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RF, Jeremy and I gathered again this week in beautiful downtown Austin, Texas to discuss the latest, the greatest and the most infamous developments in the world of guns. You can listen right here.

And if you want something more portable, you can also listen on your mobile device via iTunes (just click here to listen or subscribe on your mobile device). For some reason we’re not yet searchable on iTunes, but we’re working that out with our friends at Apple.

For those of you using Android devices, we recommend BeyondPod (use the following URL to add the podcast

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  1. You can get to it via the link above. But it doesn’t currently show up on any search of iTunes. Working to get that fixed.

  2. The problem lies herein “our friends at Apple “. Um, no they’re not. Own guns? Those filthy, subhuman, Liberal Terrorists™ think of us as enemies. There’s very few on our side that view them the same way. THATS THE PROBLEM.

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