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TTAG Publisher: Good Riddance Rhode Island



Come July second I’ll point my truck to Texas and hit the road. I’ll be leaving behind the state of my birth. The state where I grew up. The state to which I returned to start a new life, after twenty years abroad. The state upon whose waters I spread the ashes of my father. I have no regrets. If I did they were recently obliterated by an article at R.I. lawmakers debate bills that would modify system for concealed-weapons permits. To make a long story short . . .

The Attorney General wants to eliminate the ability of cities and towns to issue concealed carry permits. The RI Supreme Court mandated obligation of cities and towns to issue concealed carry permits. RI AG Peter Kilmartin’s bill would turn The Ocean State from a “shall issue” state to a “may issue” state. And the police are with him all the way.

The Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association is united behind legislation submitted by Attorney General Peter Kilmartin that would have his office take over permitting and keep the seven-day waiting period [which doesn’t apply to residents who hold a city or town-issued permit].

The Providence Journal spoke with more than half of the 38 police chiefs in Rhode Island, all of whom echoed Carlone’s sentiments.

Again, local cops have to show just cause why they shouldn’t give a permit to a law-abiding Rhode Islander. As you’d expect in a slave state, the po-po are doing everything they can to subvert the law. Forcing residents to prove need. Or, in this case, showing unconcealed contempt for the “shall issue” law by simply, publicly, unapologetically ignoring it.

Charlestown Police Chief Jeffrey Allen, who denied a permit because he wasn’t satisfied with the interview. “I don’t care if it says ‘shall,’ ” Allen said. “I’m not going to give a permit to every single person. The person must be fit. It’s incumbent on us to ask those questions. We’re not going to take it at face value.”

This man, a public servant on a $62k salary (plus pension, health care and a lifetime gun permit), swore an oath to defend the Constitution. See? There’s a photo of the big moment right there at the top of this post. Well there was until the editor of demanded I remove it “because I don’t agree with what you’re doing.” And while you’re contemplating that consider this: Article I, § 22 of the Rhode Island constitution, enacted in 1842, read as follows:

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

What part of that’s unclear to Chief Allen? Or his fellow police chiefs? Or the Attorney General? Or politicians? All of whom also swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

Never mind. Here’s what really grinds my gears: the residents who put up with it. The citizens who have to jump over ridiculous paperwork hurdles, take a meaningless target test, pay big money ($250 for a Providence permit), personally plead for their permit, and wait longer than the legally specified time period to receive it. If they do.

And the most revolting part? I was one of those people. Needless to say, the process made me feel dirty. I will never, ever forget the words of the Providence Detective who interviewed me about my reasons for wanting a permit. “Other than the Second Amendment, why do you want to carry a gun?”

When it comes to gun rights, Rhode Island is a lost cause. And even if it isn’t I don’t have the time or energy to fight the State’s statists’ desire to disarm the electorate. I’d rather continue the larger battle from somewhere where a man can be . . . free. Politically, economically and socially.

I know no place is safe from the gun grabbers. But it’s time to find a place where a man is free to defend himself, his family, his community and his values. Oh, and note to fellow Rhode Islanders who have the ability to escape Rhode Island’s One Party stranglehold: when the Jews leave it’s time to go.

109 thoughts on “TTAG Publisher: Good Riddance Rhode Island”

    • +1

      When you have a chance, I will drag you screaming to some of the great Texas BBQ joints, and maybe a Kosher deli to boot!

      Welcome to TEXAS!

      • Unless, Texas Deputy, someone from out of state forgets a seat belt. $200 is is enough to keep me out of that state.

        RF, when you see the police “dogging” you, that’s what they’re looking for. Quite unsafe in the way they look (happened to me dozens of times before the ONE TIME I was “caught”) but I guess they’re just making it “safer” for us all.

        I used to go to Texas several times each year. The cop was polite, but I haven’t been back since. When police have a “gotcha” mentality, I’d rather spend my money in Wyoming.

    • I would rather these carpetbaggers not come, its due to people like him that Austin is so full of degeneracy.

