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TTAG Exclusive: Kirsten Joy Weiss Shoots Upside Down

Kirsten Joy Weiss doesn’t know the name of the Pilates pose from which she shot the balloon in the video above. “All I know is that my Pilates instructor told me to do it, and before he could say ‘slowly’ I was in it,” Kirsten texted me. “Freaked him out cuz he can’t do it. I’m terrible at some other stuff though.” Having grilled Ms. Weiss on her expertise on a range of activities I can report that she sucks at hypnotizing race car drivers. But only because she hasn’t learned how. Nor am I going to teach her, lest TTAG’s resident sharp shooter “convince” a hot shoe to let her fire her gun from a NASCAR racer at full chat. On second thought . . . [Click here to visit Kirsten’s website for more trick shots ‘n stuff.]

68 thoughts on “TTAG Exclusive: Kirsten Joy Weiss Shoots Upside Down”

  1. Well… that was something.

    Without the balloon in the same frame as the shot, how do we know you actuamqa;lrkmnerl… yeah, I don’t really care.

    • Edit I: Ms. Weiss, do you have any suggestions on how I could perhaps convince my girlfriend into doing either of those things in your video? Great shot by the way. Shooting inverted like that can be a challenge. I tried it once hangin from a tree at my grand dads before I joined the army and got injured and missed 3 or 4 times before I got it right.

      • Bribes. Lots and lots of bribes. Massages, poems, trips to Hawaii… just kidding! I Hope more people in general will be interested in the fun of shooting, so that’s a big motivation for me — that and guys like you need some great gals (or current great gals) for range mates, ya?

        • She does shoot and go to the range just not rifles for some odd reason. Give her a mossberg 500 or the Smith and Wesson New Model 3 she made me buy ( honestly she BEGGED me to buy it, I was saving for a 1911) and she’ll go till the ammo runs out. Give her a rifle and she’ll stay home, she won’t even shoot a .22 semi auto. As for the poems and massages, she gets massages anytime she wants poetry on anniversaries valentine’s day and birthdays plus I cook and clean on my days off.

        • Wow. Look. I’ll make you a deal: I’ll help with the broadened shooting horizons if you help with the spreading the special treatment ideas, lucky girl pistols and all the trimmings:)

  2. Hi Kirsten,

    My 13 yo daughter enjoys watching your videos. She has a Red Savage Rascal that she loves to shoot. Orange skeet disc at 100 yards are no longer safe 🙂

    • That is great news! I’d love to share some pictures of her smashing those clays! If you’d like to share, message my Facebook page 🙂

  3. Just goes to show you can add implied sexuality to anything and it will get your attention.

    For all the right reasons of course… like proper body position, breathing, & slight alinement. Any more of this and I’ll have difficulty with my personal trigger control.

  4. A petition is in order. A nobel prize to the inventor of yoga pants.

    Nice shot, but the bullet drop at 30 yards isn’t very extreme. Now, at 100 yards with the same size target, challenge.

  5. Although I couldn’t shoot from it, I can so totally do that position. With the help of a bottle of good bourbon and an orthopedic surgeon.

  6. I wonder how the bullet drop is affected when firing a weapon upside down. Aren’t most guns “preconditioned” to fire their bullets in an initially upward arc?

    • Preconditioned? That’s a funny word.

      At the “point blank zero” distance, the impact would be the same. Beyond that, the bullet would not hit the point of aim, because the scope is zeroed for the ballistic trajectory the bullet will travel when held upright. However, if you rezeroed the rifle upside down, it would work no differently than it does when held right side up.

  7. I do have one minor criticism. She violated one of the four rules of gun safety: know your target and what is beyond. Granted, she was in the middle of what looked like an incredibly remote area. Nevertheless, after the bullet went through the balloon, who knows what was 800+ yards away and 100+ feet lower in elevation.

    The only thing I hate worse than shooting up at a a target at the top of a hill with no backstop is shooting at an object on the edge of a cliff.

    Other than that, fun shot.

    • ” who knows what was 800+ yards away and 100+ feet lower in elevation.”
      Looked to me like a hill covered in scrub brush and boulders…

    • I understand the concern. I did know what was beyond, but I’ll try to be more careful about conveying that in the future. Thank you

  8. The still shot from :30 is priceless. That’s some sharp shooting from a woman who is all sorts of fine.

  9. OK.. I’ll go ahead and say it. (Cause I’m an OWG and not afraid to get a ribbing) Watching these shots is like a challenge. I’ve done ok on the others, I’ve even done the backwards over the shoulder using a mirror one.
    This one might hurt. And I do yoga.

    Nice shooting Ms. Weiss

  10. That in technical terms is called showing off 🙂

    I like guns enough I would watch Leghorn do that! I would love to watch RF try that.

  11. Some trick shot suggestions:

    1. Distance Shot. Some kind of super long distance .22lr shots, maybe incrementally longer each week.

    2. Risky shot. Something with a bit of nominal “risk” in it. Like shooting something off of one of your trophies (the trophy is at risk) or set up a few smart phones close together like dominoes and shoot between them.

    3. Politically incorrect mental challenge shot
    Drink a quarter shot of whiskey, and then shoot a pretzel nugget off of the shot glass at 50 yards, go down range, flip the glass over, pour another quarter shot, throw it down, flip the glass over again, put on a new pretzel nugget…and see how many times you can it before breaking the glass (up to some amount of shots that doesn’t result in unbearable drunkenness). Maybe have someone “spot” this one, like have a non-drinking person safe your rifle for you between shots and declare when that it’s safe to fire after they check the target and what’s beyond. Check your local laws before posting on youtube.

    4. Politically correct physical challenge shot
    Put a target on a shot glass, sprint 50 yards to your rifle, shoot it. Sprint 50 yards to the shot glass, put on a new target, sprint 50 yards to your rifle, etc, until you break the glass. Whew, I was feeling better about the whiskey than all that running, make it 25 yards!

    5. Fast shots – not like shot repetition fast shots, but maybe set up a target and then situate yourself with your rifle behind a screen. Drop the screen on the beep of a shot timer and then see how fast you can hit the target once you can see it. For this one, again maybe consider using a spotter to make sure the target and beyond is safe.

    6. Blind shots – take your time aiming at a target then have someone put a card in front of your scope and shoot it with your scope covered. Spotter on this one too, but you should be able to still see in your peripheral around the scope.

    7… and so much more!

    • Thanks for the suggestions! Some I already have in the mental line up (great minds think alike or…uh…something) but some of them are new thoughts. Thinking of shots keeps me up at night (usually in a good way). Now, as far as the alcohol or the “Jell-O shots” as Ralph says, that would most likely just make me fall asleep on my gun

      • Oh! So I don’t miss them, if you or anyone else has suggestions in the future and there’s not a fresh post, feel free to message me on Facebook (

  12. Ok that shot is fairly challenging but I wonder if she could still do it if she didn’t have the body structural support of her clothing? She’s going to have to eliminate that variable to prove she’s an expert!

    • Didn’t know him. Researched your comment. And legitimately blushed hard! He um, has Um “eliminated the variables” like doesky2 mentioned above in a rather perfectly done lotus pose. I hope this blush is not permanent

      • Kirsten:

        That wasn’t the image I was referring to. I was thinking of the fully clothed spiderman position that he uses to read the putting surface.

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