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The response to this year’s TTAG reader survey was nothing less than torrential. More than 6k readers filled-out Nick’s online questionnaire. Josiah Beresford of Washington State won a box-fresh GLOCK 19 for his participation. Pete Miller of North Carolina will be carrying his gear around in a Tacprogear Spec-Ops Gen 2 Assault Pack. We’ll be releasing the results in the next week or so, revealing just how clever and educated you really are. Meanwhile, thanks to everyone who participated, helping make the world’s most popular firearms blog better.

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      • Yes. While I’m willing to contribute to TTAG’s ad revenue, I also want to read the blog, and most of the ads make that very difficult. So Adblock it is. Adblock makes the entire internet a much better place.

        For what it’s worth, on PCs at least, you can set Adblock to let nonoffensive ads through (which I do). The CineSport ad shows when I visit TTAG, but it just sits there and isn’t obnoxious, so we’re good to go.

  1. I’ve got a Glock 23 with both .357 SIG and 9mm conversion barrels, so I’m all set. I’m just happy we could’ve provided a little constructive feedback.

  2. Congrats to the winners of the merchandise.
    And to us all for keeping a cool site going.

  3. Recount!

    I do look forward to the data to see what the survey reveals. I can only hope that it hasn’t been too analyzed and we can draw our own conclusions.

  4. Hey, Congrats Josiah!

    Nick, not to be a wet noodle, here, but c’mon – you advertised this as
    “first 2000 survey submissions get a chance to win a Glock”.

    Then you hedged saying, after multiple inquiries… “uh, we want more surveys, but ‘we’ll add more prize(s)”

    So…a tactical school lunch pack… plus the gun = 2 in 6000 odds switch vs
    original 1 chance in 2000 for the bait glock.

    Do I care – no, other than the optics- Sloppy decision-making, at best, for some stats, and not in line with the whole “more truth more than anywhere else” branding of TTAG.

    Just my $0.02. Its your bbq, after all.

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