Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Gun Control
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Virginia, once a solid red state has been getting progressively more purple in recent election cycles. Democrat Ralph Northam had campaigned for governor on stricter gun control laws and after defeating Ed Gillespie, he chose Friday afternoon to announce his proposal for a comprehensive list of restrictions on Second Amendment rights — what he calls “gun safety” measures — in the Old Dominion.

“We lose too many Virginians each year to senseless gun violence, and it is time we take meaningful steps to protect the health and safety of our citizens,” said Northam, a physician. He said the state had 1,028 deaths from firearms last year, more than half of them suicides, compared with 956 deaths from highway accidents.

The GOP’s hold on both houses of the state legislature is razor thin.

Republicans still hold a 51-49 edge in the House and a 21-19 advantage in the Senate, but every seat is up for election in the fall and Democrats hope to build on recent gains to take control of one or both chambers.

What exactly is Northam proposing? Hold onto your hat.

– The “Extreme Risk Protective Order,” sponsored by Del. Rip Sullivan and Sen. George Barker, which would allow a court to temporarily prohibit someone from access to their firearms if the person has been found to pose a danger to themselves or others. In response to concerns raised by Republicans last year that such power could be misused, the proposal specifies that any removal order would have to be brought by law enforcement and approved by a judge or magistrate.

– A bill requiring background checks on all gun sales, including private sales at gun shows or online. The measure is sponsored by Del. Ken Plum and Sen. Louise Lucas.

– A revival of Virginia’s one-handgun-a-month law, which had been in effect for nearly 20 years when it was repealed in 2012. Sponsored by Del. Jeion Ward and Sen. Mamie Locke, the measure would “prevent people from stockpiling firearms and transporting them for sale in other states,” Northam’s office said.

Other measures would keep guns out of the hands of someone under a protective court order; require gun owners to report the loss or theft of a firearm within 24 hours; and increase the penalty for leaving firearms unsecured near children.

Del. Kathy Tran and Sen. Adam Ebbin are also sponsoring a ban on assault weapons, defining them as any firearm with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.


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  1. This is the goal of the democrats. They provide incentives to move liberals into red states so conservatives get out voted.
    The question is, what will be done about it. Most likely nothing. 2020 might not be so bright.

    • Not much, it’s tough to get through to right leaning people in blue states that their vote is meaningless and the taxes taken from them are being used against them. I tell them they’re better off moving to purple or red states, but they won’t pick up and move.

      The eventual final solution will be civil war. What has been seen in South Africa will be the US in 30 years as Whites will be forcibly moved, some with their possessions, some not, to less desirable places like the Dakotas, Montana, Alaska, etc to make room for migrants from Central and South America who are looking for jobs.

      • “Not much, it’s tough to get through to right leaning people in blue states that their vote is meaningless and the taxes taken from them are being used against them. I tell them they’re better off moving to purple or red states, but they won’t pick up and move.

        The eventual final solution will be civil war. What has been seen in South Africa will be the US in 30 years as Whites will be forcibly moved, some with their possessions, some not, to less desirable places like the Dakotas, Montana, Alaska, etc”

        So places like MT which is 8th in G&A best gun places is “less desirable” than blue states?

        The problem in MT though, is that liberal douches are moving here to get away from high taxes and then advocating for the changes they want to see, which in many cases drive up taxes!

      • If people don’t want to live in a blue state with common sense gun laws, they should move to a red state and leave us for our own right to life!!

  2. So I guess I would have to find 10 round California mags for my Walther PPQ M2 45? It will be an assault weapon… It doesn’t even have a selector switch like the full auto Glocks I’ve seen in the videos… Damn.

    • No, these nuts actually want to outlaw ANY gun that CAN take a magazine that holds more than 10.

      “Among the bills in the sweeping proposal is one which the governor said, according to his announcement, “modifies the definition of assault firearm to any firearm that is equipped with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

      Northam’s proposal would “ban the sale, purchase, possession, and transport of assault firearms in the Commonwealth,” according to the announcement.

      The measure is not the same as a magazine capacity restriction, which bans possession of the magazines themselves, depending on capacity. Similar magazine bans were introduced by lawmakers in previous years, and may resurface in 2019.

      Detachable magazines are interchangeable on semiautomatic firearms. Consequently, any firearm which accepts detachable magazines is equipped to fire more than 10 rounds in a detachable magazine of varying size, and would be banned.”

  3. Kathy Tran was not even born in the United States. She fled Vietnam as a refugee with her parents at seven years old. Now apparently she wants to thank us natural-born Americans for giving her refuge by passing laws restricting our gun rights. The fucking gall of this woman.

    Fellow Virginians, please make yourselves heard. Loud and clear:

    [email protected]

  4. Straight out of the Bolshevik’s Russian Revolution playbook

    Step One : Disarm the middle class.
    Step Two : Seize all the property and wealth of the middle class.
    Step Three : Kill or imprison all the members of the middle class who have survived Steps One and Two.
    Step Four : Establish a society of (A) rulers and (B) pissants dependent on the government for survival.

