Ronald Garza Uvalde school shooting
Uvalde County Commissioner Ronald Garza speaks about the issues surrounding the school shootings at Robb Elementary School, Tuesday, July 12, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
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By Jake Bleiberg and Acacia Coronado, AP

After the massacre at Uvalde’s Robb Elementary School in May, Jesse Rizo was worried about his old friend, police chief Pete Arredondo.

Blame for the botched police response was being directed heavily at Arredondo when Rizo texted him just days after the shooting: “Been thinking of and praying for you.”

Two months later, with investigations and body-camera video spotlighting the chaotic response by police to the killing of two teachers and 19 students, Rizo remains worried about Arredondo. He also wants him fired.

Rizo’s complicated feelings toward his Uvalde High School classmate capture the type of mixed emotions that families of victims and many residents of this close-knit community are navigating as they channel their grief and fury into demands for change.

“I care about Pete. I care that he’s mentally OK. I don’t want a human to start to lose it,” said Rizo, who is distantly related to a 9-year-old girl who was killed at Robb Elementary. “But I also want to hold people accountable who don’t perform their jobs properly.”

The 50-year-old Arredondo, who as head of the school district’s small police department was one of the first officers on the scene, has taken much of the blame for not immediately storming the classroom and confronting the shooter. He has not responded to repeated requests for comment from The Associated Press.

This week, the Uvalde school board abruptly scheduled a meeting to discuss firing Arredondo, only to cancel it days later. As officials weigh their options, residents are growing impatient with unanswered calls to hold people accountable for the bewildering 77 minutes of inaction by nearly 400 police officers who responded to the school shooting.

But the mere possibility of his firing after months of resistance from local officials stands as a demonstration of the victims’ families’ rising political clout.

The strain over how to move forward is visible in the signs that have popped up all over town. “Uvalde United.” “Uvalde Must Stand Together.” While those signs mean different things depending on whom you ask, other signs are more pointed: “Prosecute Pete Arredondo.”

Family ties and political struggles go back generations in Uvalde, a community where nearly three-quarters of the residents are Hispanic. Locals had largely revered the police before the shooting. Uvalde’s leaders, many of whom are white, share church pews with their fiercest critics. And demanding accountability can mean calling for the job of your friend, neighbor or employer.

It’s a town with a “power structure” and “unwritten rules” that make it hard for many people to speak out, said Michael Ortiz, a local college professor who moved to Uvalde 13 years ago and said his tenure allows him to be vocal in a way that’s not viable for many of the community’s mostly working-class residents.

Math professor Michael Ortiz poses for a photo on the town square, Monday, July 11, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas. Families and residents are seeking answers and changes after the tragedy at Robb Elementary School. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

“Someone’s boss might not like that,” Ortiz said. “They are afraid even to march.”

Since the shooting, the mostly Hispanic parents of the victims have struggled to make their demands heard by the city and school district. Local officials initially resisted releasing information and calls to fire officers. But things are shifting.

In a sign of growing political activism, more than 300 people have registered to vote in Uvalde since the shooting — more than double the number in the same period during the last midterm election season. And in July, over 100 protesters braved 106-degree heat to call for stronger gun regulations — including raising the minimum age to buy an “assault weapon” — and for greater transparency from local and state authorities investigating the shooting.

That was the largest local demonstration since 1970, when the school district’s refusal to renew the contract of a popular Robb Elementary teacher prompted one of Texas’ longest school walkouts over demands for equal education for Mexican American residents. That teacher’s son is Ronnie Garza, a Uvalde County commissioner.

Garza said the shooting has changed the community, uniting people in grief but dividing them on questions of accountability. “We are a desperate people right now. We are yelling here that way, we are yelling (the other) way, for somebody to listen to us, to come and help us,” said Garza.

Faced with incomplete and contradictory accounts from local and state law enforcement, the families of those killed in Uvalde have begun to make people listen.

After state lawmakers issued a damning report that found “systemic failures and egregiously poor decision making” by both police and school officials, the Uvalde school board held a special session to hear from parents. Superintendent Hal Harrell apologized for previously being “too formal” and not letting the victims’ families say their piece.

“Trying to find the right time, the right balance out of respect, I did not do well,” said Harrell, who spoke in an auditorium named for his father, who was also superintendent.

For the next three hours, grieving parents and community members upbraided the board, saying that if it didn’t hold people accountable they would lose their jobs. Some told Harrell he wasn’t living up to his father’s legacy, while others referenced the 1970 lockout and said they hoped he would do better, drawing applause. People called for the whole school police force to be fired and jeered at state troopers standing at the room’s edges.

