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“We don’t feel safe around armed civilians,” some say. “They don’t have the proper training to defend against criminals!” This defensive gun use story out of Indianapolis proves so much anti-gun propaganda patently wrong. Again. Still.

Saturday evening, police were called about an armed robbery in progress at a local convenience store. A 26-year-old man had pulled out a weapon, presumably at the register, and was attempting to rob the store. Several customers ran away, but two stayed put, took aim, and fired their concealed weapons.

The suspect was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died. No customers, employees or bystanders were harmed during the incident. Residents of the area have spoken in support of both customers.

“He probably did save somebody’s life,” said one man named Demetrius Frierson said. “But still, for them to do that, that was cool. That was real nice. I used to think this was one of the safe service stations because they got security in there already.”

“I’m really sorry that someone lost their life,” said John Brewer, another resident. “But, I would think that the amount of force they used might have been necessary to protect someone’s life. Crime doesn’t pay, karma is real. You get what you get.”

As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Kudos to both Indhy concealed carriers for defending the innocent.

You can watch the news segment here (no video of the incident itself has been released yet):

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  1. C’mon, we all know that only trained professionals can use firearms effectively.

    NEW YORK – All nine people wounded during a dramatic confrontation between police and a gunman outside the Empire State Building were struck by bullets fired by the two officers, police said Saturday, citing ballistics evidence.

      • In the New York incident? Yes. He had just killed his former boss who had fired him some time before. Shooter had run out of money and options, and was being evicted. He put on his best suit, went down and killed his ex-boss. Then he walked down the street with his 1911 in his hand. Two police officers who arrived on scene ordered him to drop his weapon, but he instead fired one shot in their general direction, hitting nothing. A fusillade of bullets followed, killing the gunman and wounding nine others, some just from fragments. (Know your target and WHAT’S BEHIND it apparently not taught in police academy.)

        • Mostly caused by the INSANE trigger that NYPD puts in their guns (the only PD in the world that does)—near double the pull wight of the normal one!

        • “(Know your target and WHAT’S BEHIND it apparently not taught in police academy.)”

          The NYPD (or most any cop, unfortunately) only cares if THEY get home safe at night, no matter how many rounds launched downrange, or in what direction downrange it takes…

        • Been through Glock law enforcement armour school several times. N.Y. trigger is one of the more stupid ideas I’ve seen. As for background. A guy I used to work with came under fire one night in the parking lot of a convenience store. He later told me he didn’t return fire because of the bystanders. Don’t paint everyone with the same brush.

  2. So John Brewer say’s “I’m really sorry that someone lost their life”
    I wonder how sorry he would be, on the way to the hospital or morgue, if he was the cashier, and none of the customers had a weapon??

    • Now now… a Sheepdog can protect the Sheep and still feel regret for having to do so. Besides, it would be poor form to pump our fists and cheer in front of the news cameras… wait till you’re out of view to do that.

  3. Bet’s this gets buried on page 6 of the paper.
    I for one would like to say thank you gentleman for your service to the community..WELL DONE.

  4. Impossible, everyone knows that if you have multiple untrained civilian armed defenders trying to stop a badguy you’ll get a confused crossfire shootout. The antis have been telling us that for years, it must be true!

      • It could happen. The left wants to require ranchers to outfit cows with methane bags to reduce ozone depleting methane discharges. If the bags are big enough, theoretically, the cows could start flying. Just saying. 😜

    • Mike and Shannon told me that this never happens. And if it did, the two ‘good guys with a gun’ would end up shooting everyone in the store, then shoot themselves or each-other (but they were more likely to have shoot themselves or a family member in their home first, anyway), then the police would show up and shoot them again (unless in NYC where they’d miss and shoot the crowd that had gathered).

  5. The poor guy was just turning things around when — BLAM! — he caught another round from the other side.

    The dumbass must have felt like one of those bears in an electronic shooting gallery.

    • I’m going to burn in hell, but I laughed. And then I got pissed when I saw how cheap that gas was. Don’t know where this was but here in CA I pay a buck a gallon more.

      Would it hurt to put the location of these incidents in the lead of the article?

      • Most of the country has gas that cheap lol

        Same price in KY and I get upset that TN is .10 cheaper. I’d fume over paying an extra dollar

      • Wow. That’s 40 cents a gallon cheaper than what I pay. And I go to the cheapest station around.

      • That’s about the current price at a name brand station in the ‘burbs. Walmart/Costco was $2.52 today…

        I remember what I paid in the Bay Area back in the day. Glad I don’t anymore.

