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Looting in Texas can be hazardous to your health . . . ‘I’m not afraid to shoot you’: Shotgun-wielding ‘former law enforcement officer’ protects Houston food store from looters during Harvey crisis

A man claiming to be a former SWAT deputy has been filmed warning a potential looter that he’s not afraid to shoot him in flood-hit Houston.

Armed with a shotgun, he screamed at anyone who approached a Little York Food Mart store, making terrifying threats.

In footage which has since gone viral, the vigilante is seen telling one man: ‘Hey, don’t you go back in that store! I’m telling you one time. I’m not scared to shoot you.’

NEWS FLASH: Georgia campus carry arouses no controversy, concern . . . Low turnout for ‘campus carry’ forum at Augusta University

The new Georgia law that allows people to carry concealed weapons on college campuses is not generating much controversy, or much interest Tuesday, at Augusta University.

The school hosted a forum on the “campus carry” law and its exemptions but only one person, director of student health Bob Dollinger, showed up. The organizers plan to advertise more for another forum on the law this week at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Jaguar Student Activity Center on the Summerville Campus.

Your tax dollars at work . . . Stolen military equipment worth more than $1M sold on eBay, testimony reveals

More than $1 million of U.S. military equipment was stolen from a base in Kentucky and sold on eBay, according to testimony from a federal trial this week.

John Roberts, a 27-year-old from Clarksville, Tennessee, testified Wednesday that he didn’t know the equipment he received was stolen.

“I didn’t try to hide anything,” Roberts said Wednesday. “That’s why I filed taxes on everything I sold on eBay. I thought it was okay.”

The equipment – some of which was resold to buyers in Russia, China, Mexico, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan and Ukraine – included machine gun and rifle parts, helmets, guns, medical equipment, gun sights, body army (sic) and more.


Looks kinda scout rifle-y . . . Ruger American Rifle Ranch Model Now Chambered in 7.62×39

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) is excited to introduce the Ruger American Rifle® Ranch model, now chambered in 7.62×39 and fed by the Mini Thirty® magazine. In response to customer feedback, Ruger has combined the power of the classic 7.62×39 cartridge with the compact, bolt-action platform of the Ranch model.


You don’t say . . . California gun laws create problems for everyone

Ghost guns exist because of California’s strict gun laws

Interesting read on the ghost guns and black market ( “‘Ghost guns’ are easy to build, legal and completely untraceable,” Aug. 27). But why do they exist?

Ghost guns are an answer to California’s onerous and restrictive gun laws that penalize the average law-abiding citizen but do nothing to stop criminals from getting weapons. Our wonderful state legislators have created another avenue for criminals to obtain firearms and an even bigger black market.

If the Legislature is truly concerned about weapons in the wrong hands, it would do better to investigate some of its peers that are associated with various “social clubs” like the ones of former state Sen. (and now admitted felon for weapons trafficking) Leland Yee.

But remember, MDA supports the Second Amendment . . . Moms Demand Action’s Secret War on Concealed Carry for Law-Abiding Citizens

The word “secret” is apropos when you understand that Moms Demand Action’s method of operation is to block pro-Second Amendment voices from their Twitter account, thereby allowing them to maintain a closed circle wherein the preacher is only talking to the choir. It is like Johannesburg for gun grabbers.

Their current war is being waged via the hashtag #StopCCR, which stands for Stop Concealed Carry Reciprocity. It consists of Moms Demand members taking letters to the offices of U.S. Representatives and demanding that those Reps. oppose national reciprocity.  . . .

The women look happy in the photo, which only begs the question: Do they not know that Rep. Massie is a sponsor of national reciprocity legislation? In fact, he is the Representative spearheading legislation that will require Washington D.C. to recognize concealed carry permits from every state in the union.

2 Naked Men With Guns Arrested Inside Irvine Megachurch

Two naked men with rifles were arrested inside Greg Laurie’s megachurch in Irvine Wednesday night.

As KCAL9/CBS2’s Stacey Butler reports, SWAT teams with rifles trained on the suspects put handcuffs on them and walked them out without any clothing.

Laurie’s Harvest Church is a Christian evangelical church. He is a megapastor who runs the Harvest Crusade in Anaheim every year, which thousands attend. He just held the last crusade at Angel Stadium a week and a half ago.


