intoxicated people who cut sleeping bags, dump water or urine on people sleeping outdoors, or kick people awake for no reason.


Pro-gun demonstrators rally in downtown Boulder against assault weapons ban

They will not comply . . .

Pro-gun demonstrators — many of them carrying versions of weapons that would become illegal in Boulder under a proposed ban on assault-style weapons — lined Broadway in downtown Boulder on Saturday afternoon to voice their displeasure.

“This demonstration is because of the extremes that the Boulder City Council is going to,” organizer Jason Boros said. “If they weren’t, I wouldn’t be out here.”

The city council has already passed a first reading of an ordinance that will prohibit the sale and possession of numerous kinds of semi-automatic rifles and handguns that have been categorized as “assault weapons.”

An answer to America’s assault weapons issues

And now a word from America’s Fudd community . . .

I have distanced myself from automatic military rifles being in civilians’ hands, but lately things are so out-of-hand the time has come to sound off. First, let me state I learned to hunt at an early age during World War II when meat was rationed and being able to put small game like rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, ducks, etc., on the table made me a valuable contributor to the family.

I never have hunted simply to kill an animal, but to put dinner on the table. That raises a question. Why do people wanting these automatic weapons insist they are needed for hunting? After you have fricasseed a game animal, what’s left to eat? I don’t buy the argument a military rifle is needed to hunt. For more than 75 years I have done fine with an ancient single-shot 12-gauge shotgun and a .22 with scope for squirrels.


This Viral Prom Photo Proves the “Dad With a Shotgun” Trope Needs to End

Or as Cher’s father told her date, “I got a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anybody would miss you.” . . .

There is a long history of viewing women — and especially young women — as property, and these types of viral comments reflect that misogynistic way of thinking. While some people might believe these fathers are just demonstrating love for their daughters by being “protective,” this behavior takes away the agency of the young women involved. Furthermore, this stereotype plays into the idea that women are fragile creatures in need of saving — a theme that has been drilled into our brains since childhood days of fairy tales and Disney princesses.

Feely isn’t alone in making such comments. In October 2015, a dad from Wisconsin gained internet notoriety after posing with his daughter’s prom date and writing: “Whatever you do to my daughter, I will do to you.” Some dads have been turned into memes after forcing their daughters to wear t-shirts with their faces on the front, as though to ward off potential suitors with the image of a “scary” father. And in 2014, a retired Navy SEAL drew national attention after writing on Facebook that he was thinking about “having a chastity belt made [with] a SEAL trident engraved on it [that] reads ‘Ask father for key.'”


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  1. “I never have hunted simply to kill an animal, but to put dinner on the table.”

    Clearly he doesn’t live in boar territory, or coyote territory, or feral cat territory, or…

      • He hasn’t hunted any MFn ahole neighbor in his gov’t, but he can’t guarantee that he won’t (have to).

        His right to brutally hunt/kill/replace his gov’t will outlive the gov’t that could enforce the taking of that right, and all the stupid MFrs pushing the gun-grabbing shit.

    • At this time 06.35 hours my feral cat is up in a tree. The maniac dog I own got out of its pen and ran it up a tree at 18.00 hours. The cat looks at the dog in the pen, and the dog looks at the cat in the tree. Neither one are giving it up.

    • And I don’t hunt. But I did spend my working life sworn to protect and defend the Constitution. In the military. In possession of military grade arms. So, exactly what is his point?

    • You’ll notice that “fudd” is also talking about “automatic” weapons, which very few people own and are not used for hunting. These leftists are the dumbest people on earth – how do they survive birth?

  2. Nice job on the Waffle House assailant, Mr. Shaw.

    Now we can sit back and wait for LE to find him……….

    • Yeah, let’s surrender our constitutional rights based on what happens in a Waffle House at 3am.

      If you’re at any Waffle House at 3am, you should be armed & I’d suggest a semi-auto in 0.9 mm flavor at a minimum.

