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I can’t stand the spam! . . . The NRA Annoyed Me Into Quitting — But I Get Why Some Gun Owners See It as a ‘Necessary Evil’ (link to

The main reason I left was they were bombarding me with emails and political garbage I had no interest in. So I quit. I had to call them to get myself removed from their lists.

They’re super annoying and aggressive. I was getting emails even after I wasn’t a member anymore, which was infuriating. They just kept bombarding me with more and more … I’m looking at my email right now. If I search “Wayne LaPierre,” I have 29 emails from him between 2009 and 2015, even after I quit. I have 30 emails from Wayne LaPierre that I never asked for.

This was during the Obama administration so it was like, “Obama’s taking away our guns again!” and all this crazy stuff. As we know, Obama is the best gun salesman ever for the NRA. They used him as a boogeyman to sell more guns.

Unnecessary cost, duplication of effort and needless delay is what government does best . . . The Army’s Substandard Ammo Magazine Needs to Go

In January, just two weeks after the Marines officially switched to the polymer Magpul PMAG GEN 3 magazine, Republican senators Joni Ernst, Tom Cotton, Jim Inhofe, David Perdue, and Johnny Isakson wrote a letter to Army chief of staff Mark Milley demanding to know why the Army hadn’t yet made a similar change. The PMAG had “zero magazine-related stoppages through all of the tests,” the senators noted, and it “reduce[s] damage to the chamber face and feed ramps when using M855A1 ammunition.” In addition, it is not affected by extreme temperatures — a vital advantage for military personnel in both the Army and the Marines.

In his response to the letter, General Milley agreed to move forward with more testing of polymer magazines and release the results in the next six to twelve months. But to many, another year of testing seems rather pointless. “I’m just concerned that the Army is going through a lot of testing all over again for a magazine that is already in use in the same rifle in the Marine Corps,” Ernst tells National Review. “We are duplicating what has already been done.”

If we had to bet, we’d have guessed that the next caliber for the APX would have been .45. Shows you what we know.

Designed specifically for military and law enforcement operators, the APX has been put through extensive testing and evaluation at the professional end user level. The result is a pistol that delivers superior performance in durability and reliability, ergonomics, trigger, and modularity. Utilizing a removable, serialized chassis frame, the APX can be easily modified with replaceable grip frame housings and is simple to disassemble and maintain.

Brits can sleep soundly knowing that the scourge of guns and the violence they inevitably bring have been eliminated from the land of Hope and Glory . . . Smiling killers GUILTY of killing ‘devoted dad’ Carl Campbell in Christmas drive-by shooting

Three smiling killers are facing life in jail for shooting dead a “devoted” dad in an horrific Christmas drive-by attack.

Carl Campbell, 33, died in a hail of bullets after he was ambushed at traffic lights near West Bromwich town centre on December 27 last year.

He died instantly when one of five shots aimed at a Ford Fiesta in which he was travelling ricocheted off the dashboard and hit him in the head.

Teenage gunman Mohammed Humza fled in a stolen Audi Q5 driven by accomplice Vikesh Chauhan, 24, and with the third co-conspirator Jaspal Rai, 24, in the front passenger seat.

Is .38 Special the best all-around caliber in the history of the world ever? . . . Man kills 820Alabama man kills 820-pound wild hog in front yard with gun

Hogs aren’t unusual in rural south Alabama, but Wade Seago said he’d never seen anything like the 820-pound animal he shot and killed in his front yard.

Seago told that he and his daughter spotted the massive hog in their yard in Samson last week after the family’s pet schnauzer Cruiser started barking.

“Cruiser had this huge hog confused with all of the barking and movement,” Wade said. “It was not a good situation.”

So the man got his .38-caliber handgun and took aim. It took three shots to drop the hog, Seago said, and he later weighed it on scales at a peanut company.

Semiotic common sense . . . This Sign Calls Attention To the Gun Debate on College Campuses

A sign reportedly posted outside a lab at the University of Georgia rose to the top of Reddit on Thursday.