    There can be no lasing democracy without a strong middle class to keep a tight reign on the politicians..

    • Registration, Confiscation, Genocide the Marxist history of the Twentieth Century.

      They have NOTHING if they can’t confiscate firearms.

      NO COMPLIANCE is the less lethal response, until it goes hot. Then every elected official and every government agent seeking to enforce confiscation is a target. Political assassinations, bombings and ambushes will rule the day.

  5. Kathy Tran is a Vietnamese communist elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, Uncle Ho would have been so very proud.

  6. I still do not see the reason that anyone who already has firearms has to go through the waiting period and/or needs a new background check. Many people own multiple guns because of collecting, having different tools for different jobs(like hunting large game vs small game,target shooting long vs short range, 3 gun vs cowboy action, even different CCWs for different clothing). All can kill, so why a background check for every one and ammo in Ca?

    C&R people have it bad in many states with this. It adds a lot of money to the purchase of weapons that may never be used, just collected. Most weapons that are 50 years old are not desirable for someone who wants it on the street, so why are they regulated like new firearms?

    • Repeat after me: it’s not about safety, it’s about control. In this case, it’s about making sure the federal government is able to harass and impede someone trying to exercise a disfavored right at every allowable opportunity.

  7. This is Elaine D’s party of anti liberty terrorists. But don’t worry, she thinks republicans are the same. Why TTAG endorses her by way of allowing her to spew her bullshit is so incredibly counterproductive that it defies belief.

    • With all due respect, this would be like saying that all Republicans are the same as the nutters who put on white hoods and run for office on the GOP ticket. I don’t think that all people within a certain party are the same.

        • You trying to make some kind of irrelevant point? That man, Mr. Spencer, who no one even really knows, has never held office, as a Republican or otherwise. Try again.

        • You are correct, he is not a Klansman. James Allsup with Identity Evropa.

          Of course, there’s this tweet from David Duke to DJT:

          “I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists.”

        • Did David Duke ever hold office as a Republican? I think you liberals are pretty good at pointing the finger at others when they over generalize, but you can’t seem to accept that you do it just as often.

        • @New

          Yep. He did.

          Served in the Louisiana House.
          Ran for US Senate in 1990
          Ran for Louisiana governor in 1991
          Ran in 1992 Presidential primaries
          Ran for US Senate in 1996
          Ran for US House in 1999
          Ran in 2016 for US Senate

          All as a Republican.

        • Ok? You found one. One. Great job. You’ve certainly proved the republican is all a bunch of white hooded Klansmen. Now, care to look up a list of all the democrat klansman? I’m willing to bet you won’t.

        • You asked me to name one Republican Klansman. I did so; I named someone who is not only a Republican, he’s someone who has been a huge influence in terms of white nationalism for quite a number of years. I also named another white nationalist, James Allsup, who ran on the GOP ticket quite recently. My original point is that I don’t think these people represent all Republicans, just as extremist Democrats don’t represent all Democrats.

        • I thought you were asking if there are Republicans that are racist white supremacists or national socialists. These days there are a lot of national socialists registered as Republicans that support Trump and want him reelected in 2020. They usually identify as alt right, which essentially makes them Democrats who want an ethnostate.

        • Robert Byrd. Oh, he was a Democrat.
          Its more than absurd that anyone even remotely Republican has to start every conversation with a denouncement of David Duke.

      • -people in white hoods are usually democrats madam! Check your American history out. And by the way yes your liberal party is communists. The republicans aren’t far behind.

        • Republicans –> Socialists
          Democrats –> Communists
          Socialism –> Communism
          The left –> Fascism/Socialism/Communism
          The right –> Liberalism/Libertarianism/Anarchism

        • David Duke is a con man, a liar, a cheat and a thief. Equating his “body of work” to any responsible Democrat *or* Republican is simply stupid.

          • It’s a disingenuous comparison. In the US, Skinheads and KKK members number in the 1000’s. Alt-right number in the 10’s of thousands. But….socialists, communists, post-modernists, Marxists, Antifa are the most dangerous enemies America has ever had, and they number in the 10’s of millions.

      • Giving your vote to a Democrat is the same as giving a bottle of booze to an alcoholic. You’re an enabler.

        • David Duke was one man and the democrats made sure you knew him. Kept the eye on him and not their sorted past. Research it out Elaine.

        • @Minuteman

          I actually answered New’s question. Factually. That is what he asked for. Y’all amaze me by how every time someone points out the alt right, who signs on to the Republican Party and has for quite some time, you turn around and insist that this person is a Democrat even though you can look up their legislative history and see that they have run as a Republican. I mean, I don’t know what is going on with that. Apparently all people you agree with are Republicans and the Republicans you don’t agree with are actually Democrats even though they are registered as, and run as, Republicans. Just wow.

