va gun control confiscation budget feat
Courtesy GOA
Courtesy GOA

Those newly outlawed guns aren’t going to confiscate themselves . . .

“We see in the governor’s proposed budget that he wants $4 million and 18 new law-enforcement positions to enforce a ban on commonly-owned firearms,” said Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America senior vice president.

“Gun owners want to know: Is this money going to be used for the gun confiscation?” he added.

Both groups have been key in the surprising success of the organic gun sanctuary movement in Virginia that was prompted when Gov. Ralph Northam said he’d back sweeping gun control legislation after Democrats took control of the legislature in the 2019 elections.

– Paul Bedard in Virginia governor’s call for 18-person gun ban force comes under fire



    • What good is life insurance when the person wouldn’t have any loved ones left alive. They would not be able to donate the proceeds of their death either, as the money would be paid out to a person, who died while in the act if committing a felony. U.S. code 18 242 along with the 2nd Amendment makes it legal for Citizens to use deadly force on a public servant, who us trying to deprive a Citizen of their rights under color of law.

      • It is TIME to Turn the Kreys off in TAX $ Revenue And teach the commie DemocRATS a lesson who is the Boss.I would put up Boundary warnings.

        Password Jericho

        MOLON LABE!

        GIVE A SHIT
        SO WHY CANT THEY !!!!
        THERE LAW
        IS NUL & VOID

    • When I was a wee lad long ago, my father took a job as a vehicle repossesor for a short time. I say “short time” because soon after he started, he was assigned to a particular address that had fallen into arrears on their car loan. As he approached the car parked in the property’s driveway, the homeowner came out the front door with a shotgun and told my father he’d blow a hole through his chest if he touched the car.

      My father quit that same day. As he told me this many years later, he said if some “suit and tie” at the bank really wanted that car back so badly, they could come and get it themselves.

      • While I doubt the positions will attract anyone as intelligent as your father I would imagine they would draw from state/local units for backup before showing up and trying anything. I am sure you can guess how they will try to get that cooperation.

        • They’ll probably try to get UN “Peacekeepers” involved. Individuals brought here from other countries probably won’t have too much hesitation in shooting Americans.

        • Damn Andy you jumped right to a possible end run. I would have guessed withholding state funds to non-compliant counties.

    • why do you think they need to pay them a quarter of a million a year?

      These guys will make IRS agents seem as popular as Micky Mouse at disneyland by comparison.

      They’re homes will be tagged, frequently. Tires slashed, frequently. Families harassed, frequently.

      I’d rather take a job cleaning sewers than that job.

    • I’ll bet the positions will be filled by the near-useless relatives of political cronies.

    • Academy training can be expensive and assume they cost double the paid salary after benefits (50k salary =100ish after pension health dental etc) that may be a little high for training but not really too out of the ordinary.

      • That may be correct since costs drop significantly for 2021. Perhaps recruiting cost is in 2020 as well.

        • Missed that but yeah based off of semieducated stateworker math that seems to be what is going on with this.

      • If the pension isn’t taken out of the base pay and put in it’s own fund I don’t know what to tell you even with as bad as money as we are NY figured this out over half a century ago. With that said we have had to water down benefits over 6 tiers based on when employment started to stabilize spending. And that’s before we get into various unions’ contracts. But back to the 18 employees I would imagine this would be a semi permanent position that would be reclassified to a different related job title later on that would be funded from an established source.

        • Yes money is fungible we all know that. But those will all be high paying jobs with incentives and a twenty year and out pension. And it will cost no less than two and a half million to fund each one.

        • Hire 18 fewer state police over 20 years or equivalent administrative positions of higher pay on the 30 year cycle and it should balance out.

        • Oh yeah right. Like they are really going to use this as an opportunity to hire fewer people.

        • Of course it will not go for less employees it will however provide 18 new employees who would likely be transferred to the state police after the program is a success with exactly the mindset the governor wants. Think of it as a job description purity test. Not that I ever see anything like that happen here in NY. The fewer employees part is the joke/lie that may be thrown in to placate the budget orientated employees/public.

  1. See!!! It really does cost taxpayer money to take away your civil rights. The Klansmen Governor being a Liberal loves to spend $$$ to take away civil rights.

    • *loves to spend other people’s money

      Sorry to nitpick but it is a unfortunately familiar issue.

