One third of Americans think gun violence is a crisis
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These polls are designed to shape public opinion, not measure it . . . Poll: One Third of Americans See Gun Violence as Crisis

A new poll by CBS News released Monday found slightly more than one third of Americans — 32 percent — think the level of gun violence in America is a crisis, with nearly one in four believing it’s a “very serious” problem.

Women especially, however, see it as a major issue the nation must face, with 40 percent calling it a crisis. Yet only 23 percent of men feel the same, and the severity of how the problem is viewed breaks down along political lines, according to the poll: nearly half of all Democrats believe it should be addressed, while just 16 percent of Republicans think the same way.

The poll comes as the nation approaches the fifth anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

She must have been ruminating on this one a long time . . . Sheryl Crow dedicates new song ‘The Dreaming Kind’ to Sandy Hook victims 

Crow told Good Morning America that she was inspired to write “The Dreaming Kind” because of “the anger and the frustration and the disillusionment” she felt after the recent mass shooting at a Las Vegas country music festival in October.

“I didn’t know what I was going to do with it and then suddenly we were presented with the Sandy Hook Promise and the opportunity to have a song for it,” Crow said.” “I said, ‘I just have written this song which is basically about what they went through.’ ”

Proceeds from the song will benefit Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit organization founded by two parents of Sandy Hook victims that uses educational programs and initiatives to help prevent future acts of gun violence.

The LA County Sheriff keeps a list of 300 problem officers...who carry firearms

Remember, only highly trained law enforcement professionals can be trusted with the level of responsibility required to carry firearms . . . Sex. Lies. Abuse. How these L.A. deputies landed on a secret 2014 list of problem officers

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department keeps a secret list of about 300 deputies with histories of dishonesty and similar misconduct that could undermine their credibility when testifying in court. Even prosecutors and many high-ranking sheriff’s officials can’t see this so-called Brady list.

When Sheriff Jim McDonnell attempted to give the list to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, the deputies’ union sued him. Lower courts ruled that the list is confidential, and the California Supreme Court has announced it will decide the issue.

How to survive the SHOT Show

If you’ll be there, here’s some good advice . . . 5 Tips to Help You Survive SHOT Show

The SHOT Show panic has begun. The last minute appointments, travel arrangements, house sitters and gear are being lined out. As we get all our details in order, there are several items I want to share with you to help you survive SHOT Show.

Pre-show prep
First of all, some scoff at the ladies getting manicures and pedicures. Don’t scoff. By all means, get a pedicure, or give yourself one. NSSF boasts the 2016 SHOT Show will have a total exhibit space of more than 630,000 net square feet—equivalent to more than 13 acres, the area covered by the New Orleans Superdome or the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza. That means YOU are looking at 12.5 miles of aisles—just a little less than the distance of half a marathon. The last thing you want is a long toenail or callus agitating your feet.

This doesn’t look good . . . American Outdoor Brands Q2 FY2018 Deep Dive – The ‘Sober Up’ Quarter

The industry demand is deteriorating both significantly and quickly, the companies bet wrong and are now sitting on massive inventories, even larger manufacturing capacities which they spent billions on, and are playing “chicken” with each other seeing who will blink first and cut their production.

Larger companies such as AOBC, Ruger, and Vista have large factories which they invested in that have fixed costs that need to be covered. Do you let them sit idling or keep on producing?

That is the question that the firearms industry is going through, much the same as the oil and gas companies went through years ago.

https:U.S. gun-control advocates switch strategy//

Working from the inside . . . Five years after Sandy Hook, U.S. gun-control advocates switch strategy

Five years after a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school, advocates who are disappointed with the failure of efforts to limit access to firearms are changing their strategy.

Instead of pressuring lawmakers to push new gun-control measures through the U.S. Congress, volunteers from groups including Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America are now running for office themselves.

Nine of 13 volunteers trained by the group ran for office this year and won seats, ranging from New Hampshire state representative to city council member in West University Place, Texas. Fourteen more have already declared their intentions to run for office in 2018, seeking seats in Congress, state legislatures and local government, all running as Democrats.

Gunsport Earplugs

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  1. ‘A new poll by CBS News released Monday found slightly more than one third of Americans — 32 percent —’


    • Yes, Gov. I noticed that too. My thought was, “Not only can CBS not conduct honest polls, they can’t do math, either.”