Rizo, who was at that meeting, said he cannot respect how the police chief or the many other officers he knows handled their jobs that day. “There are consequences to that,” he said. “I can’t understand why he wouldn’t just resign.”

But the long history between them tugs at Rizo too. In the text he sent Arredondo days after the shooting, he said: “Please be strong and be patient.”

Arredondo responded: “Good to hear from you, bro. Thank you and please keep praying for the babies.” They haven’t spoken since.

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  1. More gun laws will not prevent mass shootings but more citizens like Elisjsha Dicken will.

    • RE: senator tammy duckworth diatribe below…Cease riding your sleazy funded disdain for firearms around on the coatails of murdered children…

      Lest We Forget…After all the Yada, Yada, Yada and at the end of everyday the subject will forever boil down to the following…

      1) The Second Amendment is one thing.

      2) The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, fists, feet, vehicles, etc. is another thing.

      3) History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.

    • “Family ties and political struggles go back generations in Uvalde”

      “Uvalde’s leaders, many of whom are white”

      “It’s a town with a “power structure” and “unwritten rules”

      This is what happens when uninformed idiots just pull the lever of the name of the person they recognize. “Some told Harrell he wasn’t living up to his father’s legacy” Clowns!

    • Most of us Hispanics are white. It’s not oppression or racism that halts people from speaking up. Instead it is a deep-rooted respect for elders that does so, which also extends to authority figures. All Hispanic families instill this into children. I can’t speak to modern day young families, but those of us with kids in school now are still part of that “old school” generation, raised by parents who were strict and were never questioned and that’s the way it is.

      • “It’s not oppression or racism that halts people from speaking up. Instead it is a deep-rooted respect for elders that does so, which also extends to authority figures. All Hispanic families instill this into children.”

        I have heard the Spanish-speaking immigrants coming to America by whatever means possible are coming here to be Americans and provide for their families.

        They’re not interested in being Latino-Americans (although I suppose some might), or any other hyphenated- Americans, they want only to eventually be Americans.

        The leadership of the political left are either unable or unwilling to accept this. The deep-rooted respect for elders that you mentioned is an example of this. Along with the fact that many are devout Catholics means they will have the tendency to vote Conservative.

        I believe those are some of the reasons so many are now voting with their value system, and the Left are somehow blessedly unaware of the sea-change happening right in front of them.

        As far as I’m concerned, I’m perfectly happy to not interrupt them in making a serious mistake that will cost them elections. They don’t understand that’s it’s not a messaging issue. It isn’t a focus-group change in messaging that will magically cause them to pull the lever for the Left, it’s an actual values mismatch…

    • “Love the undertones of racism and oppression in the article”

      Expect no less from the Marxist media. It’s par for the course. They just do as they have been trained to do.

  2. Here is what Senator Tammy Duckworth replied to my opposition to the latest gun control bill that passed the House and Senate. The other gun control measures that I wrote to her that I oppose just fell on deaf ears. It is their way to take our rights away or the highway essentially is what they are saying.

    Thank you for contacting me about our Nation’s laws and regulations governing firearms. I appreciate you taking the time to make me aware of your views on this important matter.

    Our country is suffering from an epidemic of gun violence. I am outraged that because of the massacres in Highland Park and Uvalde, more families will be forever haunted by the horrible knowledge of what happens when a round traveling at a velocity of more than 3,000 feet per second penetrates a loved one’s body, liquifying tissue and destroying vital organs. However, my anger is surpassed by my commitment and determination to rid our communities of semi-automatic rifles designed for military combat, and detachable large capacity magazines that enhance their killing efficiency.

    As families once again confront unimaginable, unbearable, unfathomable grief; I am beyond angry. I am furious, heartbroken and fed up. I am sick to my stomach thinking about 2-year old Aiden McCarthy, whose parents were among the seven people murdered at Highland Park’s Fourth of July parade, and the parents in Uvalde, Texas, who sent their babies to school, never to see them again. Never to hear their beautiful laughter or witness their wonderful smiles. That is hell on earth that I would not wish on my worst enemy.

    As the Senator representing Aiden, I refuse to let my colleagues ignore how a weapon of war forever changed this little boy’s life—and the lives of so many others. And as a mom raising school-aged children, I refuse to do nothing in the face of a deadly epidemic of gun violence that is now the leading cause of death for young Americans. That is why I have been calling on every Senator to demonstrate courage in supporting a ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines. We may never stop every mass shooting. But that does not change a simple fact: after the assault weapons ban expired in 2004, mass shootings tripled.

