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TTAG Daily Digest: Critical Incident Reasoning Deficit Disorder, NRA Hammer Time, Shoot ‘Em in the Pussy, AR You Arrested Tonight? Etc.

OK, I give up. I’ve tried not to write a daily digest. But I keep saving interesting links and finding that I don’t have the time to blog them. How I’m finding the time to assemble this digest is another story — one that I can’t guarantee will repeat play on these ePages every night. Or morning. Or whenever. So here we go. Again. Still . . .

An officer was fired after he chose not to shoot a distraught suspect. Now he’s getting a $175,000 settlement – Critical incident reasoning deficit disorder?

The incident occurred May 6, 2016, when Officer Stephen Mader [above] responded to a domestic-disturbance call and found Ronald ‘R.J.’ Williams Jr. with an unloaded handgun.

Mader told CNN last year that Williams was “visibly choked up” and told Mader to shoot him. As a Marine veteran who served in Afghanistan, Mader told CNN that he concluded Williams wasn’t a threat and so he tried to de-escalate the situation.

As Mader was trying to get Williams to drop his gun, two other Weirton police officers arrived. Mader told CNN that Williams raised his gun and was immediately shot and killed by one of the other officers. A state investigation found the officer’s actions were justified.

On June 7, 2016, the Weirton Police Department fired Mader. The lawsuit, filed in May 2017, claims the department fired him because of “failure to meet probationary standards of an officer” and “apparent difficulties in critical incident reasoning.”

NRATV host smashes television with a sledgehammer to defend Trump – Is it me or is the NRA abandoning any hope of attracting firearms freedom fence straddlers?


Reuben Foster's gun (courtesy

Here’s the lowdown on Reuben Foster’s assault weapon – Check out the short-barreled rifle that got the 49ers linebacker thrown in jail – What’s the penalty for clipping?

On the sigtalk forum, there’s a discussion about how a Sig Sauer can be modified to make it legal in California — removing the grip is one such modification. Other weapons manufacturers looking to sell in California used to outfit semiautomatic rifles with a “bullet button” which requires a special button to be depressed — fittingly, by the tip of a rifle round — to release the clip, to meet the state’s fixed-magazine requirement. But that workaround was outlawed last year by the state Legislature.

Rodrigo Duerte (courtesy

Duterte makes lewd threat to female rebels in Philippines – Grab ’em by the pussy! No wait. Shoot them in the pussy! (Spoiler? I just met her!)

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told soldiers last week to shoot female rebels in their genitals, the latest of several violent, misogynistic remarks.

Addressing a group of former communist rebels on Wednesday, Duterte, who served as a mayor before becoming president, appeared to encourage the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to target women in conflict.

“Tell the soldiers. ‘There’s a new order coming from the mayor. We won’t kill you. We will just shoot your vagina,’ ” he said.

“If there is no vagina, it would be useless,” Duterte continued, according to local media reports, appearing to imply that women are useless without their genitals.

Steven Scalise (courtesy

Scalise Firmly Declares God Was at Baseball Field During a Story About the Congressional Shooting – Who am I to disagree?

“My surgeon said that if he didn’t apply that tourniquet I would never have made it to the hospital,” he said. “I lost almost all my blood. Somehow, miraculously, I made it through.”

Scalise explained that after he was shot, the first thing he asked God to give him was more time with his family and, specifically, for a pivotal moment.

“I have a 10-year-old daughter who is daddy’s little girl, and I said, ‘God, please don’t let Madison walk down the aisle alone,’” he shared. “It just hit me, and it still draws a lot of emotion from me, but I just didn’t want to see that visual carry itself out.”

NSWC Crane Division (courtesy

Federal Premium Receives Five Year, $20 Million Ammunition Contract from U.S. Naval Surface Warfare – Someone forgot to tell the Navy .40 cal’s a dead caliber walking.

Federal Premium is proud to secure a significant domestic military ammunition contract award. The U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center-Crane Division, operated under the U.S. Navy’s Naval Sea Systems Command, committed to a five-year contract beginning in 2018 for the delivery of up to $20 million in 40-caliber frangible training rounds featuring Federal Premium’s lead-free Catalyst high-performance primer.

Unlike other lead-free primers, clean-burning Catalyst is not hygroscopic, so it won’t absorb ignition-inhibiting moisture and always delivers the most reliable ignition possible. In addition to surefire performance, Catalyst fuels a more efficient powder burn, improving the consistency of bullet velocities.

Devin Kelly (courtesy

US military added 4,000 to gun ban list after Texas church massacre: report – And yet there haven’t been 4000 ex-military men or women committing firearms-related crimes. How did that not happen?

