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Vedder Holsters Daily Digest – Playing Up a ‘Threat’, Texas Legislature Trouble and Why People Kill Animals for Fun

Only to an anti-gun mainstream media outlet . . . He’s a danger to the gun industry. Here’s why. – “Jennings had good reason to dislike Wintemute. The UC Davis emergency room physician had spent years trying to fix the end results of gunshot wounds. In 1994, Wintemute wrote a book titled “The Ring of Fire,” about a half-dozen Los Angeles-area factories owned by Jennings’ family and friends that produced cheap handguns used in a huge numbers of crimes. In part because of Wintemute’s research, the California Legislature later approved a bill that banned the type of handguns produced in those factories. All but one of the companies soon closed.”

Why do left wing politicians resort to threats of violence when the politics don’t go their way? . . . Protest Sparks Texas Lawmaker Threats Of Gun Violence – “A group of Democratic lawmakers is accusing a Republican colleague of threatening to “put a bullet in the head” of someone on the Texas House floor, as a raucous immigration protest unfolded in a public gallery.”

OMG! Normalizing guns! On local TV! OMG! . . . That’s‘s Lee Williams chatting it up with a local talking head…and showing local viewers the fun of guns. As RF likes to say, culture eats strategy for lunch and this is a positive example of changing the culture in favor of firearms.

Provocation does not equal excessive force, apparently . . . Supreme Court Sides with Deputies In Lancaster Shooting – “A unanimous Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies in a legal dispute stemming from 2010, when a couple of bystanders were shot while the deputies searched for a wanted man in Lancaster. … A federal appeals court ruled that the deputies were liable because they provoked a violent confrontation by entering the shack without a warrant. But Justice Samuel Alito said such a ‘provocation rule’ is not compatible with excessive force claims under the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. If the officers were reasonable in using force to defend themselves, Alito said, a court should not go back in time to see whether the incident was provoked.”

Where can I get an Uzi rifle? . . . Thieves armed with Uzi rifle, handgun sought in home invasion robbery – “The Broward Sheriff’s Office is searching for two men who robbed a family Thursday night at their home. The home invasion robbery was reported shortly after 11 p.m. at a home on San Remo Boulevard in North Lauderdale. Deputies said two men, one of whom was holding an Uzi rifle and one who was armed with a handgun, forced the homeowner to open the front door and pushed their way inside. Authorities said the robbers ordered the family to the downstairs bathroom and held them there at gunpoint.”

Remember that armed Phoenix Comicon wack-o last week? . . . Man arrested at Phoenix Comicon booked for attempted murder – “The man Phoenix police arrested Thursday for carrying four loaded guns inside the Phoenix Convention Center during Phoenix Comicon has been booked for attempted murder and several more charges. According to police, 31-year-old Mathew Sterling made threats to harm a performer at the event. Police also believe he intended to attack officers as well. Police say Sterling was armed with a shotgun, three handguns and knives, as well as ammunition and ‘other handheld weapons.’ Police said he was wearing body armor.”

Another sneak peek at master engraver Otto Carter’s latest opus, the Angels and Demons Cabot Guns 1911. Stay tuned for more.

Hunting Big Game: Why People Kill Animals for Fun – “…(T)housands of people each year still visit wild spaces across Africa with guns in hand. They apply for permits to recreationally hunt big animals, many of which — leopards, lions andelephants, to name just a few — represent threatened or endangered species. And the ‘sport’ is not without risks for human hunters — on May 19, a hunter in Zimbabwe was crushed to death by an elephant after the animal was shot by another member of his hunting party. So what motivates people to hunt these animals for pleasure, and to proudly display the bodies or body parts of their prey as precious trophies?”

The SLPD has been sitting on a cache of never-used Tommy guns for over 60 years . . . St. Louis police sell surplus weapons, including Tommy guns, for $1.2 million – “The St. Louis Police Department is selling a stash of guns that bring to mind Prohibition-era gangsters for cash to put new a handgun in every officer’s holster, plus arm the department with a number of AR-15 rifles. The rifles and about 1,525 new 9 mm Beretta handguns will be paid for largely by the sale of 27 Thompson submachine guns, some dating to the 1920s. The proceeds from the vintage weapons will cover about half of the new arsenal — the first shipment of which is expected to arrive in August. The sale of the Berettas currently used by officers and other surplus weapons will make up the rest.”