        • Uh no. My point was the Democratic Party is the party of the Klan. Look it up. Politics in America didn’t start 10 years ago. If you want to make your bed in the party that’s vowed to do nothing other destroy America since it was founded, then go right ahead. There’s plenty of people that agree with you on that front. But don’t expect the rest of us to nod our heads in submission to the leftist statists like you want us to.

        • The Democratic Party hasn’t been home to white nationalism in a hell of a long time. The Republican Party has been their home of choice for quite some time now. Which is why you have all these white nationalist groups praising Trump for being so in line with their values. That didn’t start yesterday, either.

        • The Democratic Party hasn’t been home to white nationalism in a hell of a long time.

          There are zero broadly supported white nationalists on the right. Zero. The right doesn’t want them. Nobody in the republican party is advocating for white nationalism – None at all. This is a narrative suggested by the left leaning MSM online rags, to sow prejudice towards republicans.

      • The nutters in the white hoods are really democrats whose mental disorders have degenerated into some sort of weird political identity dysphoria. This results in their identification with a political group not consistent with their actual personal values. It’s not that their doing it on purpose, it’s just a result of the mental disorder and intellectual stress.

        • Political Identity Dysphoria is not to be confused with Issue Identity Dysphoria which is when a Left Wing Democrat claims to support something like Right to Life or the 2nd Amendment in spite of supporting basic left wing ideology. The latter is still sometimes an example of a mental disorder but more frequently an example of sociopathic dishonesty.

        • Very true! I work with a number of people who express very conservative thoughts/ideas about how the public schools should be run. But point out that many of the terrible policies have been enacted by Dems or that their ideas are very “conservative minded” and they get a wee bit salty.

      • “with all due respect”, Democrats who aren’t themselves anti-Freedom vote consistently for candidates that are.
        So thanks for coming here to virtue signal about how you don’t hate guns and gun owners, you just want to put people in power who do.

        • I always think it’s interesting when people who claim to be so invested in freedom tell me there’s only one way I should vote. Doesn’t seem very freedom loving to me, that.

        • You think the democrats don’t do the same? Seriously? What shocks me about you is you claim you are not political agent. You are just another pawn who’s fallen, and fallen hard for the intersectionality BS of the left. How the left is the champions of racial equality and freedom, and conservatives are just a bunch of racist bitter clingers. If it’s not liberal, it’s clearky “white nationalism.” Your belief in gun rights makes perfect sense when I can rightly assume your simply a plant, here to sow seeds of dissent in what used to be a unified movement. Your a troll, nothing more.

        • Elaine, every 2 years we get a chance to vote for freedom, or for government control. You have stated that you always vote for more government control. Made your bed …

    • You do understand that there’s women out there that want a pistol to protect themselves and their children but they do not identify as Republican or with the Republican party?

      There are many women that are not into guns or the current Republican party, however, they marry men that are. A lot of pro 2A men marry women that dislike that amendment, literally sleep with the “enemy” and complain the Democrats are a bunch of gun grabbers.

    • TTAG will eventually be just another liberal rag. I garuntee it. I give it 2-3 more years until it’s just another cookie cutter lib site. This happens with anything in media, that isn’t explicitly a “right wing” org. This writer “Elaine”, is simply the first big push in that direction. If you think about it, it makes sense. TTAG is essentially media. All media eventually bends, then bows to the liberal will. Think about the company that now owns TTAG, I garuntee they have a political agenda, everybody, and I mean every single company does have one these days. Not only do they have an agenda, but so do their investors.
      Robert Conquests 3 laws of politics:
      1. Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.
      2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
      3. The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.

      • Puzzled: why did you put my name in quotes? It’s my real name. On the birth certificate, and all of that.

        Also, out of everyone who writes for TTAG, I think I am the only liberal. One out of how many? It ain’t exactly a “blue wave.” I’m just sayin’.

      • Good old Fox news isn’t all that “conservative.” I won’t elaborate on that for obvious reasons.

        • This is very true. Especially old Bill Oreilly. That guy was an enormous statist who supported all kinds of gun control. Tucker is a good replacement for him though.

      • Pro-American Patriots. Those that oppose any Constitutional Amendment or mandate (such as the fed Govts OBLIGATION to provide for the defense and preservation of our Constitutional Republic, which includes our border security), are de facto terrorists and MUST be mandated and tried as such. These treasonous democrats (and there are MILLIONS of them, are the domestic enemies our Founders warned us about. And there’s only one remedy.

        • It’s interesting to me that you think anyone voting Democrat is a traitor who should be exterminated. Hmmmm….where did this particular branch of Americanism arise again? I seem to recall that this whole thing was set up to allow for diverse views…

          • You’d be wrong about the “diversity of views”. Acting in contradiction to our Constitution is not something that should ever be tolerated. In fact, those who fight to diminish our Founding Documents are the epitome of the definition of “domestic enemies”. They aren’t to be tolerated, but rather, defeated.

  8. “I still do not see the reason that anyone who already has firearms has to go through the waiting period and/or needs a new background check.”

