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Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: 2A Blindness, When Ammo Goes Bad and the Cost of the ATF

Let’s see how the ACLU splits this baby . . . Gun-Toting Lefties Show Up at Phoenix Rally, Too Bad the ACLU Probably Won’t Be Defending Their Speech Rights

But it’s not just white supremacists who come to rallies armed. Far from it. In fact, right away a great case study has popped up in Phoenix, with a cluster of well-armed lefties who say they “won’t fire the first shot” but that they are there to make sure their side gets heard. Members of the John Brown Gun Club (yes, that John Brown), which is affiliated with Redneck Revolt, were present in Charlottesville as well, both their speech and their accessories covered under the same laws and precedents that protected the white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and others gathered there. You know, the ones the ALCU was totally committed to defending until last week.

(National ACLU head Anthony) Romero also said the ACLU would consider each group on a case-by-case basis: “It’s neither a blanket no or a blanket yes.” So I guess there’s a chance they’d defend the John Brown Gun Club’s armed speech. But if the civil liberties group winds up backing off of supporting these lefty ladies and gents in their time of legal need in order to avoid having to help out their righty counterparts, the whole foundation of the ALCU’s free speech defense is weakened.

Nick wrote about the XStat back in 2014 . . . The FDA cleared this syringe for quickly plugging gunshot wounds in the arms and legs

The XStat 30, a sponge-filled syringe that can plug deep and narrow wounds from gunshots or stabbings in seconds, has received approval from the U.S. for use in the arm and leg.

The FDA also gave RevMedx, the Oregon-based company that makes the device, approval to market a smaller version, the XStat 12, which is designed to treat smaller wounds from a stabbing or smaller caliber firearm. Andrew Barofsky, the CEO of manufacturer RevMedx, said the FDA’s decision would advance the company’s mission “to reduce death and disability from traumatic bleeding injuries caused by war, violence, or accidents.”

FN Extends FN 509 Magazine Promotion Into September

FN America, LLC is pleased to announce the extension of the FN 509™ Free Gear Promotion through the end of September, offering three free magazines to customers who purchase any new FN 509 striker-fired pistol. The promotion is valid for purchases made between July 1 and September 30, 2017.

It looks like the Phoenix PD boys have very good aim with their less lethal weaponry. As for the protestor, taking one to the nads means it’s officially time to head home to mom’s basement.

Don’t let yours spoil . . . Ammo Expires!? #LetsGoShooting – National Shooting Sports Month

Ammo doesn’t really expire but National Shooting Sports Month comes only once a year! Head out to the range to enjoy some fun and safe target shooting. Introduce friends or family members to the shooting sports or invite someone who hasn’t been actively participating in the recent years. Tell us about your target shooting adventure at and be entered into the Trigger Time Sweepstakes for a chance to win one of many great prizes! Enter at

Now available for public review . . . Report Prepared for Congress Offers Details on ATF Funding

A report issued Aug. 7 by the Congressional Research Service providing lawmakers with a detailed analysis of ATF funding can now also be scrutinized by citizens interested in keeping informed on expenditures and what they mean. Congressional Research Service’s “Gun Control: FY2017 Appropriations for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and Other Initiatives” has been posted on the Federation of American Scientists’ website.

It’s an important public interest task the group, founded by former Manhattan Project scientists, is performing by posting such reports, because the Congressional Research Service, which acts as an issues “think tank” for Congress—does not generally make their reports available to the public, despite our tax dollars funding them. and are also working to change that (the older site has been discontinued, albeit some of its history is available via the Internet Archive). Ultimately, changing that is largely in the hands of a majority Republican Congress that does not appear sufficiently motivated to pass an equal access bill (“7% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs”).

WARNING: This film may not be rated PC.

The result of living in a bankrupt kleptocracy (and we don’t mean Venezuela) . . . Chicago’s gun violence crisis is also a mental health crisis

Through the first seven months of 2017, there have been 397 murders, 1,692 shootings, and 2,124 shooting victims in Chicago, according to the police. The number of shootings is down 13 percent compared to this time last year, but there has been one more murder so far compared to 2016, police data show. The overwhelming majority of these incidents took place on the city’s South and West Sides, where communities reeling from violent deaths also face anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a host of other mental health conditions, says Brad Stolbach, the clinical director of Healing Hurt People-Chicago, a trauma treatment organization.

