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As if you needed another reason to hate clowns . . . ‘Any murder’s horrific. It doesn’t matter whether you’re wearing a clown costume or not.’

Just after breakfast on a warm May day in 1990, a white convertible Chrysler LeBaron pulled into Marlene Warren’s driveway in Wellington, Fla., and a clown emerged.

The clown — dressed in an orange wig, with a red bulb nose and a painted-on smile — carried a bouquet of flowers and two balloons. One said: “You’re the greatest!”

The clown offered the flowers and balloons to Warren, witnesses would later recount, then pulled out a gun and shot her in the face.

As Warren crumpled to the ground, the clown calmly walked back to the Chrysler convertible, witnesses said — then disappeared for the next 27 years.

Black Rifle Coffee Company Canada Announces Soft Launch with 18K Pound Giveaway

To support the Canadian community, Black Rifle Coffee Company Canada (BRCC Canada) announces their soft launch with an 18K pounds of coffee giveaway (worth approximately $75,000), new release of their first custom “Little Warriors Blend,” and sponsorship of “Little Warriors” September 30 event. The company is the first global partner for the Black Rifle Coffee Company (Salt Lake City, Utah) that was started by veterans and first responders.

Some of the Canadian protector groups who’ve already received free coffee from Black Rifle Coffee Company Canada include Canadian Soldiers in Iraq, Edmonton Police, Firefighters, and Alberta RCMP detachments.

Coming soon to ha House or Senate near you . . . Chaos in house as minister is accused of being armed

There were chaotic scenes in (Kenya’s) Parliament as legislators literally exchanged blows over disagreements on issues surrounding a motion to amend the constitution to lift the Presidential age limit.

The fight started after MPs opposed to lifting of the age limit accused State Minister for Water and Environment, Ronald Kibuule, of entering the chambers with a gun.

Order returned to the house after the Speaker was satisfied that nobody in the house was armed.

Black Hills wins a Navy contract . . . Rapid City ammo manufacturer will benefit from lucrative federal contract

Successfully earning a $49.9 million federal contract to provide ammunition to the U.S. military would certainly seem like an immediate windfall for Jeff and Kristi Hoffman and their 70 employees at Black Hills Ammunition. …

But while such a contract is indeed lucrative for the company, the actual quantity of ammunition purchased will likely be far less, Jeff explained.

The term of the contract is spread out over five years and includes fixed-price, indefinite-delivery and indefinite-quantity stipulations.

Simply put, that means the company will have to absorb production expenses over the length of the contract, with no promise that the government will order even close to that amount of ammunition.


Bay are cops just can’t seem to hold onto their guns . . . Guns stolen from car in Oakland as officers eat after UC Berkeley protests

Oakland police are seeking a thief who broke into a car Monday and stole a pair of handguns belonging to a police officer who had driven 300 miles from Kern County to help UC Berkeley handle protests this weekend.

“The Oakland Police Department understands the seriousness of the items that were taken in this auto burglary,” Officer Johnna Watson said in a statement.

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  1. Honestly can say I’ve never met any of the seven types down at the Izaak Walton League. Nothing but cool, down to earth people there.

    • I could potentially fit myself into three of them.

      -Rapid Fire guy (I’m practicing for gunsports, and outdoor ranges around here ban rapid fire- so I go indoors to do so)
      -Poseur (I’m not that good at shooting, but know a fair bit about the technical aspects of the guns.)
      -Hipster (I like CZ pistols, and if I do rent a gun it’s going to be the weirdest thing they have to rent, otherwise what’s the point. Salient Arms Strike One is one pretty good example of something weird I had to try and was willing to spend the 20bux to do so)

  2. She bought the clown suit 2 days before the murder, bought the flowers and balloons 90 minutes before the murder, detectives learned all of that shortly after the murder, store employees picked her out of a photo lineup, and they didn’t have probable cause to arrest her for 27 years?

    Oh, well, at least her boyfriend got convicted of 43 counts of odometer tampering (yes, what they say about Florida used car dealers was true) after she killed his wife.

    • That’s just circumstantial evidence. If she came up with a semi plausible explanation for those purchases and what she did with them, she could likely walk. This sounds like pretty shoddy police work all around, though.

      Keep that in mind. If police can be so inept that an alleged killer is free for 27 years, isn’t it possible that they might conceal their ineptitude in other cases where the accused is innocent and railroad someone?

      When I’m on a jury, I don’t trust anyone; I don’t grant anyone’s testimony the benefit of the doubt. Nobody’s shiny badge and crisp uniform with knife sharp creases lines intimidates me. Likewise, nobody’s name appended with an alphabet soup of prestigious degrees impresses me. Just show me the facts and prove the case.

      • A cop’s word under oath has little value to me as a juror. I’ve seen too many of them lie outright to convict whoever they want to frame. For his testimony to have any value, he has to support it with physical evidence that neither he nor his friends were in a position to concoct.

        An expert witness’ word under oath has less value than a cop’s. Unless he’s talking about scientific facts that I can verify independently, he’s just a man selling his opinion to the highest bidder.

        A defendant’s word under oath doesn’t mean much either, if he was dishonest enough to commit the crime he’s accused of, he’s dishonest enough to lie about it. I don’t see why the good liars should go free while the ones who aren’t good at it go to prison, when both did the same crime.

        • Exactly, some of you have probably noticed my animus against cops, this is why.

          Twice in my youth cops tried railroading me, lying under oath to the courts only to have the cases thrown out when it was proven that they lied. I’m still furious that neither of the cops were ever charged with anything.

          And now because of the actions of two individuals, I have no respect, trust, or sympathy for the profession as a whole.