    I’ll break it down for ya. It’s not about logic or reason, it’s about control.

    • Poll taxes and literacy tests wouldn’t have worked nearly as well if they were only for the first time anyone tried to vote…

      • I know JWM is being sarcastic. I’m staying and my guns are staying. This is my Commonwealth, too.

        • Hear, hear. NY is my state, upstate is beautiful and is home. I’m staying and fighting. And to the fine people with the NYSP browsing gun blogs on behalf of Chancellor Cuomo, I lost all my guns in that damn boating accident.

  9. Northern Virginia has changed the politics because of all of the liberals that have moved there . It’s like California and New York state where the rest of the state is red but the small blue areas with high populations run the government. A map of Virginia shows it solidly red except for Northern Virginia, Tide water and dots where there are major universities.

  10. The majority of gun related crimes come from low income urban communities using weapons they procure & posess illegally. Yet every anti-gun effort by democrats targets law abiding middle class whites.

    None of it is about safety or saving lives. It is about control and scoring a political “win” against people they hate.

  11. Announced while surrounded by lots of people with guns and then promptly was escorted by more people with guns to his home protected by people with guns.

  12. As a Virginia resident, this doesn’t surprise me. Northam has been itching to do this since he was elected. You’re right about NoVA dominating the politics of the state due to the influx of progressive liberals. I’m not even sure why Republicans bother to field candidates in some of those districts. We’ll have to depend on the efforts of the Virginia Citizens’ Defense League (an effective lobbying organization for gun rights) and letting our delegates/senators know exactly how we see this (not that they care or anything now that they’re in office) and hope for the best with the very thin Republican majority in both houses. And, of course, there’s always non-compliance if the DemProgs pass these proposed BS acts.

  13. we dont need red flag laws
    we need the government to do its job and arrest people that need arresting and prosecute them to the limit of the law and send that info to nics
    thats it
    charleston and parkland and sutherland springs and who knows how many others wouldnt have happened with just these fixes
    of course we cant have better govenment now can we
    because then we would need less of it

  14. The House of Delegates already killed these bills last year. This was after all the democrat gains that they claimed was a “mandate” for gun control.

    There’s no indication that the Republicans are going to fold. Unlike the national ones, the ones in state here are progun.

    Where worry needs to be is in 2020. We have state wide elections this November. If the Dems win, it’s all over.

    • What we need to worry about, and I keep emphasizing this here, are the Dems controlling everything at the Federal level. At which point, state laws become moot and all of this stuff and worse gets passed Federally.

  15. The highway deaths are about the same as the firearm deaths so why don’t they:
    Ban all cars that can travel faster than 15 miles per hour ?
    Put four way stop signs on all road intersections. All means all !!!
    Require all vehicles to have breathalyzer & motor skills analysis of driver prior to being operable.

    • Forget car deaths. Stuff tobacco deaths down their throat. That number is about 440,000 each year in the USA. That’s over ten times what guns do. Then shove preventable medical mistake deaths also. That number is estimated to be almost as high as tobacco. Car deaths would be higher accept while gun deaths have remained about the same, car deaths have been declining due to better emphasis on DUI laws and enforcement along with but more importantly, vastly improved car designs that have incorporated crumple zones and supplemental restraint systems, traction control systems and ABS systems, along with better road designs and improvements. These steps have resulted in a reduction in highway deaths.

  16. Years of migration into VA from neighboring states, Mexico, and even Asia has diluted VA sufficiently. Now it is just waiting for an Event to justify the laws.

  17. I don’t think that all people within a certain party are the same.

    Ok, but if you hate guns and gun ownership, then that ideological endeavor is a part of the Democrat party. People who hate guns and gun ownership are Democrats.

    If there were so many democrats that supported gun ownership and gun freedom, then why wouldn’t the Democrat party embrace that as part of their ideology? They would be able to sway gun owners into their ranks. But they don’t. And that is because typically, if you support gun ownership, then you also support individual responsibility, and if you support individual responsibility then you likely don’t wish for abortion on demand, and if you support gun ownership, then you are the type of person that leans towards self sufficiency, and if you lean towards self sufficiency, then you are likely to reject government safety nets and mandated tax driven government services. Bible thumpers are on the right. Why? Because the Bible focuses about the existentialism of the individual. And gun owners are all about the individual, and so the divide isn’t about guns. It is about a certain mindset.

    I wouldn’t expect the Democrat party to “EVER” support gun rights. Ever.

    • My experience has been more nuanced than yours.

      I know plenty of Democrats who don’t hate guns. In fact, I don’t know a single Democrat who hates guns. And I live in a pretty liberal city, for Texas. In fact, all of us own guns.

      I know plenty of military and LEO folk who don’t think civilians should have guns or should have guns equivalent to what they have. Or they think the requirements for CCW should be really high, a lot higher than they currently are. They vote Red and consider themslves “POTG” types.