      • Unfortunately 32% is also the percentage of Americans who know that 32% is less than 1/3.

        • If even 32% know that. Judging by the way I’ve noticed all intellect(not just math) declining, soon 5% of something will be defined as the majority. The sad part is, the nasty little sheep will believe it. And seek to destroy anyone who knows better, because knowledge will be redefined as ‘hate speech’.
          It’s a brave new world, because only the brave will dare to exist…

        • We’ve already crossed that bridge, but it’s only a hate speech if you share your knowledge. If you keep it to yourself it’s just thought crime.

    • That’s the great thing about polls and statistics in general. —- It’s all about your strategy in “sampling!”
      I took a class in statistics in college many years ago “in the dim ages.” My professor showed us a statistical study made by one of his former students showing nearly a 1-to-1 relationship between days below freezing in some northern state (such as Illinois) and the birth rate in Florida.
      Now, you think the talking heads won’t pull the same kind of cr*p?

    • I like how 32% think it’s a “crisis” but only “one in four” think it’s “very serious.” Either their polling questions suck, or they have 7% of people that don’t think a crisis is very serious.

      I also like how they think a 1000 person sample is a clear representation of a 320 million person nation.

      • “I also like how they think a 1000 person sample is a clear representation of a 320 million person nation.”

        A 1,000 person sample is the standard in statistics. After 1,000, the returns outweigh the costs. The “1,000 sample hardly represents X because X is so much bigger than 1,000” argument isn’t an argument anyone who has taken a basic statistics class will give any credit to.

  2. I want to join a new group of pilgrams and escape to the “New World !” Where we can live with freedom…(Is there such a place now?!)

      • Not if your Pilgrims escaping the British Monarchy. Going to the “New World ” to celebrate a new form of religious, and personal freedoms outside of the oppression in Europe…Now, We see History repeating itself…

  3. I notice that the Reuters article never lets reality intrude on their reporting of opinion polls. The reality is that firearm crimes are way down from a generation ago, and now stand pretty much where they were in the 1960s. You know, back when any felon could buy an M1A from a hardware store without a background check. This is like taking an opinion poll about whether Nepal is in Asia or Africa.

    • Well, Asia & Africa both start with “A.”
      Imean, even the “newsies” cant “spel” or “speek” good ol’ “Amurican.”
      Heck, we’re in the “nucular” age!

  4. Running for office, are they? They will soon discover how much influence they have; I suspect the vote trading will confound them, as they have to decide to vote for things they hate to establish some credibility before they can even talk about getting others to vote their way.

    There’s also the contrary argument, that they already think like any other electable candidate in their district, so it won’t be much change. But if they do base all their actions on gun control, they will find their influence diluted and still have to vote for things they think corrupt just to get some credibility.

    • I have two hopes for the Demanding Mommies Running For Office:
      1. They win the Demoncrat nominations.
      2. They go down in flames in November.

      And if we get 1 but not 2, who cares, it’s not as if the Dems we have now are any better. More politicians like Hillary, openly insulting American voters, can be a good thing.

  5. “Instead of pressuring lawmakers to push new gun-control measures through the U.S. Congress, volunteers from groups including Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America are now running for office themselves.

    Nine of 13 volunteers trained by the group ran for office this year and won seats, ranging from New Hampshire state representative to city council member in West University Place, Texas. Fourteen more have already declared their intentions to run for office in 2018, seeking seats in Congress, state legislatures and local government, all running as Democrats.

    Now that is scary!

  6. 35,000 gun deaths (60% suicides) versus 600,000 abortions every year…hmmm
    one is a MUCH larger number…and mostly voluntary…just sayin’…
    I am pro-choice AND pro 2A…just like to point out the figures for comparison

  7. Regarding the sign in one photo:
    Sensible gun laws? You mean like sensible voting laws like voter photo ID? LMAO
    Or sensible employment regulations like eVerify?
    Or sensible immigration laws like making it a FELONY to illegally enter the country?