      • they are not carpetbaggers, they are refugees. the difference is that the carpetbagger comes to take our freedom, the refugee comes to be free.

      • As a displaced Texan I’ll say that Austin is the way it is politically for two reasons: Accumulation of too many big-government sycophants who gather around any capitol city and the liberals of academia around UT.

      • If you remember Texas did belong to Mexico. If your not Mexican Mike, you’re a carpetbaggers.

    • Born and not-raised in Memphis. I always felt like I missed out on a part of my heritage and destiny by being moved at a young age to the suburbs, and later City of, Chicago.

    • Funny that you mention it. I was just in Tennessee last weekend. I’m looking to relocate from Denver, Colorado after the latest round of Gun Laws here. Looking at north of Nashville. Gallatin area maybe.

  1. Strong words that needed to be said. As a great American once said “You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas.”

  2. FLAME DELETED in the new world they run rough shod over everyone and bury their terrorist links overseas (Boston Marathon I.R.A, Boston Campus Confession Tapes etc).

    Don’t forget to plant a black flag with crossed bones and grinning skull on the property you leave behind Robert. It’ll remind the next wave of where they should be pointing their tactical tennis rackets.

  3. my buddy still has a house for sale in Austin if you haven’t found a place to hang your shotgun….or SCAR yet.

  4. The Best of the West Range is north of Austin and totally worth it.
    Also, yeah, got myself out of Boston, best thing i’ve ever done

  5. From the TSRA email blast this morning

    Last Thursday, Governor Perry added conservative issues to the last two weeks of the Special Session but the list did not include gun-related bills. While this is disappointing, all the pro-gun bills passed during the regular session have now been signed into law and will take effect September 1st. The list includes some major streamlines for concealed handgun licensees.

    SB 1907 by Sen. Glenn Hegar/ Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt allows CHL-students to have firearms in their personal locked vehicle when parked on a private or public university or college parking lot. A CHL-student could not be prosecuted but they were subject to the rule-making authority of the school and could be expelled. Passed and signed by Governor Perry.

    SB 299 by Sen. Craig Estes/Rep. Kenneth Sheets provides language to clarify the unintentional display of a firearm by a concealed handgun licensee. The language changed from “failure to conceal” to “intentional display of a weapon in a public place” when force or deadly force is not authorized. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry

    SB 864 by Sen. Donna Campbell/Rep. Dan Flynn reduces the number of hours for the initial CHL class. The bill does not touch the required materials, the written test, or firearm proficiency exam. Range qualification is still in place but no counts toward the required hours. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry

    HB 48 by Rep. Dan Flynn/Sen. Donna Campbell creates in statute a process for renewing your CHL online without taking a renewal class. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry 6/14/13

    HB 698 by Rep.Springer/Sen. Craig Estes requires access to digital fingerprinting not more than 25 miles from the applicant’s residence and is limited to counties with a population of 46,000 or less. This is specific to rural Texans who are forced to drive hundreds of miles for digital fingerprinting. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry 6/14/13

    HB 3142 by Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr./Sen. Craig Estes repeals the SA/NA designation for the CHL license. No more gun categories. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry 6/14/13

    HB 1421 by Rep. Perry/Sen. Craig Estes provides law enforcement agencies an option in statute to sell confiscated firearms to a federal firearm dealer (FFL) instead of destroying. After the cost of the sale and any other related charges, funds could stay with that law enforcement agency. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry

    HB 333 by Rep. Guillen/ Sen. Hinojosa requires hotels and motels to provide advance notice if they prohibit firearms. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry

  6. I’ll give you a ton of credit RF, putting your money where your mouth is. Congrats.

  7. You can only fight the bastards for so long before you have to walk away in disgust.

    It sucks, but there you go.

    It will be good for your sanity.

    • “Tx ain’t that great. Many states are better for guns”
      And your point is?
      Of course there are better “gun” states, also a lot crummy “gun” states.
      I have never heard anyone living in Texas for anytime, saying they moved here solely for the gun laws. I would not move to a state based on gun laws.