The sign reminds students that open-toed shoes, shorts, and loose clothing are not allowed in the lab, as they represent safety hazards that could put them at risk of catching fire or exposing their skin to chemical burns. But as of July 1, firearms are technically permitted.

Just like Jell-O, there’s always room for more . . . Concealed handgun permits surging, blacks, women lead growth

Concealed handgun permits in the United States soared by 1.83 million since last July, setting a record for the fourth consecutive year, according to an analysis released Thursday.

That brings the total number of concealed handgun permit holders in the country to 16.3 million, with some of the biggest increases occurring among women and African-Americans, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) said.

Concealed handgun permits are now held by some more than 6 percent of American adults, the CPRC analysis found. Outside the restrictive states of California and New York, that figure rises to about 8 percent.


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  1. “The sign reminds students that open-toed shoes, shorts, and loose clothing are not allowed in the lab, as they represent safety hazards that could put them at risk of catching fire or exposing their skin to chemical burns. But as of July 1, firearms are technically permitted.”

    I have NEVER stubbed my toe with a handgun!!!

    • Yeah. We are forbidden from wearing open toed shoes or sandals in the knife shop I work in. I get why, but I cut my fingers at least once a week. Never have yet dropped one all the way to the floor.

        • My wife dropped a chef’s knife that stuck standing in her foot just behind her big toe. Minor tendon damage and several stitches were the result. Gun’s in our house? Zero lost-time injuries to date.

  2. If I’m reading UGA’s notice correctly revolvers and striker fired handguns are ok in the labs but no 1911’s? A bulldog wouldn’t know class if it bit ’em in the butt…

  3. Anshell, you’re a gun owner who ISN’T a militant advocate for the RTKBA? You’re not politically active? You’re not like me, someone who believes it’s no longer enough to be willing to fight and die to preserve these rights, but also must be willing to kill for them too? Well, I, nor the new NRA wants you or other FUDDS, anywhere near our modern movement. There’s no room for you in the gun community. JOIN OR DIE.

    • Who shit in your Cheerios this morning? Maybe some of us are tired of being sold out by Fudds who just want their carve out? Maybe some of us actually believe in equality?

      • ‘Equality’ of what? Losing all of our firearms? With friends like you, who needs enemies? Grow up.

        • Not sure if you’re a turncoat who missed the point, or we just aren’t on the same page…

          If the former: I have no use for fudds or people who want special rights. If you think their help is needed, then you can take a long walk off a short pier. The Constitution and BoR apply to *EVERYONE* If believing in that means I need to ‘grow up’, then you need to FOAD.

          If the latter: Try reading my comment again in the context of the OP.

  4. Golly gee I just ignore and delete all the NRA spam. I thought everyone did that…what a whiny little b***h. Bacack DID want your guns. That’s a BIG pig. No I sure as heck don’t think 38 is the “perfect” round. Better than nothing…

      • I get at least 10 emails a week. Some days I get 3-4. I too think it a necessary evil, although many times it feels as wrong as the other side, rhetorically speaking.

  5. I dunno. The sign looks fine to me. A skirt is no longer flattering with my legs. (I am a bit disappointed that there isn’t a Sig outline. Oh well.)

  6. Shot placement…wound channels…ballistics gel tests…etc. .50 AE is no better than .32 Colt. Sound about right?

    Going to stick with 10mm for autos, and my revolver will have to wait until I can afford to order my full-length .454 Super Redhawk. I prefer to rely on overkill. I don’t own a shotgun that can’t chamber 3″ 12 gauge. Even my cheap(ish) used Russian SxS is magnum chambered.

    If faced with a rogue hog, and all I have is my Mk II with rat shot, we might just find out how many rounds of .22 CCI rat shot it takes to bring down a hog. I’d much rather hit a leg with .308 out of an Encore than a full magazine center mass with rimfire, but we work with what we have at the moment. I doubt Mr. Seago is thinking, “I’m glad I didn’t have a .44 mag.”

    Or, to put it another way, “I’ve seen a .38 bounce off a windshield.”