    Restoring the assault weapons ban would not prevent sportsmen from continuing to access more than 2,000 models of powerful hunting rifles. I am not seeking to ban anyone’s .30-06 – after all, we know mass shooters are not grabbing a .30-06 to slaughter scores of innocent Americans at school, in movie theaters and at the grocery store. Prohibiting the sale of weapons of war to civilian will not stop a parent from teaching their child to shoot with a .22 – which is exactly how my father taught me to shoot when I was just seven years old.

    My focus is on ridding our streets of a rifle that Eugene Stoner literally designed to meet Army requirements for use in combat – along with large capacity magazines that are fueling the rising rate of mass shootings. I spent 23 years in the Army, and I recognize the ArmaLite Rifle 15 (AR-15) – and the semi-auto successors it spawned – for what they are: weapons of war. From their portability, accuracy, rapid rate of fire, ability to penetrate certain body armor and ease of reloading – both the military-issued M4 carbine and the civilian AR-15 are functionally similar and designed for combat.

    The lack of a three-round burst or full-auto mechanism does not meaningfully reduce an AR-15’s lethality compared to the M4 carbine. Whether it’s a Soldier engaging the enemy in combat – or an untrained mass murderer hunting children in a school – any shooter seeking to efficiently kill multiple people, without wasting ammunition, will prefer a semi-auto rifle coupled with detachable large capacity magazines that enable rapid reloading.

    I have asked my colleagues who refuse to take any meaningful action to reduce or prevent gun violence to reflect on why parents in Sandy Hook and Uvalde had to submit DNA tests to identify their murdered children. I have pushed them to imagine how they would feel if authorities informed them that they could not view the body of their murdered child – because there was nothing left of their baby to identify. I have sought to educate my colleagues on the origins of the AR-15 – which Eugene Stoner literally designed to meet U.S. Army requirements for use in combat – and urged Republican Senators to question their assumptions about whether weaponry designed for war should be marketed and sold to civilians. And I am ready and willing to update Senate rules to allow for an up or down vote on the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021 or similar legislation that would outlaw the manufacture, importation, sale and possession of weapons of war.

    After decades of inaction, I joined both Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Senate earlier this year to finally break the log jam and passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act by a vote of 65 to 33. President Joe Biden subsequently signed this bipartisan gun safety package into law to enhance background checks, provide funding to help States implement red flag laws and, ultimately, save lives. Equally important, I joined 47 of my colleagues in voting to confirm the Honorable Steven Dettelbach to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). ATF will play a critical role in cracking down on illegal firearms trafficking, straw purchasing and irresponsible Federally-licensed firearms dealers – which together, play a critical role in enabling criminal organizations to access firearms in Illinois.

    As a combat Veteran who grew up in a family of marksmen, I believe our Nation can do more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals while protecting Second Amendment rights. That is why I helped introduce S. 529, Background Check Expansion Act to require private gun sellers to complete background checks before finalizing firearm purchases. This bill would prevent individuals who cannot pass a background check from easily obtaining guns online or at private gun shows where such checks are not mandatory. Representative Mike Thompson from California introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 8, which passed by a bipartisan vote of 227 to 203.

    While strengthening gun safety laws remains a daunting challenge, I am determined to never give up. Our Nation’s outrageous and unique record of gun violence makes a mockery of our Constitution’s sacred preamble. Allowing corporations to profit from flooding our communities with weapons of war denied my constituents in Highland Park domestic tranquility and the blessings of liberty. Refusing to require universal background checks is certainly contrary to the general welfare. That is why I introduced the Blair Holt Licensing and Record of Sales Act to prohibit unlicensed gun-ownership and direct the U.S. Attorney General to establish a Federal record of sale system. This legislation honors the courageous Chicago high school student who was murdered when protecting his friend from gunfire on a crowded bus.

    As your Senator, I am fighting for commonsense gun safety initiatives that will better protect Illinois and communities across the country. Keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals requires completing rigorous background checks for every firearm purchase, enhancing licensing and registration requirements and improving the accuracy of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Please be assured that I will continue to advocate for commonsense solutions and gun safety laws that the vast majority of Americans strongly support to make our communities safer.

    Thank you again for contacting me on this important issue. If you would like more information on my work in the Senate, please visit my website at You can access my voting record and see what I am doing to address today’s most important issues. I hope that you will continue to share your views and opinions with me and let me know whenever I may be of assistance to you.


    Tammy Duckworth
    United States Senator

    • Senator Tammy Duckworth is a little shy of facts isn’t she. One big emotional campaign missive reply.

      • Ah we’re all supposed to bow & scrape because Duckgal went to war. Now yer a traitor Benedict Duckworth. I didn’t vote for traitorous scum like her,Dick D. or Prickster. She’s a poster girl for no chick’s flying in the army…

      • Yes, it sounds like a one big democratic love it. They think with the emotions not with their brains.