The U.S. military has added more than 4,000 names of dishonorably discharged service members to a national background check system in the months since an ex-airman opened fire in a church, CNN reported.

Devin Kelley [above] opened fire in a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in November, killing 26 people.

Kelley had been court-martialed in 2012 for assaulting his wife and stepson, and as a result should have been blocked from purchasing a firearm. However, the Air Force failed to submit his records to the FBI’s background check system.


77 thoughts on “TTAG Daily Digest: Critical Incident Reasoning Deficit Disorder, NRA Hammer Time, Shoot ‘Em in the Pussy, AR You Arrested Tonight? Etc.”

  1. If the Moro rebel women get shot in the vagoo they won’t be able to breed more little Moro rebels. Pretty obvious logic there.

    Also, what .40cal pistol is the Navy using? Inquiring minds want to know!

    • If the NRA guy is smashing a TV, let’s hope Wayne L, was on, er “in” that TV. NRA has lost it’s way

    • I know what you mean … Conservatives & Libertarians don’t normally stoop to using visual imagery of breaking things like Liberals do (ie: crushing firearms under steam rollers; building large bonfires out of rifles and setting them alight).

      I guess the NRA is trying to use language that Liberals understand?

      • LOL – I guess you missed the book burnings of “evil” books that have come and gone over the decades. Sorry, you can’t claim liberals have sole domain over destroying things they don’t like.

        • Liberals are banning huck finn and several others. They appear yo be the ones “bookburning”.

          Which books are conservatives burning again….except for infividually burning a quran?

    • I could understand. Current TV is crap. All I watch today is dowloaded YouTube channels and documentaries. And my archive which I could watch for 10-15 years with no difficulty.

    • With what? Some compromising, lap dogs of statist gun grabbing slime poseurs?

      People have been shooting their TV’s for DECADES. NRA isn’t promoting censorship of media (“ooooh, reminds me of book-burnings, let me get a hankie!”

      They are acknowledging most American’s absolute disgust with the Leftwing media-holes who are trying to destroy America, including ENDING OUR RTKBA.

  2. what’s the deal with the football player? He had an AR rifle that he put a pistol grip on it and then thought it was okay to put a short barrel on it? Yeah, can’t do that.

    • Heard about this on a sports talk show on my drive in. Apparently he and his buddies were partying with a few ladies, one of which turned out to be only 19. Well, he threw her out of his apartment, apparently shoving her, and the police were called. They show up and take him into custody for the alleged assault. I guess they were looking for evidence in his apartment and found his rifles (yes, plural). Happened in San Jose.

      • Got bet that there were no “ladies” present. Hooker, skank, broads yes. Having a VJ does NOT make a lady – see Hellery and Michelle (who may or may not have one but certainly is no lady) and most other demtard female pols.

        • Why do you believe that Michelle the former First Lady of our country was no lady ?
          Compared with the current first lady who was an illegal alien who perpetrated the fraud on her tourist visas by working without authorization and performed in softcore porn movies ?

    • Daily Digest sure beats the hell out of “What’s wrong with this picture?”

      Sorry, couldn’t resist.

      • Couldn’t and shouldn’t. That post was a bigger fail than all the “The 3 ______ You Should(n’t) _____” posts combined with herpes. I do enjoy some daily digest, though. Glad to see it back.

  3. Yay DD is (sorta) back! I firmly believe GOD was with Steve Scalise…and it’s OK if you shoot commie chicks in the cooter. Oh and I’m cool with the NRA being badazz. If they morph into GOA mebbe I’ll quit hearing all the whining about the big dog!

    • A truly powerful God would have prevented the shooting in the first place .
      Offering help after people are down bleeding on the ground is too little too late.

      • A truly powerful God COULD have prevented the shooting, but that doesn’t mean He would or must. Perhaps He knew Scalise would survive and wanted to use the event to show that 1) lefties are a bunch of loonies 2) PoTG don’t call for gun bans when they are on the receiving end 3) the need for good people to he allowed to arm and defend themselves.
        If we’re allowed to decide God’s motives, we can justify all kinds of nonsense. God didn’t stop me from raping a baby, so He must approve of it. If God didn’t want me shooting up the school, He wouldn’t let it happen. I won the Superbowl pool at work, so God loves me in particular and hates my coworkers, so I must exterminate them. If God is truly powerful, He’ll save me when I jump off a 20 story building.

