guns don't kill people, men do
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The problem isn’t guns, it’s men . . . My Turn: Men, we can, and should, do better

The NRA considers most men tacit supporters, and unless they hear otherwise, they have us right where they want us — silent. If the politicians won’t wake up, and the media keeps missing the story, men must step in, consciously using our privilege to change the narrative. In the aftermath of the Las Vegas shootings, I proposed a “Men’s Campaign to End Gun Violence.” Now, let’s launch it. Men must demand that gender becomes central to any national conversation that continues to only revolve around mental illness and regulating guns. For days, the media paraded expert talking heads before us; none mentioned gender. This has to stop.

Why can't UMass students carry on campus? (courtesy

Irrational hoplophobia, mostly . . . Why can’t I carry on campus?

On Nov. 13, Westfield State University went into lockdown after three witnesses reported seeing a suspicious man who appeared to be wearing body armor and was carrying a bulky backpack on campus. Luckily, it turned out to be a false alarm. But my friend, texting me frantically from a locked-down classroom near where the suspect was seen, didn’t know that. For all she knew, her school was about to become the next location of a mass shooting.

Sitting in class, I was terrified. All of a sudden, everything I’d seen on TV felt real, and I felt helpless. But why did I feel so powerless? Because here in Massachusetts (and therefore at the University of Massachusetts), the state legislature has decided that our campus should be a “gun-free zone.” As a result, students have been stripped of their Second Amendment right.

If Nancy Pelosi is against it, we're for it (courtesy

That’s enough reason to support it right there . . . Pelosi Slams Republican Bill Easing Gun Restrictions

“Two months after two of the most deadly shootings in modern American history, Republicans are brazenly moving to hand the NRA the biggest item on its Christmas wish list,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a statement.

“Far from making Americans safer, this deadly, extreme Republican bill would make it legal for more dangerous and untrained people to carry loaded, hidden guns in more public places and would inexplicably try to make the weakest and most dangerous state concealed-carry laws the law of the land in all 50 states,” she said.

Gabby Giffords is pushing "gun reform" (courtesy and Getty)

“Gun reform” . . . Gabrielle Giffords Targets Republicans With Gun Reform Campaign

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is challenging Republican incumbents with a six-figure ad buy. Financed by the advocate’s gun safety group, Giffords, the ads pressure representatives to vote against the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. Slated to appear before the House this week, the bill requires states allowing concealed weapons to recognize concealed carry permits issued in other states.

“In the wake of our country’s worst mass shooting, Congress came up with its most dangerous idea yet: nearly anyone with a hidden loaded gun would be allowed into your community. No background check? No training? No questions asked,” says a female narrator over images of police officers and firearms. “Will Jason Lewis side with law enforcement, or the gun lobby?”

Things aren't good for American Outdoor Brands and Sturm Ruger

Look out below . . . Here’s Where Things Went Wrong for American Outdoors Brand Corp in 2017

American Outdoor Brands reported sales were down almost 8% in its fiscal fourth quarter that ended April 30 and were down 49% in its fiscal first quarter that ended July 31. Similarly, Sturm Ruger, whose earnings periods follow the calendar year, reported sales were down 21% and 35%, respectively, for its second and third quarters.

Both gunmakers results deteriorated rapidly following the summer months, something the FBI data would seeming show to be a bit incongruous, but we need to look at the adjusted numbers to get to the root of the cause.



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    • Before a man speaks for us, he at least ought to be a man. As soon as he used the word “gender” we knew it was an open issue for xhim.

      • “…using our privilege to change the narrative.”

        That did it for me. I might miss some valuable ideas on occasion this way, but as filters go, ignoring anyone who uses proggie buzzwords has an excellent rate of filtering out crap with minimal loss of anything worthy of consideration.

        • I thought “privilege” was the problem, now it’s the answer? This leftist gobblie gook is so hard to follow.

        • Yep. In the gun debate, some other useful filters are “gun safety,” “public health,” “common sense” because it is often used by those without any, “assault ________” but especially rifle, and any technical terms used in the entirely wrong manner.

        • Phil Wilson the translation of your post is that your parochial mentality wont tolerate any discussion of sexism or misogyny or how it puts men at an advantage over women.

          Your post is a paradigm of intolerance, and you express your intolerance as if you are being disadvantaged by constantly being reminded of the existence of sexism and the advantage it gives you…

          Other “proggie buzzwords” presumably include “racism”, “xenophobia”, “ethnocentrism”, “homophobia” etc, ANYTHING that challenges your delusion that straight white American Christian men are constantly under siege while everyone else receives preferential treatment

        • Phil Wilson the translation of your post is that your parochial mentality wont tolerate any discussion of sexism or misogyny or how it puts men at an advantage over women.

