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Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Comedy Central Gun Yuks, Preemption Dies in Nebraska and the PHaSR Laser

In the grand comedic tradition of Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee and John Oliver . . . Jordan Klepper Gun Control Special Set On Comedy Central – “Daily Show correspondent Jordan Klepper will attempt to ‘solve’ the gun control debate in a one-hour special on Comedy Central. Jordan Klepper Solves Guns will combine elements of documentary filmmaking, comedy and investigative journalism, the network said. It premieres June 11 at 10 PM.” Prepare for a 60-minute long chucklefest.

Ghost Guns Offer Unique Threat – “’I feel confident that there are at least 20-thousand AR-15’s out there that wouldn’t be out there without this machine and there’s not strings on them right,’ he said. ‘You don’t know where they are.’ You don’t know where they are because there are no serial numbers and no way to trace it. ‘Without a serial number we can’t trace that firearm, which makes it very difficult for us to locate the person out there committing the act of violence,’ said Peter Forcelli, the Special Agent in Charge for the Miami Field Division. ‘We have a violent crime problem and we are doing our best to try and make our community safer.'” Because no criminal has ever filed the serial number off a gun before.

Nebraska preemption bill goes down . . . Gun bill pulled from legislative agenda; will return in 2018 with compromises, senator says – “A major gun-rights bill won’t return for more debate this year in the Nebraska Legislature, but the sponsoring senator said he will try again in 2018. State Sen. Mike Hilgers of Lincoln said Monday he has nearly worked out compromises to address some concerns of law enforcement authorities and city officials that the bill would end local gun-control ordinances they consider necessary for public safety. But there’s not enough time in the closing days of the legislative session for all sides to review and approve the amendment language, he said.”

Smith & Wesson® Accessories Releases New Shooting Glasses – The new line of M&P shooting glasses offers a variety of styles and color combinations. All of the shooting glasses feature full peripheral eye coverage, anti-fog lenses and non-slip rubber nose and ear pieces. These new shooting glasses providecomfort, protection and style when spending time at the range!

Yeah, a record murder rate and an ineffective criminal justice system will have that effect . . . Gun demand on the rise in Chicago, police say – “The appetite for legal firearms is on the rise in Chicago, even as demand appears to wane nationally. Illinois State Police say the number of firearm owner identification applications in Chicago doubled from about 19,600 in 2014 to nearly 39,000 last year. It’s on pace to surpass that this year. Illinois State Police say the number of firearm-owner identification applications in Chicago doubled from about 19,600 in 2014 to nearly 39,000 last year. Applications are on pace to surpass that this year.”

Oh, and don’t forget the pervasive atmosphere of sexism and racism in the Windy City, too . . . Gun deal emails spurred city probe into racist, sexist Water Department messages – “Emails about gun deals played a key role in a city inspector general’s investigation that led to last week’s shake-up at the Water Department, sources familiar with the probe said Monday. One source with knowledge of the investigation said the City Hall watchdog initially began looking into emails regarding the gun deals and uncovered several that were sexist and racist, including messages about former President Barack Obama that dated back a year or two.”

No, not that kind of gun controller . . . Is Sony’s New Gun Controller the Future of VR Shooters? – “Sony thinks it has the solution for first-person shooters in virtual reality — and it looks like a white plastic tube with a glowing ball on the end. Today the company is releasing its long-in-development Aim Controller, a gun accessory for PlayStation VR, which launches alongside showpiece sci-fi VR shooter Farpoint. In tandem, the two are meant to prove that one of gaming’s most popular genres can be every bit as good in VR as it is with a standard display.”

Lenexa restaurant staffers recount terrifying panic when customer pulled gun on host – “Staff at a Johnson County restaurant say it was an evening of terror. Police in Lenexa say a series of men started trouble with wait staff and managers at Fronteras Mexican Restaurant on Saturday night, leading one of the customers, who, according to police, had been drinking, to pull a gun on the restaurant’s host. ‘At that point, I was really scared. Like panicked. In a panic,’ Elsa Rodriguez, Fronteras’ assistant manager, told FOX 4 News.”

Police: Man chases down, points gun at driver who hit him – “A man chased down and pulled a gun on a driver who refused to stop after hitting his car Friday in North Austin, an arrest affidavit said. Robert Wolfe, 48, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. He also was charged with unlawfully carrying a weapon, a misdemeanor charge.” How about taking down the license number and a description, then calling the cops?

Nashville mayor asks Tennessee governor to veto gun bill – “Nashville Mayor Megan Barry wants Gov. Bill Haslam to veto a bill requiring metal detectors and security guards at many city and county facilities if officials want to ban guns there. In a letter to Haslam last week, Barry asked for the veto for the public’s benefit and safety. Barry voiced concerns that the bill doesn’t exempt transit facilities, including the Music City Central bus station, where many school-age children are present.”

Suspension of Disbelief: 7 Real-Life Laser Guns – “The PHaSR Like the Soviet laser pistols of the 1980s, the US military has tried developing its own handheld blinding laser gun. In 2005, the Air Force unveiled the Personnel Halting and Stimulation Response weapon, or PHaSR. Built with both the military and police in mind, the PHaSR would be a device wielded by a single person that could project a low-level laser capable of blinding its target, similar to the effect of when a flashlight is shined into your eye up close.”