    • Virginia is going to charge taxpayers to trample all over taxpayers’ rights. Residents of the state will be funding their own incarceration. How lovely (sarcasm).

      Americans really need to find an effective method of withholding taxes on a massive scale, to starve the local, state and federal governments of funding via a tax protest.

    • If you think that you are sadly misinformed. There are many laws either identical to or worse than these laws.Some are making their way through the court, others have been found Constitutional at lower levels and been denied cert by SCOTUS. The courts are not going to ride into Virginia on a white horse and stop this. Any cases will take years to percolate up.

      Elections matter. It always amazes me to see low turnout numbers in rural areas of ‘purple’ states. How many gun owners stayed home?

      • Hopefully the Low Information rural people will have learned this very hard lesson and turn out to vote next time. The city dwellers (democrats) want their guns and want to control how live.

        • Stop trying to shift blame to the rural areas……. Your being bigoted. Calling all rural people uniformed is incorrect. There is no data or information to back it up…… And you have to account for populous in the sparse rural areas. It would be like saying ” no city people know anything about guns/hunting/farming” your comment makes you sound ignorant.

        • to Informed rural person.
          You are incapable of being honest. Until you as a democrat change you will continue to vote for every gun grabbing democrat. The same can apply to republicans as well.
          You need to be an informed voter. If you check the vote results you find that the virginia rural counties vote count numbers were way down this past election.
          Everyone in the gun community needs to register to vote and go vote. Also take a new shooter to the range this year.

      • Well said, I am going to puke if I keep hearing the “it’s just lesser of two evils” as an excuse to stay home. If you stay home, you lose and have voluntarily forfeited. That being said, pro rights Virginians are impressive right now. Their righteous resistance in such a short time is amazing and should serve as a model for the rest of us.

      • Hannibal – “If you think that you are sadly misinformed.”

        Ah, no I’m most certainly not. But you most certainly are it appears:

        “Mar 29, 2019 – SAN DIEGO (CN) – A federal judge Friday declared California’s ban on possessing magazines which can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition struck down.”

        And that is just one example. There are ample more if you care to do some research. Including one that concerns Chicago. And with how Mr. President Trump has been filling the federal courts with conservative judges and justices. As well as this being an election year. You can be sure that this issue is going to be promptly addressed. And then Mr. President Trump will be a hero in Virginia just in time to be reelected.

        • No Hannibal is informed by history. Its you who live in a dream world that does not exist. Virginia will pass the laws , smash 2a and the Supreme Court will duck responsibility and refuse to hear the case thereby shifting the blame to the lower courts. It happens every time down through history.

          • Vlad Tepes – “No Hannibal is informed by history. Its you who live in a dream world that does not exist. Virginia will pass the laws , smash 2a and the Supreme Court will duck responsibility and refuse to hear the case thereby shifting the blame to the lower courts. It happens every time down through history”

            Yes, of course I realize that your severe mental retardation prevents you from realizing and admitting actual facts. Perhaps you brain might clear up if you were to stop smoking crack and remove your head from your posterior?

        • Did you notice the date on that case you’re talking about? 2019. Do you know how long that law has been in effect in California? 19 years. In that time SCOTUS refused to hear the matter.

          So have fun waiting until 2038 to get your rights back in Virginia.

          • Hannibal – “Did you notice the date on that case you’re talking about? 2019. Do you know how long that law has been in effect in California? 19 years. In that time SCOTUS refused to hear the matter.
            So have fun waiting until 2038 to get your rights back in Virginia.”

            Heller took 5 years from start to finish, and other 2A cases have taken even less time, try to keep up.

    • If actual sworn law enforcement it would be extremely likely to be part of the standard benefits package. Can’t say for sure as I am not familiar with Virginia civil service but it would amazed me if it wasn’t.

      • That begs an interesting question.

        If a sworn officer dies during the commission of a crime while on duty, I assume that no benefits are paid from his issuing department.

        So if that officer is enforcing a state law that is in clear violation of the Supreme Law of the land, and dies in the process by citizens who defend their rights as clearly supported by that Supreme Law, will his burial still be covered? Will his family still get all that money and college funding? Will he still get a “hero’s” funeral procession, even though he jackbooted his fellow citizens within his community?

        • Up here almost certainly unless it is on video and the locals are restless and/or there was a conviction. Hopefully Virginia is a bit less crazy.