        • While Kroger removing gun magazines was…distasteful to say the least, they do have a long history of telling Moms Demand Action and others to pack sand when they demand that Kroger ban Open and Concealed Carry. Lets give credit where it is due

        • Kroger is gun free??? Huh… Nobody said a word when I was in there last weekend with my Ruger on my hip… Yes it was out in the open in a leather holster. I was in there for about an hour grocery shopping so plenty of people had the opportunity to notice and say something. No signs at the front doors either.

          EDIT: Thanks to @Tile Floor for clearing that up for me. Why are we hung up on dead tree gun mags anyway??? Weren’t they all the ones that swore the First Gen Remmy R51 was sooooo much better than a Glock for concealed carry? Besides who needs gun mags when you got TTAG?

      • “If you’re at any Waffle House at 3am, you should be armed & I’d suggest a semi-auto in 0.9 mm flavor at a minimum.”

        I know those .9mm semi’s can be lethal.

  3. I want the Emma Gonzales,iz’s of our country to shut their mouths , speak of matters that you’re knowledgeable about. Act like a young lady !! You certainly don’t look like one. Did you pay for my guns ? No. What makes you think you have the right to take them ? Dillusions of grandeur , yes. Get a life already. Be a child & have fun playing. You only have one childhood and it goes by in the blink of an eye. If you want to make policies , become a politician. In England. Or some other country . as you obviously have no regard for this country , and the foundation’s our forefathers created for it.

    • She’s been spending her high school days playing with a strap-on and an electric shaver. If she wants the US to be like her beloved ancestral Communist utopia Cuba, maybe we should all pitch in a dollar to send her back there. Or, as El Che used to say, to the wall!

    • Not knowing what you’re talking about has never stopped any modern day Republican, so why should it stop her?

    • Perhaps we should raise the age limit for the First Amendment to 21 since so many morons like Ms. Gonzales so badly abuse it. Once she reaches that age, she can begin exercising her right if and when she demonstrates a needs for it, passes a background check, and convinces a Sheriff to issue her license to speak freely outside her home.

  4. If I had a son, and some asshole father posted some (not so) cutesy threat towards my boy like, “I got a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anybody would miss you.” I’d feel obligated to respond, “I got a 10 mm, and a red dot. I doubt I’d miss you too.”

    Better yet: Can we stop this retarded, and frankly misandric culture of threatening teenaged boys over Cupcake’s (most likely non-existant) chastity? Or how about, since everybody wants to consider the genders equal now, I take pictures next to Cupcake armed with a gun, and threatening to kill her if she attempts to soil my son’s chastity…. you know, for funsies, right?


      • Yeah, seriously. Do you think it’s okay for men to threaten teenage boys with guns? If anything I said sounds stupid to you, then you know how stupid the “dads with guns” thing sounds to me.

        • Well…. considering young men are responsible for the overwhelming majority of rapes; Maybe YOU are a little touchy cuz maybe YOU have something in your past that is still bothering you???

        • Does that kid look like his name is Tywann or Jamal? He might be guilty of feminist “rape” by existing as a white male, and so are you, by existing with your evil XY chromosomes and a mysogynistic cisheteronormative gender identity, you sh!tlord. The “rape epidemic” is a Leftist lie just like the gun violence epidemic. Stupid sloots go out and get high and/or drunk, then do stupid stuff, take offense to everything, and regret the decisions they made with that also-drunk/high guy, and then decide to ruin his life. Sal is right that a lot of this goes too far. “Protecting” Princess Snowflake is such a pathetic, laughable concept.

        • n64456, way to argue like passive agressive little punk. Your mom must be proud she taught you to act like a snotty little woman.

        • @ anonymous,
          The 3 women I know that have been raped (forcefully, no drunken bad decisions involved) were raped by young white men that they were dating. I’m not saying that the feminists aren’t blowing the whole thing out of proportion (because they are) but rape is still a very serious issue in this country, and not just in the hood.
          That said, I always take these types of pictures and posts to be mostly a joke. A reminder to treat the man’s daughter with respect (or at least the same amount of respect she shows herself), but often just a picture the family can look back on and laugh about.