      Now, I promised DZ I would not discuss abortion on this blog. But I know a conservative scholar who firmly holds that pro-choice IS a conservative choice; that it is responsible and resourceful not to have children you cannot or do not want to support. He makes a good case for that based on Oakeshott and other conservative intellectuals.

      My experience has been that people are much more complex than simple party lines.

      • Political Identity Dysphoria is not to be confused with Issue Identity Dysphoria which is when a Left Wing Democrat claims to support something like Right to Life or the 2nd Amendment in spite of supporting basic left wing ideology. The latter is still sometimes an example of a mental disorder but more frequently an example of sociopathic dishonesty.

      • >white supremacy appears nowhere in the RNC platform
        Elaine – republicans are klansmen!
        >gun control and AWB explicitly stated in DNC platform
        Elaine – Dems like guns too!

        Either the brush is broad or its not. Pick one.

        • Nope. Life is not black or white. It is not “this or that.” I know many conservatives who are pro choice and for marriage equality. I know many conservatives who are not monogamous and don’t necessarily believe in marriage. That’s real life. Whether you think so or not.

        • Wow you guys keep missing her point… I’m beginning to think on purpose.

          Let’s start by saying I don’t like Democrats… no offense ED… but I don’t like overreaching government so I don’t like most republicans either.

          She’s saying that there are people who are not 1 issue voters, or their 1 issue is not guns. So they might vote Democrat. But to then state that they are not POTG is false, because they own and operate guns and really like em.

          I think your problem is in defining POTG. Your definition is someone who holds the second as the ultimate right, no exceptions and no allowances made for any regulations.

          Hers is not that definition. Doesn’t make her less of a POTG considering that’s a made up phrase it can mean whatever the person using it feels it means. You don’t feelz that way? Well whoop dee do!

          You might want to change your wording, say she is not a strict constitutionalist, or say she is a statist, and you’d be more likely to win the argument, but saying she is not a POTG is the wrong argument, and it’s why you’ll keep losing, maybe not in your own mind, but in the minds of the people reading your arguments.

          ED I think, at the end the Democrats are heading toward socialism. You may agree with that end goal but that’s your choice. One could argue that the Republicans are heading toward authoritarianism and people voting for that is their choice. It’s why I don’t like big government in general, no matter where you choose, your damned.

        • @Liljoe

          See, I don’t believe that. Many who are not Democrats believe that, but as a Democrat, I don’t believe that.

          There have always been people within the Democratic Party who want some kind of more Socialist type model. They always have been – and still are – a majority. The only things most Democrats are interested in “socializing” are education and health care because both things are too damned expensive for the everyday person and also the models that have been tried up to now just didn’t work worth a damn, particularly with healthcare. Now, those of us who think we would do better with single payer are well aware that that too has its problems, but there’s no perfect system, and letting insurance companies run the healthcare system has been pretty disastrous so far. I could go into all that, as it’s a particular interest of mine, but since it’s a gun blog I won’t.

          I would say we will always have socialists just as y’all will always have alt-righters. You can’t get rid of either, and neither is proposing models that will actually work in this country. They’ve been tried and failed over and over again. But freedom means letting it come up for debate and seeing if there are any new ideas. Usually there aren’t. Most Democrats want to see education and healthcare brought within limits that allow a majority of Americans to get care and be educated, because those things are common to most first world societies. But nothing is without its flaws.

          • The only things most Democrats are interested in “socializing” are education and health care because both things are too damned expensive for the everyday person and also the models that have been tried up to now just didn’t work worth a damn, particularly with healthcare.

            Healthcare is expensive because of all the regulations put on healthcare by the democrats of the last generation, and because those regulations ensure there are no alternatives competing. Competition = lower price.


            Now, those of us who think we would do better with single payer are well aware that that too has its problems, but there’s no perfect system, and letting insurance companies run the healthcare system has been pretty disastrous so far.

            Insurance companies don’t run the healthcare system. The regulations put on insurance companies and healthcare providers are running it.

            Example: I can fly to Vietnam right now. Go to a hospital, the best hospital there actually, and negotiate a price for the birth of a baby. The negotiated price happens first – not after the service (like a normal service). And the cost is 1/6th the price. And you get to stay for 7 days instead of 3. And how do you pay? You pay with a fistful of money.

            Here in the US, go to a hospital and ask them what something will cost. Try to pay for everything up front first. (Hint: It doesn’t work that way)

        • They are a *minority.* The majority is moderate Democrats who want spending restrained and personal freedoms to be allowed.