Why You Should Practice Long Range Handgun Shooting – “Sighted fire, the conventional wisdom goes, is best left for strict target shooting and iron sighted long gun shooting. It’s practically pointless, some might say, to practice traditional aimed fire with a handgun for defensive purposes. There’s no way you should be using a handgun to fire at a hostile human target at longer distances; that’s what they made shotguns for! Or should you? Believe it or not, it’s a good tool to have in the toolbox. There have been gunfights concluded from longer distances using a handgun, so it’s not exactly out of the realm of possibility.”

Details, details . . . US Army Lost Track Of $1 Billion Worth Of Weapons And Equipment – “The U.S. Army lost track of more than $1 billion worth of military equipment and weapons sent to Iraq and Kuwait. That information comes from a now-declassified Department of Defense audit from 2016 that was obtained by Amnesty International. The audit itself did not contain specifics about what equipment is unaccounted for, but the rights group reports “tens of thousands of assault rifles” and “hundreds of Humvees” are missing.” A billion here, a billion there…pretty soon you’re talking real money.

Here’s a warm-your-heart Memorial Day weekend story . . . MCSO: Man shoots, kills robber who tased him – “A homeowner was forced to shoot and kill a robber after the homeowner was tased by the suspect in Kingman, Mohave County Sheriff’s Office said. It happened around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday near Bank Street and Jagerson Avenue. The homeowner said that somebody got into the house and robbed him, MCSO said. The suspect also tased the homeowner several times while in the house, deputies said.”

Reason number 7,936 why trust in the media is at an all-time low . . . How an LA-area felon got illegal guns with newspaper ads, ammo from Sheriff’s Department – “(Publisher David DeMulle) first drew suspicion from Los Angeles Police Department officials in 2010 after he printed an advertisement in the Foothills Paper asking for donations of guns, which would ‘purportedly be liquidated … and the proceeds sent to support then-ongoing earthquake relief efforts in Haiti,’ according to court documents. Undercover LAPD officers investigating the ad gave DeMulle two guns and got a receipt during a 2010 sting operation. … Assistant U.S. Attorney Gregory Lesser, the federal prosecutor, said Thursday it was unclear whether the so-called ‘Guns for Haiti’ advertisement was a ruse by DeMulle to get around his restriction to possess firearms.”

Advanced gun training for Colorado teachers on its way – “A local gun rights group is bringing an advanced training course to Colorado to help local teachers, principals and other school personnel learn how to stop a Columbine-style mass shooting. The effort, launched by Coloradans for Civil Liberties, is welcomed by school officials in rural areas, who say teachers and others need to be trained to stop armed assailants since local law enforcement easily could be miles and miles away. Critics say a three-day course cannot adequately prepare a teacher for a close-quarters confrontation with an armed attacker.”

Be careful when you leave free America for one of those other states . . . Hotel guest arrested after going back to get his gun – “Torrie Flock, 23, from Charlotte, NC, rang reception at the Harbor Motor Inn on Shore Parkway in Gravesend on Monday afternoon to say he’d left a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson under the mattress in Room 218, officials said. When he returned to retrieve the firearm around 1:30 p.m., cops ​were waiting and arrested him. A maid had previously gone in to confiscate the gun, wrapped it in a towel and handed it over to ​police. The firearm had seven rounds ​in it, according to prosecutors, who said Flock told officers​,​ ‘I didn’t know it was such a big deal.’”

Beautiful warthogs:

46 thoughts on “Vedder Holsters Daily Digest – Playing Up a ‘Threat’, Texas Legislature Trouble and Why People Kill Animals for Fun”

  1. Tell me why people climb deadly mountains like Everest and jump out of perfectly good airplanes? Who knows why people go to Africa to hunt dangerous game? There’s 7 billion+ people on this planet and each has his own reasons for what they do.

    • jumping out of airplanes is great fun!
      its about as much of a rush as buffalo hunting.

      • Ima take your word for that. Personally, helicopters scare the shit out of me. I can’t imagine I’d be any good in a parachute. I’d probably fertilize half the state by the time I got to the ground.

        As for the buff. That’s just steak on the hoof. Ima fat guy. Steak don’t scare me.

        • A military helicopter is “ten thousand spare parts flying in close formation, built by the lowest builder.” Been on a Sea Sprite and a CH-53E and that’s plenty for me, thank you very much.

    • No such thing as a perfectly good airplane. 😉

      (been jumping out of aluminum tubes for 10+ years)

    • I climbed the “Meat Mountain” at Arby’s yesterday. It was pretty disgusting, but I hadn’t even really had breakfast yet and it was already 2pm.