    • Sal Chichon,

      So, a father’s potential to violate your son means you ARE justified to tell the father that you can take him out. And yet your son’s potential to violate someone’s daughter means her father IS NOT justified to tell your son that he can take out your son. Got it.

      You must be confused and angry a lot.

      • I would say that you are the confused one. Existing as a male is not a crime. Stating “I will murder you and hide the body” is, if in the totality of circumstances a reasonable person would believe that such gross harm is likely imminent.

        • Seeing as how the boy’s actual parents aren’t doing anything about this, I’m assuming (with high confidence) that they are in on the joke and know the context of it… Sorry, Sal…. I wouldn’t want any of my daughters dating your son, because his dad sounds like a humorless spastic pants crapper. As was said above: lighten up Francis.

        • Sal Chichon,

          I will use small words and short sentences so that you can understand.

          Impressing upon someone that they will pay a severe penalty for raping and/or murdering an innocent victim is righteous and honorable — and should not be a crime. Get it? Or are you advocating for rape without severe consequences for the rapist?

    • Sal Chichon says:
      April 22, 2018 at 20:23
      If I had a son, and some asshole father posted some (not so) cutesy threat towards my boy like, “I got a .45 and a shovel. I doubt anybody would miss you.” I’d feel obligated to respond, “I got a 10 mm, and a red dot. I doubt I’d miss you too.”

      Or you could just tell your son to keep his cock in his pants.

      Better yet: Can we stop this retarded, and frankly misandric culture of threatening teenaged boys over Cupcake’s (most likely non-existant) chastity?

      LOL. No.

      Or how about, since everybody wants to consider the genders equal now, I take pictures next to Cupcake armed with a gun, and threatening to kill her if she attempts to soil my son’s chastity…. you know, for funsies, right?

      Is she going to seduce your son, or is he going to try to seduce her? Biology leans towards your son doing the former. So tell him to keep his snake in it’s cage, and everything should be alright.

      • Well, I’m glad you outted yourself as a total ass, so I didn’t have to do it for you. Thanks for the hard work.

        Your ability to thoughtlessly accept double standards is simply amazing. Bravo.

        • Prove that my decision was thoughtless. It wasn’t thoughtless at all. I prefer double standards. Men and women are different. I’m all for different standards.

          Equal rights? Sure.

          Different behavior standards? Absolutely.

      • “Or how about, since everybody wants to consider the genders equal now, I take pictures next to Cupcake armed with a gun, and threatening to kill her if she attempts to soil my son’s chastity…. you know, for funsies, right?”

        Actually yes. It would be hillarious. As a father of 3 daughters, I would laugh my ass off. BECAUSE ITS A JOKE!!! And witty reversal of tropes at that, which makes it a particularly funny joke…. unless it was you Sal. You sound like a psychopath and I don’t want you near any of my children.

    • Sal you really need to sit down and drink a beer or two and relax. It was a JOKE. True not a good one and kinda of stupid but still a JOKE. Folks ya’ll need to grow a thicker skin and stop taking this stuff personally. Snowflakitis is outta of control people.

  5. I don’t buy the argument a military rifle is needed to hunt. For more than 75 years I have done fine with an ancient single-shot 12-gauge shotgun and a .22 with scope for squirrels.
    If you don,t need a semi-auto, you don’t need your Fudd guns either. Hunt with rocks!
    Another sensible and reasonable Fudd.

    • And that has what to do with the 2A? Nothing, since the 2A isn’t about hunting. What an old dope. But, I am often surprised by old libs, especially vet libs that have no concept of what it is all about. Like all lib idiots they rail against the tool and not the user. They cannot place the responsibility in the correct place. It is a deficiency the irresponsible and not quite bright have.