        • Elaine, in health care you literally pay for what you get. Socialized medicine only works if (1) you accept certain sacrifices for the greater good (can’t treat everyone when you have limited resources) and (2) the lawyer driven litigation focused society needs to change (cause if I work in a field where I get paid the way socialized medicine wants me to be paid then I wouldn’t work in it if the potential for a lawsuit is in the hundreds of thousands/millions). If I call my plumber in on Christmas Day and get called in to the hospital to resuscitate a baby, I can spend 4 hours to his 1, and get paid less than a 1/4 of what he gets paid, and he doesn’t run the risk of a lawsuit. Bring on socialized medicine and I may become a plumber 🙂

          I personally have family in a few socialized medicine countries, it sucks and they come here for any specialized care or pay out of pocket and out of system (England does that quite well). I know that’s only anecdotal… but I’ve yet to hear a positive story from any of my relatives. The studies that show our outcomes are poorer forget that we have an obese, drinking, smoking, need things right now! country. In other words, those studies suck. As a pediatrician I also have a vested interest in this, on the plus side, if we do end up with socialized medicine, at least my family will have a doctor 🙂

          I know, it’s a gun site so I should stop talking about it 🙂

        • Anonymous, you describe health care in Viet Nam, the reason it is not like that in the US is due to government interference, control. If hospitals tried that bit of telling you how much it costs only after service, they would not get paid, at all. And suddenly you would be *required* to pay in full, prior to service.

      • I know plenty of Democrats who don’t hate guns.

        I would say, that it is more of a case that they don’t care about gun rights, than they do that they hate guns. But in general, in general, they support gun control, and they support more gun control that we currently have, and many of them, support the most amount of gun control they could get passed. It’s listed right there on their party platform, and the further left you go, the most gun control they would prefer.

        In fact, I don’t know a single Democrat who hates guns.

        Just visit Huffpo and drop a comment about how you train with firearms. Congratulations, you just met hoards of Democrats that hate you and your guns.

        I know plenty of military and LEO folk who don’t think civilians should have guns or should have guns equivalent to what they have. Or they think the requirements for CCW should be really high, a lot higher than they currently are. They vote Red and consider themslves “POTG” types.

        I do too, they are democrats. LOL. Granted, there are some republicans that think similarly, but “in general” they don’t. If you were to average them and generalize, they don’t.

        I know a conservative scholar who firmly holds that pro-choice IS a conservative choice; that it is responsible and resourceful not to have children you cannot or do not want to support. He makes a good case for that based on Oakeshott and other conservative intellectuals.

        This is antithetical to common knowledge and reality. Pro-choice is a solid democrat party platform ideology. Anti-abortion sits almost exclusively on the right. In citing your “conservative scholar” and Oakshott you picked the exception, not the norm. Nothing “nuanced” about this. The average of the individuals, Democrat or Republican, categorizes these. Even the votes themselves are proof of this.

        Even I, being mostly libertarian, don’t see the value in the law, banning it, simply because the ban has to be enforced, and then I have to pay to enforce it, and it won’t be enforced easily, because there will be a lot of resistance, and in the end it would be unenforceable, as people could go to Canada or Mexico and get it done. And there should be exceptions to the rule (like the health/risks of the mother), So I think it’s a waste of time. Like Gun control, it’s better to leave that in the hands of individuals and have faith that they will seek the right thing. That said, I don’t want to pay for other people’s abortions through PP. Pass. And lastly, regardless of it’s efficacy within the law, I, personally, believe it immoral. Simply because it is better to keep your pants zipped up, than to create a life and then rip them apart taking their life away. I would even go so far as to say that it would be a piece of cake for me to debate your “conservative scholar” and Oakeshott simultaneously and easily win without a bead of sweat on my brow on the basis of morality and watch them lurk away embarrassed of their performance. Unless they are true nihilistic atheists, then I wouldn’t win, simply because all thinks are permitted, even murder itself, when nothing matters. Ask any school shooter.

        My experience has been that people are much more complex than simple party lines.

        I agree they are. But there are only two parties, really. And people will vote down those parties. And the ideology of those parties aren’t arbitrarily chosen. It’s not like democrats just one days said, “You know what? We should support gun control.” It comes down to a mindset, an ideology.

        And MOST of the ideology of the left is reprehensible to me. Granted, the right has it’s problems too, but on the far right, gun rights is not one of them. Since you are bit confused about party ideologies, here is a fairly accurate refresher, since you don’t know any democrats that hate guns (lol) and think that pro-choice is a conservative position:

        Here is what it says about gun control:
        The Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but only allows for the state to keep a militia (National Guard). Individuals do not need guns for protection; it is the role of local and federal government to protect the people through law enforcement agencies and the military. Additional gun control laws are necessary to stop gun violence and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns. More guns mean more violence.”

        Which is pretty much dead on. That reads like a statement from Politico, or a CNN anchor, or a NYT article.
        Copy and paste it into the comments section of a Huffpo gun control article and see how many upvotes you get. Then go to like, Brietbart or Dailywire and paste into their comments section and see how many upvotes you get there. I think you’ll be able to see the dichotomy then.

    • Much sooner than anyone can imagine and the results will be much more horrific than anyone can imagine.

      • I would reluctantly have to agree with that. Pity, I haven’t gotten that much time experiencing the creature comforts that will be first to go.