  2. where are they where are they selling those Thompson off at? More importantly since they’ve been sitting on them since the 1920s are they registered so that they can legally be sold? Or has the police department been in possession of a cache of unregistered machine guns for almost 100 years?

    • I think they aught to just re issue those babys out to officers. Why bother with buying new ARs when you can mow down gangsters with some style.

    • I do not believe that cop department paid $200 registration fees for those subguns 90 years ago when they did not have to, exempt as usual. But that means that sale of those guns to anyone besides an exempt entity would violate Fed law, get you investigated by the ATF and locked up, don’t know which is worse. If they come up with some sort of carve out exemption now, that would be corruption at monumental levels.

  3. Personally I tend to only shoot animals I can eat unless doing vermin control like feral cats.

    No idea how a court can rule that is is legal to break down door without a warrant or knocking, shoot the couple who lived there, he lost his leg and then say we were looking for a suspect and that there’s no compensation. The suspect had maybe been seen on the road on a bike.

    • You (and I) may not want to eat leopard or lion meat, but I promise you that there are plenty of people in Africa who will. So it’s not like the meat from trophy animals is thrown away.

      • I’ve heard that ground lion cut with fat from another source makes the best burger one could eat. Never had the chance to try it myself, but I like to eat odd things…I have to have a sample of anything I kill that isn’t outright unsafe. Then again, I haven’t killed anything but pests in years, and since I’ve tried them before, I see no point in attempting haute cuisine with their meat again.

        Pro tip: if its whole carcass is small enough to fit in a pressure cooker, it should probably spend half an hour in their before more tasty things are done to it, unless you REALLY like to chew your food.

        Survival tip: 30 minutes at a rolling boil will render most any meat safe to eat, provided it doesn’t contain toxic chemicals or metals or something. This works for scavenged meat otherwise unsafe to eat.

    • It’s still not legal to break down the door in that case… but you apparently can’t start shooting at the cops (as I’ve seen people claim they’ll do here) and then bring a lawsuit when they shoot back… I guess.

      Sounds complicated. I’d rather not be part of either side on that case.

      • The police. But what does that mean to you? A person wearing a uniform? A guy with a badge made from some metal? A guy standing next to a police car? A guy yelling police at you?

        At which point are you sure that you are talking to a police officer? If there is somebody driving a police car and not being followed by 10 other police cars, chances are he is a legit cop that didn’t just steal the vehicle and the uniform. So he might write me a speeding ticket.
        People kicking in my door to enter my constitutionally protected home while yelling at me instead of having a warrant, id’s and letting me call 911 to verify if they are legit? I don’t have any numbers on how many police impersonating criminals we had last year, but if the police wants to restrict any of my rights they either go the lawfull way about it or eat lead for not being distinguishable from a criminal with a costume. We have laws and they must be followed by both sides. As long as i do my part i expect them to follow the law or live with the consequences of breaking the law themselves.

        • If you shoot, kill them. This just sounds like the court simply decided the overall situation led to a good old gunfight, they didn’t imprison those who fired on police either, right? But however wrong the cops are, it would be pretty stupid to think they will not return fire, if fired on.

  4. Be VERY careful going to full communist states like NY; do not put that weapon anywhere out of the ordinary so that it is left behind. Hell, in NYC you can get jail time for just a pocket knife, be careful out there in the land of the NOT free.

    • I made the determination several months ago that I would not voluntarily leave the Free States of American anymore. This pretty well keeps me off the left coast and the NE

      • My Ohio CCW permit gives me 40 states. The other 10 are no go areas. It’s not just gun rights, it’s just a litmus test. Why would I subject myself to California or New York generally, and particularly while disarmed? I wouldn’t even fly over New Jersey. The plane might have to make an emergency landing there, and I could end up a felon. Never mind that this ought not be allowed in the US, I’m not going near the place. I’d feel safer armed in some third world hell hole than disarmed in the state of New Jersey. Frankly, and this is going to sound extreme, but if the options were to surrender to NJ police or attempt a fighting escape to flee to a non extradition treaty country…well, I’ll just say that I’m not inclined to recognize the authority of those who are so clearly supporting the unconstitutional denial of civil rights, and leave it at that.

        So, for everyone’s sake, do stay out of stupid places with stupid people doing stupid things.

  5. PCP airguns can be pretty powerful but I’m not shooting any tiger with that one.

  6. Man they didn’t rid the world of “Ring of Fire” zamack junk-JA,Cobra and others just moved laterally. They sell a LOT of those POS “guns” at Westforth in Gary ,Indiana. I wish I had a stash of machine guns squirreled away for 90 years?