  6. Leader of the Authoritarian High School Lollipop Guild… no sexual innuendo here.
    Reacting to the shooting at a Waffle House in Tennessee in which several people were shot, far-left activist Emma González immediately attacked the NRA and Smith & Wesson Corp.
    Yeah, she is such an expert. I suppose the media will play her as a survivor of the Nashville shooting.
    Emma needs to snort some condoms. She is a media sock puppet.

  7. So they are coming for our guns? I thought they said they weren’t.

    Emma. I have a few semi auto firearms. You and your friends are welcome to come and try and take them.

    Next move is yours.

    • Dear Snowflakes,

      People in Hell want ice water. Doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. It’s a development stage called “magical thinking”. It’s the stage of toddlers, where they think by wanting it, it will come to pass

      • Toddlers, generally speaking, don’t get bankrolled by billionaires with an eye towards influencing politicians.

        Yes, these teenagers say dumb things from a tactical and strategic perspective but the folks “handling” them are not stupid.

        Don’t underestimate your enemy. Just because they make mistakes doesn’t mean they’re dumb.

    • You’re welcome to try for mine, as well, but you will not know where to look, so just start breaking down doors and tearing up sock drawers at the state line, then work west. And good luck getting within 500 miles of me before you are either lynched or shot. You might want to rethink.

  8. Strange article, multi faceted. In regards to the Parkman school student, Emma is a typical brain dead public school educated idiot. It takes a kid with a brain to eliminate the crap given to public school kids now a days. When this idiot Emma and her co hart speak, I just consider the source.
    When was the last time public schools, elementary, junior, High or college taught more than the minimal of the constitution or our founding fathers. What these idiot kids say today is to be completely expected and must be taken with a grain of salt. That’s exactly why my wife and I home schooled our daughter, who is smarter than 90% of the public school school kids today. That’s not me speaking, that’s the comments from all the friends and neighbors we have. Public education needs to be ended immediately. Charter schools, private schools and home schooling only. Put the public school teachers and the teachers unions out of business.

  9. Emma and her Fascist lollipop gang are welcome to come get my guns one bullet after another,Come Get Some.

  10. The Parkland survivors. The gift that keeps on giving for the gun rights people. Like most anti-gunners, they start by saying they just want “common sense” gun laws. Eventually, they show their true colors. They just can’t help themselves and start calling for confiscation. Let them keep going with their hashtag slacktivism.

    • I didn’t take it as he was in the military. He says he stayed home and was hunting wabbits.

  11. Emma(roid) is not getting our semi-auto guns, sorry cupcake. Now return to school and maybe learn something. Or snuggle up with your Cuban flag coat as a safe place.

    The Fudd is beyond reproach! His kind will end up being our worst enemies. His holier than thou attitude, (muh .22; muh single shot ) Let’s see if it’s ever possible to bring them into the fold, or to write them off as another Shotgun Joe Biden.

  12. Sounds more like a great way to start shootings in America. I can’t believe these idiots are unaware that semi-autos are ‘the line’ that shall not be crossed. But then again, these are the same idiots that thought killing everyone with glasses was going to be a good thing for Chinese society.

  13. Call the FBI, attacking anyone for their beliefs is a hate crime and class 1 felony. Be it religious, right to bear arms or sexual preference.

    • I’m pretty sure the FBI is complicit in the shootings. They want us all disarmed, so they let a known threat to society go and kill a bunch of kids. Then, to further get the public on their side, they let ANOTHER known threat loose to shoot up a Waffle House. I highly doubt they’d lift a finger to prosecute a crime against a gun owner. We are sadly on our own.

      • I know I have told this several times, so sorry in advance.

        When I toured the F.B.I. building in Washington, D.C. in 1995, someone there had prominently stuck up a cover of Time or Newsweek that pushed gun control; “STOP THE MADNESS!” it said. The fact an F.B.I. employee put in a place on the tour where every one passing by would be sure to see meant the F.B.I. managers knew about it too, and must have approved it.
        Then there is the fact the F.B.I. was told twice about the Parkland murderer’s desire to mass murder at a school, and did absolutely nothing to investigate.

