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Tuesday Evening Podcast, Wednesday Edition – November 23, 2016

Good evening and welcome to another edition of the Tuesday Evening Podcast. On this week’s segment, I talk about making venison stock and consommé, my trip to the coast to hunt ducks, and the new prototypes from Q that I got to handle over the weekend. I also discuss the SilencerCo Salvo and pontificate a bit more about hunting over bait. As always, leave a question in the comments and I’ll answer it on next week’s podcast.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Evening Podcast, Wednesday Edition – November 23, 2016”

  1. Tyler,

    It’s perfectly o.k. to hit the pause button on the recorder while you frantically search the internet for silencer specs.

    Just sayin’.

  2. Hunting with friends is shared good times. My buddy Sean and I have been hunting together for a bit over 30 years.
    During hunts, it’s fun to sit by the fire and reminisce about past trips.

    I’ll be interested to hear about the reduced .308 loads.

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