Kansas City's Westport area wants to prohibit guns by privatizing the sidewalks.
courtesy usnews.com
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This seems ripe for a court challenge . . . Desperate To Stop Gun Violence, Westport Pushes For Private Sidewalks

A Missouri law that took effect in January allows people to carry guns without a permit in nearly every public space, so there’s not much business owners or police can do to keep guns out.

A coalition of Westport business owners are behind a proposal to privatize the sidewalks in entertainment district. That would allow them to ban guns in the district and screen for them on busy weekend nights.

The proposal has drawn criticism from members of the city council and from several community organizations, who fear screening for guns could put other civil liberties at risk.


Can you fix something that’s fatally flawed? . . . What Fixing NICS Really Entails – and What it Does Not Portend

With U.S. House passage of H.R. 38 this week, as amended to include the Fix NICS Act, we are moving toward the one reform that will do the most to help keep firearms out of the hands of those who should not have them. And, despite what some have falsely claimed, it will do so while not interfering with the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) was established 17 years ago with Congressional passage of the Brady Act. Today, it is generally not known that the instant criminal background check system itself was the recommendation of the firearms industry, long before there was a Brady Act. The operating principle then and now is to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens — and the lawful commerce in firearms — while denying access to firearms by those prohibited by current law from purchasing or possessing guns.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler wants guns in churches

This seems far too reasonable for Maryland . . . Harford sheriff, legislators want measure to let people carry guns in church

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler has asked state lawmakers to let handgun owners bring their weapons to worship, saying he wants congregations to be able to defend themselves against a mass shooting like the one that happened last month in Texas.

Gahler backs a proposal that would let parishioners who have the written permission of church officials to wear and carry a handgun on church property. The parishioner would need a state handgun license, but not a concealed-carry permit.

Target Shooting Hooks High School Sportsman

Don’t you just hate when that happens? . . . Target Shooting Hooks High School Sportsman

My name is Austin Wimberly and I am a 14-year-old who loves everything about the sport of target shooting. From the weekly practices at Clemson 4-H club to the all-day tournaments, my passion for the sport grows deeper and deeper the more I shoot. Currently, I attend Woodmont High School, and love being involved in school activities, as well as youth activities with my church, Temple Baptist. I enjoy being in the woods hunting dove, deer, turkey and duck.

In February, 2015, my dad took me to my first church outreach skeet shoot. While there, I met Mr. Gary Blackwell with all his cool skeet throwing machines. As I watched this new sport, I was amazed at how the men were able to shoot the small sporting clays out of the sky so quickly. He encouraged me to give it a try, and from that point on, I was hooked.

15:17 to Paris trailer

From Clint Eastwood comes “The 15:17 to Paris,” which tells the real-life story of three men whose brave act turned them into heroes during a highspeed railway ride.

In the early evening of August 21, 2015, the world watched in stunned silence as the media reported a thwarted terrorist attack on Thalys train #9364 bound for Paris—an attempt prevented by three courageous young Americans traveling through Europe. The film follows the course of the friends’ lives, from the struggles of childhood through finding their footing in life, to the series of unlikely events leading up to the attack. Throughout the harrowing ordeal, their friendship never wavers, making it their greatest weapon and allowing them to save the lives of the more than 500 passengers on board.

Fired Florida professor who called Sandy Hook massacre a hoax fails to win his job back

That’s a shame . . . Fired Florida professor who called Sandy Hook massacre a hoax fails to win his job back

A former Florida Atlantic University professor who claimed he was fired in retaliation for blogging that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax lost his bid to get his job back.

Jurors in the federal free speech lawsuit filed by James Tracy took just three hours to reject his claim that the university terminated him for his conspiracy theory blog.

The university said he lost his tenured position because he repeatedly refused to obey reasonable requests from his bosses.

Tracy, who also harassed the parents of a 6-year-old who was killed in the Sandy Hook shootings, alleged the university was illegally punishing him for his free speech. Thursday is the fifth anniversary of the Newtown, Conn., massacre.

A victory for the New Jersey Second Amendment Society

Your feel-good story of the day . . . Another Day Another Victory: NJ Pays our Legal Fees for Taser Victory

Another day, another victory, and this check for $39,500 from New Jersey should be a reminder to every anti-Second Amendment politician in New Jersey that all we do is WIN, WIN, WIN. Not only were we successful with overturning the unconstitutional ban on tasers and stun guns, our incredible legal team fought hard for constitutional purchase & carry and won!

Unfortunately, even though this award was for violating our civil rights – the taxpayers of New Jersey, not the actual offenders, are footing the bill. Maybe the state legislature should write a law that the people violating our rights, not taxpayers, should be picking up the bill? I have a feeling life for gun owners in New Jersey would change dramatically if that were the case.



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  1. The NICS supporters and enthusiasts have yet to explain how they plan to force all of those “people who shouldn’t have guns” to buy their weapons at an FFL, or to fill out any paperwork at all. A NICS check before they steal a gun? Aww, gee whiz…

    Or did I miss that somehow? 🙂

    • Yeah, I’m wondering when they’re gonna clue us in on that as well. The whole problem with criminals is that they just don’t seem to follow the law.

    • No, you didn’t miss anything. Some so-called 2A proponents seem to think that government interference is somehow American. How about we place a waiting period on politicians and congress before they can make any decisions that affect the rest of us.

    • That’s why we need universal background checks. 40% of stolen guns come from private parties*, not licensed dealers. You can steal a gun from a gun show or the internet without any background check. With universal background checks, these private party thefts will have to go through the same NICS check as a theft from a licensed dealer.

      * Source: Pulled out of some anti-gun rights researcher’s ass.