        The F.B.I. is on board with the gun grabbing cabal.

  14. Getting pretty tired of the Parkland bobsey twins…oh and I don’t have any daughter’s(I know of!)but I heartily approve of putting the fear of GOD into some testosterone leaching BOY…I DO have 3 granddaughter’s.

  15. After Parkland we were told the AR15 in the hands of a disturbed individual was so powerful that someone armed with a mere handgun would have no chance of stopping them. The bullets go faster, or something like that.

    Here we have an unarmed civilian taking the gun away from the shooter in a similar situation.

    Another idiotic anti gun trope destroyed. And a roadmap for the next shooting. Fight back. May that man’s courageous actions inspire the next potential victim.

  16. yep australian and we have seen enough and suffered enough of the BS these commie traitors want to put you through. put the lot of them back in their boxes or suffer the consequences as we have already. most of these shootings have been engineered to happen through a number of methods which also happen to mimic psych studies done in communist bloc countries on mind control. these involve the use of drugs for one example of many methods. vaccines also play a part with the heavy metals they contain as does fluoridation of the water supply which actually assists the uptake of aluminum compounds in many vaccines into the brain. fluoride is a highly toxic poison in fact is a neurotoxin and carcinogen. vaccines always contain at least a few of the following, thimerosal (49% mercury, a known neurotoxin and it matters not if it is ethyl or methyl mercury as some would have you believe), formaldehyde (a known carcinogen in living flesh though preserves dead flesh) polysorbate 20 & 80 (both known potent carcinogens), aluminium compounds (known to be neurotoxic). these are injected into the body bypassing most of your immune system (in particular the digestive system) and not confering any lasting immunity to the diseases it is supposed to prevent. in fact the flu vaccine often causes more and worse cases of the flu (i do know plenty of people who have rarely ever had the flu, gotten the flu shot and within a couple weeks have been bedridden with it when they never were previously, never gotten the flu shot again and only ever had mild flu like symptoms ever again). may only be “hearsay” but i have seen enough of it and seen enough complete misdiagnoses from doctors to say that i mistrust most of the medical system and the pharmaceutical drug companies (who have regularly been found to have deliberately falsified studies on new drugs) that i ALWAYS do my own research into natural cures first. more often than not there is one and usually not with the raft of side effects that come with mainstream medicine.

    TBH i trust govt even less than i trust mainstream medicine. if they say it is for the public good then i know it most certainly is not in the public interest

    • Have you read your post? Vaccines are proven effective, cause minimal pain, prevent many childhood deaths, and are one of the greatest triumphs of modern medicine! Not to mention, it’s super cheap and plentiful. Now, if you’re talking about Big Pharma, then you’re right. They just want your money and as much as possible. They could care less about what the government does, they just want more money

      • yes i know exactly what i said. and guess what. those same big pharma companies that have been prosecuted so many times are the same ones that make the vaccines. you heard of SIDS and shaken baby syndrome…. many of the symptoms are frighteningly like a severe adverse reaction to a vaccine “if” an actual autopsy is done. the only time a adverse reaction is classified as such is if full onset is withing 48 hours of the vaccine however some do take up to 4 weeks for the full response….. much like their supposed claims of immunity take up to 6 weeks and even several doses….
        also far from being proven effective vaccines are less that 50% effective which means it is hit and miss at best. are tests ever done to see if there has been a level of immunity incurred as a result of the vaccination? there are tests available and they are not expensive either. add to that that if you look at the timeline of the decline of various diseases that we have vaccines for the vaccines in all cases bar polio come well after the vaccine. try putting that timeline for the drop in diseases against a timeline of better sanitation coming in and it matches pretty closely. with polio however curiously when polio suddenly got stamped out that “was due to the vaccine” there were 5 different diseases “suddenly” discovered that in symptoms look a whole bloody like polio.

        now what i said about the toxins in vaccines in the other one. if you were to mix up any one or combination of those into a solution even with it being in “theraputic doses” and inject it into your child you would be charged with child abuse or worse. think long and hard about what you are saying. all you are doing is replaying the lines the gov and media and big pharma has fed us for decades

        • oh sure, but what’s the half life of colloidal silver?
          herd immunity, it’s rated pg2.

