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A couple of weeks back, New Mexico “de-recognized” Utah’s concealed carry permits. The Land of Enchantment reckoned The Beehive State’s permitting proces was a trifle lax, given that the required class lasted just four hours and lacked any sort of practical component. As in firing a firearm. Seems that there are Utah residents who agree with New Mexico’s concerns. Here’s a letter to the editor in the Salt Lake Tribune anecdotally indicating that there’s popular support for toughening the state’s concealed carry regs, raising them to a standard that pleases everyone. Save the revenue collectors, roving Utah firearms instructor and applicants who can’t be assed (pronounced in the British style) to prove they can hit the broadside of a barn with a bullet, without shooting themselves or anyone who doesn’t need shooting . . .

The editorial “Concealed carry: New Mexico blasts Utah permits” (Our View, April 29) was true and on point. When I took my concealed-carry class it was required that we demonstrate how to safely handle and fire our gun. It was obvious that several class members had never fired a gun before and required considerable help. I am frightened that people out there who possibly have never fired a gun, or had training on a firing range, walk among us with a concealed-carry permit. It is ridiculous that our permits are so easy to obtain.

I am unhappy that our permits are no longer accepted in Nevada and New Mexico. We want more states to accept our permits, not fewer. Our Legislature should require everyone who obtained a permit without showing gun proficiency at the gun range be required to take the class over, and new applicants must show proficiency at a gun range with a Utah instructor. We should also deny permits to anyone not living in the USA and to residents of any state that does not have a reciprocity agreement with Utah.

Dean Trump

West Valley City

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  1. This whole issue is two slaves disagreeing about how tight their collars should be. Unbelievable.

    Vermont carry works. The facts stand for themselves.

    A citizen should not have to ask for permission to protect his life and his property.

    Change to the real issue. Why are we asking for what ours is by right, by law and given to us by God.

  2. Not only does Vermont carry work, but you can expand the bracket further by pointing to states like Pennsylvania or New Hampshire where there is no training requirement to aquire your permit. (and I'm sure loads more, but as far as I've looked nobody has compiled a comprehensive list on states that don't require a training course to get a permit)

    In these states the permit is simply an item to display when questioned on the legality of your right to carry. Really Police officers (Maybe FFLs where some states allow display of a CCW permit in order to forgo background checks or other stupid laws) are the only ones who really have any bearing on this, and with cell phones it only takes a few minuets to run a NICS check, so again the permit isn't necessary, and there are no problems with those states either.

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