      • Her reply is about what I’d expect from someone that used their disability to get elected. She makes and uses many fallacies and preconceived opinions that contradict each other.

    • From Duckworth’s alleged response:

      “I spent 23 years in the Army, and I recognize the ArmaLite Rifle 15 (AR-15) – and the semi-auto successors it spawned – for what they are: weapons of war.”

      They only become weapons of war if the Government acts to wage war on us.

      “Allowing corporations to profit from flooding our communities with weapons of war denied my constituents in Highland Park domestic tranquility and the blessings of liberty.”

      False from any angle. The actions of a depraved maniac denied your constituents tranquility.

      “Keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals requires completing rigorous background checks for every firearm purchase, [and] enhancing licensing and registration requirements…”

      Hasn’t worked over the past half century, but you must believe it will work from this point forward? BGCs turn the constitutional presumption of innocence on its head and by default assumes guilt, requiring a person to prove innocence before being allowed to exercise an enumerated right. Licensing is (supposed to be) forbidden under Shuttlesworth, and registration always leads to confiscation. I invite anyone to look no further than my home state of CA and our AG Bonta, who has publicly boasted that our registration databases have assisted the increased confiscation of gunns from individuals after a restrictive law is passed.

      None of these affect criminals. All of them affect only law-abiding citizens. Unless those citizens choose not to follow these unconstitutional (and therefore unlawful under Marbury v. Madison regulations, and become criminals in the eyes of the State.

        • RE: Editing.

          When you comment, check the box that says “save my name…”

          You get about 5 minutes to edit it after posting the comment.

      • How odd that he claims to want to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people when he only seeks to remove guns from literally the least dangerous law abiding people who have guns who are literally safer as a whole to be around that any car traffic on the streets.

        • “Allowing corporations to profit from flooding our communities with weapons of war denied my constituents in Highland Park domestic tranquility and the blessings of liberty.”

          Senator Duckworth, that’s false. The actions of an individual denied constituents in Highland Park domestic tranquility and the blessings of liberty. Well actually, not liberty because ‘liberty’ does not guarantee one a nirvana and freedom from harm. Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views – the liberty you are trying to oppress now for gun owners under the color of government authority.

          “Keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals requires completing rigorous background checks for every firearm purchase, [and] enhancing licensing and registration requirements…”

          Is that because criminals and mass shooters always obey the law? Between state and federal law we already have over 25,000 laws on the books which were ‘required’ to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. There has never been in the history of mankind a practice, or policy, or rule, or law that has actually worked to keep a weapon out of the hands of ‘dangerous individuals’ when those individuals were intent upon using a weapon for their acts of violence.

          What about, nation wide, the over 1,300 victims daily of knife violence at the hands of ‘dangerous individuals’? No guns, just knives. You think banning cutlery will stop that?

          You can not ‘legislate’ safety and morality for a reason. Its because human nature is such that there will be individuals that will do as they want for what ever reason they do them. Its not a ‘tool’ or ‘implement’ of some sort that some way or another mystically enables them to do it, its simply because they want to do it for some reason or another.

          The actions of an individual denied constituents in Highland Park, because that individual wanted to do it and not because a firearm made him do it.

          Even if there were suddenly zero firearms in the world, your mass shooters of today may not be able to kill or harm as many in a single place but to satisfy that desire to do it, overall they would simply use something else and inflict that murder or harm one or a couple at a time (maybe more) over time in society and the victim count would be overall just as high.

          Remember the over 1,300 victims daily of knife violence at the hands of ‘dangerous individuals’ I mentioned above? The average knife use violent criminal targets ~25 (potential) victims a month, sure they may not attack all of them but on average about 7 (sometimes more) a month.

          The numbers of victims for it to be a mass shooting is 3 (or 4), so why don’t we hear about ‘mass knifing’ from you? I know why, its because ya got a little side thing going with your biased obsession for something that is, relatively, extremely more rare than any other type of crime or accident and you do like the idea of those campaign donations from special interest who have not been able to get the firearms industry to give into the extortion to pay them off.

      • ““I spent 23 years in the Army, and I recognize the ArmaLite Rifle 15 (AR-15) – and the semi-auto successors it spawned – for what they are: weapons of war.””

        Not sure what Army Duckworth was in. But the U.S. Military does not recognize the civilian grade MSR (AKA, unfortunately and incorrectly, AR-15) as a ‘weapon of war’ or as an ‘assault rifle’.

