VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

In Richmond, gun right advocates, including many who are openly carrying their side arms and long guns, have begun to gather just yards from the fence line at the Virginia state house.

Although the clusters of first arrivals comprises only a couple of hundred people, their undisturbed presence as openly armed citizens has apparently answered the question of the day: would Virginia authorities allow the open carry of firearms on the city streets near the capital grounds.

The answer by late morning was yes.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Communications earlier in the week from the Richmond Police Department suggested that a temporary gun ban was in place for many areas of downtown.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan

Richmond police implied they were using their authority to impose a firearms ban for a “permitted city event” even though no gun rights groups had requested event permits.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

The prospect of a first-ever ban on openly armed pedestrians and demonstrators on this traditional day of citizen “lobbying”had raised fears of confrontations with Richmond city police.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Most prominent of the early arriving groups was the Virginia Knights militia led by Mike Dunn.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Mike Dunn (above right) Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Their openly armed walkabout on the western boundary of the statehouse grounds went unchallenged by the state and local police tasked to guard the capital building.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

So, as the morning has progressed, more armed citizens–taking their cue from the open carry commitment of the Virginia Knights–have begun to gather at the south west corner of the Capitol grounds.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Next up: The arrival of noisy caravans of gun rights supporters from all four corners of the state.  The processions have been organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

The vehicles in the caravans will be placarded with “Guns Save Lives” messages, flags and banners.

VCDL Lobby Day Richmond 2021 caravan
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

The VCDL has encouraged drivers to loop through Richmond, and then to take to the sidewalks around the statehouse fence line to encourage legislators to preserve 2nd Amendment rights in the Old Dominion.


  1. Excellent news. I was seriously worried that the Police had received orders to confront and confiscate. Hopefully the Antifa and BLM traitors will not try to stage the event the way they did on January 6th in DC.

      • So you agree that antifa and blm are traitors? or are you a member of them? Either way you are astoundingly stupid.

        • There, there. The meds will kick in soon Michael. In the meantime there’s no harm in your believing that the MAGA devised and executed insurrection that was fomented by President Trump was somehow the product of BLM and/or ANTIFA. I mean, it’s the stupidest thing anyone has ever said and not supported by one reality, but that what you knew your early stage dementia could lead to confused, dim witted behavior.

          • the MAGA devised and executed insurrection that was fomented by President Trump…

            Okay that officially makes you another mindless moron parroting the lefts talking points ad nauseum… Obviously you MISSED the part where the FBI and Capitol police knew about the plans to attack the Capitol Building days BEFORE the event… OBTW since you are obviously information challenged you might want to check this out…..… AND if you have the ability you COULD look up the Antifa and BLM supporters that have been arrested for taking part in the Jan 6th “riot” including the LIBERAL son of a NY judge all wearing MAGA hats and pretending to be TRUMP supporters..

        • Mr Crognale

          I suggest that you simply pass over the trolls’ comments without any response on your part.

          A good day to you sir.

    • Continue on, Michael. You are doing the American patriotic people a just service. Your post is now welcomed by Michael’s Nurse.
      IT is FIRED! Did I use the right pronoun?

      • nurse rachet….are you the pervert who has been stalking me? Or are you a pal of minor 49 IQ? Either way you are a loser.

        • The pervert who is ‘stalking’ your humongous self is Geoff the Goof PR. He’s the sentient stillborn who sees traffic and decides ‘yep, it would be smart to walk into that’.

          • The pervert who is ‘stalking’ your humongous self is Geoff the Goof PR.

            THERE you are…. I knew you’d eventually BLOW your cover because you really suck…

        • Debbie

          I suggest that you simply pass over the trolls’ comments without any response on your part.

          A good day to you ma’am.


  3. I see idiots still flying the pro pig, desecrated version of the American flag? They will wrap you in it after they shoot you because you twitched or were too close to the door behind which they were hiding. Useful idiots, cheering for the boot that’s going to crush their spine. 😀

    • This.

      “We support you herding us like cattle and telling us when and where we can do things”.

    • Donald Trump has much to answer for on 21 January 2021.

      “I do not feel a sense of shame of guilt in my heart from what I was doing. I thought I was following my president. I thought I was following what we were called to do,” Jenna Ryan, a Texas real estate agent, told local news station KTVT.” Forced entry into the Capitol Building is a serious crime no matter who she thought “called” upon her to do it. And ignorance of the law is no defense either.“

      • And you purport that the views of a SINGLE nutjob represent the beliefs and views of 74 MILLION people, is that what you’re saying, Minor IQ??