        • ” a state law that is in clear violation of the Supreme Law of the land ”

          The state law is not in violation until a court says it is, which is a good argument for universal judicial review (as opposed to some good arguments against it as well). Once the court declares the state law in violation, there is no need for further enforcement. So, your speculations on benefits are pretty much moot.

  2. “We see in the governor’s proposed budget that he wants $4 million and 18 new law-enforcement positions to enforce a ban on commonly-owned firearms”

    And by “18 new law-enforcement positions”, the governor means “18 patronage jobs for loyal donors and other folks who played nice-nice with my campaign”

    • Nope. He’s looking to hire people willing to kick in doors, because it’s clear that the local PD have no intention of doing so.

      The people in Virginia have elected a fool.

      • How can they kick in doors when they don’t know who owns what? They can’t enforce the ban on AR’s and “assault firearms” except by chance encounters. The only doors they will be able to kick in will be ones identified in unconstitutional red flag orders, and those would best be kicked during work hours when no one is home… otherwise violence is sure to result.

        I don’t think Coonman Northam is dumb enough to order pre-dawn no-knock raids after all the press and the pushback. They will likely only raid unoccupied residences, and homeowners will return from work to find their homes ransacked and some of their firearms missing, not knowing if they were robbed or if a police action is responsible for all the destruction. Well, maybe the spiteful agents will leave a calling card…

  3. So Coonman is really gonna try to start the war there!? Let’s see how long it takes for his “leaders” to throw him under the bus when it all goes south!

  4. How is this happening? The laws are not even passed. Too bad the AG is in on it, I’m no lawyer but I assume there is some laws being broken, or at least his oath of office.

    • How is this happening??? What the republicans didn’t just give away, Bloomberg $$$$$ bought in the 2019 election in Virginia. The governor and the lt. governor and the attorney general were already democraps. The new General Assembly’s socialist agenda is real. The governor’s tyranny is real. Virginia is to be made an example for the rest of the country.

      • I meant how is he able to request funding to enforce laws that haven’t been passed yet. It is tyranny.

        • The gun control bills and the funding bill are all in committee. None have been sent to the floor for a vote. That is why there has been such an overwhelming turn-out. Folks are hoping demanding that none of them get forwarded for a vote into law.

    • The fix is assuredly in for passage in a month. Figure 2 months before they move on someone and if there is a bloodbath we’ll see them ratchet it up a bit claiming armed people are terrorists and a threat. In 6 months there might be a case where someone has standing to go to the SCOTUS. 3 years from now there might be a decision but by then thousands will have been disarmed, imprisoned, or worse.

      Elections have consequences. Constitutions are supposed to prevent elections from washing away rights given by God. Men who ignore both are the problem.

      • They are not going to wait a month because they will lose all their support in a month.

        They are going to jam it through the day after they take office. They open January 8, 2020. They will dispense with all pretext of committees, legal review or financial review and vote on Jan 9 or Jan 10 with Blackface McClannyboy signing that evening. They are not going to wait for Lobby Day because they have seen what happens when the POTG saddle up and turn out.

        If he has his way, arrests will begin over the weekend of January 11. Law enforcement may balk a bit. The NRA might file some kind of injunction proceeding with a favorable judge or, more likely, VCDL, SAF, GOA or JPFO may file legal action. If and when they do, they’ll have my donation and I hope yours as well.

        In fact, VCDL has done a smashing job of orchestrating the Sanctuary movement so they’ll probably get one anyway. One bit of advice: crowdfunding can and will help you offset Bloomberg’s personal wealth. You can get people in the Redoubt, in the South, in the West and in otherwise beleaguered states behind enemy lines to send $10 each to help stave off New York liberals. Get just 1 million people of a 340- million person nation with 110 million gun owners – so less than 1% to make that minimum donation -and I really think you’ll get enough to mount a world-class legal challenge.

  5. I was thinking about applying. Looking to make a career change, and scooping up those sweet, sweet state benefits. Think I can weasel my way to the rear? Maybe sneak a wrench or two into the MRAP transmissions? Or even better, misdirect all operations to known gun grabbers’ homes.

    • Let them run the MRAPS for a month and pay for service. Good luck funding that long term.