  18. If these gun grabbers got what they deserved they would be proposing laws for corn cob control!

    • Wow. I wasn’t expecting that one. Kudos on your bizarre sense of humor. I guess the next question go ask is if they get it buttered or salted…

  19. Isn’t any like really concerned here…Like a cancer or virus spreading I’m local/state governments….Can YOU hear like sound of a wooden ball rolling down the ramp at a local/state VA. Law Enforcement Agency…Straight from a VA. Court with sirens, bells, klaxtons, and flashing lights…A “VA. police LT. In the VA. Guns & Weapons confiscation squad receives THEIR 1st “RED FLAG/RED BALL/ Minority Report law order ” for someone engaged in political “Wrong-Think ” on social news media platform TTAG ! For making false and dangerous assertions against the Goverment and it’s agents! Those on TTAG posting “Political Hate Speach” have been declared emergency public safety /health hazards and Enemies of the State…Your weapons will be confiscated…Do NOT resist !!! (CAN’T you see this coming to fruition… It’s looking more so everyday…Hopefully, everyone will get together and make stand!!!)

  20. Feel-good, reactionary B.S. All the Fed needs to disarm a Virginian is a judge with the opinion that you are ‘dangerous’. What if that officer of the court believes all gun owners are dangerous?

  21. Don’t forget to thank Elaine D. for being an anti-gun voter! Thanks Elaine! We are so happy you vote for the party that pushes for “Sweeping Gun Control”. Such an asset to the 2A community you are.

    “I don’t support gun control, I just vote for it”

    • Shall I “thank” y’all for electing a Prez who doesn’t read, spends his life on Twitter, doesn’t understand the rule of law or the Constitution, and just made life worse for a whole lot of gun owners with yet another one of his shticks?

      C’mon now.

      • You’re a plant. An NWO infiltrator. You seed dis-information in “conservative” websites and spread Deep State propaganda.

        You flack for the ‘Rat Party, a political party dedicated to the destruction of the United States as founded. Shove off.

        • Agreed. What does that say about TTAG? Hopefully they’ll get the message. I’ll never comment again on one of her bullshit articles. I’d hope others here will do the same. “Gun rights” isn’t a debatable issue. There is no “compromise” to be had. In fact, conversely, it’s one of our Constitutional tenets worth fighting, killing and dying for.

      • Shall I “thank” y’all for electing a Prez who doesn’t read, spends his life on Twitter, doesn’t understand the rule of law or the Constitution, and just made life worse for a whole lot of gun owners with yet another one of his shticks?

        Trump is essentially a democrat and stable genius that makes leftist head’s explode. That’s why we voted for him. We voted for him, because of the left’s reaction to him.

        • I voted for him for only 2 reasons. Primarily because he wasn’t that filthy democrat criminal Hillary Clinton and that he promised to choose only Heritage Foundation vetted people for the Supreme Court. Period. And as far as I’m concerned, those interested in liberty, that was reason(s) enough. The worst republican is infinitely better than the best democrat. Those that voted for that fetid piece of shit Hillary or abstained are what’s wrong with this country.

      • Yes you should thank us, Elaine. Trump is 10x better than Hillary. C’mon now

        You vote for the gun control party, and your excuse when being called out for it is basically “trump is bad, he doesn’t read, he goes on Twitter too much…” haha, ok…

        So Elaine, please explain to me how Hillary Clinton would have been a better president?

  22. I think that to be a modern Leftist voter, you have to be incredibly naive or willfully lie to yourself. There is no way you can be a “gun loving Democrat” without a high level of self-deception because, as noted in many of these posts, you are ultimately supporting the gun control party. Similarly, but no less important, are those of us who continue to vote for RINO’s. The only hope of salvaging our “system” before a crash and burn event, is by supporting third party candidates…

    • Agree, but who? Name one government/party/nominee that once elected will help limit government power?

  23. Seems to me Elaine’s right to a abortion is much more important to her than her right to protect herself. Tells me a lot about her responsibility outlook. After all that poor child I made last night in a drunken stooper has no right to stay alive. On the other hand when they come for my guns I will gladly hand em over and say I voted for you guys.

    • Actually, I don’t have children, never have, and that’s by choice. Happily, I have choices, like birth control, that mean I never had to make a choice about something more dire.

      • Actually, Elaine’s (or anyone’s) right to seek an abortion is precisely as absolute as my right to keep and bear arms. To remove either should require a constitutional amendment, and an amendment has been attempted with *neither*, EVER. What is amazing is how difficult it is to find anyone who either supports both rights, or neither. Essentially everybody adamantly supports one and violently opposes the other. Causes me to assume that we are all, somehow, being trained.

    • You need to straighten up. If you’re going to keep posting such nastiness, I am going to be forced to insist you also keep Joe R. alive in our memories by including “evil POS (D)” in your posts somewhere.