  4. Bullet button is not a workaround. It is (was) following the letter of law that required using a tool to remove a magazine. But grabbers are always moving the goal lines towards total civilian disarmament.

    • Civilian disarmament is just a step on the way to complete prohibition of self defense. Watch a gun grabber’s reaction if you tell him that a baseball bat to a home invader’s skull will work, too.

      • “complete prohibition of self defense.” is just step one in total MF POS communist OPPRESSION.



  5. I have absolutely no issue with that NRA commercial. Fence straddlers? Who cares. You can’t keep lying down while liberal propagandists continue to lie about and defame you.

    Also, while I’d never want to live under his rule, Rodrigo Duterte has to be the funniest politician alive. He’s murderous, he’s nuts, and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Probably bad for the Philippines, but I don’t live in the Philippines.

    • A “Fence straddler” is pretty stupid position to take unless you like having a piece of wood up your azz.

      It just means you haven’t committed any brain power to decide one way or another.

    • Trump and Duterte really hit it off, in part because of their mutual rank anachronistic misogyny… Grab-em-by-the-puzzy and Shoot-em-in-the-puzzy are two of the most disgusting men on earth, so naturally you are enamored by the former and amused by the latter, being the repulsive pos you are : D

      • Hi Professor Paste-eater. Glad to see you’re back and not grounded from your dad’s computer anymore.

  6. I shot my wife in the pussy yesterday and she seemed to enjoy it (although there’s a distinct possibility that she was faking it). I mean, if she didn’t like it, why did she get on top? (Hello boys, I missed you!) Anyway, good to see the Daily Digest back at it’s appropriate time.

      • Before I was old, I used to shoot my wife too, but she said I was using blanks. So now when I want to shoot, I go to the range.

    • Tom let me explain why your post is racist.

      The topic is Black folks being the VICTIMS of unwarranted police shootings, of the police VICTIMIZING black folks, of the police disproportionately killing unarmed Black folks.

      But you have NOTHING to say about this topic.

      Instead you CHANGE THE SUBJECT to the racist trope that BLACK FOLKS ARE CRIMINAL

      You inexplicably post stats about Black folks being the PERPETRATORS of an array of violent and non-violent crimes.

      You see this is irrelevant, it has NOTHING to do with the topic, the only purpose of your post is to smear black folks as criminal, to ignore the documented reality of police disproportionately shooting unarmed black folks.

      • WTF troll, are you stoned, or what? You aren’t even capable of posting your incoherent rant on the correct page!?!?

  7. Sorry RF, you woke the beast. Once back on the DD diet, it would be cruel to deprive us again!

    DD increases our sense of POTG community and is also fun to read.

  8. Shoot them in the pussy huh, they’d probably die from blood loss, that’s just a gross thing to say. Next the guys going to build ovens

  9. So police departments fire cops if they don’t shoot people they don’t have to? Makes sense to me

  10. .40 is a perfectly good caliber! It’s more power than the 9mm, but faster than the .45! It’s going to be around forever! *clings to his .40 and rocks back and forth.*

    • No “forty slow and weak” here and probably never will be even though I would never have to buy brass as my gun club pistol ranges are littered with it.

      • No matter how bad things got during the ammo drought you could get .40 S&W. Instead of buying a .40 cal I just went and got a pellet rifle to practice with.

        • jwm did wrong but in his “mind” everyone else is to blame…

          “Everything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

          We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

          Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

          My service was over 4 decades ago and I’m still proud of the men I served alongside.”

        • You have to be some kind moral coward to obey when the government tells you to slaughter nearly defenseless people in their home, some kind of puny putz to spend the rest of your life blaming everyone else for this lack of moral courage…

        • Mom says put your pants on and come out of the basement. Dinner’s ready.

  11. Guy’s probably a great dude but he’s one that belongs in another profession because he’s going to get someone killed if he thinks he can trust his gut when someone is pointing a gun. People who are willing to be shot by the police (i.e. suicide by cop) are not necessarily unwilling to shoot police (or someone else) as well. There’s no way I would trust someone as backup who would let some mentally disturbed guy point a gun at me in the hope that he’s just faking it.

    Just like there are bad shoots (which are determined not by hindsight but the facts known at the time) there are bad non-shoots.