  8. Welcome! The good part about Austin is the northwest portion of it extends into Williamson County. I guess they still hold a “Democratic Primary” in Wilco although I’m not sure why. You’ll probably find the political climate of the City of Austin (and surrounding Travis County) to be Rhode Island-like, but drive 20 minutes north, and you’re out of enemy territory. I shoot at Red’s North. (Pflugerville area, north of downtown).

  9. Moved to Austin 4 1/2 years ago from WA state and never looked back. Didn’t own a firearm till I got here.

    • Glad you like it, but WA is more gun friendly than TX.

      At least when it comes to the actual laws, not just loud talk. Texas is definitely louder.

      • Ha! Yeah, I’ve never seen any place that talks itself up like Texas does. When it comes to guns, Texas has a reputation for being what WA and several other states already are. Still, to a gun guy who has been living behind the curtain in the Northeast, Texas has to feel a lot like freedom.

      • Look up Tyler’s first-time CHL series here on TTAG. Then compare that to the 30 minute process, which costs a couple hundred less in Washington.

        • Took me at most 15 minutes last Friday, they said it should take a week to issue the permit.

          Washington may not be the best for gun laws, but it’s probably in the top 5. If we could manage to swing an election for the Rs, we might be able to rectify that…

      • Agreed. I live in Seattle (IN, not nearby). I moved here from AZ a few years ago, and the only differences in gun laws I’ve noticed are the pistol purchase extra form (unless you buy private party), the pistol waiting period (unless you have a CPL–which most pistol owners do), the SBR ban (I have two AR pistols, and a pinned suppressor on an otherwise SBR AR until they overturn it), and the ban on carrying loaded rifles in public (that hasn’t really bothered me, but I oppose it on ethical grounds).

        And we have a better climate for skiing and sailing here…and a kick-ass tech sector, with no income tax!

  10. I’ve never lived on the upper East coast, only visited family there, but every time I go I am struck — not pleasantly– by how crowded every thing is. Too many damn people.

    I think all the open space and fresh air is going to freak you out, Robert.

  11. Rhode Island isn’t just a one-party state. It’s also the single most corrupt state in the Union, and most Rhode Islanders take to corruption like pigs take to slop. They wallow in it.

    Believe it or not, Massachusetts, despite its hoplophobia and terminally stupid AWB, is a far superior place to reside. I’m still working on my relo from the Comintern of Massachusetts, but in the meantime I can stand it.

    Small state, small minds. I was very happy the day I kissed Li’l Rhody goodbye. You will be too.

    Godspeed, RF!

    • Based on what has been reported here, it looks like the current push for tightening the gun laws in MA could end up with the situation becoming a bit harder to stand there. It’s the usual problem when a State is done passing all “reasonable” restrictions, but feels the need to “do more” – one ends up with laws that are no longer even remotely reasonable.

    • Ditto that Ralph. In 2009 I left RI, the state in which I grew up (moved to a shall-issue, income tax free state). Rhode Islanders are actually proud of their political corruption — I think this is a residual effect of the fact that it used to be the mob headquarters of the Northeast — the Soprano / Goodfella’s culture of RI inevitably has leached into the political culture.

      Speaking of RI’s political culture, it is an axis of progressive welfare advocates, public sector union parasitically killing the host economy, and progressive do-gooders (hence the neo-tyrannical tendencies, manifested by the new gun laws there). In other words, RI is thoroughly Democrat.

      As a result, taxes are outrageous, and it is consistently ranked as one of the bottom-five states for business — so folks who are inclined to work for a living leave to find opportunity elsewhere. So the state is in an economic death spiral as the only folks who don’t leave are public sector employees (they leave once they start collecting their pensions) and welfare recipients, and so with time become an ever-increasing share of the remaining population.

      Eventually it will all collapse.

      A great place to visit, but not a place to have your taxable residency or a business operation.

  12. Just remember the filling you have waking up your first morning a free man and never forget it.

  13. I’m in NY and desperate to join the exodus to a free state. The wife has agreed to go. I just need a good job so she doesn’t have to work go awhile. TX, FL, VA or NH would be a dream come true. Gov. Perry is advertising the virtues of TX heavily on tv and radio here in NY. Brings a smile to my face each time.