        • I feel like I should respond to your post about vaccines with the gravitas it deserves and with the same scientific foundation used to create your anti-vaccine argument…. so here goes:

          Liar liar, pants on fire.

          I feel better now…

          • mate i have done my research into the subject from multitudes of sources and i know a number of people (my own youngest brother included) who have suffered severe adverse reactions. personally while i hate the vaccines and most of the mainstream medical system i do think what medicine someone chooses should be up to them. if you want to take the risk with current mainstream medicine with the raft of negative side effects then that is up to you. antibiotics “can” be a good thing (one of the few good things to have come out of big pharma however their overuse is creating superbugs that in a few cases already there are now no antibiotics that will kill them (a good example of this is MRSA which BTW can be killed by the use of tea tree and garlic essential oils). the other bad thing about antibiotics is that they not only kill the bad bacteria but they also kill the good bacteria in your body which are there to assist in keeping you healthy.

            on vaccines and thinking about cancer for example which used to only be an old persons disease and you look at the ever growing numbers of children and teens dying of cancer. thing about the fact that when gen x were kids you could count the vaccines on one hand…. now they get about 50 shots by the time they go to school quite a number of those are before their natural immune system is even developed. with no natural immune system how can something like that even cause an immune response. the fact is it cant. the reason why it is important that mothers breast feed if possible is because up until about 8 months all their immunity is gained from antibodies in their mothers milk. which is exactly why kids that are bottle fed formula tend to be a lot more sickly.
            how many medicines of various types from big pharma have over the years been declared safe only to be removed from the market because it was found to be deadly and the companies had falsified the studies? there have been many of those, hundreds in fact.
            say what you want. i really dont give a flying F.

            i will state again choice of medicine MUST like all things be a free choice with all the information in front of them.

        • Please, if you mix small doses of any chemical that doesn’t play nice with another, you will get a reaction. Simple kitchen chemistry teaches us that. It’s up to professionals, (doctors) to know what to, and not to prescribe. That’s why all the current drug ads say “talk to your doctor about _____ and see what it can do for you.” Some meds are indeed poison. The benefits must be weighed against the side effects. There are other meds, vaccines, that have so many benefits and so few side effects, if any, that the choice is a no brainier. If I had a kid, I’d immunize them against all the major childhood illnesses, so they can stay in school while your kids are home sick with the flu, measles, malaria, whatever the hell else a hippie kid would have.

        • Toni… you’ve done your research, but Facebook posts are not research.
          1) by any count I can come up with you don’t get 50 vaccines before school age, and I included flu to try to make the number bigger. (I got 42 counting flu, and counting component vaccines as individual vaccines…and I got that by counting flu for each year up to 5 years old)
          2) you don’t understand a single thing about immunology, immunotherapy, immunoglobulins or, for that matter, breast milk… I would try to educate you, but what would be the point? It would be like trying to convert an ant gun guy with logic… a waste of both my and his time.
          3) as such.. I revert back to my original scientific argument… Liar, Liar… Pants on fire!

    • I’ll never look at my rimfire Ruger revolver the same way again.

  17. Guns and daughters….I recall telling my daughter the Boyds stock she picked out for her Ruger .22 had come in while taking her to the prom (she was sitting in the back with her boyfriend). She was thrilled, he wasn’t so much; he broke up with her with a ridiculously long post in Facebook a few days later. I am pretty sure he was more frightened of her than me, since she showed me the post, what a whiny, wordy little boy.