        Boy, you are some special kinda stupid, aren’t you?

  4. Stupidest thing I can imagine. What’s the point of carrying loaded rifles around town? Just to say you can? Do they plan on shooting someone who objects? They are behaving like children. I say this as a big participant in all sorts of shooting sports w rifles and pistols. (Just got into revolvers. S&w 627 is really quite great.

    • The point is to show that armed citizens are not some scary boogy man who will kill when given half a chance. It is to normalize the fact that most responsible adults can regulate themselves without law enforcement being the only ones armed.
      Like it or not, it’s a lot like any other act to come out of the shadows of hiding to show people they have nothing to fear.
      Do you have any idea the vast number of people who actually believe that simply by owning a firearm that you will most likely kill anyone who even remotely disagrees with you like it has some evil power all its own.

      If we don’t normalize the use of ALL firearms for self defense and show them being used like any other common tool then we run the risk of losing the entire right.

      Far too many people believe the army and the cops are some divine creation here to protect you.
      Reality is those guys are also citizens, without citizens you have nothing, the power lies in the people, not the small factions they create.

      • Good, thoughtful, and accurate assessment, Bob. But I’d like to see less tactical gear and “scary black rifles and pistols”, and more hunting rifles and shotguns. An innocuous looking walnut stocked semi-automatic .22 caliber rifle would be banned along with the AR-15s if it came to that, but they are not as scary looking.

        • Gerald, I guess you don’t realize that most guns are black in color, right? And the AR platform is the most popular rifle in the country. The whole point is to show that the media’s “scary black rifles” aren’t scary, just a rifle. And the average gun own who owns them aren’t violent people.

        • GLADIATOR; Good points, but no, most guns are not black in color, but that’s what’s always shown in news media photos, isn’t it? There’s a larger number of firearms with beautiful walnut stocks, blued steel barrels, and with nicely engraved receivers that are under just as much threat for banning and confiscation as the black ones. Carrying only the black ones, coupled by wearing tactical gear from head to foot and with a chest full of loaded magazines intimidate anti-gunners or ones who are on the fence about firearms. Why would you want to intimidate the people who you are trying to sway toward your beliefs? Do you think that scaring people will make them think; “Wow, those guns scare me. I guess I should support pro-gunners after all”. Show the innocuous looking ones too. Then you have a better chance of them saying “Wow, not all guns look so scary. Maybe I should re-think gun control”. Isn’t that what we are trying to accomplish?

        • GLADIATOR; Good points regarding trying to show the black rifles are just rifles, but no, most guns are not black in color, but that’s what’s always shown in news media photos, isn’t it? There’s a larger number of firearms with beautiful walnut stocks, blued steel barrels, and with nicely engraved receivers that are under just as much threat for banning and confiscation as the black ones. Carrying only the black ones, coupled by wearing tactical gear from head to foot and with a chest full of loaded magazines intimidate anti-gunners or ones who are on the fence about firearms. Why would you want to intimidate the people who you are trying to sway toward your beliefs? Do you think that scaring people will make them think; “Wow, those guns scare me. I guess I should support pro-gunners after all”. Show the innocuous looking ones too. Then you have a better chance of them saying “Wow, not all guns look so scary. Maybe I should re-think gun control”. Isn’t that what we are trying to accomplish?

        • GERALD,

          You would be wrong. That there are currently more “wooden” rifles in existence than black rifles is a possible (but debatable) presumption. That the AR platform is the single best-selling rifle in the US (and at this point, as a model, cumulatively in the world) is simply a fact.

          What the hell difference does it make what color a rifle is???? I love a nice, pretty wood stock as much as the next Fudd, but:

          1. Wood stocks are simply less functional than plastic – swelling, warping, poor thermal stability, etc.

          2. WHO CARES WHAT DAMN COLOR THE STOCK IS?????????????

          Seriously, dude, focus on reality, not memes.

    • Simple. The 2nd Amendment wasn’t written so that you could engage in your shooting sports. It was to defend against a tyrannical government.
      Children throw temper tantrums. They are absolutely NOT behaving like children.
      May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

    • You’re clearly a Fudd and not a true 2nd Amendment supporter. It’s their right to carry those arms where and how they please. If it’s not hurting you or anyone else then what do you care???