          Your post is a paradigm of intolerance, and you express your intolerance as if you are being disadvantaged by constantly being reminded of the existence of sexism and the advantage it gives you…

          Other “proggie buzzwords” presumably include “racism”, “xenophobia”, “ethnocentrism”, “homophobia” etc, ANYTHING that challenges your delusion that straight white American Christian men are constantly under siege while everyone else receives preferential treatment

        • Phil Wilson the translation of your post is that your parochial mentality wont tolerate any discussion of sexism or misogyny or how it puts men at an advantage over women.

          Your post is a paradigm of intolerance, and you express your intolerance as if you are being disadvantaged by constantly being reminded of the existence of sexism and the advantage it gives you…

          Other “proggie buzzwords” presumably include “racism”, “xenophobia”, “ethnocentrism”, “homophobia” etc, ANYTHING that challenges your delusion that straight white American Christian men are constantly under siege while everyone else receives preferential treatment

        • Ranger Rick one problem is that your “mind” works so slowly and at such a low level that you cant understand the straightforward point of this article regarding sexism and misogyny and male privilege

          Another problem is that you are at least as dishonest as you are dumb, so even if you could understand you would choose to be willfully ignorant because youre a small man who can only live in a world where you pretend sexism like racism doesnt exist or is nugatory

      • “Profiles of nearly all of the (usually white) male shooters are similar — loners, disaffected, a limited support system.” – He managed to work it in there at least a bit.

      • The Beleaguered white men forever struggling against all the sexism and racism they suffer… I expect nothing less from a moral two year-old who cites the Nazis just-following-orders defence, and blames everyone else for his failure to take personal moral responsibility… a moral coward among US military cultist moral cowards

    • “Men’s Campaign to End Gun Violence.”

      I could get on board with this (concept).

      Men! Help stop gun violence! Shoot back – don’t miss!

  1. 1. That guy is fucking stupid. He is literally saying that the only reasons we have mass shootings is because of guns and males owning them.

    2.I really think we should be fighting hard for campus carry in every state.

    3. Course Pelosi is going to lose her mind over it. She could tell the truth though. Those out of state visitors would still have to pass their state licensing requirements.

    4.Why is it every anti gun commercial is the same? Police with weapons drawn? Check. Wounded or dead civilians on the ground after a well known mass shooting? Check. Sad music in the background? Check. Female narrator? Check.

  2. I wonder if Biden was grabbing Giffords butt behind the podium. Didn’t get the nickname “hands” for no reason.

  3. I won’t comment on the day’s post because I haven’t read it yet. I clicked the link on one of the 2 “top” articles and read through it. Only at the bottom did I realize the article was TWO YEARS old. Why the hell is a 2 year old article at the top of your page? The one next to it was 14 months old. Your most recent article was the third one on the page.

    In conclusion this is dumb and you should stop it.

      • They’re only clearly dated if you click on the original source link. Reading the summary wasted my time. If I was inclined the click on the link and get involved, the discussion is already dead and any actions/meetings already over, so what’s the point? Imagine that the earnings report story omitted 2017 from the title and was from last year. “Gun companies post record sales” was accurate for a 1-2 year old, but completely wrong now. It’s a true story, but competely irrelevant now.

        • Obviously the magnitude of the problems with this egregious site are so enormous, posting old articles is nugatory.

          1. Racism
          2. Xenophobia
          3. Sexism
          4. Banality
          5. Vacuity
          6. No capacity to think logically
          7. Immaturity
          8. Neither writers nor mods nor posters ever do anything to address this endless offensive material and documented corrections to your delusions are always ignored.

        • Larry, on my browser, the article with the pink-grip snubbie read :

          “Guns For Beginners: The Best Carry Handgun(s) For Women

          by Sara Tipton | Dec 23, 2015 | 117 comments”

      • Ralph I didn’t say anything about those articles NOT being dated. If you think it’s fine that TTAG leaves 1-2 year old articles up at the top of the page with big pictures to grab attention then that’s fine. It’s generally not what successful websites do though, and I’d like TTAG to continue being a useful place to get gun related info.

        So yes, I did overlook the date when I clicked the link. That’s because TTAG usually doesn’t operate that way so I ASSUMED it was fresh content. While that was my mistake, it doesn’t make the site more endearing to me nor is it an intelligent practice.

        Now go make a joke somewhere so you can be useful.

  4. Hear that dudes? Yer the problem! If we could just become the island of Lesbos everthing would be hunkydory😄Duh…oh wait you just featured 2 braindead gals😖

  5. Well, Nancy doesn’t have to worry. The repukes will do her bidding and kill National Reciprocity and in return will give her the NICS fix (or the doctor visit and speeding tickets gun ban of 2017).