  18. Teen Vogue etc. doesn’t have daughters. Now Dads aren’t supposed to protect their daughters? Without a gun I’ve let young suitors know that by extension there is a family that cares about this young lady. We are #Metooing all over the place. What about teaching your daughters responsibility to take care of themselves? What about teaching sons that girls aren’t repositories for their sexual desires. Having grown up with young men listening to them in locker rooms don’t tell me how to present a unified family to the percentage of youths who need to hear in no uncertain terms that this Lady has a family behind her. She is her own possession so is responsible for herself first. We are backup. Go raise a family instead of fearing jokes about Dads with guns.
    We Dads often speak about giving the young man a ride around the block to make sure we have the same understanding. You going to complain about that too?
    Know what? My daughters know there is a family at home who cares about them. It’s the untethered who act out.

  19. I applaud Mr. Feely. I hope that his sense of responsibility for his progeny is genuine.

  20. Emma Gonzalez is an Anchor Baby of Cuban origin. She is the last person to be lecturing anyone on American culture, law and society.

    She and her parents must go back.

  21. “On Sunday, the most recognizable far-left activist from Parkland, Florida called for the confiscation of all semi-automatic weapons from American society in the wake of a shooting in Tennessee.”

    – I am not giving up my 2nd amendment rights, and if these leftist loons try to take away that right, they will be plowing my fields.

    “Marcinkiewicz proceeded to throw the paper to the ground, and then swung at the cameraman…”

    – Just another example of why the 2nd amendment exist. Having been around the block a bit, I assure you that this violent leftist will become more violent at time progresses.

    “Idaho officials say employment in the firearms industry has grown after targeting the sector a decade ago.”

    – I support moving the gun industry out of blue states. When this squabble goes viral, sort of speak, I would prefer that the governments in blue states have limited means to supply themselves with firearm.

    “I have distanced myself from automatic military rifles being in civilians’ hands, but lately things are so out-of-hand the time has come to sound off. First, let me state I learned to hunt at an early age during World War II when meat was rationed and being able to put small game…”

    – Once I read “automatic military rifles”, I could tell that this guy knows little about firearms. It is obvious that he knows next to nothing about the purpose of the 2nd amendment either. 2nd Amendment was not about the right to hunt, it was about the right to stop people like him from taking away our other rights.

  22. Stan Smith, guest columnist at the Courier clearly proves the dictum, “There is no fool like an old fool.”

  23. “Marcinkiewicz proceeded to throw the paper to the ground, and then swung at the cameraman, Nathan Murphy. Murphy lunged backwards, and Marcinkiewicz hit the camera…”

    They don’t want anybody to have guns, because they think everybody is like them.

  24. Nothing like spreading the “pro-gun” message by threading to murder a kid for taking your daughter to prom. This dad should be on a TTAG’s “gun idiot of the week” article for making sure one more Gen Z kid is anti-gun.

    How about you get to know the kid your daughter is dating? How about making him feel welcome, taking him to the gun range, and bringing him into the family? Jesus, what ever happened to hospitality?

  25. mate you are being as big a fucktard as the left are buy assuming that i have done my F$%&*#g research on facebook. i have read multitudes of papers from genuine researchers both funded by the pharmacutical corporations and by other independent bodies. i make up my own bloody mind thankyou very F%$#@&g much. as for you as i said you also make up your own mind just dont try to force it on me or i will give you not just a metered dose but the whole bloody vial. do you UNDERSTAND?

    • I know I need to stop, but it’s so hard.

      No offense, but I never tried to force my opinion on you or tell you what to do.

      What I have said, or maybe just insinuated is (1) you are a liar and (2) don’t know what you are talking about.

      I would recommend you calm down, maybe take a blood pressure lowering drug, one of the other of many things the pharmaceutical companies have produced that have helped reduce overall mortality and morbidity in modern society.

