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Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Blackballing Ted, a Totally Believable Silencer Study and ‘Bang, Your Dead’

Hard to argue with members like the Paul Butterfield Blues Band and Steve Miller already in there . . . Ted Nugent Says NRA Ties Cost Him Spot In Rock Hall

Ted Nugent believes his political views have kept him from being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Specifically, he believes it’s his support for the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) that has led to his exclusion.

“Jan Wenner, the founder of Rolling Stone and the boss hog at Rockand Roll of Fame, he hates freedom, he hates the Second Amendment, he hates me, because I’m on the board of directors — quite proudly — of the National Rifle Association for, like, twenty-six years with some of the highest votes except for Charlton Heston,” Nugent told an Albany radio station. “I couldn’t be more proud of that, ’cause the NRA is the ultimate family, grassroots organization that fights for the right to defend ourselves.”

Trump slump? . . . Illinois concealed-carry permit applications declining

Authorities say applications for concealed-carry permits have been generally declining in Illinois since the program launched three years ago.

Numbers provided by the Illinois State Police show nearly 104,000 people applied for the permits in 2014, and about 32,900 have applied so far this year, the State Journal-Register reported. There was an increase between 2015, when 60,000 applied, and last year, which logged 76,000 applications.

Savage Arms Introduces Model 10 GRS in 6mm Creedmoor

Savage Arms is pleased to offer serious long-range shooters a new secret weapon with the Savage Model 10 GRS in 6mm Creedmoor. The rifle delivers exceptional accuracy and performance whether you’re engaged in top-level competition or simply trying to beat your personal best. Shipments of these firearms are currently being delivered to dealers.

Based on necking the 6.5 Creedmoor down for 6mm bullets, the 6mm Creedmoor cartridge is capable of accurate 1,000-yard shots that had moderate recoil and is predicted to be the next hot cartridge for long-range precision shooting competitions.

Calling Champion Buck Gardner discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different call materials. For more tips and tactics plus other content from DU TV, click here.

Because who wouldn’t believe a Violence Policy Center study? . . . Study Shows Firearm Silencers Threaten Public Safety

A push by the firearms industry and gun lobby to make it far easier for private citizens to buy and possess firearm silencers will only place the police and public at increased risk warns a new and expanded edition of the Violence Policy Center’s (VPC) study Silencers: A Threat to Public Safety. In detailing this marketing push, the study also documents examples of lethal attacks and criminal activity involving silencers.

Silencers are devices that when attached to the barrel of a firearm reduce the amount of noise generated when the weapon is fired. In recent years, the gun industry has aggressively marketed silencers as a new potential profit center.

Chicago defensive gun use of the day . . . Man tells police he shot and killed 3 people who broke into his Southeast Side home

A man told police he shot and killed three people — a man, a woman and a teenage boy — who broke into his home on the Southeast Side Sunday evening, according to authorities.

The man, in his 30s, said the three entered the home in the 10200 block of South Ewing Avenue through the basement around 5:30 p.m., police said. The man shot them, then locked himself in his bedroom, police said.

Responding officers found a 17-year-old boy, a 22-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman dead from multiple gunshot wounds, police said.  Their names have not been released.

The few, the proud, the transparent . . . Armed police in London to get head-mounted cameras

Armed police in London will be given head-mounted cameras to boost transparency – more than three years after the idea was originally put forward.

The Metropolitan Police said around 1,000 officers working for armed response units will have the devices attached to baseball caps and ballistic helmets.

The plans were first suggested by previous Met commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe in 2014, in the wake of the death of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, as a way of ensuring speedier justice for victims and greater accountability.


This is why we can’t have nice things . . . ‘Bang, you’re dead’: Man pulls gun at church during self-defence argument

A Port St. Lucie police report says martial arts instructor Christopher Lasala was at Grace Christian Academy on Sunday discussing with parents an afterschool class he is starting. When one asked about guns, Lasala replied they aren’t always the best choice for self-defence.

Lasala and witnesses told police that 61-year-old George Meyer overheard Lasala and said martial arts are useless. They say he then pulled a handgun, pointed it at Lasala and said, “Bang, you’re dead.” Meyer soon put his gun away and left.

There’s room for everyone . . . Japanese women are entering the male-dominated world of hunting — at the government’s request

In Japan, it was once considered taboo for a woman to speak with a man before he went on a hunt. But a rising number of female hunters are taking up arms, at their government’s behest.