        • I just road tripped to Salt Lake City a couple of weeks back. Even allowing for jacked up interstate prices across 80 it was cheaper than my normal station at home.

        • I remember back in Indiana when I was too young to drive, and my dad got gas, sometimes for 17 centavos a gallon. TOP THAT!

        • That’s about the current price at a name brand station in the ‘burbs. Walmart/Costco was $2.52 today…

          Yep, about the same here (CO, south of Denver). Cheapest near me is $2.54 at Sam’s Club. Closest is $2.63 at a Safeway.

          I remember what I paid in the Bay Area back in the day.

          I don’t remember what I paid in the Bay Area. I’ve blocked those memories.

        • I remember riding in the back of a 1963 Sky Blue Chevy Nova station wagon, (Chevy II) when my father pulled into the gas station in Perrysburg Ohio, south of Toledo. He would say “give me a dollars worth please”. I think it was about 13 cents a gallon. He could drive around almost two weeks on that, including the fifteen miles back and forth each day to work. I just googled that car to make sure of my recollection and found some pictures of a couple of Chevy II’s, restored with new paint and wheels. That’s a pretty sharp looking car when you dress it up a little bit.

        • In 1973, I filled my ’71 Charger R/T with premium in Del Rio, TX for $0.21/gal. It *was* a price war, who ever has those any more? Regular was $0.19.

        • Can’t help it, gotta give the other side. In 1970, I was an Air Force officer and student pilot and my wife was a nurse with a BS, working in a hospital in AL. Our combined salaries came out to $11,500/year before taxes, and that put us in the top 10% of family incomes in the U.S. A few years later we got the peanut farmer, and all prices for everything quintupled.

        • In the mid 1950s I bought many gallons of gas for .13 cents a gallon. The average price was only a cent or two more than that.

      • it’s the insanely high taxes the state has on gas.. it is supposed to pay for fixing all the potholes and crumbling bridges that caltrans will spend weeks fixing with wall spackle so they can come back and fix it a few months later. Job security.

        It is called ‘patch and pray’. That is the actual the industry term.

    • There is a reason I have banned myself from the act of drinking anything when reading a Ralph comment. 😉

  6. From the photo above, this looks like one of those places where you have to walk 5 miles to give the attendant your money,……………………………..well, maybe only a mile or two.

    • All that walking exercise to get to the register makes you hungry for cheap gas station hot dogs and thirsty for a maega-cup sugar soda…

      (Mmmmmmmmmm…) And cheap gas!!!

  7. “The suspect was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died.“

    I love a story with a happy ending.

  8. “Again. Still”.Is RF ghostwriting as a TTAG staffer?!? Signature move…😄😘😏

  9. No customers, employees or bystanders were harmed during the incident.

    No PHYSICAL harm occurred. Emotional/psychological harm happened aplenty.

    I have been the victim of a few very ugly incidents where I did not sustain any physical harm. I DID sustain psychological harm. While those incidents certainly do not define nor dominate my life, they are a part of my life which is vividly etched in my memory. And those incidents have informed some of my life choices.

    • Just curious. How were your “life choices” influenced? If you don’t mind sharing. I was an eye witness to a homicide one night. First on scene, and cleared the house alone, on a quadruple homicide. Two triples. Forget how many misdemeanor murders. (You know. One dirt bag kills another. Yawn.) Suicides? Can’t remember them all. Some stand out though. Like the two guys that were decapitated. One shot himself with a 12 ga rifled slug, the other with a 7-08. Then there was the guy who had his wives (that’s right, plural) video his suicide so we wouldn’t charge them in his death. Got to admit, when I walked in the room and the weapon was 10 feet from the body, I was suspicious. Then I watched the video. He shot himself alright. The wife that was a nurse then ran into the scene, threw the Tarus Judge across the room and began CPR. Can’t make this shit up. Renee’ said I should write a book. Anyway, sleep well at night, no nightmares, no post stress disorder. And no disrespect. Genuinely curious about what you have seen that caused a shift in your life. If you don’t mind sharing. Because I still teach CCW classes these things interest me.

      • Paul McMichael,

        I don’t mind sharing and I did not understand your inquiry to be disrespectful.