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  1. Old Hickory ain’t goin anywhere. Not that I think a black, gun owning, republican, on a piece of beautiful capitalist money is a bad idea. But the only president that has anything in common with Trump is Andrew Jackson. (Politically, not militarily, obviously.)

    • Just did a quick Google for Harriet Tubman. Plenty of money-worthy photos of her but that particular image would be the best, by far.
      “Low Turnout for ‘Campus Carry’ Forum” – someone forgot to pick up the doughnuts on the way there.

    • Not sure why we have to kick anyone off any denomination. Just reintroduce one we already had. Put the her on the $500 note. Problem solved. There is already a 500 Euro note out so the black market already has access to large denomination notes. It would appease the people wanting a female on a note. Especially since it would be the largest note in current production. Plus we need a note this size do to erosion in buying power from inflation.

      • what erosion in buying power from inflation?

        from historically low inflation averaging 1-2% per year?

        • Yes, I agree our current inflation is low. But over time our buying power has been weakened. Just some expamles of what I’m referring too. $1 in 2000 had the same buying power as a $1.42 in 2017. Or $1 in 1980 is equal to $2.97 today.

          We have not had a $500 or $1000 printed since 1934. But they were being used quite often into the early 70s. At least until electronic banking became the main way large amounts of cash are transferred. In 1934 a $500 bill had the buying power of $9,124.03. Hence the reason they were removed. To easy to move a lot of cash by the 1930 gangsters. Which is same reason they won’t do it today. You can’t tax income if you can’t track it. Electronic banking give the IRS the ability to track every dollar in circulation. That is the true end game.

  2. During a natural disaster the best come out in the best and the worst come out in the worst…

    I may get sent to Houston soon by my company to help with the infrastructure repair efforts.

    You’d best believe I’ll be pack’n x2.

  3. what local los angles news showed replica ar 15 with day glow orange a2 flash not the real thing and that how the news person describe it

  4. Oh boy “terrifying threats”…”vigilante”. Protecting a business is all that? Count me in…and is the 2 naked guys with guns in a church the story of the day?!? That’s some funny stuff😜

    • You LOOT – we SHOOT. WHO the hell believes every little mom n pop store is insured?!? My opinion of you took a massive tumble JWM. WE are NOT the same guy😫

  5. I feel different about the “looting”. Liqour, smokes, guns, bling, that’s all looting.

    Come out of a market that’s insured anyways with baby food and spam, that ain’t looting. That’s feeding yourself til help gets there.

    • It can be both. If you take another person’s property without compensation or without their option to refuse, it’s theft, regardless of your reasons. The thief is looting the grocer because he did not prepare to survive the storm legally. That’s the same defense every thief offers: I steal to get by. Unspoken: because I’m too incompetent to get by legally. At the very least it would be a different story if these folks were offering to pay, or leaving cash in a big jar, or leaving IOUs with a name, address, and itemized invoice, as you or I would do were we forced–for we would never allow ourselves into it otherwise–into this situation.

      And, of course, vigilantism is the single-handed execution of the justice process by a person in stead of an ordained justice system. It is a person seeking out and rendering judgement and punishment upon one he believes has committed a crime. Defense of self or property against a crime in progress is entirely unrelated to the justice system and thus entirely unrelated to vigilantism. The purpose of the armed citizen is to prevent a crime, and has nothing to do with justice after the fact.

      • Yes, I am prepared. But if the flood, fire, quake, what have you does away with my preps in one moment I am not going hungry nor am I letting my grand kids go hungry.

        That’s just a fact of life.

        • jwm, While I’m glad that you feel strongly about filling your role as provider for your family, I hope that you are prepared to deal with the consequences of employing the extra-legal means that you imply.

        • I agree with JWM. When the banks are closed and you can’t get cash, plus there is no cashier to make a payment to, but there is food on the shelf and you are hungry, survival dictates. Just common sense. Some may come back to pay later, after the emergency, but starve I will not. Food and water are just different from jewelry or flat-screens.

        • We’re not talking about the end of civilization here. Help will arrive within a couple days to almost any natural disaster, even if you are completely unprepared. I’d make an exception for water, because dehydration can happen fast and be very dangerous. But nobody in America is going to die if they miss a couple meals. The people looting food from convenience stores in Houston are not “starving”. They’re hungry, but that ain’t the same thing, and it’s not a matter of survival, it’s a matter of comfort.