“Every time a person gets shot, especially a young person, there are literally hundreds of people who are affected by that shooting,” Stolbach said. Those people are “not thought about,” he said.

Meanwhile, since 2009, the city has closed six mental health clinics. Between 2009 and 2012, the state cut $113.7 million in funding for mental health services, according to National Alliance on Mental Illness’ (NAMI) Chicago branch. And while mental health coverage expanded under the Affordable Care Act, service providers who work with low-income clients still say they are strained.

91 thoughts on “Vedder Holsters Daily Digest: 2A Blindness, When Ammo Goes Bad and the Cost of the ATF”

        • “Just hit with a rubber bullet”
          God, again with the rubber bullets by these idiot anchors…I bet that guy wishes it were something that lightweight.

          “In a few hours, your testicles will die. And then, atrophy. Think raisins, or better yet; you know when you crack open a peanut, and the little nut is all dark and crammed into the corner…” –Scrotal Safety Commission

        • Okay, what are the odds this was an aimed shot? Because the guy had *just* kicked a canister toward the police, and gets ow-my-balls-ed five seconds later from 20yds away. If so, we need to know which officer is so skilled in both trajectory as well as comedic timing, so his skills can be put to better use in higher-stakes monkey-dances.

        • “(He’s not gonna walk that one off…)”

          Oh, I’d bet at least one will be removed surgically. Or will just atrophy and fall off.

          (Now autofill has stopped working. Are they ever going to fix this trainwreck?)

    • Our mayor didn’t attend the speech because he was overseeing the security.
      This means two things: He thinks he’s a security expert, and he doesn’t trust the police leadership.

  1. I have no trouble with anyone openly carrying firearms, as long as they are polite. We are all passionate about our beliefs. But being polite while openly armed will when the P.R. battle. The John Brown gun club has already been exposed as a group will to act violently. That has been discussed on TTAG already.

    Watching them at range practice I have serious doubt about their marksmanship or weapons handling skills.
    Their socialist brother at the baseball field shooting proved that.

    • I think being polite is almost a requirement of carrying.

      There is a line where one shouldn’t be polite anymore, but that line is more extreme when carrying, in my opinion.

      (I probably still can’t subscribe to follow-up comments).

  2. Yeah there’s a metal er mental health problem in Chiraq…too many leftard democrats! I hate to say “just move” but the ghetto denizens would probably move into my neighborhood😡

    • Froglube is coconut oil, not canola, but the result is the same, yes. Unless you do a full strip of every gun you own on a regular basis, both will collect in places you can’t reach (e.g. firing pin channel) and oxidize, becoming gummy and causing friction rather than preventing in. In the aforementioned firing pin channel case, it can completely disable an otherwise fully functional gun.

      Stick to the traditioal modern lubes. Linseed oil is no longer the all-purpose machine oil of choice for a reason. If you’re really keen on having something non-toxic though, Slip 2000 seems to work just fine (at least, I haven’t had any problems, nor have I read about any.)

    • Anybody who has ever repaired restaurant equipment can tell you that Pam is NOT a lubricant. Well meaning but ignorant restaurant workers frequently spray it on things like expensive slicers. It makes stuff slippery for a few minutes then turns to glue wrecking the equipment and necessitating costly repairs. Instead just burn the dirt off your your guns in a fire until they are glowing red hot and then rinse them off in a bathtub full of saltwater. Works better.

    • FrogLube works great on my Glock, but gummed up the firing pin in my AR. It still functioned fine, but it was a pain to get the firing pin out. I will use up the rest of my FrogLube on my Glock, but everything else gets the standard Hoppe’s and CLP.

    • I have been using Go-Juice lately. Pretty happy with it. I got a sample of it in a Geissele trigger kit, and there was enough to spread around on some other guns. Seems to stay put, and doesn’t gum up over time. Cleans up easy too.