        Around 4th grade:
        I was out for a pleasure ride on my bicycle on a nice Summer afternoon in a nice and very-low crime suburban neighborhood. I passed a home where a young teenage boy was tinkering in his garage. He looked at me with a graven expression on his face and announced, “I am going to kill you.” He chased me over 1/2 mile to my home at top speed. I managed to shut the manual garage door and hit the locking lever right as he grasped the handle to open the door. Not entirely trusting the locking lever, I stood on top of the handle. His face was just inches from my face with nothing but a glass panel between us. He proceeded to beat on the glass window with a look of pure hatred/evil trying to break through and harm me. He eventually left after a few minutes. That was not a teenage prank.

        High school:
        I was riding a 10-speed bicycle and decided to see how fast I could go on a slight downhill slope in 10th gear. I was up to full speed (probably around 35 m.p.h.?) when a HUGE German shepherd came tearing after me at full speed barking and growling ferociously. He chased me at full speed for about 100 yards before giving up. He was all of 10 feet behind me and I was not pulling away until he gave up.

        I was out with friends one evening. At the conclusion of the get-together, I drove a female (platonic) friend to the shopping mall where she worked and had parked her car. The parking lot looked empty. I parked next to her car where we recapped the evening and planned for another get-together with friends. Suddenly a car is driving toward us at high speed and skids to stop just a few feet from my car. A male jumps out in a rage and starts beating on my car hood and windows screaming for my female friend to come out: it was her ex-boyfriend that she had dumped about four weeks earlier. My immediate assessment: he was willing to wait in the parking lot for hours for her to return, he just about rammed my car, and he was at that point in a rage. That meant he was extremely dangerous, capable of just about anything, and could very well have a knife or a firearm — which also meant neither of us were going to get out of the feeble protection of the car. Somehow she managed to talk him down and no one was injured. Obviously that could have gone very badly.

        I lived in a rural home with 19 acres most of which was wooded. I noticed a young girl (about 10 years old) run across my backyard. It did not bother me at all: I figured she was my neighbor’s grandchild and simply enjoying the open spaces. I went to work and did not give it another thought. Later that afternoon deputies came down my road with a tracking dog. I inquired of course. The deputy stated that someone in the immediate area had overpowered a young girl, molested her, kidnapped her, and dumped her elsewhere. The deputies were coming with the tracking dog hoping to find out where it happened. I described the young girl (approximate age, hair color, and jacket color) that had run across my back yard which turned out to be the victim. I helped the deputies get the tracking dog on course which tracked that girl’s path into the woods and the scene of the crime ON MY FAMILY’S PROPERTY. Furthermore, the tracking dog followed the attacker’s trail BACK TO MY DRIVEWAY where he had parked his car and loaded the girl to kidnap her.

        I was heading to work on a long, straight, flat rural road just before 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. About 1/4 mile ahead of me, a car pulled out in front of me and was going maybe 40 m.p.h. in a 55 m.p.h. zone. I began to casually pass him. He had a muscle car and decided that I was not going to pass him. So I let off the gas to get back in my lane. So did he. I braked hard to get back in my lane. So did he. So I tried accelerating so I could pass him and get back in my lane. He accelerated also. This cycle repeated a few times: all the while I was stuck in the oncoming traffic lane hoping that no cars would come. I decided that this other driver was nuts, was capable of anything, and the last thing I wanted to do was to stop my car and get out. Ultimately, I managed to brake faster (his brakes were beginning to fade since his car was heavier than mine) just in time to turn off on the only road that intersected up to this point.

        I was walking with a friend on a sidewalk to a shopping mall. A car with three punks passed us going the other way and yelled out that they intended to put us in the hospital or worse. They screeched their tires turning into the shopping mall parking lot in an attempt to get ahead of us before we could enter the mall. We managed to enter the mall into a crowded store before they caught up with us. As they walked past us, one of them “patted” me really hard in the chest and stated that they would be waiting for us outside. I figured that they could easily have knives, bludgeons, or firearms in their vehicle since there were clearly looking for a fight. Not liking that very real possibility, my friend and I stayed inside until those three punks got tired of waiting for us.

        I was behind a car that was going 25 m.p.h. in a 55 m.p.h zone. I was following fairly close (although not inappropriately close) intending to pass when oncoming traffic cleared up. The driver of that car suddenly slammed on the brakes and came to a complete stop in the middle of the road for no obvious reason. Of course I had to stop as well. Once I verified that there were no hazards in the road that I had not seen, I started to move toward the oncoming lane to pass. The driver of the other car would have none of that and started driving so that I could not pass. (Sound familiar?) Fortunately he turned-off to a side street about a 1/4 mile from there and I did not follow. Again, I figure such an erratic driver is capable of anything.

