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VOTE NOW: TTAG’s 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards

Every year around this time, the editors of various firearms-related publications retreat to their respective smoke-filled back rooms to count up their receipts and determine which companies paid them the most money. I mean…which products were the best that year. TTAG doesn’t play that game. Instead we ask you, our gentle readers, to tell us what impressed you. We then tabulate the results, order the plaques and run around the SHOT Show handing them out to the worthy recipients. Well, it’s that time again.

We invite you to use the system below to enter your vote in the 2016 TTAG Reader’s Choice Awards. You get one vote per IP address. PLEASE only vote for products that came out this year. While great guns like the IWI Tavor, SIG SAUER’s MPX and many others are certainly worthy, they were intro’d in prior years and aren’t eligible.

I’ve populated the system with some of the new products that came out at this year’s SHOT Show and the NRA Annual Meeting this year, but feel free to write in anything I may have missed. You get one vote per category, and once you’ve voted the system will lock you out from doing it again (third party cookies might also need to be enabled in your browser). Your additions will be presented as options to all subsequent voters. Cast your vote before December 24th — we’ll tell you the results after Christmas. And thanks!

For those having trouble seeing the embedded version below, please CLICK HERE.

16 thoughts on “VOTE NOW: TTAG’s 2016 Reader’s Choice Awards”

    • Heh, not just yet. I spent a weekend with another TTAG writer going through the “Airline Transition Orientation Program” at American Airlines, it’s basically a one day “how not to crash” course on the 737 followed by a one hour simulator session. The idea is to give you a feeling for how training works at the airlines so you can figure out if you can handle the stress and workload before you invest too much time and money towards the ATP rating.

  1. What about which advertiser-sponsored content was best?

    Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day?
    Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin?
    Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day?

    (Apparently DeSantis Gunhide isn’t sponsoring anymore?)

    I’m sure we can expect hard-hitting, critical articles at TTAG about anything involving Blue Force Gear and Kimber.

  2. That author who said I wish Hillary had won so I could get rich while our rights were taken away. He should get an award of some kind.

    • That writer may be a total douche canoe for voting for Hillary so he can line his wallet, but he’s right. Obama was the best gun salesman we ever had. Being in the gun industry myself I’m bracing for gun sales to go down. Being a guy who likes to buy guns, I’m getting excited for lower prices on guns and ammo, and hopefully the passing of the Hearing Protection Act!

  3. I had to jump pages and look at product reviews. Got timed out and had to restart.
    I’m pretty sure the item I wrote in was introduced this year.
    Crux Ordinance Glock gen 4 mag release.

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