          It’s a different story if several days or weeks have gone by and no relief has shown up, but that’s not the case in Houston today.

        • And my guess is, you would be out “foraging” while armed.

          You just became a marauder, and should expect to be shot.

          You would be no different than any other felon.

          Funny how you justify it. Take from those who you think cant stop you.

          You get to see who people really are in a disaster. Glad im not your neighbor.

      • I think LOOTERS are scum and deserve to be shot on sight. We went thru Sandy a few years ago. People were told to evacuate their homes and soon after LOOTERS showed up to plunder the neighborhood. BTW stealing food from others is just that STEALING. People in Huston had plenty of warning to prepare there should be no reason to not have food and water.

        • Sometimes it is too easy to judge. So, say, your 3-month supply of food and water have washed away with your home and auto, should you just watch your family die?

    • I’m pretty sure it’s still considered looting unless you ask permission from the proprietor for said supplies. I doubt anybody is going to be asking the guy in the video for supplies anyway.

    • So if i “borrow” your car for a few weeks, that ok right?

      Since it`s insured, its not really stealing is it?

      Taking stuff that doesnt belkng to you is stealing.

      Always was, always will be.

      Amusing how people decide that someone else’s property being taken is “feeding their family”.

      Thats the mindset of most miscreants. Just getting by man……….

      • While I understand that people will do what they have to do to survive, never forget that what you do has consequences. A person comes into a store and takes food in an emergency is still taking food out of the stomachs of the shop keeper, It’s no different then taking it from your neighbor. If the SHTF and you lose or eat up your prep but then take supplies by force from your neighbor you still are just doing what you need to survive. You still did a terrible thing and will have to live with the moral, ethical and maybe legal consequences of what you did.

  6. If Trump really wanted to get to the lefties he’d put John Moses Browning (a persecuted religious minority who overcame the odds and changed the world) and his guns on the 20 and use the opportunity to declare a 90 day NFA amnesty every 90 days.

    As for the Ruger
    “Thirty years after the introduction of the Mini Thirty, its cartridge and magazine have found a new home. ”
    “Mini Thirty […] magazine”

    • OK, I’ll bite…
      I have a Mini-30, and it uses magazines that fit it, and are, therefore, Mini-30 magazines.,
      What’s the lesson?
      And who are you teaching it to, Ruger? Because what you are quoting is from Ruger.

      Although, I don’t know why I bother, it’s not like I’ll get any email with responses.

      • The lesson is, for common rifle calibers like 5.56 and 7.62×39, there are “standard” magazines that many, many gun owners already have or can purchase inexpensively. The smart move is to make a rifle that leverages that, and is thus much more attractive to the millions of potential buyers who already have lots of those magazines. Ruger instead chose to appeal to the fifteen hundred A-Team superfans who have a Mini-30, or the handful who don’t have one, but don’t mind spending $30+ for a single 20-round magazine.

  7. “More than $1 million of U.S. military equipment”

    So, six hammers and a toilet seat, then?

  8. I live in a very “Un-Disasterly” location, until of course Yellowstone erupts again. No tornadoes, hurricanes, serious flooding, nuthin. Just the occasional range fire here and there that occasionally consumes an expensive home or two that has not had it’s surrounding brush cleared properly. Loss of life due to range fires is extremely rare, but it happens once in a blue moon.

    I have to wonder about towns that get hit repeatedly by the same disasters over and over, like Galveston: Why do people keep rebuilding where really bad shit happens over and over and over again?


    • Must not have any trees up there then. Down here in northern California, we have two large wild fires burning, one that is doubling every 24 hours and is zero percent contained. It has been said that if they can’t get control of it soon, it will burn until it starts raining.

      • The big cities in Idaho are built on the flats next to desert scrub. Forest fires are definitely a thing, but not a threat to major population centers.

    • The vast majority of the worlds population lives within a few miles of a coast line. Access to oceans brings prosperity.

      It also brings grouchy mother nature in all her glory.