    • Pfft. Sensible, they say. Y’know what makes more sense is to stop letting these bigots dictate what the narrative is.
      Guns do not follow (or disobey) laws – ergo: there cannot be such a thing as a Gun Control Law.
      We can, and do however, pass laws that (attempt to)control people. Therefore what the bigots want cannot properly be called Gun Control – no, it is Gun Owner Control.
      That is our new narrative: anytime and every time a bigot mentions the term Gun Control (Sensible or not), we must all immediately correct them and emphasize that what they are calling for is Gun Owner Control.
      Now go practice it in front of the mirror or to your dog or parrot or whatever – just make sure it becomes the default term we use, like “Gun Bigot” has.🤠

  8. Hey, TTAG –

    While at the SHOT show, ask the folks at Etymotic if they can send you a T&E pair of their ‘Gunsport Pro’ earplugs for a look-see (hearing?), could you?


  9. A gun poll by a left-wing anti-gun news media organization? Somehow I’m not surprised by the results. Lies, damned lies and poll results!
    As to the anti-gun idealistic SJWs running for office, well, as somebody else has said, they’re soon going to learn how dirty politics can be in order to try to get what they want. Something about the law and sausage being made. But seeing as how they’re socialist progressives whose motto is “The end justifies the means at any cost,” they will probably get it once the shock wears off. The tough part (for them) is that they’re just one cog in a large machine.

  10. Poll: One Third of Americans See Gun Violence as Crisis

    BULLSHIT. 1/3rd of the people that CBS chose to poll think that gun violence is a ‘crisis’. Hell, the article itself says that 32% is MORE than 1/3rd. These idiots can’t even get the basic math right. Plus it’s a phone poll of 1,120 that was specially weighed to ‘to reflect U.S. Census figures on demographic variables.’ Read: we made a poll designed to look at race and gender instead of any other sort of ideological metric that might reflect an actual cross section of America in a way that actually matters on this subject.

    If nothing else this is a perfect example how the Fake News Industrial Complex operates when they try to convince you about any ideological subject. It also says a few good things that this is the best they could come up with. Highly bias polls that still don’t really support their argument to begin with.

  11. “Sandy Hook Promise…that uses educational programs and initiatives to help prevent future acts of gun violence.”

    Describe ONE thing they do to educate anyone on anything? What of their initiatives actually prevented or will prevent a single act of “gun violence?”

  12. “…gunman…”? Can we say “murderer” or “ spree killer”? You never read about a “knife man” or “club man”.

    C’mon, TTAG, you’re better than that.

  13. “Sheryl Crow defecates new song ‘The Dreaming Kind’ to Sandy Hook victims”

    Fixed it for you…

  14. “The poll comes as the nation approaches the fifth anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.”

    Interesting how the left dates everything in relation to Sandy Hook. There was once a time in America when everything was dated from something else entirely.

  15. …slightly more than one third of Americans — 32 percent — think the level of gun violence in America is a crisis,

    Beyond the basic math problem pointed out by others, why has no one mentioned the biggest takeaway from this? Let’s flip that number around to see what the headline should have been: “A HUGE majority – 68% of Americans – think the level of gun violence in America is not a crisis.”

    Wow, what a difference that slight change in verbiage makes! And here, too:

    “Women especially, however, do not see it as a major issue the nation must face, with 60 percent calling it not a crisis. And nearly 77 percent of men feel the same…”

    If the liberal sheeple were actually capable of critical thinking, perhaps some of them might point out these logical discrepancies?

    Oh, wait, I forgot… it wouldn’t fit the narrative!

    • I can see the headlines: “Only 32% fell for leftist media non-stop deceitful propaganda! We must try harder and lie even more!”

  16. Regarding LASO and the “Brady” material: The Department and the Deputy’s Association have withheld the list of ‘compromised officers for a couple of reasons:
    If disclosed the District Attorney would not accept the cases associated with the deputies.
    If the DA won’t accept a case associated with a ‘compromised’ deputy then there is no reason to continue the deputy’s employment.

    An important question that needs to be answered, did the deputy’s in question and the Department fail to disclose Brady material to the US Attorney’s Office in regards to cases prosecuted federally?

    That’s a big time problem.

    • My question is if these deputies who are employees working for us have histories of dishonesty and other similar things, why are they still employed? My employer would fire me or any who work at my company for cause in a heart beat if this was the case. And how does any judge get away with ruling these lists cannot be released to prosecutors? Heck the lists should be made public so the offenders can be terminated for just case.

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