        • .40 cal, I’ve commented on that too, and asked them to name one Military Force that has fielded the AR-15? All I get is silence. The simple fact is, a soldier armed with a Civilian AR-15 would be at a serious disadvantage on a battlefield because of the lower rate of fire.
          The truth is, every weapon, from a muzzle loading matchlock to the M-14, has been a Weapon of War at some point in its history. The AR’s big brother, the M-16/M4 hasn’t been available for civilian purchase since 1986. Firearms in general, are weapons of war just as much as they are weapons for hunting, sporting or personal defense.
          The whole “Weapon of War/Military Grade” statement is nothing more than inflammatory hyperbole that’s intended to fear monger the uneducated. Whether it’s a Politician or a “Journalist” it doesn’t matter, because the effect is the same. Nothing more than Ignorance teaching the Uneducated, just like our Public Schools.

          I’ve a close old friend since junior high, who’s also a gun owner. I never would have expected it from him, but I found out a few years back that he’s a Fudd. It came out when on a range trip I brought along my newly purchased AR about 10 years ago. It took several years and a lot of conversation and re-education (and many shared drams of Single Malt Scotch) to begin to alter his preconceived notions about the AR platform. It’s ironic in a way, because among his collection of Firearms, he owns a genuine unaltered 1896 Krag-Jorgenson. A gun that was a true Weapon of War for a brief period in its history. Long story short, he’s looking at several different brands of AR now with the intent of purchasing one. He’s decided to go with .300 AAC simply because it appears the current Biden Regime is attacking 5.56 X 45 caliber with the recent report of Lake City’s discontinuation of surplus sale of that caliber. That and he’s enjoyed shooting my .300 build I completed a few years ago.
          NSSF estimates 24,000,000 AR’s in circulation. That’s a low estimate, because AR’s were sold for a good number of years before they began that count. Also, it doesn’t include the number of builds in possession. Yet AR’s are only used in a handful of crimes statistically. If those 24 million+ guns were really the problem, there’s have to be a lot more shootings to support their theory that the AR is the problem.
          I enjoy reading your comments 40 cal. Your points and observations are spot on.

      • “{Background checks} turn the constitutional presumption of innocence on its head and by default assumes guilt, requiring a person to prove innocence before being allowed to exercise an enumerated right.

        And in America, the people are always supposed to be treated by the government that they are innocent of wrong-doing.

        I *really* hope someone is now working on getting gun registration in any form declared to be unconstitutional…

    • “Weapons of war”…..that’s the whole reason why our Founding Fathers said….”…shall not be infringed” in case of need to wage war against tyrannical government….we’re getting more than warm here. Muskets were state of the art “weapons of war” when the Constitution and Bill of Rights were penned. “Need”??? There is no “need” stipulation in the Second Amendment, but for the sake of our Libturd friends’ touchiness, if there were a “Need Clause,” the mere fact that our government and police have them is all the “need” We the Little Peeps need to need them.

      Never thought I’d agree with Bill O’Reilly, but he observed, “Bad guys shooting people is the price of freedom. Liberty is risky business. That’s why our Founding Fathers recognized our God-given right to shoot back.” The bad guys would include government and police gone tyrannical……

    • Almost surely a canned response that is sent to hundreds or thousands of others. I get the same kind of canned response crap from her and Dick-head Durbin. I don’t even bother reading them anymore, just hit the delete button. Didn’t bother reading this one either, it’s not worth my time.

      • Yep, the same Boiler Plate BS I get from Sen’s. Bennett and Lickhispooper (Hickenlooper) here in Commierado.
        “I support the 2nd Amendment, but…..”

    • Thanks for sharing. I will pen a reply to Duckydoodoo. She allegedly signed on the dotted line to defend our Freedoms, yet as a politician on the We The Little Peeps’ teat, a financial burden for life as a Senator, freely gives those Freedoms away for a small illusion of safety. Not a honored veteran in my eyes.
      Holding her constituents responsible for the actions of the lawless is akin to holding her responsible for the atrocities of other politicians. Although, maybe not a bad idea, on second thought.

      The late COL Jeff Cooper observed, “What are we going to do if citizens are disarmed, and the government doesn’t obey its own laws?” Well, referring to history, we find the answer over and over again…..not a desireable result.

      Also, he noted, “The trouble with democracy is that 50 percent of the voters are below average.” Politicians come from voters. Sadly, I fear from which 50% our politicians originate.

    • Duckworth long ago established her idiot prog credentials. She is a great example why broads don’t belong in the US Army.

    • “The lack of a three-round burst or full-auto mechanism does not meaningfully reduce an AR-15’s lethality compared to the M4 carbine.”

      Sure it does, the lack of a three-round burst or full-auto mechanism specifically reduces the ‘lethality’ of the MSR as opposed to the military M4.