45 thoughts on “Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Comedy Central Gun Yuks, Preemption Dies in Nebraska and the PHaSR Laser”

  1. “..“Without a serial number we can’t trace that firearm, which makes it very difficult for us to locate the person out there committing the act of violence,” said Peter Forcelli, the Special Agent in Charge for the Miami Field Division.”

    Agent Forcelli, please share with us how many cases have been solved simply by tracing the serial number of a recovered firearm. No, sorry, too specific…. tell us how many times tracing the serial number helped solve any kind of crime at all.

    Once we have established that number as a baseline for effectiveness then, and only then, can we asses how much more or less difficult your job will be due to the lack of serial numbers on these firearms.

    • And while you are at it, tell us how many traces resulted in no useful information because the gun in question was stolen or purchased before firearms serial numbers were kept.

    • What I really want to know is how many times a serial number helped identify anyone when the gun wasn’t recovered?

    • Or…How many “ghost guns” have been recovered at crime scenes or have been determined to have been used in the commission of any crime. Those of us who are willing to finish a lower, match it to an upper, a barrel, add hand guards, trigger assemblies, sites, grips, stocks, etc., aren’t typically those involved in crimes with guns. If I’m a criminal, serial numbers mean nothing. I’m stealing guns and using them in crimes.

    • Again, this is an argument to convince the ignorant: the AR15 isn’t a machine gun. Silencers don’t make guns go “poof”. And “tracing” a gun doesn’t mean you can track its whereabouts on a computer screen like it has a GPS doodad in it. But so help us, I’ll bet that’s what the gun-ignorant probably believe it means.

      • Serialization of arms, only barely helps, and that’s IF the arms are ever recovered from the crime.

    • I’d imagine that is a statistic they don’t track: Number of crimes solved by gun serial numbers.
      That would be because the number is so absurdly low that it wouldn’t even begin to justify the serializing laws in existance. There is a value equation to crime prevention and solving. I’d imagine the number of crimes prevented and or solved by gun serial numbers, divided into the (admittedly low) cost of serializing guns works out to a cost per crime prevented or solved so high that no one could honestly, rationally say the cost was worth it.

      An old NYPD homicide detective once said there were two kinds of solvable murders: Those where the culprit was still standing over the body with a smoking gun in his hand when you arrived, and those where the husband or business partner did it. Also others were not even worth investigating except as PR.

      He may have been a bit cynical, but he wasn’t off by much. If one kills a stranger, isn’t caught at the scene, doesn’t leave a wide and obvious evidence trail and doesn’t talk about it, it’s highly unlikely to be solved.

      Even leaving your own serialized gun at the scene helps little without mandatory registration, and anyone who would leave such evidence at the scene is as apt to leave thier drivers license as thier gun.

  2. “which makes it very difficult for us to locate the person out there committing the act of violence,’ said Peter Forcelli.”
    Uhhh, WTF?

    • Well it does mention that he’s a “special” agent… I guess special defines it pretty well.

  3. Peter Forcelli, Special Agent in Charge for the Miami Field Division, just how stupid do you think we are?

    Serial numbers are part of your pre-crime investigations now? “Ghost guns” allow criminals to disappear into the wind more easily than a stolen gun with an SN does? If I write a magic number on a piece of paper does that give you instant, nationwide, real time tracking of that piece of paper?

    Seriously, click your jackboots together three times and say “There’s no smell like bullshit”. Hopefully you’re transported directly in front of a firing squad. Not because you’re a government thug but rather because you’ve just insulted the intelligence of A LOT of people with your flat-out nonsense. Seriously, what is the average IQ of people in your position? Somewhere South of room temperature would be my bet.

    • “Seriously, click your jackboots together three times and say “There’s no smell like bullshit”.
      Instant classic.
      Gotta clean the IPA off my iPad now…

  4. “Because no criminal has ever filed the serial number off a gun before.”

    Progressive ignorance – it’s a thing.

      • Recovering filed off or obliterated serial numbers is generally dependent on specific acid(s) eating away the metal not hardened by the stamping process. The problem with that is its defeated by stamping over or otherwise hardening the metal over and around the serial number. But you know, manufacturing a ghost gun is so much cheaper and easier that beating a punch or nailset or bolt along the groove where one has filed away the serial that I’m sure no one would even bother with the old way that was, you know, basically free and took 10 minutes or so and required the use of at least $6.00 worth of tools.

        Please don’t tell anyone that you can deserialize a Glock reciever in seconds with a stout pocket knife, but you might tell them that if you’ve stolen the gun in the first place you don’t need to care about the serial number, or that if you’re going to simply destroy the weapon, or pass it along anonymously to yet another criminal, the serial number is meaningless or even misleading to law enforcement.