    • Come to WA: no income tax, near the bottom of the Brady Org’s list for gun control, and a booming job market, particularly in high tech.
      And we could use a few more liberty minded folks, to make sure we maintain the first two points for years to come.

      • Washington is not bad at all.

        besides, you need more liberty lovers to move there to offset the cali migrants.

  14. Glad to hear the good news that you are moving! I’m curious, would you share how you answered the detective’s question that you mentioned when trying to get your permit?

  15. MikeB, not sure if that’s intended for me, but I have considered PA. I lived there once for a year on a work assignment. Why did I leave ???? PA is a great state for gun owners.

    • No hunting allowed with semiautomatics in PA! Own, yes. Hunt, no.

      Still, it was rural PA that Obama tarred as the land of `bitter clinger racists’, and I enjoy driving through there, so it’s got to be OK.

      South Carolina is quite gun rights friendly, too, by the way.

  16. Yeah Robert;

    I left California and moved to New Mexico before I broke the chains of slavery I didn’t even know I wore. Now I look back on the land of my birth and I see nothing but slaves and their masters.

    We just need to increase constitutional carry states where a person can carry a weapon open or concealed with out the need of a permit from four to fifty.

  17. As a RI resident currently on active duty in Alabama, holding an Alabama chl, I hate reading this, fearing what I’m going to run into when my orders end and I move back to rhody, where getting my permit there should be interesting. I had a friend in Lincoln ri get denied 3 times before getting his chl, when he asked why they said “we deny everyone 3 times just to see if they really want it”

  18. ALL police chiefs are “appointed” by the mayors of the cities they work in–they are merely the “mouthpieces” OF those mayors–in other words, they are merely “puppets,” saying just what their bosses WANT them to say. Sheriffs are VOTED INTO office, thus they can say what they want to say, as opposed to saying what is EXPECTED by the people who PUT them there… No surprise that many sheriffs ARE saying the TRUTH, instead of baseless, emotional “rhetoric.”

  19. I’ve not heard the best things about TX. I know it has a certain reputation, but that seems to be more than reality. No open carry, I believe local pre-emption, etc.

    Why not NH? Or VT for that matter? 2 of the gun friendliest states in the union, and quite close to home. Not to mention the fact that as they are small state every vote counts that much more in their national elections. If enough of us go we can keep them free states. See There’s a reason they choose NH. I’m planning on moving there very soon.

    • Why not NH? Or VT for that matter?

      Because nobody really wants to have a snow blower just to remove the ice from their b@lls.

      • I never saw snow in Texas. But I saw hailstones big enough to knock a knot on your head big enough for a calf to suck. Lighting that could draw and quarter and BBQ a whole steer. Tornado. Hurricane. Flash flood. But I never saw snow there.

        And do not, under any circumstances go into a bar in Texas and yell out that a Texan ain’t nothing but a Mexican that never made it to Oklahoma. Fun times will be had by all.

  20. Just remember to leave those liberal progressive ideas back in R.I. Don’t try to change Texas…we like it the way it is! We’d like it even better if it was a separate country!

  21. I love how all the guys beotching about “Texas ain’t all that great” don’t live in Texas.

    • Why would we? I’m sure Texas is a decent place to live, but I personally know of several states I’d rather live in…and I’ve chosen to live in the place I think is best, not the one that spends the most time telling me how great it is.

  22. Turning tail and running when the going gets tough is one thing and one thing only: Chickenshit.

    • Is it that difficult to be happy for someone else?

      As for me, I offer my congratulations. If you ever visit SoCal, there’s a good scotch ready for you.

      • “Is it that difficult to be happy for someone else?”

        Sounds like you’ve never been to S. New England. We are a miserable lot, and misery, she loves company.

        Rob, your leaving diminishes us, but I can’t begrudge your choice. Good luck in the Lone Star state.