      The purpose of the three-round burst or full-auto in a military firearm (e.g. M4) was specifically to meaningfully increase its lethality by putting more rounds in the target (or target area) with a single trigger pull. It was part of the governments reason years ago to limit common use civilian firearms to semi-auto, so they would be less lethal without three-round burst or full-auto mechanism.

      Yes Duckworth, “The lack of a three-round burst or full-auto mechanism” on a common use MSR (AKA AR-15) DOES “meaningfully reduce an AR-15’s lethality compared to the” military M4 carbine of which you speak.

      She also ignores that a mass shooter intent upon conducting a mass shooting would simply choose one of her “approved” firearms in the absence of an MSR. A basic proficiency mass shooter with a bolt action single shot rifle has enough time to shoot up to 10 people before police can arrive if the arrival time is 3 minutes. Given the staging and set up time for police, if they are on the ball, after they arrive the shooter can have up to 5 – 10 minutes more time which at 5 minutes + 3 minutes = 8 minutes and is enough time for a basic proficiency shooter with a single shot bolt action rifle to shoot 15 – 20 people. Mass shooting areas are shooting galleries, people tend to stay in place more rather than running away and schools are especially known for this because the kids are herded into confined areas or seek areas away from the shooter and stay in place or are in transit to a lock down area. Around 80% of those shot in school shootings are shot within 30 feet of a lock down area. In that time when the shooter becomes active and police arrive the shooter has complete kill zone dominance is they are not stopped during that time.

      So lets say the Duckworth ban happens (its all semi-autos they want to ban and not just the MSR by the way – its not going to happen but lets say it does) – no MSR no problem for the mass shooter, they just become basic proficient with a single shot bolt action rifle of which you approve.

      As far as magazines. A magazine is just a supply of ammunition in a container. Her mass shooter would still have a “high capacity” magazine for the single shot bolt action rifle simply by carrying a lot of ammo in pockets or another container.

      • correction:

        “It was part of the governments reason years ago to limit common use civilian firearms to semi-auto, so they would be less lethal without three-round burst or full-auto mechanism.”

        should have been…

        It was part of the governments reason years ago to limit common use civilian firearms to semi-auto, so they would be meaningfully reduced to less lethal without three-round burst or full-auto mechanism.

        • clarification, basically:

          It was part of the governments reason years ago to limit common use civilian firearms to semi-auto, so they would be meaningfully reduced to less lethal without three-round burst or full-auto mechanism.

          Three round burst is a form of full auto, just a limited full auto.

          The NFA of 1934 reasoning for restricting full auto fire firearms was that full auto fire was meaningfully more lethal (also out gunned police who mainly used revolvers back then) WHEN USED IN CRIME than firearms which did not fire full auto. The reasoning limited common use firearms to less than full auto fire thus no full-auto mechanism in common use firearms, specifically because less than full auto fire was meaningfully less lethal. This same reasoning still forms the foundation of the NFA and law today today in terms of full auto.

          semi-auto is not a form of full auto nor is it three round burst or full auto. Thus the civilian consumer grade semi-auto MSR (AKA AR-15) by the governments own reasoning and justification and definition, and in actual use and function, is meaningfully less lethal compared to the M4 carbine or any full auto firearm or a three round burst auto fire firearm.

          The MSR (AKA AR-15) is in common use, and as a common use firearm it is constitutionally valid, needed, and necessary as the right to keep and bear arms includes those arms in common use for lawful purposes. It is unconstitutional to ban a firearm in common use for lawful purposes by law abiding people.

      • and while we are on the subject of “mass shooting” Duckworth…

        Why in the world did you anti-gun idiots set a minimum amount of people shot for it to be a ‘mass shooting’.

        You just challenged the mass shooter when you did that. Now they know there is a ‘qualification’ factor, a goal, that if they achieve that its a guarantee of infamy celebrity status and you anti-gun idiots will make sure that infamy celebrity status remains in the public eye. You anti-gun idiots are basically PR agents working for the mass shooter, and have probably influenced many potential mass shooters to actually do it.

        You anti-gun idiots make sure every detail is made public, and in case you have not noticed the mass shooters overall are becoming more ‘proficient’ at being mass shooters because they see the details and the mistakes their predecessors made and are now trying to avoid those pitfalls thanks to you anti-gun idiots making sure its spread far and wide. You anti-gun idiots have ‘blood on your hands’ and you put it there.

        • Ever wonder why school shooters seem to casually enter the school and move around and seem so comfortable doing it, some even to the point where they setup in plain view?