    • Stupidest thing I can imagine. What’s the point of carrying loaded rifles around town?

      Lobby day is a 17 year old tradition created by the Virginia Citizens Defense League.. It is a pro-2nd Amendment rally aimed at addressing restrictive and unconstitutional legislation already passed or being considered by the Virginia legislature… Open carry is permitted in Virginia AND up until shitbag “Blackface” Northam took office was even permitted on State Capitol grounds AND inside the Capitol building.. YOU don’t “understand” the concept of the symbolism because you don’t understand the threat to our country and our freedoms by Marxist legislators all the way up to the US Senate and House of Representatives that don’t just want our guns they want to shut us up by taking away not only OUR avenues of communication BUT any media that presents our viewpoints in a favorable manner… Enjoy your shooting “games” while you can because if people like those in Virginia fail, we are ALL screwed…

    • Behaving like children?

      I’ll bet they clean the streets up after themselves and no local businesses get looted.

      The people behaving like children are like you. All emotional, no foresight.

    • I”m generally against open carry at rallies because it turns the focus onto the guns instead of the purpose of the rally. The purpose of this rally IS guns, so more power to them. Show the world what proud, polite, peaceful gun owners look and behave.

  5. Been getting a lot of trolls coming out of the wood works lately on TTAG. Perhaps getting a comment moderator would fix this

    • I am fine with the trolls.

      Their activity here shows how scared they are, gnashing their teeth, clutch their pearls at those who would defy their tyranny.

      Besides, who can take anyone seriously of falling down and sobbing in terror over a Pop-Tart that has been chewed into the form of a handgun?

      • “clutch their pearls”……Epstein they do not have pearls or a backbone, the pop tart example is evidence that they are nutless and spineless.

    • You mean like Twitfacegram have? Yeah, that’s working out well. Maybe next we can mark all gun owners, like make ’em wear a big red G on their clothes? Maybe round all of ’em up and put to work in camps making propaganda posters and Little Red Books?

      • Sheeeit, go ahead and force them to carry loaded AR-15s with 30-rd mags wherever they go! If they try to get out of it by claiming they don’t own one, give ’em a free one on the spot! That’ll teach ’em, huh?

      • No First amendment without a second amendment rights.
        Look how they treat us when we are armed to the teeth, how you think they will treat us when we are disarmed.
        “To control a people you must first disarm them.” A.H.

    • Been getting a lot of trolls coming out of the wood works lately

      As long as the “TROLLS” have a voice maybe we’ll be left alone.. Besides you can’t complain about Fukbook and Tweeetie censoring conservatives and ADVOCATE for censorship on this forum…

      • You play by the rules your enemy sets, or you lose.

        We’re losing. Miner and his ilk have all of Fakebook, Twitter and every other public forum, plus big government and big tech. Personally I don’t see that allowing paid trolls to make a living by posting their canned duplicitous talking points improves TTAG. As they’re so fond of pointing out, websites can choose what content they will host, or not host. They don’t like it, they can create their own gun blog and forum.

        • And I don’t see how being a hypocritical fuck makes you any better than them… I will never defend the convoluted bullshit that these TROLLS spew but I WILL defend their right to SPEW it… As for controlling Facefuktwatterestsnatchitt? Who cares? It might amaze you to find out that a shitload of us lived, “socialized” and yes even communicated WITHOUT the internet AND we are only one major power grid failure away from the rest of you trying to figure out how we did it…

        • Your post is full of assumptions and insults. I realize that’s the natural response of a brain that can’t process nuanced ideas, but bear with me and try to follow along.

          According to the law as currently written, TTAG is not liable for what is written in posts here. TTAG also has the right to moderate and decide what they will, or will not allow, on their platform. TTAG is a private company and can conduct their business as they see fit. Those are the rules as they are currently laid out and enforced. Just as Twitter and Facebook can ban people they dislike with little or no justification, TTAG can as well. There is nothing hypocritical about insisting on the use of the universal standard. You play by the rules your enemy sets or you lose.

          TTAG is unlikely to ban the trolls because they generate comments, which increases clicks, which increases revenue. So I have to read the endless lies of paid shills anytime I enter the comments.