  23. that photo looks like a bunch of South American banana republic generals! In Montana, we would have one sheriff and maybe a deputy for an area twice the size of Rhode Island. Why anybody stays in the hellhole called the east coast is beyond me. My advice, get out while you can, before the National Socialist Democrats fire up the ovens.

  24. Robert: JULY IN TEXAS!?!?!?!?!? Are you really ready for that? Seriously, I could not live in RI, and I’m a liberal lefty gunowner/shooter. Take care on the trip, and keep up the good work here on TTAG.

  25. This terrifies the hell out of me:
    SB 299 by Sen. Craig Estes/Rep. Kenneth Sheets provides language to clarify the unintentional display of a firearm by a concealed handgun licensee. The language changed from “failure to conceal” to “intentional display of a weapon in a public place” when force or deadly force is not authorized. Passed and Signed by Governor Perry

    One of my biggest concerns in MA. Anyone anywhere sees your gun and you’re an instant felon for brandishing, you committed a crime or scratching your ass. Big plus of NH/VT, open carry is OK, so if your concealed weapon shows no biggie. I won’t live anywhere if I can be convicted of a crime based solely upon the fact that someone managed to catch a glimpse of my gun and decided they were frightened by the fact I was lawfully carrying. An ambitious DA could even extend it to printing were they so inclined. No open carry = slave state, sorry guys.

    • Most western states are like that (CA is the one exception I know of). Open carry is perfectly legal, without requiring a permit.

    • One of my biggest concerns in MA. Anyone anywhere sees your gun and you’re an instant felon for brandishing, you committed a crime or scratching your ass.

      @KevinMA, the legal risk is there, but prosecutions are rare to none. A few years ago, a Worcester attorney accidentally flashed. He was spotted by a cop. The lawyer produced his license, but the cop could not verify it because the system was not then as automated as now. IIRC, the lawyer was not arrested. His gun was seized but returned when his license checked out.

      I’m also aware of an incident when a hiker was reported by a busybody. he was checked out by the cops, read the riot act and that’s it. He was not charged nor was his pistol taken.

      Read your MA LTC. Does it say “concealed?” No, it does not. Moreover, “brandishing” would require a holding of the gun in your hand in some way that would cause alarm. Accidental flashing might give rise to a “disturbing the peace” charge, but that’s it. You will not be an instant felon if somebody sees your gun. Well, not if you have the appropriate license.

  26. Good luck Robert! I would be right behind you if I did not have close family in RI. I have always wanted to get out of this State and move to AZ or TX. This State is dominated by progressive democrats, and always will be. Our politicians are a joke.

    I love Ted Cruz BTW.

  27. As a lifelong citizen of Texas, I will freely admit that there are gun-friendlier states, and have considered moving to one myself, but it’s much better than many states, for sure. And there are other reasons to want to live here (cost of living, no state income tax, etc.). That being said, I agree that there’s a lot more talk about freedom than there is action. Things move real slow around here, and it’s a long, slow process to change the law, by design.

  28. Those of us who support the 2nd Amendment in ROGUES ISLAND are going to miss you RF, because you’re one of the few people who have the balls to speak THE TRUTH ABOUT GUNS in our silly state. I used to make fun of MA, but ROGUES ISLAND is just a tiny grease spot on the way to Cape Cod. I keep telling people that the SHALL ISSUE part of RI law only means shall issue if they feel like issuing you a permit. In other states shall issue means they must give you a permit if you qualify legally, but RI uses it’s own dictionary to decide what any word really means. I was one of the lucky ones to get my RI permit without a ton of headaches, but I still feel bad for the others who will never get a permit. Ralph is right on target about RI, and I really wish my family had landed in Texas when we arrived in this country many years ago.

    • Its the hat with a high narrow crush crown that is rolled over, identical to the SS officer’s hat in shape. Personally, I think that they need some of those hats the North Koreans wear. Those are truely ridiculous.

    • So THAT is what the oddly tucked-in tie reminded me of! Yep, agreed.

      Also, I simply can’t respect a “police chief” who makes a whopping $60k/year. I’m not saying they should be overpaid, but for reals, you can make more than $60K/year on the east coast as a shift supervisor for a private security (aka “mall cop”) outfit.