    • Call it the EDC, the nightstand gun, the Oh-Sh!t Gun, my home carry or the piece I made some antler grips for and wrote an article about: if a piggy comes to my yard it’s getting popped with five rounds of 130gr .38+p’s because that’s all I have loaded and ready until I beat feet back inside to fish anything more potent out of the safe. You shoot what you’ve got at the ready.
      Welp. It worked for him at least…

      • I think the S&W model 10 is one of the greatest handguns ever designed, and not just for sentimental reasons. And I don’t doubt the capabilities of the .38 Special. It just wouldn’t be my first choice for defense. My point was simply that one man dropping a huge hog with a .38 doesn’t put an end to the caliber wars.

        I still personally believe bigger is better when given the option. And will continue to do so. That’s all.

        • No argument here. I get wistful thinking of a Smith 10-5 to add to the collection or the clone – the Taurus 80. Owned the 80 for a few brief weeks until life handed me a lemon and I’d love to replace it but a 10-5 would trump it. A Ruger Security Six 4″ would trump both but it’s a .357 so that goes without saying…

        • I have a 10-5 that my grandfather’s uncle gave him, and my grandfather gave me. It became a C&R this year, and it’s a beauty to shoot. I was getting at least 3 rounds touching out of every cylinder, firing DA at 10 yds last week. Of course, that gun will never be sold. It will go to MY grandson. Universal background checks be damned.

    • If it’ll stand still facing you, or if you’re a great shot on running game, .22LR from a pistol will drop any size hog. (assuming you don’t have your Ruger MKII stuffed with #12 lead dust)

  7. Sorry NRA, I don’t do Chevy. Next time try a truck from a company that hasn’t taken $85 billion from the taxpayers.

  8. [“Obama’s taking away our guns again!” and all this crazy stuff.]

    Ever heard of Y2K? Remember how the power grid and the banking networks were going to collapse and civilization as we knew it was going to grind to a halt? Didn’t happen. But here’s the key: just because it didn’t happen doesn’t mean it wasn’t GOING to happen. It didn’t happen because people spent BILLIONS of dollars fixing stuff so it WOULDN’T happen.

    Sort of like the NRA does in their never-ending fight against gun-haters. The gun-haters have time on their side. Every yard of ground they take is 10 times more difficult to get back. It’s far easier and cheaper to protect our rights than to take them back again.

    • Ding ding ding! We have a winner.

      I have spent 17 years explaining why Y2K wasn’t a disaster. It’s because so many people were successfully warned of the danger and spent time and money fixing the problems.

      Same with the fine work of the NRA.

      • Actually, it was because legacy software designers weren’t as dumb as modern software designers would have you think. But your role was totally important and you saved society and junk.

        Seriously, you think the people who taught you assumed the world would end before the year 2000? Failsafes were built into everything. An international flight’s digital calendar suddenly indicates that it’s 1900? Whelp, the pilots had better just crash into the ocean, since the airliner they’re flying hasn’t been invented yet.

        To quote South Park: Fuuuuuck Yoooouuuu.

        Y2K wasn’t a hoax, but it was a joke. And you apparently profited off the ignorant. I hope you feel good about yourself.

        • The big Y2K problem wasn’t that (for example) the airliners would fall out of the sky. Obviously they wouldn’t.
          The problem is that the failure mode was not a constant. When the system met the failure point, no one knew exactly what would happen.
          So, no, the airliner wouldn’t fall out of the sky. But would all the navigation systems that kept it on course work? That was the question. And without a lot of work and money, we might have found out the hard way that it wouldn’t.
          A joke? Hardly. Especially if you were in that airliner.

      • Don’t know if young and completely unaware of how legacy computers worked, or old and completely unaware what happens when a line of code has an instruction set that says to do the impossible.

        Failsafes? Yeah, please give an example of the string from say a UNIX or COBOL environment that would stop the rest of the code from assuming it had gone back in time. This isn’t quantum AI computing we’re talking about, it’s an adding machine. It follows it’s instruction set, and when it conflicts with the reality it perceives, the law of unintended consequences takes over.