  3. I watched the Antifa punk get shot in the nuts this morning on the news. It was a great start to my day.

    • That’s why she is featured prominently in multiple press photos of these clowns going back to at least March. Thank God conservative-types realized the need for telegenic TNA via Fox infobabes or we’d be screwed right about now. It’s dumb, but for a lot of people, beautiful people exist so the people who aren’t will know who to follow.

      • I don’t want to look at people who aren’t attractive on TV. That’s what real life is for.

        Also, a lot of the super hot Fox News female reporters are pretty smart.

  4. I was at the protest yesterday

    I can in good faith say that John Brown members are limp wristed larpers at best, and can’t even physically handle wearing actual plates in their carriers. They are another level of mall ninja, lol.

    • Hatted, bearded white dudes behind aviators & covered in milsurp kind of look alike, but –stay with me on this– it’s possible he owns more than one rifle. I’m gonna go out on a limb here; especially if he even once fired that SKS since March and realized shooting guns was fun, but SKS’s are heavy.

    • If you look in the second pic down from the march post, there is a guy to the far right (his left – ironic isn’t it). That guy looks like the guy here. The big kid with the SKS looks like the new guy as he is not in any of their march pics.

  5. “Ammo doesn’t really expire but National Shooting Sports Month comes only once a year!”

    There actually have been proposals by the Leftists to severely limit the shelf life of gunpowder as a means curtailing ammunition hoarding…

  6. “Chicago’s gun violence crisis is also a mental health crisis”

    Well, yes, but just because choosing to live in Chicago is itself a mental illness.

    • As has been pointed out many times, the lower you are on the economic ladder, the harder it is to make a major move.

      • Do tell? (polite talk for calling BS).

        There are hordes of these chriaq POS infesting every city with pop over 5000 in Eastern Iowa. They find their way to the country or a few months, rob/steal/rape/spawn and do/make/push their dope/pot, get the section 8 voucher, most then rotate BACK to the cesspool and some cousin shows up 2min later for the same. Barry even decared East Ia to be a part of metro Chicago area. Diversity is marxist BS.

        Every damn one has a car. Ever 18+ male has a kiddie 20″ bicycle/skate board. Cable and big screen LED.

  7. It’s hard to figure that those folks in the first pic with the red scarfs actually don’t know that their handlers put them there hoping they would get murdered.


    • They’re the “John Brown” club, for crap’s sake; they’re pretty obviously suicidal if they have the slightest clue what happened to that guy & still decide to stick around. Martyrdom complex, probably because they’ve led meaningless lives up to this point.

  8. Trump should give them a helicopter ride .. The NAP doesn’t apply to Commies.. I’d love to see the government crack down on these Communist terrorist scum.. They should be shot to death in front of their families.

      • Communists are responsible for the millions of people.. It should be illegal to be a Communist. They should be destroyed.

      • Communism is responsible for the deaths of millions of people.. It should be illegal to be a Communist. If the government wanted to deputize people to fight antifa scum I’d be first in line. Trump needs to do something before they become more of a problem.

    • Yeah, I see this “the guns were bought *for* them” conspiracy talk in a number of places…but it appears the same distinctive guns are being seen with the same people from what I’ve seen in press photos, and there *have* been millions AR/etc guns sold over the last eight years, so I’m not sure anyone’s proved anything. Claiming the entire, whole gun boom was solely at the hands of the ‘conservative’ half of the nation is about as silly as claiming it’s due to a shrinking number of US gun owners.

      By simple probability, there’s a lot of liberals who’ve bought guns over the last decade. Shocker, a lot of them are the same breed of Dale Gribble paranoid-delusional fantasists that inhabit the opposite end of the political spectrum, and who both love making fools of themselves in public. Oddly, both groups seem to be sporting beards these days.

    • They are. As much as some people want to believe Soros is in a van around the corner handing out Benjamins to every leftie scumbag, it’s just not the case. In a nation of 300 million we’ve got more than enough organic free-range traitorous vermin who are bankrolling themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if half of them were equipped with student loan money.

      I just wish that people would quit pointing out their mistakes on line. If push comes to shove, I’d prefer it if these guys were as ignorant as possible. I think trainers, ranges, and gun shops need to pay attention to who these clowns are and not assist them in any way.

