TTAG Shooting Tips: Optics-Equipped Pistols [VIDEO]

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Pistol optic sight red dot
Jeremy S. for TTAG

The first in what will undoubtedly become a long series of TTAG Shooting Tips, in this episode I provide three tips for shooting an optics-equipped pistol.

Watch the video embedded above, or click HERE to view it on Rumble. Visit Silencer Shop for the best prices and the easiest, most streamlined suppressor buying process in the country.

By the way, we’ll be launching a range video like this one every Thursday afternoon and a studio video (like this week’s The Truth About…Guns video) every Monday afternoon. Subscribe on Rumble to see ’em before their associated TTAG articles go live.


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  1. I’ll watch it on Rumble. You guy’s got me to go there. Why don’t MORE gun channels poat there?!?

  2. You needed a red dot to show you these things??

    All three of the “tips” you mentioned is the way I have always done it even with plain old sights and no red dot. I would think with all the “tactical” shooters around this would already be a known thing for defensive shooting. Not trying to be critical, its just it never really occurred to me until now that people don’t know this.

    Yes, you want to use target focus in defensive shooting not sight focus, especially at close ranges. The gun presentation parallel slide method instead of tipped up is also another that I thought people already knew and works fine with regular old sights. Same with push out and fire.

    Once you get the hang of it working together, you will be fast and your threat targets will go down each and every time and you don’t need a red dot to do it. Its not for longer range, say, 25 yards even though people do it at 25 yards anyway. Its primarily for under 15 yards.

      • “…there is no new thing under the sun.”

        King Solomon, circa 950’ish B.C. plagiarized by Shakespeare about 2,500+ years later….and still true 400 years after The Bard sayeth it.

        Think how advanced Man could be if we didn’t have to relearn Life’s hard lessons every generation…over and over ad infinitum. As a Species we suffer from acute short-term memory loss.

        • Its taught here at the local range by the same guy who taught me those many years ago, he owns the range. Most all of the people around here use it with just plain old sights. New gun owners when they come to the range are told about it and most of them get it.

          The guy is a retired Navy Seal. When he taught me he was still in the navy and I met him through a vendor I know at a gun show. Always had guns, but up until about 30 years ago I did not carry so I was looking around the gun show for a new gun to carry and decided at that time on a 1911. Got introduced and I asked the vendor about defensive firearms training, a good course. The seal spoke up and said “Right here, I’ll teach you.” and he did, he taught me what the Seals were using then and that whats being used in the video now.

          Its common knowledge around here. The guy teaches it for free at the range, all ya gotta do is ask.

  3. When I read the title, I kind of got excited thinking this post was going to highlight scopes on hunting hand-cannons.

    I recently verified that I could consistently hit a 6-inch circle at 50 yards with the iron sights on a .44 Magnum revolver. That eliminates my need for a scope on it for hunting. Regardless, I was interested in a post about scopes on hunting handguns.

  4. A while back a viet vet friend of mine came out to my place. Ask him if he wanted to try a 44mag.
    I throwed a milk jug out, about empty milk jug throwing distance.
    He held the gunm to his side like a cowboy , no aiming and plugged it.
    Then grinned and said, ” I dont believe I hit it.” and then, “I really felt that , kinda made my wrist hurt.”
    I dont think that guy had picked up a gunm in 40 years.

    • I can definitely see where some revolvers and shooting techniques could cause wrist pain on .44 Magnum platforms.

      I had the “thrill” of touching off one round of Buffalo Bore’s .44 Mag P 340 grain bullets with a muzzle velocity up around 1,400 feet-per-second out of a revolver with a 7-inch barrel. I employed excellent technique–with a proper two-handed grip, a slight bend in my elbow of my “strong side” arm, and just enough flexibility in that elbow to allow my hand to rise up a bit with the shot. (In that scenario, you manage recoil since it is utterly impossible to stop it.) Starting approximately seven seconds after the shot and continuing for about 60 seconds, I experienced odd bits of mild pain that would come-and-go at various locations throughout my “strong side” forearm. And if I had to guess, I would say that those pains were originating in the bones of my forearm.

      The big Magnums are no joke.

  5. I finally watched the video.

    Nice job Jeremy. You presented good information–not too little and not too much–in a short period of time.

  6. One of the most prolific and well respected red dot trainers today is Scott Jedlinski from Modern Samurai Project. He’d agree with the first two but not the third point. He advocates a slightly upward can’t to the pistol when extending your arms so the dot consistently drops into the window from 12 o’clock. That works very well for most. I highly recommend taking his courses, and he teaches frequently all over the country.

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  8. Hi, I also want to learn shooting tips, Can you please share some tips to do it? By the way, I was reading about essay help on google, I need their help to complete my essay work, I hope with the help of this, I will clear this exam.

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