California State Teachers’ Retirement System to Remain Invested in ‘Assault Weapon’ Retailers

They have a fiduciary duty, after all . . .

The decision to remain invested came after California State Treasurer John Chiang pressured the fund to “the power of its purse strings…[to] deny weapons of mass carnage to another killer stalking our innocent loved ones.” The fund will hire two employees to work with “assault weapon” retailers with the understanding that divestment will be reconsidered if “acceptable” changes in retail methods are not secured.

CalSTRS Investment Committee Chair Harry Keiley spoke to the approach, saying, “Unlike other CalSTRS engagements, where our staff practices quiet diplomacy, this plan advances a more public approach, to leverage the public pressure that has been mounting in this country in response to recent tragic gun violence. We encourage other institutional investors to consider conducting similar activities.”


TSA Breaks Single-Day Record for Confiscated Firearms

OK, who was carrying the unloaded guns? . . .

Transportation Security Administration officials revealed the agency broken a single-day record on May 3 when 26 firearms were discovered in carry-on bags at 15 airports.

According to the official TSA website, 21 of the 26 guns confiscated in one day were loaded.

Last week, TSA officials also revealed security personnel confiscated 90 firearms in carry-on bags around the United States, with 73 of the guns being loaded and 35 having a round chambered.


Helena man who fatally shot burglar defends gun rights at Young Republicans event

His apparently wasn’t exactly a cut and dried case . . .

“If I didn’t have my firearm with me, I probably wouldn’t be here tonight to tell you this story,” Stiffler told the half-dozen people gathered on the top balcony of the restaurant.

Stiffler emphasized that the man he killed was a convicted criminal in “multiple states,” who allegedly told other prison inmates that he planned to break into a house and “leave no one alive.”

So why did two jurors vote to convict him of deliberate homicide? Stiffler blamed what the “educational service is doing to our kids.”

He also said he believes the county attorney’s decision to prosecute him was politically motivated.

“He’s sending a message to not use a firearm to protect yourself, your loved ones,” Stiffler said.

FBI ‘Active Shooter’ Report Supports ‘Good Guy with a Gun’ Claims

Gun grabbers can’t stand that good guys with guns really do save lives . . .

A recently released report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation credits armed citizens with saving lives. “Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2016 and 2017” was released  in April, and provides hard evidence that gun-grabbers who ridicule the efficacy of keeping and bearing arms are demonstrably agenda-driven liars.

“The FBI has designated 50 shootings in 2016 and 2017 as active shooter incidents,” the report summarizes. “Twenty incidents occurred in 2016, while 30 incidents occurred in 2017.

“The FBI defines an active shooter as one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area,” the report continues. “Implicit in this definition is the shooter’s use of one or more firearms. The active aspect of the definition inherently implies that both law enforcement personnel and citizens have the potential to affect the outcome of the event based upon their responses to the situation. “

courtesy Popular Mechanics and Getty

The U.S. Army is Looking for Its First New Submachine Gun Since WWII

Why is the Army going back to submachine guns? The service has made clear that it is looking to adopt a new round, possibly the 6.8-millimeter, round for its Next Generation Squad Automatic Weapon and next generation carbine. While the M4A1 carbine with its 5.56-millimeter round is small and light enough to equip vehicle crews and rear area troops, a 6.8 weapon could be heavier and bulkier, making it difficult to store in a truck cab. A 6.8 weapon would probably have more recoil, and rear area troops get less range time than their frontline counterparts.

A 9-millimeter submachine gun that was easy to carry, had less recoil, and could be used in self-defense would be desirable for troops infrequently exposed to combat. Nine millimeter also means the SCW would use the same ammunition as the new M17 Modular Handgun System.

David Hogg Makes 5-Point Platform for Ending School Violence — It Gets Thrown Right Back in His Face

Clearly, the following people have blood on their hands . . .


  1. If my sources are correct, and they may not be, the ‘grease gun’ was used on into the 80s by some branches of the military. Why not just adapt existing proven technology to use a different round? .40S&W, .9mm, or even keep it with the .45ACP? Seriously, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    Also, a tactical lever gun? I’m picturing the opening scene of The Rifleman.

    • Friend of mine carried a grease gun in desert storm. Was in a m88 recovery vehicle.

    • That makes as much sense as having a Studebaker as a daily driver. The M-3 while simple & cheap, was hardly great even then

      • I think you are way off on this- the M3, while cheap and not too pretty, is a PHENOMENAL weapon. Many soldiers preferred it to the Thompson and it has been favorably viewed by troops ever since WW2.

        Slower rate of fire= great controllability. Light weight. Compact. Accurate. Easy to maintain. Other than pretty mediocre sights, what’s not to like?

        Grease gun is a great choice for a lot of things. Certainly outdated today; but it may have been the best SMG of WW2, including the Ppsh, Thompson, and mp40. Doubt any of the British smgs would make that list.

        • As an M3 owner, I can assure you that “light weight” is NOT one of the terms I use for it. Well, compared to a 12 pound Thompson, sure…

    • That wouldn’t surprise me.
      My dad was part of the Air Force’s medical airlift for the invasion of Grenada in 1983. They gave him a .38 revolver to carry.

