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Two Tales of Golden State Hopolohobia

First, a story worthy of Caddyshack from the “A San Diego County sheriff’s deputy, responding to an emergency call Thursday from San Marcos residents about an ‘armed suspicious person’ in their neighborhood, shot at a 21-year-old man who pointed a rifle in his direction, the Sheriff’s Department said. Felipe Holguin was not hit, the bullet struck an unoccupied home, and ‘Holguin dropped the rifle and surrendered without further incident,’ Lt. Michael Cea said. Holguin told deputies he was using the rifle to shoot at gophers in a vacant lot next to his home. The report from neighbors led to a brief lockdown at nearby Mission Hills High School. Holguin was arrested ‘and the investigation into specific criminal charges is on going.'” Meanwhile, on the freeway [also via the LA Times]. . .

A report of a person brandishing a gun inside a minivan on the 71 Freeway near Chino on Friday afternoon prompted a strong response by authorities, but the culprit turned out to be a child fooling around with a toy weapon, a Los Angeles County sheriff’s spokesman said.

After receiving a call from a concerned motorist, deputies from the Walnut station pulled the van  over near the 60 Freeway about 3:45 p.m. and found two adults and two children inside.

One of the kids was playing with the toy gun.

“The motorist thought it was real, but deputies could tell it was a toy,” Sgt. R. Causey said.

He told City News Service that no arrests were made, but added that he hopes the parents “will have a talk with the children after this.”

Something about never pointing a toy gun at anything you don’t want to rat you out to the police, I imagine. Although it probably depends on your whip; everyone knows minivans are gangsta.

6 thoughts on “Two Tales of Golden State Hopolohobia”

  1. License to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. Man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit – ever. They’re like the Viet Cong – Varmint Cong. So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower. And that’s all she wrote.

  2. A friend of mine in high school got arrested and charged b/c some woman thought my friend had pointed a gun at her. My friend’s boyfriend had a crappy little S-10 that he bought used and it happened to have a gun rack in it. As a joke he got a little toy lever gun for the rack. Apparently she was playing with it and the woman saw her.

  3. I wonder how many liberals call the cops on people eating McDonald’s for trying to commit suicide via mcdouble

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