        • They’re scheduling the bill for tomorrow. It’s gonna be rammed through with a huge majority. And stupid Americans will cheer it as they’re rights will be denied simply for going to the doctor and without any due process or recourse. I despise my own people. They don’t deserve the freedom that people before them have fought for.

          HR 38 will fail because the traitors in the NRA and the Republican Party hate the second amendment.

          We lost. America is done. It was nice while it lasted.

          And yes I am this negative and miserable a person. I always find I’m either always right or pleasantly surprised (though much more the former than the latter).

      • To me you have to yell at and treat congressional republicans worse than inmates.

        At least inmates will respect you once you establish yourself.

        • THAT’S FING-A-RIGHT.

          Talking nice to a kid who grew up with a mother calling him “sh_t – stain” ain’t gonna cut it.

          Why the F do you think I use such terrible and vile rhetoric when referring to the evil POS (D)?

      • And just what the hell is wrong with Crayons? Leave ’em on the dash they get all soft, the red ones are the best.

        Just following the libtards thinking. I may or may not have eaten soft crayons and paste…, I may drag my knuckles… I do though, have a beard, smoke cigars, drink adult beverages and shoot lots of lead.

        I checked my privileges, they are right where they should be, but the Gun part is a RIGHT. Once they get that straight….nah, who the hell am i kidding.

  6. “Far from making Americans safer, this deadly, extreme Republican bill would make it legal for more dangerous and untrained people to carry loaded, hidden guns in more public places and would inexplicably try to make the weakest and most dangerous state concealed-carry laws the law of the land in all 50 states,”

    She doesn’t seem to realize that those who wish to violate the law are already carrying concealed in those public places. Where it’s already illegal.
    But she’s the typical politician, looking to do two things: first, get re-elected, and second, make everyone else follow her demands.

    • The same hypothetical dangerous gun owners are invoked every time concealed carry gets expanded. Dangerous, irresponsible, yet somehow so law-abiding that they infallibly follow the current restrictions.

    • No, you just don’t get it. ANYONE who would carry a concealed firearm is a menace to society! More guns = more gun crime! Armed civilians are a threat to the police! Armed civilians can’t shoot straight and someone might get hurt!

  7. Does simmering in ideological drivel cause some unrecognized brain pathology, or is it socially constructed gender confusion induced chemical imbalance?

  8. “…nearly anyone with a hidden loaded gun would be allowed into your community.”

    I’ve got some sour news for you, Giffy: unless the “community” has metal detectors and armed guards at every entry point, and Berlin Wall-type border security, anyone with a hidden loaded gun can already come into your community. Whether it’s legal or not is of no consequence to those who are intending to cause harm.

  9. “Men must demand that gender becomes central to any national conversation that continues to only revolve around mental illness and regulating guns.”
    Translation – “Everyone must fit the problem to my choice of narrative!”

  10. “Rob Okun is editor of Voice Male, a magazine addressing the transformation of masculinity.”


  11. I trust gun owners more than anyone else. I trust politicians(especially the D) the least.
    Career politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, and Fienstein(just for example) are the biggest problem. When the same idiots keep getting elected, and the keep pushing for the same crap over and over again, you end up where we are today. Gridlocked. Nothing will change because you have these morons throwing hissy fits and staging sit ins in congress.
    This is the very reason the second amendment was created, to prevent a tyrannical government.

  12. I’m amazed that campus-carry piece came from UMass. Having spent a fair amount of time there (very little of it sober), I’m surprised anybody cares about the issue at all. Personal safety isnt really a priority for students who a.) have grown up in relative safety and dont think bad things can happen in a small college town, and b.) went to ZooMass specifically to get drunk and laid.

    I’m glad somebody’s figured out the professors who coddle them in the classroom wont be there to protect them from reality.

  13. No politician can be trusted neither D or R… they are all immoral, have no ethics, and lie. CCW holders are more responsible and commit less crimes than the law enforcement officers, that is a fact. Illegal gun carriers are already violating the law so… enough said they will not care about this act one way or another. Responsible CCW folks will go out and get training and continue that journey to keep it fresh and current, and they practice. Are there irresponsible ones, yes, just as there are LE that are irresponsible. And if these CCW folks act irresponsibly then they will loose their CCW.

  14. The Puppet Giffords is a Gun totting Brain Dead Coke Whore who lost the profitable Tire Store that her parents handed down to her because of her Coke habit. Crabby puppet master Marcass Smelly was denied a gun sale because he was trying to make a Straw Purchase.

    The USS Giffords has a problem that it stops for no reason in the middle of the ocean. Upon investigation they found that the Main computer has issues with memory loss

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