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Professional shooter Ryan Muller demonstrates how he shoots an AR-style modern sporting rifle (MSR) in the off-hand position. At 2:40, he has advice for shooting in a pattern because “the gun is still going to move.” Man, ain’t that the truth.


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  1. Well, it’s entertaining and all but how many people shoot enough, and have the concentration and dedication for this pro level trick shooting stuff?

    I do enjoy shooting videos, pro shooters doing exhibitions and various competitive action oriented events. The serious competition shooters, some of those people are amazing!

    But for me, at my age and not being able to afford mass quantities of cash to feed thru my guns every month (cash as in “ammo”), I’ll keep both hands on my long gun when shooting.

    • Just watched it a second time and realize I have a different idea of what “Offhand Shooting” means. He’s just shooting normally, while standing, with some good tips for people to think about.

      • Yeah, my idea of ‘offhand’ on a long gun is held at waist height while shooting.

        And that’s a valuable skill to hone, especially when out in bear country…

        • In the Spring, 1970, shooting from the hip was the last phase of rifle training in the US Army. It turned out to be much easier to hit the target than we expected. The purpose was, of course, to increase the confidence of soldiers about to be sent to RVN.

  2. If you really want to learn standing off-hand shooting, get into smallbore.

    Or learn fundamentals such as natural point of aim and how to use a sling properly. Even a hasty sling can make a big difference.

  3. I’ve always thought of this as just “shooting”.

    It’s true that people generally aren’t good at it though. That’s why The Separator worked at the Fink when I ran it.

    It’s also true that doing this right with higher powered optics at unknown distances takes a bit of practice. Again, exactly why The Separator spreads out the field exactly as designed.

  4. I had never heard that for calculating stock position. Fully extended has always worked for me. But I’m glad I watched the video.

  5. Offhand shooting to me is like when you are out hunting and you through up an take a shot at a moving deer in my younger days that was no problem

    • Appleseed has been on my “to do” list for quite a while, but I have never gotten around to it. I’m going to make it a priority when the world spins up again.

    • Suggested edit: How to shoot off your hand with a Kel-Tech KSG.

      Seriously, a fair few peeps have turned their forward hand into red mist with that one. Won’t touch one w/o a VFG on it, and that was an obvious conclusion when I first saw the weapon, before anyone actually had done so.

  6. So… how to shoot, just on the other side?


    Seriously fucken pointless. If you ever have to shoot a rifle this way you are either injured already or just doing it for covering fire before bounding. If you are injured, chances are you already know how to fucking shoot and common sense will do the rest, or u gonna die.

    • At no point in the video does he say a single word about shooting “on the other side.” You seem to have mistaken “offhand” shooting for shooting with your “off hand.”

      • I see. After some research I think it’s worse than what I was initially referring to and serves absolutely no purpose even for bolt action standing. Thanks for correcting me.

    • I don’t understand the vitriol concerning the video- I guess either some didn’t watch it or don’t comprehend what they were seeing.

      Pertaining to “offhand” (ie: shooting a rifle unsupported without aid from something other than one’s own body or limbs), I suggest some of you take on some CMP service rifle-type shooting. Go to the range and just about everyone is sitting at a bench trying to punch a single hole at 100 yards, as if that will apply to most real shooting situations. (Although for the majority, that probably is the “real”, or only shooting situation. Much of what Muller demonstrates in this video is right out of “the service rifle manual”- natural stance or body positioning, point of aim and pattern of movement between shots. With a little dedicated work and concentration (probably the key missing ingredient), one will discover that when properly set, the front sight (I know- this video was talking scopes but it is essentially the same thing) will always come back to “rest” at/near where one’s body and foundation are positioning it. The key is to find out where that point of positon is with your own stance/foundation, which includes the position of the feet, elbows, buttstock, cheek weld supporting hand, position of head, position of eye behind the sight system, etc. Learn to position one’s self to the available target rather than try to adapt the target to you.

      Along this line I’d suggest reading Jim Owens’ “Sight Alignment, Trigger Contol and the Big Lie”. ( ) I have no connection to this old book but reading and applying his principles has made a much better rifleman out of me and I’ve spent no where near the time at it that a dedicated shooter might. Great detail and easy enough for even the most negative, cynical TTAG contibutors to comprehend. Again, Owens is dealing with sights on a standard “service rifle” but it all transfers to scopes and various “dot” systems.

  7. Good stuff, especially on stance. Interesting about using a position in between blade and square. Will try that today.

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