        A new elderly neighbor needed 15 minutes of my help settling in to his new home. I headed over at the agreed-upon time. He had two large German shepherds that went ape-$hit when I arrived. They tried repeatedly ramming through his storm door to attack me. It took him about 30 seconds just to close his security door because the dogs were in the way and had no interest in backing up. Once inside, his dogs tried repeatedly to breach their enclosures (a kennel for one dog and a bedroom door for the other dog) and attack me, all the while barking, snarling, and growing. Keep in mind that I am supremely confident around dogs and I NEVER cringe or indicate any fear in my body language. Also keep in mind that my new elderly neighbor knew those dogs were dangerous enough and strong enough that he could not let them loose outside. So those two dogs’ were confined to the house and a 10 foot by 14 foot outdoor kennel attached to the house. I knew those dogs were psychotic and stir crazy and would kill someone if they ever got loose. Well, they got loose one day and were very close to a neighbor’s home that had left their doors open to air out their home. Fearing for their well-being (the wife weighs 95 pounds and was home alone with her toddler), I made a bee-line for her home. I converged on the end of her driveway at the same time as the elderly neighbor who began calling for his dogs. The elderly neighbor was half-way up her driveway when I finally saw one of those German shepherds running right past him and straight toward me. It was obvious that dog was in kill mode because it ignored the owner, it was silent, its back was arched low, and its ears were upright as it headed straight at me. I drew my handgun and stepped forward to shoot it as it closed to within 15 feet. My body language apparently gave the dog pause which put on the brakes and began barking at me just 12 feet or so away, still ignoring the owner. The owner finally managed to coral that dog and herd it toward his car as the other shepherd appeared and circled around me. The entire time that those dogs were within 12 feet of me and intensely focused on me, I had about 2 pounds of pressure on my 5.5 pound trigger. Both dogs were quite literally one step away from acquiring high-speed lead poisoning. Since that event, one of those dogs bit (hard) a canvasser that was looking for petition signatures. And they acquired a third German shepherd that has since learned anti-social behavior from the other two psychotic shepherds. That dog has been on the loose at least three times (including in my yard at least two times) and I have drawn on that dog at least one of those three times.

        Post college:
        A criminal conducted an armed home invasion three-doors down from my home in my nice, very-low crime, semi-rural neighborhood. The criminal was armed and at large in my neighborhood after a confrontation with one of the home occupants.

      • Paul McMichael,

        I forgot to mention one other post-college event: one of my children was 12 years-old and playing in our back yard with our 55 pound female pitbull one winter evening (in the dark, around 7 p.m.). Without any forewarning whatsoever, three coyotes converged within 60 feet of my child and dog in our back yard and started their “Attention coyote pack: we just round dinner!” vocalizations. My child immediately began yelling and clapping and my dog started barking and growling. This stand-off continued for about 10 to 15 seconds before the coyotes decided to break-off and go somewhere else. Keep in mind that coyotes around my home are frequently “coywolves” which are coyote-wolf hybrids weighing as much as 53 pounds with frames the size of average Labrador retrievers.

        How did these events shape my decisions?

        (1) These events have demonstrated that serious, grievous threats to our physical well being are plentiful and all around us.
        (2) A threat can arise when you least expect it without any forewarning whatsoever — even in “nice”, “safe”, and “rural” areas.
        (3) When a threat arises, you may only have one or two seconds to act and preserve yourself and/or your family.
        (4) Carry a handgun at ALL times, even inside your home.
        (5) Actively assess your children’s play environment and maximize safety.
        (6) Situational awareness is KING.
        (7) Lock your home’s doors at ALL times.
        (8) Keep flashlights available in your home at all times.
        (9) Teach your children how to defend themselves.
        (10) Ensure that your children are aware that bad things can happen.
        (11) Always have a dog as an extra “alert system” and, in the worst case, a potential sacrificial offering to animal attackers in the yard while the children are out playing.

        The real work in all of this is balance. Security and freedom are diametrically opposed. Maximum security means zero freedom. And maximum freedom means zero security. Similarly, there has to be balance in mindset. There is no joy in life if your mindset is that a goblin and/or a killer animal is around every corner. And your joy in life will not last very long if your mindset is that there will never be any goblins or killer animals around any corner.

        I believe I have arrived at the proper balance. I am armed basically at all times: it provides peace of mind knowing that I have a decent chance to stop any attack. It also means that I can do just about any activity with a clear conscience knowing that I have taken reasonable security precautions.