  6. My question is simple. Lobbying and protesting new laws is certainly the right thing to do. But…we all know the legislature cannot be held back indefinitely. Virginia is at most a mass shooting away from banning new purchases of black rifles and standard magazines. What happens when the legislature refuses to listen and enacts the “laws” they were elected to pass? Ultimately, my question is what is the purpose of the 2nd amendment? I submit the current model is unsustainable. These counties better start looking more like Swiss militias or I promise we’re going to lose everything eventually. “Progressive” city dwellers and 3rd world slaves will be making your laws henceforth. It doesn’t matter if 100,000 people show up for lobby day armed. A Swiss model under your county sheriff is your only solution with any longevity.

      • Not following on this one. You want Hillary Clinton to win in 2016?

        What does it have to do with Virginia’s Hoplophobic, blackfaced KKK Governor?

        • JM wants a Right Wing Dictatorship. He does not belong in the U.S. nor any of his ilk. Democracy is the will of the majority of the people and without the corrupt Electoral College the Gangster Criminal Republicans would cease to exist as a political power. The Stats show the majority of American citizens are Liberal and the balance Independent and moderates.

          Republican Nazi’s defile the inscription on the Statue of Liberty and they blaspheme American values and beliefs and the right to a Democracy and the will of the people.

          • Vlad Tepes – “The Stats show the majority of American citizens are Liberal and the balance Independent and and moderates.”

            And you of course, yet again, are lying:

            “As of September 2019, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrat, 29% identified as Republican, and 38% as Independent.”

            And the vile and treasonous lie-beral democratic party is rapidly losing the Independent votes. Your party of treason will be utterly destroyed in November.

        • to E. David Quammen

          As usual you never fail to make a complete fool of yourself. Your own figures show 69 per cent of voters are not Republicans. And there are more Democrats than Republican Criminals. Let that sink in. Also elections prove that most of the time Independents usually vote Liberal not Conservative.

          • Vlad Tepes – “As usual you never fail to make a complete fool of yourself. Your own figures show 69 per cent of voters are not Republicans. And there are more Democrats than Republican Criminals. Let that sink in. Also elections prove that most of the time Independents usually vote Liberal not Conservative.”

            Keep dreaming, troll-boy. They turned on the demonRats in 2016, and will on an even grander scale this year. You freaks are finished.

          • Vlad Tepes – “And more independents vote liberal than conservative.”

            Keep dreaming, demoTroll. Just as what happened in 2016, is going to happen to a greater extent in 2020. Go back into your closet, traitor-troll.

    • To State is Evil

      ”””””””””””””””””“Progressive” city dwellers and 3rd world slaves will be making your laws henceforth.================

      Of course we all know that you mean immigrants who you just admitted you despise. Get used to it White Privilege is over, kaput. In another 10 years immigrants will dominate the Legislatures at the State and National level. As a matter of fact two of them came close to becoming president. Calypso dancing Rafael Cruz and Marco Rubio.

      • If you left the basement once in a while and actually applied for a real job, you would realize “white privilege” disappeared at least a decade or two ago.

      • Neither Marco Rubio nor Ted Cruz came close to being president. Ted did come almost close to maybe win the nomination but dropped out with about one third of the delegates held by Donald Trump.

  7. Wow, Coonman really is going full retard on this one. Let’s hope the people of VA will make him regret it.

  8. 18 dead men walking??? is nullification of an illegal law Murder, or justifiable homicide??
    going to get real real soon in Virginia!!
    More Evidence of Democratic Maleficence, cant do any thing Constructive but by God they sure can fuckup our Constitution !!

    • I expect that governor and maybe his family (to set an example) will likely be taken out soon.

  9. Don’t forget Governor Blackface is requesting a 250K increase in prison funding for all his newly created felons!

      • “Also land for physical expansion.”

        If he is seriously considering building new prisons for gun owners who won’t comply, that’s as hard a red line as it gets.

        Crossing it will result in things no one wants to see…

    • 250K? That is approximately 5 to 10 prisoners, guess he expects most of those raids to go sideways.

      • You mean official reports of seizure raids will conclude with “suspect was killed resisting arrest” or “suspect was killed attempting escape”. The coroner’s reports of the suspect’s cause of death as “close range gunshot wound to the back of the head” will be classified and suppressed.

  10. So at what point does anyone do anything physical about this? We are losing at the ballot box in this state it appears. Will everyone just grumble and accept it move the line in the sand? I ask this as much for myself as to anyone else. Will anyone really risk losing the eroding American dream to actually fight this? These guys are not even remotely trying to hide their intentions at this point, it’s a blatant slap in the face. Maybe most folks are of the nature, “I will do something when they are on my porch”, but then, it is to late. Admittedly, I am likely one of those types. My guess, for all the bluster, gun owners will get steamrolled and life goes on, because, what’s the alternative??