Over the last decade, Japanese farmers have lost up to $170 million annually because of a booming deer and boar population, among other animals that nosh on vegetable crops. The Ministry of Agriculture enlists hunters to help control the pest problem and protect the farms.

At the same time, there are fewer male hunters in Japan due to age and rural depopulation. Hunting groups and local governments are now recruiting women to get the job done.

87 thoughts on “Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: Blackballing Ted, a Totally Believable Silencer Study and ‘Bang, Your Dead’”

  1. All I can say is thank you Ted Nugent. You are not the only celebrity to have their career hurt by supporting civil rights.

    • And not the only talented musician who will never be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The people who run that place are jerks.

      • Agreed. Wenner hates various people and bands and blackballs people based on his personal issues and tastes. The rock hall will suck until wenner is dead and an unbiased group is in charge of it.

  2. Ted Nugent in the R&R HOF? Maybe if we only include his music before 1990. In the mid to late 70s Ted was one of the highest grossing performers in rock. His music was high energy and very male. On Cat Scratch Fever alone he should be in the hall. But his music post 1990 is meh at best and downright putrid at times.

    • Miller and Nugent were both Huge in the 70s, Miller probably sold a bit more.
      But Butterfield? Never even heard of them.

      If the Rolling Leftists have anything to do with the selections, I can believe what Ted says. If you read that rag, you’ll find it a few steps to the left of MSNBC.

      • Clapton was a member of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, they were pioneers and should be there. The Pompatus of Love? Meh. So now Ted’s blaming the NRA too.

        • I don’t have a problem with Steve Miller, and he gave ’em hell when he was inducted. Ted, tend to agree, anything after ’90 is pretty bad, actually. Not much of a vocalist or even a songwriter (Meat Loaf sang some on that awesome Free For All album, including that song “Together”), but a great performer and solid, flashy, guitarist. IMO he should be in the hall on the strength of “Stranglehold” alone, love that song. Also a killer live album in Double Live Gonzo from ’78, much of it recorded from a show at Nashville’s Municipal Auditorium which I attended in my misspent youth.
          One reason to love him is because the left hates him so much.

        • ” So now Ted’s blaming the NRA too.”

          No, now Ted’s blaming those who don’t like the NRA.

        • Clapton was a member of John Maya’ls Bluesbreakers. Michael Bloomfield was (one of many) the guitarist for Paul Butterfield.

    • ted should be inducted (i almost typed indicted) into the museum based on his work with the amboy dukes alone.

  3. Why did you waste 3 minutes of my life with that video at the end?

    Just for that, here. And you know you’re gonna watch the whole thing, so just admit it.

  4. The Rock & Roll HOF is garbage. Come on, they inducted Flavor Flav before Yes, Deep Purple, Journey, and other real musicians like Ted Nugent.

    The R&R HOF is meaningless, the fans mean much more.

        • Not to mention (cause some people just shouldn’t be seen in pubic in bikinis and I thank the guy for not doing the video in a Speedo), but what is it with destroying the pools at the end of the season? I’ve seen a dozen or more videos of people with knives and cars and who knows what-all destroying these pools. Isn’t there some way to drain them and use them again next year?

    • The whole idea of a Ministry of Rock and Roll or whatever with a high council anointing inductees is kind of stupid on its face, and flies in the face of the youthful/rebellious origin of the genre. The Punk and Hip Hop equivalents, stemming from even coarser counter-cultures, are even more ironic.

    • Judging by the plethora of non-rock groups that made it in while bands like Rush, Kiss, Van Halen, and the Nuge were on the outside looking in (some of the best still are), it seems that simply playing rock and roll is reason enough for the celebritards in charge not to let somebody into their so-called Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

      Alex Lifeson said it best when Rush was finally inducted in 2013:

      Best acceptance speech ever.

        • I thought it was ironic that Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson gave the speech for Yes when they were finally inducted into the HOF this year (another band that should have been inducted sooner).

  5. Ted Nugent is known for more than just his support of the 2A. He has also made a point of making extremely crude comments about politicians he hates.

    He can’t assume that he is blackballed for just one reason.

      • Calling the POTUS a “subhuman mongrel” and a “piece of shit” and repeatedly calling for the death of a sitting President. Saying that respected (black) civil rights leaders speak in “ebonic mumbo jumbo”. Calling Hillary Clinton a “toxic cunt” and telling her and other female politicians to “suck on my machine gun”. That’s just cat scratching the surface.

        You may agree with every one of the things he said, but that kind of bullshit doesn’t engender Nugent to society at large, and it’s a tad worse than making a “congresscritter” joke.