          Its because anti-gun and media made sure to showcase and detail any police response which let the showcasing basically be a ‘training session’ for would-be school shooters. They learned from that they have enough time before police arrive and move to stop them in kill zone dominance to shoot a bunch of victims so why rush.

  3. If a private security firm had acted with such incompetence and cowardice, they’d be fired and sued. It’s just a simple fact. No one knows how they’d perform in such a situation till they are in it. But if individuals have been in it and they utterly failed, they should know they need to resign. There ought to be no second chances.

  4. Mostly Mexican town. Still blaming whitey from this highly suspect “report”. Plenty of blame with 376 cowards. Quit using AP as a source…

    • They are desperate to find a straight white male Republican to blame. Sorry but all they have been voting for is dark skin democrats. Will the face of a coward now be a person with dark skin??? Sounds scary doesn’t it. Well they don’t have to worry. There’s also Scott Peterson.

      But because they’re all Democrats the news media will not show their faces.

  5. It’s not just that the police have no obligation to protect you as the Supreme Court ruled. They don’t have to protect you, if they don’t want to. I’m sure you can sue the police. And I’m also sure that their government workers labor union will back them up.
    Thank you to the dead President John F Kennedy.

  6. They should drag the city council outside and give them a small taste of what its like to be a victim while a bunch of people stand around and do nothing to help. Just to make the point more clear.

    Yeah I know…. but the sentiment is there in the video while they do their best to not do it.

    For cripes sakes… at a bare minimum this police chief and every officer there should have been fired that very day especially hand sanitizer guy.

    Hand sanitizer guy literally ‘washed’ his hands (with hand sanitizer), listening to innocence be sentenced to death, the ‘pontious pilot’ of Uvalde.

    • The SCHOOL DISTRICT PD does NOT work for the City Council people. This is a Tx (stupid) where the school district has a separate private “Police Dept” that operate parallel to the real PD. This is still moronic.

      • Chief Pete Arredondo does work for the the City Council, or rather on the city council. Arredondo was elected to the City Council before the attack and sworn in about a week after the attack before the official investigation. They are demanding his resignation from the city council.

        There was no formal ceremony because the special city council special meeting for the swearing in was cancelled due to the attack and out of respect for the families. Arredondo went to City Hall to be sworn in and received the oath and signed the paperwork. At the time he was sworn in there was no official investigation so he was not barred from being sworn in.

      • In the closest town to me (here in TX) the school district police literally just leave the schools while on duty and go to other towns and eat lunch or whatever else they do and those other towns are 10 or 15 or even 20 miles away… those other towns have their own school district cops and theirs are regularly seen having lunch HERE.

        • Sounds like someone (meaning, *you*) needs to point that out to the town council the next time they meet…

        • School districts in TX are independent from city government and the school board is fully aware of how corrupt their underlings are.

  7. Restoring the assault weapons ban would not prevent sportsmen from continuing to access more than 2,000 models of powerful hunting rifles. I am not seeking to ban anyone’s .30-06 –after all, we know mass shooters are not grabbing a .30-06 to slaughter scores of innocent Americans at school, in movie theaters and at the grocery store. <

    From their portability, accuracy, rapid rate of fire, ability to penetrate certain body armor and ease of reloading – both the military-issued M4 carbine and the civilian AR-15 are functionally similar and designed for combat. < Hell that describes ANY RIFLE/HANDGUN

    And the stomach turner is he's ex military.

    • “both the military-issued M4 carbine and the civilian AR-15 are functionally similar and designed for combat.”

      The civilian humvee is functionally similar to the military humvee so let’s ban them too.

      What a stupid concept. There is not one thing in today’s world that is not functionally similar to a military use item. Even the cars we drive are mil-spec because they use the same metals and plastics that the military uses in their specs for mil-spec items. Everyone using a computer or cell phone is using a functionally similar thing to that used in military use and combat.

    • “Restoring the assault weapons ban would not prevent sportsmen from continuing to access more than 2,000 models of powerful hunting rifles.”

      It’s a circle-jerk.

      An AWB was granted cert by the SCotUS, and sent back to the court it came from to be decided the same way ‘Bruen’ was decided.

      Meaning, even if it passes, in the near future the Leftist Scum ™ will have even more to cry about.

      Bruen gave us 3 *huge* wins. Nation-wide concealed carry, even in NYC and San Fransisco, no magazine capacity limits, and all semi-auto rifles are constitutional to own. And as a bonus, all states that ban .50 BMG can no longer ban them, either… 🙂

    • Duckydoodoo apparently doesn’t realize that the “weapon of war” Garand M1….the finest battle weapon ever devised per Gen Patton….was a 30-06, as was the Springfield 1903….another outstanding weapon of war. I see those old Germans and Japs out there nodding concurrence……

      Not to worry….she and her ilk will be back next round for those nasty 30-06s.