  29. Why isn’t the second amendment all that is needed to constitute legal concealed carry? Why do we have these laws at all?

  30. I think this goes without saying, but for damn sure don’t stop in New York or New Jersey no matter how bad you gotta go. I once drove from Atlanta to East St. Louis en route to Kansas without a break; upon observing the wildlife at a gas station off 64, got back in my dad’s new car and kept going…all the way to Chesterfield. That was much better if you get my drift.

    Oh and as my grandparents were originally out of Dallas/Ft. Worth…welcome to Texas!

  31. Congrats to the move…years ago (97-2000) I lived in Corpus Christi and loved it. Now Oklahoma (since 2003) is home and I find it equally enjoyable..(except deep into July/August when its 100+ for 30 -40 days), but good people, fine gun laws and lots of trucks.
    Just don’t get too upset when OU spanks Mack Brown…again.

  32. Texas land of the dust tornadoes and tumbleweed west of dallas and austin. I prefer my home state of Georgia.

  33. I’m reminded of a comment a writer made after having to pay her next several years worth of taxes before leaving Germany in the 1930s. After getting on the train, she said she’d pay it again, if she had to. “This is a place to get out of. Even if you have to do it naked.”

  34. Liberals, they do so love violent crime……………………..I went to school in Bristol in 1974-75′ at Roger Williams…..Sorry for your loss….Welcome to Texas…!

  35. I just arrived in Kansas today from MA. My first purchase was a 30rd magazine for my AR. It felt good!

  36. Ohio’s firearm restrictions aren’t too bad. Unfortunately I can’t recommend anyone moving here because the job situation is awful.

  37. Congratulations on your impending escape to the land of the free. Try not to be too shocked by the change from subject to citizen, it disturbs the locals to be reminded that the forces of tyranny are already on the continent. I believe you’ll find (and much to your liking) that not only is the government different, but also the spirit and demeanor of the people. Whether this is due to their enjoyment of liberty and (mostly) just governance or the vice versa is a chicken and egg argument that I’ll not take on here. However it’s my experience that free people are happy people. May your own sense of it grow in the light of freedom.

  38. Posted as a comment to the article you linked to above. Since its moderated by the “Progressives” employees, I doubt that it will post.

    Hey folks, what part of “Shall not be infringed” do you not understand” What if they were to say that your modern cameras or printing press was too efficient or that your Internet access or bandwidth usage made it too easy for you to express dangerous ideas, or information? Then they said that you now have to prove a need, to own them, beyond just the first amendment. Then they make you pay a fee to register the equipment, pay another fee to a private entity to take a class and demonstrate your ability to effectively and safely use the equipment, and then make you pay another fee for a license to carry that equipment outside of your home or place of business. Then they wanted you to pay another fee to undergo a background check every time you purchased a new piece of equipment. Then what if, after all that, they then said that you could only have ten pieces of paper in your press at a time, or you could only take ten pictures, or ten minutes of video, and then limited the ability of all your equipment to hold more than ten sheets of paper or ten pictures, or ten minutes of video? Then said that any press or printer that could hold a piece of paper larger than eight and a half by eleven inches, was now a weapon of mass disinformation. All without any proof whatsoever that you were a criminal, or irresponsible, or incompetent. Then they enact a rule that says if you have more than five hundred pieces of paper no matter what size they are, you had to register as a having a stockpile or “arsenal” of dangerous material, and then they wanted to track the amount of ink you purchase, and limit the amount you could purchase in a single month. Then they make you pay a tax and apply for a special permit for each and every camera that is auto focus or auto winding. Then to add insult to injury they smear your credibility and character, because they don’t agree with your decision to keep or use any of it, saying that you’re paranoid if you don’t trust them to truthfully tell you everything you need to know, and that only the government has a need for or should have access to high efficiency media equipment, demonizing the inanimate object, calling it an insult weapon. Even though history is replete with examples of how limitation of the press, and free speech is a prelude to tyrannical government. How do you think that would go over? Now imagine that they already had all the guns.

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