        • Nugent brags about his machine gun ownership? That would explain why the NRA care so little about the NFA…

  6. Somebody told me “Weekend Warriors” by Ted Nugent was good, so I bought it. I thought it was a total piece of shit.

    Somebody told my friend that “Making Movies” by Dire Straits was good, so he bought it. He didn’t like it at all.

    We traded. Everybody got what they wanted. Well, at least for a little while. My friend got sick of Ted Nugent in short order, but I never got tired of Dire Straits.

  7. It’s OK Ted the so-called HOF sucks. Jethro Tull not in either. Thanks for your 2A work…as far as Illinois carry goes it’s a pain in the labanza. Lots of “gun-free zones”. But I’ll still get it. As far as the triple “defensive” homicide on the Eastside there may be more to the story.Like a drugdeal… The lamestream media made a big deal out of “he had a valid FOID card”.

  8. Whoop-dee-doo.
    Is there anything this 6mm Creedmore is going to do that a 6mm Remington (or a .243 Winchester) can’t do?
    Keep on rocking, Nuge.

  9. Speaking of silen cer studies – here’s one I’d like to peruse. Would someone with access to a wide variety of firea rms and am munition and a decibel meter please conduct and publish a comprehensive study on how many decibels a shooter’s unprotected ears would have to endure to shoot various gu ns? Perhaps test in an open area as well as one similar to inside a residence. Test the milder range am mo as well as the +p defense stuff. Maybe some hun ting loads (deer grenades)? 28″ or so behind the grips.

  10. I love the fact that “Violence Policy Center study” had to go back over 7 years to cite only 5 ‘maybe’ cases of suppressor use in a crime!

    Yet at least 5 people will get shot to death in Chicago in 7 HRS this weekend!

    • It’s also interesting that the VPC considers private citizens criminals. The new law would make it easier for privately citizens to have access to suppressors, therefore police would not know gun crimes were being committed.

      Did you catch how that works? All citizens are criminals in waiting, and if we allow them access to tools they will indiscriminately kill each other in the streets

  11. I think this is the 3rd time you have posted the story about the Japanese women hunters. they are all the exact same story, same pictures, just different websites coping the same article.

    • Right after the FIRST time I saw here the mention of a hunter shortage in Japan(It was some time ago, old story), I did some quick rough research into what a guided hunt in Japan would entail…
      Suffice it to say their shortage might also be explained by the fact that the government there seems to be doing everything it can to make sure only the fabulously wealthy and well-connected have so much as a prayer of getting a hunting permit.
      So, no. I’ll call B.S. on that story. Sure, a woman can hunt there, as long as her dad is a high-ranking official in some ministry and she has yen to burn…

  12. “SPRINGFIELD — Authorities say applications for concealed-carry permits have been generally declining in Illinois since the program launched three years ago.”

    Fake news.

    2017 year-to-date applications are 32,900. That’s probably through June 30, they wouldn’t have July 31 numbers yet. Annualized, that would put us at 65,800 for the year. 2015 total was 60,000.

    2016 was a banner year, but who could blame us? We knew that a well-known Chicago criminal was about to be turned loose on January 20, 2017.

  13. Ted deserves the Rock and roll hall of fame.
    He was a power house in the late ’70’s early ’80’s.
    Still a darn fine musician. I watch his show regularly. Considering a hunt down in Texas with him.

  14. “A man told police he shot and killed three people — a man, a woman and a teenage boy — who broke into his home on the Southeast Side Sunday evening, according to authorities…”

    There’s some scuttlebutt around this one not being what it appears. It’s Chicago, so nothing would surprise me.

  15. VPC Legislative Director Kristen Rand states, “Silencers are military-bred accessories that make it easier for criminals to take innocent lives and threaten law enforcement. Existing federal law has kept crimes committed with silencer-equipped firearms rare. Making silencers more easily available to the public would have deadly consequences.”

    In other words, “We admit silencer use in crime is rare. We are alarmists pulling claims that deregulated silencers would endanger the public out of our asses, since no valid evidence for our position is available. We take this position in defiance of evidence because we oppose all forms of civilian ownership of firearms. Please proceed into the gas chambers in an orderly fashion when requested by you rulers, just as Gandhi advocated.