  9. “How will the ACLU split this baby?”
    Probably the same way the SAF did with ‘our’ protesters; “you people are all idiots, and we don’t condone your behavior, though we won’t encourage laws to stop you”

    Also, the idea of a “John Brown Club” being dedicated to *protecting* anything is laughable and preys upon Americans’ historical ignorance. That guy was the definition of a domestic terrorist, slaughtering the law-abiding (yes, they were law-abiding to own slaves in slave states) in pursuit of an ideal. No different whatsoever from an insane abortion-clinic bomber, or jihadist bomber, or anarchist bomber (which is the actual reason these communists bear his name)

  10. Its a little late in the evening, but the woman in the center of the john brown idiots is holding what appears to be a 16 barreled ar with a rifle length gas system. I cant imagine that being able to cycle reliably.
    Or is it an airsoft without the safety orange muzzle?
    If its the latter shes a bigger idiot that i would have thought possible.

    • More likely, it’s got a carbine- or mid-length gas system with a low-profile gas block under the handguard, and the front sight base isn’t the gas block.

  11. It looks like the XStat devices including the 12 are not available to the general public because of this blub on the RevMed webpage: “CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician” I guess this means you need a prescription of some sort to get them. That doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of immediate wound care for regular citizens.

    • There have been similar products on the market for years. Celox makes a coagulant insertion system that’s basically this without the sponges.

    • You’ve been to a stop the bleed class/teaching?

      Requiring an RX is a issue (as nasal airway). Hopefully it less expensive (and eliminate the shelf life issue) as existing hemostatic agents (as Celox). The shelf life is a significant issue to widespread inclusion in consumer kits. A SOFTT-W tourniquet is inexpensive and no shelf life.

  12. I might be OK with the John Brown Gun club. However, those red bandanas are not there by mistake and they are not Bloods. They are communists. I do not have to side with them to despise nazi’s. I despise both. As a kid during the Cold War I can honestly state that no Nazi ever pointed a nuke at me but communists have (and still do – China [but they are not really commies anymore])

    • Oh the CCP is still as communist as ever. They just cut out the middle man in the corruption game.

      • No communist “state” has ever been truly communist and that includes Lenin’s USSR. However, some at least try/tried like the USSR and China during Mao. After Mao died China reorganized (killed people) and took a leap towards corporatism. Yeah they still have some communist trappings and may even claim the name but it/they have not been trying to implement Marxist principles for awhile. I state that as a non-communist even if I like their guns 🙂

        But as people who can remember WWII and the 20th century die off get ready for more Nazi’s and Commies to spring up. Humans are retarded and reading (if they even do that) about failed political projects is not good enough for them. “This time will be different cuz me” is the credo of the snowflake generation.

        Ecclesiastes 1:9

        • Always love the “not true Scotsman” position lefties take on communism. Though to be fair, modern CCP is closer to fascism than communism. Still socialists, but instead of directly nationalizing the means of production, they just took a page from the Third Reich and installed party control of major businesses.

  13. Calling yourself the “John Brown Gun Club” would be like naming your group the “Osama bin Laden Gun Club”.

    Brown was a terrorist who got what he deserved when Robert E. Lee led a force of US Marines to capture him. December 2nd should be a national holiday for when Brown was hanged by the neck until dead.

    • Wow, chris. You just flushed hundreds of your assinine “government folks shouldn’t be armed, citizens only have rights, blah, blah, blah” down the toilet. No sympathy for the anti slave hero? You just gave the clown fugitive all sorts of slack cause his warrant may have been mishandled(your fantasy).

      You’re a joke. And a poorly written one at that.

  14. Those progs don’t need/have any balls anyhow. Have to give em to the gals organizing things. The twit can’t even wear big boy pants to and damn commie riot. What would Lenin and Trotski say.

    Hopeful is a Darwin honorable mention.

  15. Wow, a lot of the commenters here must be white supremacists because they sure are upset about this.

  16. Redneck Revolt still isn’t leftist, no matter how many times you say it. They’re simply anti-racist. That is all.

  17. Man, so many people getting all so worked up over guns at a protest. But I’m glad there are people here defending the 2nd amendment, I was worried that most readers here thought we were on the wrong side of the 2nd world war…

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