        Do I give up a few activities and freedoms? Sure. Do I seriously miss or yearn for the activities and freedoms that I have given up? No. And I have pretty good security.

        • Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have had a few similar events happen to me , but not as many as you have experienced. And I came away with the same lessons learned. Little things I do like putting myself between my wife and the street when walking on the sidewalk while in town, parking in the better lit parts of the parking lot, doing a 360 look around before unlocking my car door ands getting out. I used to work the evening shift at a local grocery store. I remember one night a lady came in ashen faced with silver dollar sized eyes and shaking. Seems a car full of mutant teenagers cat-called her and told her that they were going to take turns abusing her using very specific language. We called the police and of course, they saw nothing by the time they got there. I made sure to walk the lady out to her car when she was done shopping, and watched to see if anyone followed her.

          One night just past midnight, while we were all at home sleeping, one of my inbred mutant neighbors started shooting at who knows what. Within minutes, a police car pulls into my driveway, they exit their cars and use MY CARS for cover as they light up the neighbors house and call out on a megaphone, “Come out with your hands up!” I’ve got my wife and daughter lying on the bathroom floor, hoping that bullets don’t start flying thru my walls. An arrest was made with no injuries. Real life is not like a TV sit-com, that is for sure.

        • I consider myself pretty situationally aware, but I’ve had several occasions to be taken surprised by intimidating pan handlers.
          In Walmart parking lots at night I’ve had several hard luckers suddenly appear from between rows of cars into my path.
          Twice at gas stations I have noted someone at an adjacent pump lane, seemingly in the act of pumping gas; as I swipe my card and am entering ZIP code/PIN suddenly they appear around the pump. Usually some hard luck story about needing money for gas to get home in the next town over. I’ve not had one yet that I couldn’t give the brush or had need to display my concealed pistol; one came close, he acted outraged that I would not comply to $5.00 but soon walked off cussing me.

  10. Its a great day when the bad gut dies really fast. News travels fast among the other dirt bags.

  11. Don’t know what gas prices have to do with armed robbery, but okay. When I was a kid in the 60’s my dad used to look for stations having a “gas war” when we traveled. Anybody remember those? In the 70’s, when I worked at my uncle’s Shell station just off I-10 (full service, Arab oil embargo, each customer limited to 10 gallons, lines backed up into the street). Anybody remember that? My uncle, who tends to pontificate, said “Gas will never get over $1.00 a gallon.” It never gets old reminding him of that every Thanksgiving. You know, just when prices peak around the holidays.

    • Yep.
      Tells ya how old I’m getting to be. Better than the alternative I suppose.
      First job was a Sinclair station w/ .17¢/gal.
      Second job was at a Marathon car wash during the embargo.
      J,M&J!!, all those people (i.e.: OFFWGs) cussing us out over the .45¢/gal prices. Then they kept going up, and up… .55¢, .62¢, .75¢ !!
      Had to call the po-po a couple times on the most rude and unruly ones.
      What’s a 17 yr old kid to do?!
      Those were the good old days. Filled my 250 Honda for $2 and drove for two weeks. LoL

      • Man, you must be older than I am! Did you see my post above where I said I was with my dad (too young to drive) and he sometimes got gas for 17 cents?
        This was back in the very early 40’s I think. Not sure if gas rationing had started yet because of the war.

      • Hey, Just Sayin. I have a friend that has a Sinclair dinosaur in his front yard. Thing must be 30″ long and 10″ tall. On U.S. Hwy 90 between Tallahassee and Quincy. Just west of the law enforcement academy. Can’t miss it. Says he worked for Sinclair Oil for years in S. Florida. Before it got ruined. Dinosaur is painted the same mint green I remember from the day. How’s that for a blast from the past?

        • Paul – I remember the dinos from Sinclair. (Did you really mean 30 inches long and 10 inches tall?) Anyone in Texas remember the FINA pink air ad campaign? In high school I worked in a gas station in Dallas when gas was 28 cents/gallon … course that’s when a new Corvette cost $3500.

      • I got you all beat, I worked for a Hess gas station in Albuquerque in 1972 and the u serve was 20.9 cents a gallon and for 23.9 cents a gallon full service ( Windshield, checked oil and tires). We repaired tires for $2 bucks.

  12. It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. More armed citizens mean less crime. Let’s wait a couple of days until it sinks in to hear what the commie left media reports to their minions. I guarantee they’ll put their usual anti gun spin on it, especially if the perp was an illegal immigrant thats been in the country for 14 years with 10 anchor babies on welfare and the two shooters were Republican NRA members.

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