    • I’m guessing that marine retired was a pretty good judge of character, he didn’t perceive a threat, to me when a marine retired does not see a perceived threat I am confident in his decision.,. … ,,. N all this seems like propaganda because this happened in my county, nowhere near the state mentioned, not the officers picture, and the facts was arresting officer brings armed ( concealed before strip search) suspect to the booking area . Suspect rode in the car armed all the way to jail, inside the jail, through the doors, to the finger print area with a gun hidden in his overalls( it’s country) no shit. Nothing happened, it was a big ,, oh fuck moment, but just as the arresting officer DID NOT SEE A THREAT!!! nothing of grave consequencne happened. The officer got shafted and it ain’t right because he was a straight up trooper

      • The arresting officer, searched the suspect prior to being put in the patrol vehicle, he searched all the ” usual” places but not the inside pocket above the left breast. The officer asked the suspect if he was armed and the suspect said ” No.”, I can see being a marine and being taught not to lie interferes with statements made by civilians.This guy was a damned good, I mean old school, for the people good, What’s got my shorts in a bind, is that the “powers that be” can over ride dissuasions of the person on scene. It’s not good.

    • The policeman that got fired appears to have a history of not following procedure. He opened a car door to place a parking ticket inside …. big deal. But, he responded to a 911 call, found an old lady dead on the stairs, decided on his own that she was dead of heart failure, did not call for detectives, did not file a report. She had blunt trauma on her head. This is a HUGE fail. It could have been a homicide.

      I think he is a cowboy and they probably had other stuff in his record to work with in deciding to fire him.

      Read the whole story!

  12. YAY for the digest! I have missed it very much. Daily, PLEASE. I’m sure there’s more than enough material available. 🙂

    Duterte is a poster boy for all that is evil, the core of any non-voluntary “government.” Control of the lives and property of other people…

  13. Clearly gun laws are too complicated if even an NFL player can’t manage to not fall afoul of them when modifying their AR with legal parts.

  14. An NFL Elitist is arrested in Kommiefornia for having a forbidden object.
    GOOD and so what? Take a knee in jail in protest

  15. The NRA ad plays to gun folk being violent and foolish. So what if some people don’t agree with the President. This isn’t new. You’re defending him from what?

    It is a long way from protecting the Constitution. It’s a long way from the firearms safety and educational aspects of the NRA. This cheapens the NRA’s serious responses to actual events and legislation.

    While I think the left stoops to “dislike Trump” more than constructive policy, if you can’t stand the heat stay out of politics. He can’t succeed or fail 100% of the time. Let him do his job and call him on what you like or don’t like. That’s what our govt is based on.

    Besides a sledge? On a flat panel? Your three year old could do that bare handed. Now grandma’s Magnovox console would require the sledge and a chainsaw. That’s manly. 🙂

  16. Clint Smith recommends groin shots. You sweep over that area as you bring your gun up so why not take the shot in passing. It may not stop the fight but it will slow down the bad guy and give you more time to make your next shots good.

    • The groin area is…

      -Usually un-armored
      -Full of blood vessels, two of which are very large
      -As wide a target as the chest…muchn larger and wider than the head
      -Contains many nerve endings that feel pain
      -Contains two joints without which causes humans to become immobile
      -Is a great place to shoot an attacker

  17. “Is it me or is the NRA abandoning any hope of attracting firearms freedom fence straddlers?”

    And just who might those “fence straddlers” be, Robert? Are they the “I support the 2nd Amendment, but . . .” or the “I grew up around guns, but . . .” kind of folks who who think we don’t “need” 30 round magazines (which, unsurprisingly, they persistently refer to as “clips”) or “fully-automatic-assault-rifes-designed-to-do-nothing-but-kill-people”? I find it curious that, understanding quite clearly just how polarized the gun rights issue is, you nonetheless appear to think there are some middle-ground moderates who support the 2nd Amendment. If I’m right on this, would you please tell me what “commonsense gun controls” you would support in order to attract these folks to our side? Granted, Austin and similar towns are filled with these folks. I’ve run on to more than a few, along with plenty of no-labels “moderates”. These people Do Not Like People Of The Gun. Do you really think a softer, gentler NRA is going to attract these people? Scheech. There must be something in the air in Austin . . .

    • So it must have been the exhaust fumes from that Ford Escape Ecoboot on the freeway in Austin that was the problem.

  18. So, the background check / prohibited person system didn’t stop the church shooting … and now it’s infringing on 4,000 more people who didn’t shoot up a church.

    It seems this approach is irrelevant n ineffective.

    It’s like keeping people alive n free isn’t even the point.

  19. Honestly, that sledgehammer-to-the-TV bit was a whole lot more dramatic back when CRTs were still a thing. Kind of an anticlimax nowadays. NRA has officially jumped the shark if they think that kind of stunt will garner any fresh support. It’s bound to get a lot of blowback as a ‘blatant call to violence’ though. Just wait for it.

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