      • JWM I agree. it’s funny to me when people who either live off an extremely long and complicated infrastructure chain or who make a living/support themselves doing a something that only has so much demand(ranching ect) criticize others. There are 7 billion people on earth precisely because we are social animals that manipulate our surroundings to survive in environments our physical bodies cannot.

        • Funny thing is, even though I’m a fifth generation Idahoan, I’m not a potato farmer, or a rancher. I’m a software engineer.

          Go figure.

        • Then you should be thankful for all the people who live in disaster-prone areas who make and move all the stuff that enables you to have an cushy job in a city in the middle of high desert scrubland.

          Anyway, the answer to your question is pretty basic economics – people live near water because water is a huge economic center. It provides food, transportation, recreation, and energy, all of which creates jobs, and enables to development of secondary industries (it’s much easier to ship your goods on a boat if you’re near a coastline, rather than dragging it thousands of miles by truck or train, probably to be put on a boat anyway). Given a choice, most people prefer to live where they can find a job rather than starving to death in the middle of nowhere.

    • In the same boat. We had a blizzard in ’97 and that was fun. 6-8ft drifts, completely blocked in some people’s apartments and what not. Losing power and not having heat in winter are the main Mother Nature issues here. Wood burning fireplaces are a thing of beauty, in more than one way.

      • It very rarely snows more than a foot in the major population centers. But Boise has a ski resort just outside of town.

        Live in the desert, play in the mountains.

    • Humans take risks and then manage those risks. It’s what we do.

      Is the whole world supposed to move to Idaho after a disaster and become potatoes farmers?

    • There’s no place in the world disasters can’t happen. One day, Yellowstone WILL erupt. Then everyone will go, “Adur! Why’d those idiots live near a super volcano!?!?!?”

  9. Logic of the three L’s, Libertarians, Liberals and the Left.
    Criminals can burn your house down and you can’t stop them with deadly force because thats just a property crime.

    Or in a natural disaster criminals can take all your food and water. It’s only property correct???

    The difference between California during the Rodney King riot and a Texas hurricane.

    Joe Horne killed two illegal alien invaders who were robbing his next door neighbors home. In Texas you can protect your home and the rest of the neighborhood.

    In California its an open question what you can protect. The “pitchfork murders” in northern California, are a perfect example.

    • Maybe there are some out there who don’t think so, but to all the libertarians I know of, personal property is virtually sacred.

      Being able to legally gather whatever property suits you without constant threat of depredation (whether by government or by less-organized criminals) is the basis of a free society. Consequently, the right to personally protect life and property by your own chosen means is also necessary.

      • Educate me
        Send me links of libertarian writers who support not just lawyers suing to protect private property from a government taking, but a individual citizens using deadly force to protect his own or a others private property. Libertarians are really big on lawyers. I mention Joe Horn because he is the best example of an individual protecting society. That is what he was doing when he decided to protect his neighbors property.

        He could have said, “I don’t care what happens next door.” And let them rob the place.
        Libertarians support letting illegal alien robbers coming here. As well as murders and rapists. No borders correct??? The invaders Joe Horn shot were violent illegal alien criminals with long rap sheets.
        Enlighten me. Send me the links.

        • You can find sources if you want them. Sarah Hoyt is a prolific libertarian blogger and very good fiction writer, and her community will lead you to a lot more people like her if you poke around.

          But I think we’re talking about two very different kinds of people here. I’m talking about the libertarians who resemble classical liberals — the limited constitutional government, dyed in the wool leave-me-the-hell-alone-ists. That’s who I stand with (on the rare occasions that standing together is done…that “leave me the hell alone” thing).

          The pothead libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, and the Libertarian Party are completely useless, mostly moronic, and match your description quite well.

    • I’m not sure what “libertarians” you’re referring to, but any libertarian worth the label is pretty staunchly in favor of private property rights, including defending one’s property from theft.

  10. A black woman carrying a gun, freeing enslaved minorities from democrat-voting whiteys

    That sound you hear is every lefties head exploding. God bless America

  11. Jackson should stay on the $20. He was our second greatest president. William Henry Harrison takes top honors, would that more of our government employees followed his example.

  12. That store is up near Homestead. There was a ton of looting in that area. Beauty supply stores, family dollar, anywhere really. A lot of those security cameras were still running at the time and had the looters in camera.

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