        It used to be that people tried to avoid displaying their ignorance publicly for fear of ridicule or worse. With the left though, they an once as if it were nearly criminal to point out that what someone is suggesting isn’t true, or realistic, or even possible. I mean, it’s racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever to say ‘That’s not even true, and it’s obviously not true’ just so long as what was said fits the progressive narrative.

  5. “the PHaSR would be a device wielded by a single person that could project a low-level laser capable of blinding its target, similar to the effect of when a flashlight is shined into your eye up close.”

    So they spent a couple million bucks developing something that you can do with a $100 rail mount and $75 LED flashlight? Yup, sounds like government spending.

    • Yeah, you can do that today with a $75 LED flashlight.

      Twelve years ago, in 2005? Not so much. Solid state lighting has come a l-o-n-g ways in the last decade and change.

    • The thing in its current form looks a little clumsy to me, but I bet that for those several million dollars it has a greater range than your $75 flashlight.

  6. Forcelli might be one of those folks with “presence” who can say the most absurd thing and have the press eat it up without question.

    I suspect he has a career in politics ahead of him.

  7. Jordan Klepper who? Never heard of this “comedian.”

    Whatever. Like Colbert, Bee and Oliver, this will likely be another one going full retard.

    • Looks like Beaker escaped from wherever the cast of the Muppets is hiding these days. Actually, no… Beaker wouldn’t attempt anything this stupid. He may be unintelligible, but at least the real Beaker had some common sense.

      A one-hour special with “elements of documentary filmmaking, comedy and investigative journalism”? This thing has fustercluck written all over it. I dunno what the hell is going on in this cretin’s misshapen cranium, but I do know that I don’t want to find out.

  8. The Nashville mayor is one of the many Democrat hypocrites. Guns for her by not for anyone else.

  9. Just to make sure I clicked the S&W glasses link before I wrote this comment and as I suspected…

    We’re a bunch of OFWGs. Why is it impossible for any company to provide shooting glasses for those of us who wear glasses? Not everybody can, will, or wants to deal with contact lenses. We would still like to have some sort of at least semi-stylish protective glasses for the range. Please?

    • +1!

      I don’t care if they’re stylish. I just want them to work well over my regular, very-expensive-because-I-have-weird-eyes glasses. And, preferably, not scratch them in the process…

    • “Get LASIC and shut up old timer.”

      -Eyepro companies.

      They have a point though. That procedure is now cheap enough that it’s totally worth it. It’s less than the price of two pairs of glasses or a year’s worth of contacts. I can get it done around Denver for $250/eye with free touchups for life from a company that’s done North of 100K procedures. Done in 30 minutes and healed completely in week.

      I have a lot of friends that rave about it, having had it done. It’s worth considering. I am.

      • I got Lasix several years ago. It’s great! I’m over 50 now, and the distance vision is still fine. Focusing on the front site, not so much. I have a pair of prescription lenses that I use at the range, but for the most part I’ve outfitted everything with lasers. I have serious doubts about a BG waiting while I put on my reading glasses.

      • True but there are other considerations.

        If you’re close to “cataract age” (happens early in my family) it’s not worth it.

        And, while outcomes are generally good, the rare bad outcome can seriously damage quality of life. Since I make my living with my brain and eyes…

        • What you say is true.

          However, they know if you’re​ not a good candidate for the surgery at the consult, which around me is free. They advertise the free consults all over the place, even in darkest Albuquerque.

          The success rate at this point is damn near 100% because they don’t take people they think will have a problem. And these days a “failure” is not quite getting the patient to 20/20.

      • $250/eye?? I had no idea. I’m SOLD. Same problem with fitting durable specs over my scripts. Wore RX specs as a kid though but that surgery price has piqued my interest.

    • Try SSP Eyewear, they have safety glasses with focal lenses in the top quadrant of the lenses making it easier to acquire the front site. They aren’t expensive either.

  10. [snip] AR-15’s out there that wouldn’t be out there without this machine and there’s not strings on them right [snip]

    Is this some sort of transcription error, or do Special Agent Forcelli and I speak different dialects of English?

    • Terrible editing, both here and on the CBS website. The quote was taken directly from CBS, so they’re the ones who screwed THAT up… Not in my dialect either.

      But it was actually Cody Wilson who said those words, not Forcelli – TTAG ran the two sentences together, so it looks like the quote came from the wrong guy!

  11. Ram preemption through in Nebraska. Megan Barry should be overthrown. Screw these little dictators and their BS.

  12. ‘Without a serial number we can’t trace that firearm, which makes it very difficult for us to locate the person out there committing the act of violence,’ said Peter Forcelli, the Special Agent in Charge for the Miami Field Division. ”

    Ok so how many criminals have been convicted by tracing the serial of a crime gun?

    Yeah that’s what I thought.

  13. if anyone wants to take one for the team.. Jordan Klepper did a “good guy with a gun” shorter piece. i’m sort of curious about it in the same sense that i’m curious just how painful it really is to give birth.

  14. “I hope they go to jail. They’re bad boys. When somebody’s got a gun, that’s not a good boy,” Liliana Rodriguez said.

    Wow. Just wow… Brainwashed doesn’t begin to describe it – more like brain damaged!

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