        • Young enough to have had several professors constantly brag about how they made millions off the Y2K panic while simultaneously doing nothing about it. Leaders in their fields. And the world didn’t end.

        • You know all those bank data processors that were (and still are in some cases) written in COBOL? Well the guys that wrote them spotted the y2k issue in 1970. Why, 30 year mortgages, that’s why. Y2k wasn’t news until the people that weren’t programmers found out about it – by then the people who were programmers had already dealt with it.

    • As I recall,Y2K was more BS than real worry. A line of code could have corrected it. However, MS was pushing to bring out it’s newest operating system in order to beef up their profit margin. I’d be more worried about an overload kicking off a domino effect and frying equipment that will take months or longer to replace. I’m even more worried that Ford just got nailed with another recall situation involving the same airbag problem.

      • The worry wasn’t software, that was easy, but rather places where you couldn’t necessarily change the code.

        It was a hardware and, to a lesser extent, firmware issue. It doesn’t matter if you change the software from XX to XXXX if the hardware or firmware can’t handle that change.

        • I like the way the Chinese dealt with the Y2K ‘issue’.

          In the civil airline business, they *required* the high-level management people to be airborne in their company aircraft when the rollover happened.

          Nothing like a little ‘incentive’ to make sure the work was done right…

        • This precisely. If the date field only accepted a 2 digit year 00 was not handled the same as 99 was. There were millions of them.

      • Microsoft had a few issues, but the much older mainframes, databases, and software that controlled banking, utilities, telecom, control systems for many things we take for granted had serious issues.

        Programmers were pulled out of retirement to work on applications that hadn’t been touched for a decade or more. Younger programmers learned languages that were once considered dead. Hardware that simply couldn’t handle the change had to be replaced.

        It was very real.

        • And it involved those experienced programmers blinking, hitting a single key, and going back to bed. It was a fucking joke with no real world ramifications other than resetting a couple clocks.

          Worst case scenario, what? Your processor thinks it’s a hundred years older that it actually is? Do you really think planes would have fallen out of the sky and markets would have fallen because they thought it was January, 1900? If so, there’s a bridge by Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

    • Thanks! I’m with Scottlac, and very tired of hearing all about how the Y2K thing was a scam. It wasn’t. You’re quite correct. It could have been a disastrous time had it not been for all the work put in to correct the many, many problems. I know, I was part of the solution for a while.

      • I’m always torn about the discussion, because when I was a software engineering college student in 1992 and we were already talking about Y2K. So the thing is, we did know about it way in advance and we spent a lot of effort on it when the effort was cheap. Anybody who was still updating in the late 90s was an idiot.

        On the other hand, it was fun to be the savior from the 2K demon.

  9. It’s an absolute mystery to me why I have this strange feeling. Maybe I have ESP (not to mention 4 channels of ESPN) but this intuition I have is that The Trace doesn’t really give a fat rat’s patoot how any POTG feel about the NRA unless they’re against it for whatever reason they’ve conjured up. Maybe it’s the fact that The Trace is funded by Michael Bloomberg and it’s rhetoric is as anti-gun as the NRA’s is pro-gun. Could that be why I’m a bit leery of anything they publish? Or maybe it’s because they’ve been caught so many times “cooking the numbers” and outright lying about POTG, i.e., us. I’d spend a great deal of time crafting an entirely logical treatise about all of the good things the NRA does in defense of the Second Amendment if I thought for a New York minute they’d publish it but it would likely to be a waste of my time.

  10. NRA lifer. I hated the spam, constant begging for money. I called the NRA wanting to make a big stink about it. First person that answered the phone stopped me half way through my opening, said just give me your membership number and I’ll put you on the list to stop the spam. can I do anything else for you sir? The spam stopped.
    There’s a lot I don’t like about the NRA, but they have more clout than me.

    • That’s an interesting thought, a big part of why I avoid organizations like that is I do not want any of the spam or affiliate stuff. A family member gave to a few animal charities and not a week goes by that a bunch of big envelopes with “PLEASE HELP!!” arrive. I want none of it.