  16. Out of the 17 examples of the, as they title it, “Silencers Have Been Used in Crimes” section the breakdown is as follows…

    6 examples of times when a suppressor was used to kill, injure, or attempt to kill or injure people…these are the only ones that actually fit the title, which is less that a 50 percent honesty rate

    1 example where a suppressor was used to commit a crime, but where the gun was not fired in an attempt to kill/injure anyone

    1 example where government owned equipment was used by a government employee and since this law deals with civilian ownership of suppressors this example should not be included

    2 examples where suppressors were seized as part of the arrest for another crime…these suppressors were possessed illegally but were not ever used in a crime

    5 examples where a person attempted to purchase a suppressor or purchased a suppressor from an undercover agent of the state and was arrested immediately after doing so…as such the suppressor wasn’t used in any crime

    2 examples of illegal manufacture or possession of a suppressor with no other related crimes being committed…again where the suppressor wasn’t used in any crime

  17. From the VPC study…

    “Silencers generally improve accuracy when used on rifles by promoting the harmonic stabilization of the barrel and reducing gas-induced instability as the projectile exits the muzzle.”

    This allows me to be more accurate if I should have to use it, meaning less risk for bystanders, and a quicker end of the threat.

    “Silencers enable more accurate and rapid follow-up shots by reducing recoil and muzzle flip.”

    See above

    “A silencer helps a shooter maintain command and control by enabling team members to communicate during live fire exercises or in combat.”

    This allows me to better communicate with the 911 dispatcher, my wife and kids, and reduce the chance of injury to myself and my family due to the concussion of a gunshot, especially in an interior room or hallway. It also preserves my hearing somewhat, so I can hear commands from arriving police officers, and determine if I am still under threat from attackers.

    “By virtually eliminating muzzle flash, silencers prevent ‘blooming’ of night vision equipment and help preserve unaided night vision.”

    This allows me to better see the threat, determine if a threat to me still exists, and stop the threat.

  18. I find the comment in the lead above, to the effect that Ted’s complaint is hard to believe because other 2nd Amendment supporters (or so I take it) are already in, either incredibly ignorant (literally – I can’t believe the writer is this ignorant) or a a gratuitous, baseless, way-out-of-place swipe at Ted. Who even knew those groups supported the 2nd Amendment? There is NOBODY anywhere near as vocal, and effectively, in-your-face so, as Ted in this arena. The difference is easily an order of magnitude. There can be no comparison such as the writer makes.

    Sad that it’s not surprising to find the writer, even here, doing this.

    • Well, Gosh, I can’t agree with that other stuff, and shame on him for saying it, but virtually everyone can accept the fact that Hillary Clinton is a toxic cunt and should indeed be strapped over the muzzle of an antiaircraft gun.
      I think that the vast majority of the American people could unite behind that, don’t you? It could be the one thing that could bring us all together as One Nation at last.

    • You misread my meaning. My point was those other HOF bands stink. I have no idea if they’re pro or anti 2A.

      The fact that two much crappier bands are already in the HOF would tend to support Nugent’s argument that he’s being blackballed.

      • C’mon Dan. Paul Butterfield Blues Band was great. I saw them in concert in October 1968 in Massachusetts. They opened for Big Brother and the Holding Company, shortly after the “Cheap Thrills” album was released. Janis Joplin was at her best. It was an awesome concert. Just saying.

    • He’s a crass, loudmouth blowhard. He can believe whatever he wants and can say it to whoever he wants, but when you talk shit like a spoiled 12 year old with no manners, don’t expect anyone but likeminded 12 year olds with no manners to listen.

      Fuck, I was watching a documentary about the history of heavy metal and on the “Detroit Rock City” segment they went to interview him about MUSIC (perish the thought) and he spent the first 5 minutes belching Obama’s name stating “that’s the only use I have found for that bodily function” The interviewer almost walked out on him because he wouldn’t actually talk about music.

      • So I guess my message to Ted is: go hop in your douchecanoe, cry me a fucking river and float far far away.

  19. The RNRHOF is more than likely scared of what would happen (or what would be said) at the ceremony if they did induct the Nuge.

  20. It’s no secret. Rolling Stone magazine has always been ultra liberal, as is the entertainment industry in general.

    A lot of rock and roll was drugged up hippies who grew up to become die-hard liberals (if they didn’t die of drug overdoses first).

  21. Studies show that studies show what studies are designed to show.
    ALL “studies” and polls are BS.

  22. Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush, way better than Ted.

    ….especially their live version of Purple Haze.

  23. You don’t think Nugent not getting into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame might have to do more with his music being shitty? The fact is there are legends in there from all over the political spectrum. He’s just eager to find somebody to blame instead of himself. What a whiny little bitch.

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