  2. Seems to me the idea of privatized sidewalks has some merit. Now I wont have to bake the gay cake, since I can just keep the gays away from my store.

    Hell, make it so I can buy entire city blocks of side walks. I can fence in the undesirables and charge a toll to let them in or out of “My Personal Ghetto”. Its like an ant farm but even more entertaining.

    • “Hell, make it so I can buy entire city blocks of side walks.”

      Gated subdivisions do this legally by owning the entire property outright, so why not?

      • Not many walk-in businesses located in gated communities. At least not any that actually expect more customers than those that live inside the gates.

    • Now I wont have to bake the gay cake, since I can just keep the gays away from my store.

      Gay is a protected class, so you cannot legally prevent them from entering your sidewalk.

      • Only if his side walk is a business. Theoretically, you could buy a ton of side walk and make it personal property, fence it all off, put up no trespassing signs, and only allow in who you want in, provided it’s not a buisness, treat it like any other random private property.

  3. The ’15:17 to Paris’ trailer looks *good*.

    Eastwood did well to cast the actual guys for their roles in this movie. They are either natural actors, or Eastwood got them well-prepped for this movie…

  4. Private sidewalks would have to be maintained by the owner of that sidewalk, not the city, correct? Good because I do trip on cracks in sidewalks and, owww my back, my neck,ohh my pecker, no I can’t move, call an ambulance, call a lawyer, call me rich

    • Typical (every city I’ve heard ok) the adjacent property owner is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk and any “parking” (the grass between his lot and the street/curb).

  5. Is it just me or do the sheriffs and deputies in Maryland look really goofy in their little hats?

  6. Yeah, that’s a great idea – taking a public sidewalk that was build with the public’s money, and make it private because of….guns? Brilliant! Business would go down the tubes. And I might discover a heretofore unknown injury I swear was caused by walking on it and sue! As to that Maryland sheriff wanting to authorized people to carry their guns in church, it’s an admission of failure – “We can’t protect you” – from the restrictive laws which residents of the People’s Socialist Republic of Maryland suffer under. I like the kid who fell for shooting – I wonder how long that will last? Until he gets a girlfriend?

    • Typical business district sidewalk is on gov’t owned land but mandatory that the adjacent property owner pave and maintain (a tax). So owns the concrete the guy that bought/paid for it or the gov’t thug?

      • That’s true but the reason sidewalks often suck is because while the business is responsible for it they’re often legally barred from actually maintaining it.

        Actually redoing the sidewalk requires permission from the city, an impact research/statement, licensed/bonded estimates and that you use/pay city workers which is usually illegal.

  7. Ohio used to be that guns were allowed in places of worship only with the pastor’s/priest’s/rabbi’s/imam’s/whatever’s permission. I believe it has been changed so that now places of worship are not prohibited unless such a leader explicitly prohibits it.

    I think the second option is a lot better, but I guess any step forward is an improvement for the good people of Maryland.

  8. I’m all for moving property out of the hands of the government back to citizens. Out west there is a LOT of public land. I’ll give them sidewalks in Westport if we can set some more momentum for this concept across the board.

  9. I live about 3/4 mile from Wesport. Any concern of an uptick in crime is unrelated to Missouri relaxing carry laws. The area has been getting worse for several years. There was a time when I visited those establishments when I was less cautious (aka a bar patron). Now I steer clear of the area especially at night. I know someone who was robbed and shot just outside the area earlier this year. She survived. I doubt privatizing the area is going to change anything. The streets are already shut down on weekend nights to allow foot traffic only with check points at all entrances. A police or security presence does little good when the surrounding area is not patrolled. This is an inner city bar district. High foot traffic of inebriated people around the area make easy targets. The shootings do not originate in the bars. It is typically from people who are not bar patrons, but loiter around the area. No one responsible for the gun crimes is carrying or owning firearms legally.

    • I live in the area too. I have pub crawled with my family in Westport and the area, but not after dark, and not unarmed. I won’t submit to a search. There are other areas of Kansas City to enjoy without being shaken down. North Kansas City has a burgeoning craft beer market and entertainment venues. The Crossroads District and 39th street area are also nice areas, if your head is on a swivel and you are prepared. Screw Westport. I will miss Joe’s Pizza in Kelly’s, though. Was always good at mitigating some of the alcohol damage.

  10. Clearly SOMETHING happened at Sandy Hook. Do we have the whole story?!? Nope but do we ever have it? This dude is a jerk…good on Clint Eastwood.

    • Yeah, I rather have a picture of the public officials/agents responsible in prison. A check from all of my fellow tax payers would have a bad taste.

  11. Most people don’t realize that most of the people in Maryland are not the rabid anti-gun losers that people think they are. If you ignore central MD its not very anti-gun at all. Western, Southern and Eastern MD are full of pro-gun folks. The issues come from Baltimore City/County (only about half of the county), Anne Arundel, Howard, Prince Geroges and Montgomery Counties. Oddly enough, most of the “gun crime” occurs in Baltimore City, and Montgomery and PG counties.

    Our biggest issue is the voting. The gerrymandering thats gone on since O’Malley first came into office has made it almost impossible to get enough pro-gun politicians into office. The gerrymandering issues recently came to light and took center stage so hopefully we can make a change here soon.

    Only other chance we have is for Hogan to get re-elected as Governor and step in. It will be his last term so maybe he can get it done.

      • The West side of baltimore is a war zone. The inner harbor and down town are guarded somewhat and other parts of the county are industrialized.

  12. “The proposal has drawn criticism from members of the city council and from several community organizations, who fear screening for guns could put other civil liberties at risk.”

    Nawh way! In-con-seev-a-bul!

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