    • Are there mail systems out there that don’t let you categorize and filter incoming mail? I’ve been doing that for years. My family email is filtered. Bank and financial email is filtered. Hobby email is filtered. I can tell at a glance what I need to read and what I can skip for a day or two. My weekly emails from Outdoor Limited detailing ammo deals? Filtered. I look through them when I need ammo, or set the filter to autodelete.

  11. “If I search “Wayne LaPierre,” I have 29 emails from him between 2009 and 2015, even after I quit.”

    29 emails over 6 years? What a whiner.

    • Hell I get 29 emails every couple hours and that is after a pruning and unregistering last month.

    • My thoughts exactly! “They’re super annoying and aggressive. I was getting emails even after I wasn’t a member anymore, which was infuriating. They just kept bombarding me with more and more …”
      29 emails over 6 years is hardly aggressive or bombarding. And just because you let your membership expire, doesn’t remove you from their mailing list. And this is hardly limited to the NRA. Nearly every store, website, or organisation that you buy from, sign up, or join will do exactly the same thing.

      • What is truly ‘super annoying’ is losing my firearm rights (and the rest of them shortly thereafter). Something tells me whoever complains about junk mail or spam could not survive a pillow fight.

  12. For a long time I have advocated the nations gun organizations to create some kind of unified organization to confront those who would take our 2A rights. The members of this organization would not be NRA or any other unless they wanted to be members of more than one organization. They would not have to be in agreement on all issues except defense of the 2A. Instead of the NRA claiming 5 million members nationwide, we might have 220 million physical members represented against a population of 320 million. This would clearly evidence that a majority supports 2A. It would also change the appearance of the NRA from the only gun supporter that all the anti-gunners love to hate (along with many pro gun people). I am a member, and I am also a member of other pro-gun associations. I think, once the dust settles, the NRA is apt to lose a lot of members if they do not change their methodology, but, for now, I support any group willing to fight for my rights.

    The military faces a similar situation where there are umpteen “small” organizations working individually to support veterans. Essentially, it is the idea of using the leftist unions method of bringing all the locals together, and then adding in other non-related unions to add their weight to an issue. (I happen to detest unions as an economy killer invented by Karl Marx out of the guilds to take over everything, but it has worked.)
    Army and Marines. Like my comrades from the USAF are not out there dying as well. AF Security Forces; formerly the Military Police, Air Police, and Security Police are flying on rescue helos, defending bases, escorting convoys, etc. In Vietnam we worked both reactive and proactive to defend bases. They were defending bases in the Middle East back in 1984 when my unit was rotating out of US bases to defend aircraft flying combat missions, using the same weapons as the Army and Marines. Just like Vietnam, the flyboys got the glory and we never got mentioned even when 58 of us died on the Mayaguez rescue attempt. Even the USN got, and gets more mention then and now. OK. My rant is over.
    I like the .38 Spl, but against a tusker like that???? Well maybe from up in the hay loft… But you never know. Bears have been dropped with .22LRs in rare cases. A scoped .30 cal Blackhawk with a 9″ barrel was filmed for an outdoor show. It dropped a bear at, as I recall, 100 feet using a downed tree for a rest. Would I want to bet my life on it? I’ll pass after seeing what a bear in AK did to one of my patrolmen’s ankle as he shot it repeatedly with his M-16 from the tree where it chased him. The bear was later found some distance away in a restful pose.
    Guns vs clothing? It sure makes sense to me. Leave the guns in the holsters and nobody gets hurt. Blow out a flip-flop next to a bottle of H2SO4 and serious damage it inevitable. HS teacher in MA ended up losing his legs when a student snagged a jacket on the acid bottle on his desk. In HS Chem class back in 1965, when tight Mohair sweaters were envogue. one of my classmates got a little close to a bunson burner, then it reached her hairspray as we got her sweater off and her into the emergency shower. She was soaked and embarrassed but otherwise not seriously burned.
    The firearm death rate, as we all know, has been falling for decades while the gun ownership has been climbing. If it were not for the false data and lies, the lefties would hardly notice the subject, and they would be on to something else.