          I am not on social media and have no desire to be. Insisting on a universal standard means the insult “hypocrite” is possibly the least accurate insult you could have chosen, particularly since you don’t know my personal political philosophy.

          Good day my dear troglodyte. I hope this post doesn’t make your head hurt too much.

          • So I have to read the endless lies of paid shills anytime I enter the comments.

            You know who THEY are and if you choose to read and respond to them THAT is a personal choice… As far as hurting my head with that drivel? Not…. If that’s the best you’ve got then I won’t have to bother reading your posts anymore either… OBTW, you wouldn’t know a nuance if it bit you on the ass while wearing a sign saying “I’m a nuance”… I didn’t “assume” anything, Your statement WAS hypocritical in that you condoned censorship on this site while bitching about someone else doing the same thing…. THAT is the very definition of a hypocrite…. Nothing I said has anything to do with politics and YOU give yourself WAY too much credit if you think anything you post will be taken personally by me… Hmmmm Troglodyte? (Man-cave dwelling, meat eating, barbaric, brutal wild man?) kinda fits….

        • DeFacto,

          Yeah, . . . no. The “deal with the devil” we made with TwitbookFaceGram was that they got (Section 230) liability protection IF they were mere “platforms” (i.e., open fora without editorial control), rather than “publishers” (who edited and controlled content). Two questions:

          1. Does anyone with an IQ over 10 believe TwitbookFaceGram are acting as “platforms”?

          2. Would you be cool with going back to the ORGINAL deal – TwitbookFaceGram has to CHOOSE to be either a “platform” or a “publisher” . . . but if they regulate content, they are a “publisher”, and lose their Section 230 protections. I’m cool with that. But if they want to continue to “edit” content, they need to give up Section 230. verb. sap.

      • Maddmaxx

        I suggest that you simply pass over the trolls’ comments without any response on your part.

        A good day to you.

  6. This event shows the VA politicians that they have nothing to fear from armed citizens.

    I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

  7. They have nothing to fear, at the moment. That can change and that’s the ultimate purpose of this rally, to remind the politicians who works for whom.

    • Same could be said about the capital. That’s why they use the military to remind civilians who will kill them for disagreeing with large governments.

      They need to be shown fear.

      • I don’t believe the military (even the Guard) will fire on citizens because the geezer-in-chief tells them to.

        • I don’t see Nancy and Chuck leading a charge against the lines. They are terrified and will make the fences permanent. I be they all get SS protection from now on. The N.Y. bartender better be nice to those guys and stop with the defund police rhetoric.

        • I don’t believe the military (even the Guard) will fire on citizens because the geezer-in-chief tells them to.

          I hope you don’t have to bet your life on it… It was a Capitol Hill cop that shot and killed an unarmed woman on Jan 6th…

        • Which btw, there were no riots about. Could you imagine a cop killing some ANTIFA/BLM asshole for burning down half a city?

          Oh, the irony.

        • He wouldn’t have to tell them to. It’s why they are there. As one already said too, they will make a permanent presence and/or structures to keep the general population far far away.

          I’m not “pro Trump” but I’m not Anti Trump either. The man couldn’t walk amongst people most times same as any other president for security reasons. The current demo commies in office WONT do it out of fear for their lives. Trump clearing a crowd to walk to a church in DC was the most hilarious show of “I will not be intimidated” ever. Picture that happening with Biden… Oh wait, they won’t even riot because “fascism is over” /s

          It’s not far right. It’s far left. Always has been, always will be.

          • He wouldn’t have to tell them to. It’s why they are there.

            They’ve already been authorized “use of LETHAL force”…

    • You can tell them they work for the American people but then you need to understand that they don’t see things that way. Biden is on record saying as much. You can tell them as an armed group but all that does is make them erect fences then they go back to business as usual. This is what has so many people so angry.

      These things would not be such an issue but for Washington refusing to do its job according to our constitution. With or without Trump. The thing about Trump is that a very large portion of the population see in him some sense of holding to that American standard in a place where absolutely no one else does. If we had more leaders that were interested in keeping American interests on the front burner, most of this craziness would not happen.

      • “The thing about Trump is that a very large portion of the population see in him some sense of holding to that American standard in a place where absolutely no one else does.”

        One could argue that Trump realized that if he appeared to represent a wistfully lamented sense of American standard he could cultivate nescient believers into a large population amenable to believing anything he says… which is a page straight out of the megalomaniacal narcissist playbook.