    • Country Boy – fudd moron repeating the prog drivel. You’re not banning shit dumbass.

  8. “Uvalde Residents Want Consequences For Those Whose Failures Cost So Many Lives”

    Has no one yet informed these families of “qualified immunity”, and the SC rulings that police have no responsibility for protecting anyone?

    The best possible “punishment” is loss of jobs. That will be comforting to all those families who thought someone else should be responsible for the safety of those children, and believed that posted signs actually prevent murder.

    A friend in the little Texas town (Argyle) sent this sign posted at schools there:(cannot imbed the image)

    • The situation at Uvalde was a little different. Not only did the police not protect, but they literally prevented others from attempting to do anything.

      • “…they literally prevented others from attempting to do anything.”

        That will fall under protecting the public from more death and destruction; a valid police action.

        The best families can expect is firings (cannot prevent hiring into a different police force).

  9. Between the issues with the school and the performance of the cops I’d at the very least want a big cut to my property taxes.

    People often ask “what the hell am I paying for?” Well, here’s your answer: a school staffed by selfish incompetence and a police force too cowardly and oppressed by bureaucracy to function at even the most base instinctual level.

  10. If anyone complies with this, if it passes all the way, the Republic dies . WE THE PEOPLE control them , not the other way around, they only think they are in power. The time has come to end this political joke that is going on, both sides have sucked the tit of power and we have let it happen. If it passes we need to end it DO NOT COMPLY

    • “If anyone complies with this {AWB}, if it passes all the way, the Republic dies…”

      Don’t have an ulcer. The SCotUS ordered a federal circuit court to declare semi-auto magazine-fed firearms and magazines perfectly constitutional to own…

  11. The school
    The school
    The school is on fire
    We dont need no water let the mother fcker burn, burn mother fcker burn.
    That’s what I think.

  12. “Uvalde Residents Want Consequences For Those Whose Failures Cost So Many Lives”

    Yeah, that’s not going to happen because government.

  13. If your in charge, you gave the call to stand down, you gave the call to obstruct Parents from helping their murdered children!! You Are Responsible!

  14. Praying for you?? What a piss poor statement.

    What the hell does he think PRAYING achieves anyway? Other than to delude himself that he’s doing something useful rather than actually DOING anything useful. Never in the history of nm mankind has a prayer ever been answered.
    Get off the knees accept PERSONAL responsibility instead of ‘handing’ it off onto some imaginery mythical Higher Being -because if you do not you are INFANICISING yourself and refusing to bloody well grow up.
    Those Police at UVALDE were let down by their own system and that system was put in place by YOU the citizenry. You voted for incompetent leadership and you allowed the incompetent leadership to get away with it. I’d bet my boots thatv there were plenty of people around UVALDE that knew the Local Police were basically rubbish and did nothing about it. The POLICE are only another extension of the people they serve after all and can only operate with onethe consent of the perople they serve and two the CO-OPERATION of the people they serve . I would have though that by now and considewring that the evnts at UVAALDE are hardly a rarity that every Police Department in the bloody country would by now have been trained and drilled ad infinitim to cope . AND IT’S YOUR DUTY as CITIZENS to ensure that is so!!

    • You’re not speaking German because of the bravery and Prayers of many that fought in WWII you ingrate. You need to shut your mouth unless it’s to say thank you.

  15. Not just the higher-ups, the punishment should meted out for every last LEO who stood by and did nothing, who put their job security ahead of the lives of those kids. Because “I vas only followink ordahs” hasn’t stood up as a defense since Nuremberg.

    To do otherwise is to tell every LEO in the nation that it is acceptable to stand by and let citizens be murdered en masse if your boss tells you so.

  16. I can certainly understand where the people of Uvalde are with this Fustercluck. They’ve been lied to, given misinformation, and witnessed nothing being done to hold those who spanked their monkeys while children died responsible. I would be incensed too if this had been my child or grandchildren.
    I would also question what’s the point of paying tax dollars for three LE agencies, if those agencies are going to F**kup like this?
    The more videos of Law Enforcement’s Fattest I see, the angrier I get. :D.A.R.E to keep a Cop off Donuts,” is no longer just a joke.

  17. I live in southern Il. and unfortunately, she is my so-called sen. I received a response not unlike this from this hypocritical private security protected asswipe. I will say this to duckbutter, prickster, and the dick, try doing something about the crime in your favorite shithole chitcago before you talk about violating 2nd amendment rights downstate or in any other part of the country. I do appreciate the reply she sent…cuz I will remember that name when I go to vote.

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