    • The problem is that when you get a bunch of people together, many of which have a similar ideology, they will push that onto the organization in the name of 2nd Amendment rights. A day or two ago an article here was beating the drum about ‘immigration reform’, of all things, as being something the NRA needs to take up.

      I like the idea of a more ‘pure’ organization but I doubt it can exist when you have a lot of members.

      • The bigger picture is that anything having the potential to swell democratic voter rolls by several million allows them to gain a potentially irreversible control over congress & the white house which in turn gives them the power to control legislation and court appointments.

        The one and only reason the Left supports uncontrolled immigration is that typically poor and illegal aliens will overwhelmingly support the hand that feeds them. If dems could make citizens of even part of 11 million or more illegals they would have complete control and you could kiss your 2A rights along with many others good bye.

        We ignore immigration at our own cultural and constitutional demise. Look no further than what is happening in Europe.

    • Hate to burst your bubble, but the anti-gunners are going to rail against ANY pro firearm group, no matter if large or small. By the way, there is strength in numbers, and this is ESPECIALLY true in politics.

  13. He got 29 emails from W. L. Pierre P. in 6 years. So that’s about 5 e-mails a year and he’s throwing a tantrum. Wow.

  14. A shooting in e UK?
    According to the libtards, it doesn’t happen. So, I gotta call BS.

  15. “Alabama man kills 820-pound wild hog in front yard with gun”

    What that wild hog was doing in the front yard with a gun I’ll never know.

  16. 29 emails from the NRA over 6 years? So about 5 per year or less than 1 every couple months. Doesn’t seem like too big of an annoyance from a group that fights for your rights while you sit on the couch stuffing your face with Cheetohs. Hell, create an account with just about ANY website and you’ll get more solicitations than that.

    • 29 emails? They obviously don’t have Amazon, or they’d understand that’s about 2 weeks of someone really motivated to get your attention.

  17. I find the story about the NRA to be incorrect. I started getting a bunch of phone calls from them during the Obama administration’s. Of time always asking for donations and I did donate a little bit. But the last time I got a call from them I explain that I was a disabled person and that I lived on a fixed income and that I could not afford to continue sponsoring money to them. They simply marked something down on my membership and to this day I have never gotten another call another piece of email or any letters asking for money or any other political crapola. So I find that first article about the NRA misleading and wrong.

  18. Oh great. Now I feel the need to see how Cerakote stands up to NaOH and H2SO4.

      • Sent video to chemist daughter. She concurs and laments idiots who mix things without proper training.

        • However, she also said a reaction shouldn’t occur unless the hydroxide was dissolved in water and the acid was not added properly.

        • Your daughter is wise. The concentration matters. The proper way is *slowly* add acid to water, *never* water into a concentrated acid.

          It can spatter. On *you*.

          As the old saying went, “May your face be long and placid, when adding water to the acid.”

  19. And yes, in fact I did know about the APX, as TTAG sent me a spam mail about it earlier today.

  20. I don’t get spam from the NRA. Apparently I never gave them my email address. Plenty of bulk mail in my mailbox, though.

    The Illinois State Rifle Association sends out emails almost daily when the legislature is in session, at least weekly the rest of the year.

    If you don’t like them, you can block them. No need to make a federal case out of it.

  21. Nice work on the .38 Special, I bet there will be so much butthurt in terms of the caliber wars with that.

    and 30ish emails over 6 years? Give me a break. He obviously never deals with getting 3-500 emails a day.

  22. I don’t get much spam from the NRA. Plus it’s pretty easy to filter out. I get plenty of spam from TTAG though.

    • You use your real email? I stopped doing that when they had that weird bug that revealed addresses or something.

      …then again I don’t do the contests either.