  24. The enemy has found a home in the pages of TTAG. Sent here for no other reason than to stir the pot. The cancer will continue to grow. The illusion of a staunch 2nd amendment supporter without any evidence to back it up. A spy amongst us. I suspect the ownership of this place in some way agrees with the liberals. Slowly turning the page. There’s Danger out there fellas.

    • Refer to my previous piece about giving in to unreasonable fear.

      What are you actually afraid of, Minuteman? That someone with a different viewpoint than yours writes occasional articles for TTAG? That someone dares believe differently than you and own guns? Where’s the problem exactly?

      Do you think you can really get this gun rights thing did without the support of liberal gun owners? Maybe you can. But maybe you can’t.

      • Honestly not afraid of anything Elaine. Prepared for the worst. Liberal gun owners will most likely fight for the liberals. They will believe that somehow after the 2nd amendment is destroyed that they will still have guns to hunt and target shoot with and they will be ok with that. They like Australian and British gun laws. My problem is you have come here spewing your views all over the place and expect us to see the light that you have seen. All I see is deseption and the fact that your views are much more superior in your eyes than ours. Liberal gun owners are elitists usually and think they are better than the common gun owner and don’t have to follow the laws. Case in point is the alderman in Chicago who was just busted. My other bet is all the celebrities who tout gun control carry firearms also regardless the laws because their life’s are so much more important than ours.

  25. So, if you force law abiding citizens to be felons for practicing their right as guaranteed in the Constitution, what incentive is there to obey any law? I mean, if survival and freedom will lead to prison, then people will ask why not go big. Is the left’s desire for dominion over the populace so great that they would risk chaos and inevitable war? I fear that the answer is yes. This is going to be a scary ride. I knew that the forces of tyranny would come out like this eventually, that We The People would need to fight for their freedoms again, but I am surprised it happened in my lifetime.

    • These Liberal Terrorists™️ don’t understand the ferocity the Patriots will fight with while DEFENDING ourselves and our Constitutional Republic against their “War of Leftist Aggression”. I’m afraid once it goes hot we’ll see a “winner take all, once and for all” engagement that will undoubtedly lead to the literal genocide of millions of filthy leftists. All the power to stop their offensive is in the hands of the democrat party. But I expect they’re too short sighted to think of how this ends for them. Particularly because once it starts, the very first thing that will happen will be the seizure of Democrat voter registrations and voting records, nationwide.

  26. The democrat party was and still is the Party of Gun Control. A 100 years ago the Democrat party totally supported gun control. That is not changed in 2018. They have never supported guns in the hands of law abiding black people. And for that I say the Democrat Party is a racist political party.

    It does have members who are guns owners. But it does not have any leaders who support gun civil rights.

    What most white gun owners don’t know is the civil rights movement had guns everywhere. White Liberal historians have been lying to anyone who read their books. Black Liberal historians have been told their books won’t get published unless they tow the No Guns party line.

    The first person to break this strangle hold on gun history in America was Clayton Cramer. Then came Nichols Johnson, “Negroes and the Gun, the black tradition of Arms.”

    Don’t get me wrong. The republicans are starting to get really bad on guns in some states. Ed Gillespie was weak on guns. In fact he was afraid to forcefully defend gun civil rights during the campaign. But every Democrat elected leader is anti- gun civil rights. That is a requirement for getting elected with in that party.

  27. “Del. Kathy Tran and Sen. Adam Ebbin are also sponsoring a ban on assault weapons, defining them as any firearm with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.”

    So, all Henry lever-action rimfire rifles are now “assault weapons”? They all hold over 10 rounds.
    All .357 Magnum 10-round lever-action rifles are now “assault weapons”, because you can fit 11 rounds of .38 Special in them, despite the fact that they use 150-year-old technology?
    The 1860 Henry lever-action rifle (“That damned Yankee rifle that they load on Sunday and fire all week”) is an “assault weapon”?
    A bolt-action Ruger American Rimfire rifle is an “assault weapon” if it has a 15-round magazine?

    Virginia’s new gun-control proposals are approaching New York, California, and New Jersey levels of stupidity! My state (New Jersey) already considers flintlocks, BB guns, and even slingshots as “firearms”, and categorizes semi-auto BB guns as “assault weapons” if they hold over 10 BBs, so I guess Virginia is about to become another New Jersey! And don’t get me started on how New Jersey criminalized all air guns whose manufacturers brag have an integral “silencer” in the barrel (NJ considers airguns with integral “silencers” in the barrel the same as a silenced Glock, in otherwords, jailbait!)

  28. Because I’m not P/C I will ask the question. Is the homosexual that was elected in Virginia anti civil rights or are they pro civil rights? Did the homosexual community support this person for elected office?

    Historically elected open homosexuals are anti-liberty, anti-freedom, anti-civil rights. But they are very much pro big government.

  29. Bunch of Idiots. Get a life other than bothering law abiding citizens. You people need to be taken out of office for the dumb stuff you come up with. Guns are the American way and always will be. You people have to really try hard to come up with this stupid stuff. Back off as you are adding to the chance of a severe civil war….

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