        • Yeah, uh . . . no. Didn’t vote for the Orange Man either time . . . but I am intellectually honest enough to recognize the good he achieved. Since I am economically-trained (by professors who actually understood economics), I purely hated his trade war/tariff nonsense . . . but he pulled it off. Only a partisan jackass could argue that our trade relations with China (and Mexico, and Canada, etc.) aren’t better now than they were when Trump took office. Now, it could have (and should have, if he weren’t such a good poker player) blown up in his face. But it didn’t. Give him props for that.

          Again, only a partisan jackass would argue that our illegal immigration crisis isn’t under better control than it was when he took office.

          Regulation. Taxes.

          The FIRST President in 40 years NOT to involve us in a new military action overseas, and REDUCE our military presence overseas.

          Dislike Trump all you want, but if you deny the above, you’re pretty much a lying, partisan POS. Sorry, I just calls ’em like I sees ’em.

        • Well, since it seems we must choose between a megalomaniacal narcissist whose personal aggrandizement involves making America great again or a megalomaniacal cabal of historically nescient socialists who believe utopia will follow if only they can destroy everything that once helped Americans live together, count me in with the narcissist.

          There is no such thing as middle-of-the-road anymore. You guys are on the wrong damn side of it.

          Also, my personal preference is for strong, simple verbiage over pretentious obscurities, but a hat tip to Peter Gunn for “nescient” nonetheless; it’s been a very long time since someone used a word I had to look up.

        • One could argue that genuine intellectual honesty predicates the apprehension of “…the good he achieved” and “Dislike Trump all you want…” are not mutually exclusive conceptions. And it unequivocally controverts the assertion that someone holding such a perception would be “…a lying, partisan POS.”

          Quite the opposite, in fact. Striving to remain objective, unbiased, equanimous, and creditable IS mutually exclusive to being partisan. The deficiency resides in the assertion that if something doesn’t meet a specific pre-established criteria- it is automatically labeled as being adverse. Intellectual honesty, when deployed properly, intrinsically safeguards its user from the deleterious nature of partisanship.

          I seek the truth regardless of which path it leads me down, and I will candidly admit when I am proven wrong. If someone wishes to label me as a partisan- so be it… I will unabashedly avow being a partisan for the truth. Proudly. Always.

          As to the suggestion that we could only choose between a megalomaniacal narcissist or a megalomaniacal socialist- I do not accede to that fallacy. That is the biggest deception US voters have ever succumbed to. Reprehensible, really.

          Set your sights higher- doing so makes living with who you vote for a lot less unpleasant.

  8. VCDL never encouraged people to “take to the sidewalks”. This was a rolling caravan only.

    And ALL permitted events were cancelled.

  9. The Virginia Knights marched with BLM in Richmond over the summer, and are NOT a group that’s on our side.

  10. I suspect the Fudds will be surprised to find out the second amendment may not protect hunting and sporting arms as it was written to protect first tier military weapons so we may have a right to grenade launchers, but no right to .22 short Olympic target pistols.

  11. Meanwhile in THIS 3rd world country..

    Baltimore ‘Safe Streets’ director Dante Barksdale fatally shot in the head while visiting housing project

    • Surely the man will be recognized as a national hero. Probably even have a specific day for him in Black History Month. Pretty soon, we are gonna have black history year. Not even being racist… and if you think it is, then maybe you are racist. lol.

  12. My fellow gun nuts, I’m worried – gravely worried – about the optics of all this! I think our best move is simply to keep pointing out that the real raycess are the gun control people. Listen: facts and logic will _destroy_ the Leftards and any attempts to show backbone or resolve or strength by prancing around with those assault weapons will only backfire!

    Signed, Concern Troll

    • No, Virus, ANYONE has the right to protest. What they DO NOT have is the right to riot, loot, burn and commit mayhem. Apparently, that distinction escapes your limited mental faculties.

    • If the official media line on any non-leftist gathering is hundreds, then you know the real number was well into the thousands.

  13. It is very revealing that so called Libertarians Liberals and the Leftists, are against the birthright of citizens to open carry guns in public. But all three are very comfortable with the government having a monopoly to open carry of guns.

    If VA gun owners had gone out and voted, they would be in the sh!t hole that they are in now.

    The Left will always keep voting.

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