  11. If confiscation gets past SCOTUS we’re done. Article 1, section 9, clause 3, no ex post facto law shall be passed. What does Virginia nt understand about that? They should also re-read the 14th Amendment.

    • Timothy says …”What does Virginia (not) understand about that?”

      Timothy, it’s like you are still playing in yesterday.

      The Left long ago declared the Constitution a ‘living breathing document’ that ‘changes with the time.’

      The Left declared war years ago….Welcome to Today Timothy!

  12. Time passes and things change is an old saw. That being the case, I continue to wonder as to how the present governor was ever elected.One might also add the same question to the makeup of the state legislature.

    It was a while back now, the 1960’s, when I spent a bit more than a year doing design work for Allied Chemical in Hopewell. Oh my, how things have changed seems an appropriate observation.

  13. Just another example that the USA is under attack by hostile forces trying to overthrow our Constitutional Bill of Rights! They have infiltrated into the halls of government in many states and are attempting to disarm the general population by force under “Crime Control schemes” in shear violation of our rights! The time is now to act! Remove these treasonous worms from power! Return civil liberties back to the people in all states!

  14. Northam should cease putting his tongue up Bloomber’s ass. This sort of thought will get a lot of people killed. Think about former military, especially Marine and Army Infantry. Those are hard men who will not tolerate violations of The Constitution, the theft of liberties and violation of rights. You want to play fast and loose with the freedoms granted by The Constitution, you will pay a heavy price. The opposition to Northham is very well versed in asymmetric warfare, knows how to conduct and counter an insurgency, and is largely prepared to do so. Beware tyrants.

  15. Northam should cease putting his tongue up Bloomberg’s ass. This sort of thinking will get a lot of people killed. Think about former military, especially Marine and Army Infantry. Those are hard men who will not tolerate violations of The Constitution, the theft of liberties and violation of rights. You want to play fast and loose with the freedoms granted by The Constitution, you will pay a heavy price. The opposition to Northham is very well versed in asymmetric warfare, knows how to conduct and counter an insurgency, and is largely prepared to do so. Beware tyrants.

  16. You know, instead of shooting innocent kids at schools or people at walmart. Why not target communists officials here in the U.S.A.

  17. I should apply for that job. I am easily bribed.

    “Thank you very much for the box of ammo. I don’t see a thing in here. All looks legal to me. Now, did you say something about lunch?”

  18. Democratic party’s wet dream illegals get free aid for life, got too NY get license for in Virginia! Declare all Democrats terrorists as party is made up of non legal American peoples!

  19. Democratic party’s wet dream illegals get free aid for life, go too NY get license for use in Virginia! Declare all Democrats terrorists, as party is made up of non legal American peoples!

  20. This job will have the same respect afforded to the King’s tax collector prior to the Revolutionary War.

  21. I live in the State of Arizona and I can tell you the fake news Mainstream Media is not carrying the Unconstitutional gun grab taking place in Virginia. Even the news medias I get some of my news from are for some reason not reporting it as urgent ,if they are reporting it at all. Very alarming. Socialist Democrats control the news media for the most part as we can tell by how they blatantly and unlawfully attack our duly elected President and his family with their fake, false and bias so call news. Mainstream Media in the US is no better than Russian or Chinese State run News Media’s. May not be as truthful in my opinion. Socialist radical Second Amendment hating Democrats, Mainstream Media , Dollywood and Liberals want to turn America into a Socialist Country where Democrats are in charge and we the unarmed subjects live to serve their every command. Ain’t gonna happen.

  22. Our Great President just made a big decision about our freedom in the US. The Hell Fire Missiles that took out the highest ranking Terrorist in the Iranian military who was working hard to take our freedoms here in America if not eliminated. Even while his Government mourners carried his empty casket through the street they were shouting down with the USA and down with Israel. President Trump will go down in history as the best American President ever because of taking out terrorist thugs as this one in defence of we the people and our great Nation. I for one will stand up for our 2nd Amendment and our duly elected President.

  23. He is a waste of Life, He should have been aborted. The IDIOTS in northern Virginia are just as stupid as him, they are the ones that voted for him.

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