      Based on your posts, even if you have read “multitudes of papers from genuine researchers” (snicker)…. I’m going to guess you had no idea what the hell you were reading.

      My 6 year old will sometimes pick up one of my medical textbooks… after a few minutes she will put it down… technically she has also read it, but shows the same level of understanding as you.

      You may want to google: IgM, IgG, IgA, and the difference between them. What immune benefits we get from breast milk, and what the limitations are for that and why, exactly, vaccines may take a few weeks to become effective.

      For general information, I’m a physician, my own children get vaccinated on time, but I have plenty of parents in my practice who do not vaccinate or have alternate schedules. I respect their wishes to do what they feel is right for their children and have never forced them to do something they don’t feel comfortable with. However, I have more respect for a parent who says “I don’t feel comfortable” over a parent who says “I’ve done the research”… because if they have done the research, they would be vaccinating.

      So no, I don’t respect you, or your overblown response. But that’s ok, I sense (it’s subtle, I know), that you don’t respect me either 🙂

      • then we understand each other. you have no right to force me, i have no right to force you. also i am actually far better read then you may think. if i dont understand a term i am reading then i will look into it further so that i do actually understand it and i have been that way since i was a child. my grandfather was regarded by all local engineers as an engineer even though he had no formal qualifications in fact when they had a problem they could not work out they often asked for his input. at 6 i would read his engineering text books and whatever i could not understand i would ask questions about until i did and it was not just my grandfather i asked the questions of but qualified engineers as well. yes complete understanding may not have come till later but i read medicine and law in the same sort of way asking questions all the way. i always still question everything no matter WHO the “Authority” on the matter is

        What i respect is the fact that in your practice you are not forcing the parents into vaccination. same with other drugs. alternate schedules for those that choose is also up to them. what i have an issue with is the fact that govt is mandating in some places that all kids must get vaccinated even if they are home schooled on threat of removal of the children by child services who then force vaccinate the kids and as a result have often caused death of said kids due to the vaccines. it is going on in parts of the US and definitely here in australia.

      • Toni it’s a lost cause you are dealing with a “I a doctor so I am smarter than everyone” type. According to them no else can pick up a book and read and understand anything. Also most doctors are indoctrinated in medical school that natural cures and remedies are the same as black magic and that the AMA and pharmaceutical companies are altruistic and benevolent. The reality is they don’t care about anything except making money. The pharmaceutical business is a multi TRILLION dollar industry. Natural cures can not be patented therefore they can’t charge outrageous amounts for them. Why do you think they haven’t cured cancer yet? Thousand if not tens of thousand of people would be out of work and billions of dollars in cancer research grants would be gone.

        • yep and i have met those types before who have tried to force their vaccines on me. one actually got out the vial and needle to give me the shot when i had already said no. so as i said to him at one point, “if you bring that needle anywhere near me not just the one little shot but the whole vial worth will be going into your damn neck. i have told you NO and i F%&*#$g meant it”. she got the message and fast and put them away in a right hurry. there are plenty of doctors out there who would gladly FORCE them on you and most of that is because of the medical training/indoctrination they recieve. the best doctors i have ever seen have been through that but also practice one or several forms of natural medicine alongside using each where they are most effective. i have also found that most of those doctors also dont like vaccines and say they are ineffective at best and downright dangerous at worst

        • Chuck… ya got me… I mean that’s not what I wrote in any of my posts, but you figured me out…. tell me more about your preconceived notions of who I am and my thought process and background… it hurts man… it really does 🙁

          I know crap all about car repair, and yet when I take my car in to the shop I don’t stand around second guessing the mechanic based on my limited google research… yet somehow people don’t view the 4 years of med school, 3 years of residency and 10 years of actual practice (not to mention countless of hours of CME) as having the same gravitas as their car mechanic, or plumber.

          So yes, I have the same respect for you that my mechanic has for me when I go “I’m pretty sure it’s the carburaminator”…

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