  23. obama has been a bane to gun ownership. His first priority was taking over the healthcare system, and he didn’t want to lose democrat polliticians to anti-gun votes….so he settled on simply stacking the courts at all levels with anti-gun judges and Supreme Court justices….this way they take out gun ownership regardless of actual laws on the books, the 2nd Amendment and even previous Supreme Court rulings. The 9th Circuit could likely destroy “shall issue” laws in this country. The 4th Circuit just ruled that any weapon that is used by the military is not protected by the 2nd Amendment…yes, they actually ruled this….and the anti-gun justices on the Supreme Court are preventing slapping down these stupid lower court rulings that violate the 2nd Amendment as well as Heller, McDonald, and Caetano rulings they made….and they don’t care that these lower courts are ignoring their previous rulings. That is what obama did……

  24. BTW, I didn’t know the NRA sold guns. Must be me, they might think I own enough. However, I didn’t say anything about the number of guns I own, they didn’t ask. I don’t mind e-mails from gun dealers, but the NRA calls me about donations.

  25. In the jumble of topics above I can’t be sure what’s going on, or that Dan Zimmerman wrote them all, but that first one, whoever wrote it, would not seem to belong on a pro-gun site. Guns and the NRA aside, anyone driven batty by 29 emails over the course of six years, or not quite five a year, which he cites as intolerable, is 1) unrealistically tender, snowflake-like, even and 2) has way too much time on their hands, to be keeping track like that.

    I get around 120 emails a day and don’t consider myself special. Dan has an online presence and gets what – for 5 a year to show up as intolerable. And they are from the main bulwark gun owners have against our grabbing government.

    Yes, the NRA sometimes takes up a political cause only indirectly related to the 2nd amendment, but they take a lot more flack for the causes they don’t take up, for their single-mindedness about their mission. They can’t win on that, which is understandable.

    That they can’t win with Dan, that he would drop his membership because a few emails bother him so much, is not. It would seem that what Dan is willing to “go through” to help the NRA protect our gun rights is a whole lot less than would be expected of any gun owner, much less a gun writer.

    He’s entitled to his opinion, and I’m not objecting so much as I’m expressing my absolute stunned surprise that a few emails would drive a real gun guy out of the NRA tent.

    Or maybe this is satire – the site he writes for here sends out how many emails a day? Sometimes it seems like one an hour!

    • “In the jumble of topics above I can’t be sure what’s going on,…”

      The title of the post is ‘Daily Digest’, it’s where all the ‘floor sweepings’ from the day go that didn’t get a dedicated article.

      Yeah, it’s a jumble…

  26. 29 emails. Fake news. It’s easy to get that turned off. Just call. Also, most email client software has the capability to set up rules that will route your email to a separate folder or to the trash. You can also set up blocks or blacklists that send email to spam to be treated as you please.

    On the subject of Y2K, it was very real. There were several real outages on that day that weren’t widely reported, mostly power stations. To knightofbob, I don’t remember seeing you there but there was a lot more work to do than hitting a single key. In some cases the programming was tricky to fix. In many cases, the testing was the larger part of the effort. I’m sure there was some exaggeration, mostly by vendors selling scanning tools and high-dollar consulting but there was plenty to do. Your replies convince me you are reading some kind of conspiracy site.

  27. I don’t get it. You can opt out of the NRA emails. There’s a little “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of their emails. How is that more difficult than writing a whole article on how much you hate their emails?

    Crap. I just went back up to the “article” to make sure I got this right and it was from The Trace. I guess I answered my own question. Might as well post this anyway.

  28. The NRA is not perfect and they do send out too much mail, in my opinion, but they are the best going at what they do. That “political crap” as you put it is the most important aspect of any 2A group especially the NRA. Without the political activism there likely wouldn’t be room for many other gun related activities. If everyone that owned a gun would join the NRA we could get everything we wanted from the politicians. Those that carry firearms or make their living with one that isn’t an NRA member should be ashamed of themselves.

  29. Did not read all the comments, so forgive me if duplicating. Regarding NRA “spam”. Seems to me all he had to do was indicate “spam” or “block” source That problem solved.

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