    • I’ve bought a few guns at Westforth’s. I try to avoid them now.
      I do most of my business with Blythe’s in Valpo now.

  7. “Where can I get an Uzi rifle”

    Buy an “Uzi” pistol (which retains none of Uzi Gal’s design because it has been converted to closed bolt for ATF compliance), fill out the paperwork and pay 200 dollar, wait 10 months (if you’re lucky) for the ATF to get back to you, then weld a stock to it. Duh.

  8. ” Critics say a three-day course cannot adequately prepare a teacher for a close-quarters confrontation with an armed attacker…”

    Okay, how many days will? 5? 10?

    Somehow I bet they won’t have an actual answer. My answer is that 3 is better than nothing. Anything is better than nothing.

    • This: I’d rather face someone with no weapon and no training than someone with a weapon and some training. There is a simple way to deal with this argument. Get out the simulations, and let the idiot who made the comment see how much more pain they are in with the 3 day trainees over those with no training. Better yet, put the idiot in the shoot house for a day as the bad guy, and then ask if they’d like 3 days training before you put them back in for another pounding.

      It used to be that when someone said something really stupid in public they were ridiculed. This wasn’t a bad thing. The alternative seems to be that anyone can express any opinion, no matter how flawed or absurd, and still expect equal consideration. This is a really bad thing.

    • Assuming the training is quality, sticks to the basics and is relevant, any training is better than no training. But a bad trainer combined with bad training is worse than no training and will put the good guy and the school in a precarious position of liability – and themselves and anyone they’re trying to protect in potential danger. Good training = good, bad training = really bad.

  9. For the record, and for no particularly important reason, Warthog is a nickname for the A-10 Thunderbolt airplane. There is no such animal as an A-10 Warthog.

    A-10s are awesome.

    • The A-10: The beautiful story of a 700lb 30mm 7 barrel hydraulically rotated gatling gun that dreamed of being an airplane when it grew up.

        • The A-10 and the AC-130… both sound by description like something dreamed up by the infantry with little understanding of aircraft and artillery. Really, who else would think attaching artillery to airplanes was gonna work?

          I’m always going to see the battlefield through light infantry eyes. Airpower and indirect fires are terrifying. Armor is terrifying. Except when they are on your side, in which case they are terrific!

  10. Not interested in reading Wintemute’s book, but I am interested in learning how a .22 fired out of a Jennings is worse than one fired out of a Hammerli.

    • Because this was an easy way for the anti’s to demonize low cost firearms used by poorer “inner city residents” for self defense – ironically the same people the “left” claims it wants to protect. And it happened in CA. It’s well known that criminals either obtain their weapons from stolen sources or straw purchases (both crimes I’ll remind the anti’s) because they can’t buy them at a gun shop. Bryco Arms/Jennings Firearms took one for the team via a bogus lawsuit claiming the guns were “unsafe,” so they went bankrupt. Also ironically, Jennings and Bryco handguns have been resurrected as Jimenez Arms in Costa Mesa, CA but I don’t believe any of these weapons are available for sale in CA anymore.

      You can read the whole story here:

  11. Texas legislature story: sounds like Rinaldi was a victim of (simple) assault and violent threats. lesson learned here: don’t warn them ahead of time that you’re armed and you’ll shoot them in self-defense. just shoot them in self-defense.

    what did Tuco say… When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.

  12. Practicing long shots with a short gun is both fun and a handy tool. When coyotes are coming for your dog you’ll want to engage them at maximum range, rather than up close and personal.

  13. RE: Wintemute: While the numbers for deaths by guns and autos are close to equal, the comparison stops there.
    Auto deaths are almost entirely by accident, while deaths by guns are almost entirely on purpose.
    So a program to promote safety for driving is very reasonable; education about driving safely will reduce the auto death rate.
    In contrast, gun safety is already a ‘thing’; with about 500 accidental gun deaths a year, vs about 30,000 deaths on purpose, safety isn’t the big problem. The big problem is people wanting to kill others or themselves.
    I don’t see TV ads telling gun owners to keep their guns locked up actually keeping criminals or suicides from using guns.
    What these people want isn’t ‘safety,’ except that they will feel safer if guns didn’t exist, which isn’t going to happen, and they know it.
    And since they know it, it becomes obvious as to what their actual goal is: a totalitarian government (the ultimate “big government”) controlling all aspects of everyone’s’ lives.

  14. Scientific American sure has changed. It used to be on the order of a real science journal, with papers that presented data to support findings. Now it’s just another opinion rag.

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