  3. I love watching Colion Noir’s videos. I will say though that of the 7 types of people you run across at gun ranges that he talks about, the only one that I personally run across frequently is the “Security Threat” type of person. I run across these types of people at least one out of every three trips to the indoor range that I frequent. I will confront these types of people immediately upon observing their dangerous behavior. I don’t immediately berate them, but will attempt to point out the very dangerous error of their ways. If they become belligerent and don’t want to listen to reason, I will leave the range and report them to the RSO. To their credit, the RSO’s at the range I frequent will immediately address the issues to these extremely dangerous people, but I still do not like having these type of people near me. Many people do not pay enough attention to what other people are doing around them at gun ranges. I’d like to see the people running the range delve a little deeper into the experience of the people coming in to use the range before they issue them a stall. They have a special Thursday “Ladies Shoot Free” thing that they do every week. I’ve learned to stay away on Thursdays. Don’t get me wrong….I know a lot of women who are very experienced with firearms and are expert marksman (markspeople), but those are not generally the women who show up for the Thursday freebie range time.

    • Like you, those expert markswomen you speak of are probably wise enough to stay away on the Thursday “women’s free amateur night circus” too.

    • While many of you are pros and get great groupings, there are those of us who are relatively new to guns and do have a few questions. Some may even do unsafe handling. I appreciate when someone tells me what I did wrong and am willing to take cronstructive criticism.
      Many of us did not grow up shooting and can only get to the range a few times a year(if that).
      Safety has to be job one, a reminder is a good thing.

  4. Kern County is very far from the Bay Area, both geographically and politically.

    So the problem isn’t the cops in the Bay Area. Maybe the problem is that there are a lot of criminals in the Bay Area.

    • No joke. I was in San Fran last week celebrating 20 years of marriage with my wife. We landed at the airport, rented a car, drove to a restaurant, and before our first meal was over, some jackass has smashed the window of the rental and stole my backpack out of the back seat. :/

      I started talking to some of the locals trying to get a lead and most of them acted like it was MY fault because I left my belongings inside a LOCKED vehicle. I should have known better. Etc. etc.

      Cali is beautiful. But the people are going crazy

      • This NEWS??? For at least 50years. Some areas of natural beauty despoiled by degenerate progs and their hives. There is NO rational for going to Ca in the year 2017.

  5. Bravo Black Rifle Coffee! That’s a lot of coffee to give away. Just put my own black rifle on layaway(well it has fde furniture and MOE stock and accoutrements-Delton). Oh yeah CUBS win the central!

  6. At my range if there is an infraction the ROs will politely but firmly advise the person of the breech and the corrective behaviour. On the second the discussion will be more blunt and on the third the person will be advised to leave immediately.

    Ignorance is curable. Stupidity isn’t.

  7. My daughter went with a co-worker to the range once. He was “going to giver her a few tips,” she suspects, since he thought he was a real hot shot. Her groups with her .45 were smaller than his with a 9 mm. Hiding his dismay (and probable embarrassment) he moved down the line to target another female….

    But then, my son was one of those rapid fire junkies. I never could understand it…but then, I try hard to hit what I am aiming at. Fortunately, he mellowed with age. I wonder if it was the result of shooting trap with a pump shotgun…

  8. I don’t like crowds and I don’t like being in ranges with other shooters. If I go, it will be at the quietest times and I will take a stall that is away from anyone else. I also watch very close for dangerous behavior. So far, I have not seen any except once an old guy couldn’t keep his finger off the trigger and was firing his weapon unintentionally. Thankfully it was pointed downrange, but I kept a real close eye on him.

    Shooting is like a zen thing for me. I like crawling inside myself and becoming one with the gun and the experience. Other people shooting near me is a distraction. It’s like flying. As a pilot, I find flying very relaxing. There are few things I find as tranquil as flying on a cross country flight at a night with just Flight Following on the radio and looking at the lights below. Someone sitting next to you jabbering away just messes the whole thing up. It is absolutely totally relaxing. I find shooting very relaxing and enjoy the experience, just not having to interact with others for any reason.

  9. It has been reported on TTAG going back two years that government buildings and restaurants, in the Bay Area, have banned even on duty police from entering with their side arm.

    Gun thefts are the result of big government orders, and stupid private business owners.

  10. We often go to a Missouri Department of Conservation-managed range. At first I thought the process – flipping up colored metal indicator to indicate readiness, cease fire every 15 minutes, the complicated process for leaving the range, etc., were a pain. Now I know every aspect of the range process is for our safety and I appreciate it. The RSO walks the line at cease fires, pointing out weapons with mags, ensuring actions are open or flagged, no weapons are pointed down range, no one has brought any equipment behind the shooting line during cease fires, etc. During firing, the RSO walks behind the shooters, observing the activity. They don’t interfere, they aren’t hovering or being nosy, they are generally concerned about safe handling at the range. I witnessed the RSO correcting the couple in the lane next to mine twice. On the third time, he asked them to come inside the range office and re-watch the 15-minute video on range procedures and safety. The RSO did a great job of managing the situation without alienating the shooters. Online, critics bash the range for their “nit picking,” but I think if you keep your weapon pointed down range and racked with the action locked back during cease fires, that’s primarily what they are looking for. Got a free range day the other day in honor of a Missouri hunting and fishing awareness day.

    • Sounds like the Henges range. Shot there many times That is one well-managed, safely run operation. The fast-fire restriction is a little much for me, but all in all, a lot of other operations could learn from them.

  11. So why did the cops have their guns locked n their vehicles? Shouldn’t they be carrying them? Or are we talking about long guns here?


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