It’s not really as bad as the headline suggests. A judge reduced the sentence to 18 months. So that’s alright then—if you think a bit of tom foolery with an air pistol merits prison time. “Naseer, of Josephine Road, Rotherham, brandished a golden air pistol as he and friends walked into a house in Cavendish Road, Ferham, in January, London’s Appeal Court heard. He pointed the unloaded gun at 16-year-old Rebecca Smith and demanded: ‘Kiss my feet, I’m going to shoot you.’ He then pulled the trigger, causing a loud bang and ‘discharge of air’ – before loading the pistol with pellets and blasting them into the walls and furniture of her home.” FYI: Naseer was wielding an Airsoft Walther P38, as did Sean Connery in From Russia with Love.


  1. I'm actually a little surprised to see you treating this so lightly – "It’s not really as bad as the headline suggests. A judge reduced the sentence to 18 months. So that’s alright then—if you think a bit of tom foolery with an air pistol merits prison time."

    Isn't one of our tried and true defenses against an infringement on our rights as law-abiding, responsible gun owners the old "Severely punish those that break the law and abuse guns if it'll keep you off MY back." Isn't that exactly what's being done here?

    Also it's important to note that A) this is England where there is no 2nd Amendment and they are far less warm and fuzzy with guns than are we. B) This "teen" is 19. As in a legal adult who ought to know better and certainly is old enough to start reaping what he has sown like a big boy.

  2. The bottom line is he treated this "fake" gun like it was a real one; gaining all the benefits and power that come with the abuse thereof. Maybe this girl didn't know it was a fake, maybe she did and still didn't want to get shot in the face point blank with a pellet. In the end though, a "gun" as a symbol comands a respect not-proportional to its real ability to wreak havok and this young man is learning that lesson the hard way. Sucks to be him for sure, but it sucked to be that 16 year old girl staring down the barrel of a gun even more.

  3. Who knows how far this idiot would have gone with his power trip. It seems from the original article that the girl did NOT know if the gun was a firearm or not perhaps until he fired it.

    This punk gives all responsible gun owners a bad name. They shouldn’t have reduced the sentance.

  4. "you're gonna put your eye out!" Don't these brits ever watch "A Christmas Story"??? What was his name again? Naseem. MUST be a terrorist to boot…

    Shoulda got 5 years…

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