  2. Hopefully the new SMG design will come with an integrated suppressor.

    The last item- a “tactical” lever gun would be fairly straightforward to make. It would be something like a Marlin 62 Levermatic, chambered in 9mm with a threaded barrel and accepting Glock mags.

  3. Why do they need a new SMG? I say just bring back the ol’ grease gun.

    • It was cheap to make, cheap to assemble, had few issues, worked well, was easy to pick up by newbies… I see no reason they should make a new one, just update the design a bit and you’re good to go!

      • The Grease gun was also available with 9mm conversion kits. Solves the ammo problem.

    • So what would be wrong with the HK mp5, the CZ Scorpion or any of the dozens of other 9mm sub guns already out there?
      Or is being dirt-cheap (yet still functional) like the M3 was the main criteria for the new choice?

  4. I would think that if the teacher’s unions start actively meddling promoting the destruction of a constitutionally protected civil right, the members of that union who don’t support such antics would have great cause to legally withdraw from the union. Any union-busting attorneys want to start a class action suit?

    • One of the reasons I have been opposed to unions, the leaders siphon money from your check and then try to tell you what to think, who to vote for etc. I am too independent for that foolishness. Went to a union hall and took their test. They called me wanting me to come to work and I told them no.

  5. As far as 9mm sub guns are concerned…there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Pretty sure that H&K would love to sell DoD ten thousand MP5SD’s. I was issued one back in the mid 80’s…ultimately put thousands of rounds through it with zero malfunctions. Now, if H&K is offering models in the rare .9mm chambering, I would consider un-retiring in order to try one out…just guessin’ that mag capacity would be ginormous.

  6. It’d be cheaper and easier to modify existing stocks of M4 rifles to a 10-11″ configuration similar to the Mk18. You could probably even buy a Maxim or Troy PDW-style stock for each of them for less than the cost of a brand new submachine gun. $400 per stock MSRP, military gets them 25% off minimum, $100 per barrel… Can you bring a new 9mm submachine gun to market for less than $400?

    Unless the idea is to have an integrated suppressor, I can’t see the Army doing anything different with this RFP than for all the others since the ’90s… “No substantial benefit over existing M16/M4 platform”…

    • I think you hit it right on the head. These soldiers who “don’t fire their weapons as often as combat troops” arent going to have an opportunity to learn a new weapon system and manual of arms. Plus the strain placed on armorers for parts and the inevitable mission creep that goes in to group decisions means that (after spending 10’s of millions of dollars and years of research) they’ll discover the best suited weapon for REMF’s is the M4A1.

  7. Governor Mary Fallin has vetoed a bill that would have allowed for permit-less carry: Senate Bill 1212
    Any chance of an override?

    • No. As reported here last night, although the votes are there, the legislative session has ended, and the bill will have to start all over again next session.

  8. There is always horror in the hearts of reporters anytime, gasp, a gun is found, and…. Uh, hard to even say… It is LOADED! With. Bullets! And, no…I dare not say…a round is in the…. chamber! And the round is…a cop killing hollow point armor piercing machine gun bullet! I can’t take the scariness, MUST. SOB. IN. CORNER. NOW!

    Quick, propose some safe storage laws and ammo background checks/tax/license scheme! We must keep guns unloaded, for the children!

    • I have to agree. I just can’t see a tactical “reload” function that is possible with a tube. I guess someone would have to show me how it’s done.

  9. Wanted to be a Fudd about the tactical lever gun, but I liked the 45-70.

    Only concern is if antis see a gun in black, they want to ban it.

    • Tactical and lever gun strike me as a pointless combo. The only value I could see would be if you live in some slave state and need a light handy carbine that doesn’t violate any laws, right up till the time you need deal with them that needs it badly. But at that, point you would be much better off with slave state forbidden tools.

  10. Another RINO governor…not surprising. Get ‘er! That’s some funny chit coming out of Commiefornia. Choosing money over (profoundly retarded) principles😄 Making it EZ for TSA-priceless. How hard is it to remember your gun in your carryon?!?

  11. Threaded barrel (which has a president as precedent) is the only “tactical” thing a lever gun needs.

  12. No one pointed out the obvious one? That he should start going to classes, instead of skipping them all the time to be used as Shannon Watt’s photogenic teen?

    He spelled violence incorrectly.

    Let’s hope his teleprompter has auto-correct.

    • Introduces still another ammo into the supply chain. If it’s going to be a sub gun 9mm makes sense as the ammo is common to the US military and our allies.

  13. Gee- I hope that May 3 date for TSA doesn’t reflect nabbing people headed for NRA in Dallas. 🙂 We did set a new record that weekend…

  14. So, after they run their retirement fund for something other than the return it generates, what are the odds they’ll come ask us to bail it out when it comes up short?

    Yeah, I know they backed off. I’m for not bailing them out for even considering it. Besides what other non-productive investment (divestement) decision are they making on the QT?

  15. I wouldn’t consider a Henry for a tactical lever action for one reason. The front loading. If you have a Winchester or a Marlin (or knockoff) you can load from the side loading port without having to drop the gun and stop shooting.

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