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VT Gun Control Legislation Marches On


By Sara Tipton

Despite earlier defeats, gun control advocates are still pushing legislation in Vermont. The restrictive measures against firearms were thought to be dead earlier this year, however, two provisions of the original bill put forward obtained committee support last week. Vermont bill S.31 has been hotly debated among lawmakers and gun rights groups. The bill was introduced by state Senators John Campbell, Phillip Baruth, and Claire D. Ayer. All sponsors of this bill are Democrats . . .

The original text of the bill included a provision that would require a background check on all gun sales, including private party sales, but excluding those between family members. That portion of the bill has been removed due to extreme opposition from vocal gun rights groups.

The two measures that did pass the committee’s scrutiny are vague in application. One measure allows the state of Vermont to prosecute felons in possession of a firearm; and the other requires the “dangerous mentally ill” to be reported to the federal background check system.

“We support reporting the names of these very specifically described persons with mental illness to NICS,” said Sen. Claire Ayer, D-Addison, chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare. She said the committee carefully considered evidence related to mental illness and gun violence before making its recommendation.

Although the status of S.31 has yet to be updated, it’s progress through the legislature in Vermont can be followed here.

37 thoughts on “VT Gun Control Legislation Marches On”

  1. With all due respect to the 2-3 killed by someone with a gun each year in Vermont – this makes about as much sense, and has the same relevancy to reality, as telling Vermonters not to water their lawns in January.

  2. Legislation for it’s own sake is a waste of time. Legislation drafted to address a specific wide-ranging issue, I understand. There is no such issue in VT.

    • “Legislation for it’s own sake is a waste of time.”

      It’s not for it’s own sake. It’s how the up-and-coming political left prove their chops to the core left.

      A ticket punched, so to speak…

  3. If the above depicted lady is one of those who are “fer it,” I am ashamed she is wearing the colors of my beloved Tennessee Volunteers. Shame, shame, shameshameshame!

  4. These people are full of you-know-what and they keep trying and trying anyway, regardless of the sentiments expressed repeatedly by their OWN constituents.

    Here’s brief bio intel on each one:

    John D. Campbell—born in Hyde Park, NY; went to college at U. Florida. Not from here.

    Philip Bayruth—apparently from here but hard to pin down on that specifically; he’s an English prof at Groovy U.V., that is, Univ. of Vermont, a private college, by the way, and full of rich kids from other states who mainly stay drunk and drugged for their four-year vacations and annoying the hell out of their neighbors. He went to Ivy League Brown and the U. California. And was a prominent commentator on VPR for 20 years.

    Claire D. Ayer—from Quincy, MA, not from here. She sports a fine BA in “environmental studies” from Middlebury, another rich kids’ skool.

    All three are Dem cretins who stubbornly cling to their idiotic and repeated attempts to control the lives and behavior of others. If they spent a tenth of that time actually working to help Vermonters here they’d be of heroic stature by now; instead, they’re pitiful half-wit losers. Goes to show, also, that a PhD ain’t everything, esp. these days.

      • PhD is, yes, “Doctor of Philosophy,” although there aren’t many devoted exclusively to the study of philosophy; it’s generally the accepted requirement degree for people to teach at the college and university levels, which in this country over the past thirty years, is a joke. I ought to know; I was on the PhD track twenty years ago and saw then what a charade it was.

        In general, they’re the last people you’d expect to see supporting any kind of gun rights; usually just the opposite. You see, they’re so much smarter than we are, and we need them to guide us and tell us how to live our lives. I would not have lasted long in that gig, believe me. Every day in grad skool was like unto walking on eggshells, an atmosphere charged with hatred and vitriol against any straight white male Christians, and you can imagine what my day was like when I had the additional crippling factors of being a conservative and a war veteran and ex-cop.

        And these are the types we have here in Vermont and other states trying their absolute damndest to take away our guns, by hook or by crook, incrementally, as in their current “slippery slope” strategy, or all at once, say, after yet another random shooting by some psycho, rare as they are, who, it turns out, was either on or not on, all kinds of psychotropic drugs.

        Next, they’ll come after us war veterans, because clearly, we must be effed up. How could we not be? Good luck with that, though; there are millions of us, all trained, too.

      • No. You shoulda been smokin’ weed instead. I did a four-year stint as a campus cop at one time and drunk students were a royal PITA, just like drunk adults out in the ‘hoods. I can count on one hand the number of bad calls I had to deal with concerning pot smokers, but drunks was nearly every night of the week. Weed smokers never bothered anybody; sat around, listened to tunes, pigged out, and fell asleep. Perfect Murkan pasttime.

  5. VT is not prosecuting felons in possession of a firearm already ? Seems odd that they need a new law to be able to do that. Though I am all for it if it does anything to help get firearms out of the hands of felons. But, I doubt that this law will actually do that. The mental health issue is a tricky one IMO. Who determines the validity of a claim by one person that another person is mentally ill and therefore unfit to possess a firearm. I can see a potential quagmire in this area. Someone’s ex-wife, for instance, wants to get back and her former husband and decides to turn him in as having dangerous mental issues. What would happen next? What would be the procedure for him to prove that she is lying? What is her penalty if, in fact, it is determined that she was lying?

  6. The part that got removed sounds just like I-594 that recently got passed here in WA. State. Too bad we didn’t have more “vocal pro gun groups” here to protest. We did our best, but Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and Paul Allen had pretty much bought it already, and the NRA did little to nothing to help.
    You know it’s just the people West of the Cascades that are left. I grew up in Eastern WA. Way different culture East of the mountains. There has been discussion for years about splitting the state, but I don’t see that ever happening. One can wish.

    • Trust me, it was the I-5 corridor of progressives. Many on the west side are mad as hell. >10mil spent to buy an Initiative, it was hard to beat. 30% turned out to vote, 61% of the 30 moved 594 forward. The majority did not want 594. Follow the SAF and the battle against. VT needs to be cautious not to become part of a foreign country.

      • There’s been minor loose secession talk here in Vermont but not much recently; local derps are typical Murkan lazybones who won’t get off the couch unless there’s another Krispy Kremes box on the front step or to get another battery for the tee-vee remote. I assume that’s pretty much the case elsewhere, too. And most of the country still loves Our Nanny the Almighty State, and all them nice bennies.

        For a look at how such a loose confederation might work, check out Joel Garreau’s “Nine Nations of North America,” updated and with more info on his web site. The sooner the better, but I’m not hopeful, short of the big Hurt kicking in finally, good and hard, for all of us, with increased repression.

  7. And so Vermont goes happily about the process of making criminals out of significant populations of its citizens. The nature of these laws is that they’re essentially passive. You’ll be able to largely ignore them—until the state decides to invade your life and then you’ll find yourself in deep shit.

  8. If you happen to know anybody who is a gun owner and an admitted Democrat, please ask them why their party wants to disarm Americans? 90% of all gun control bullshit comes from the Demos, how can any gun owner side with that party?

    I understand that all unions support the Demos, thus thru their union dues the gun-owning members of unions are voting to disarm themselves. Why? are they stupid? Some union hack says vote this way and they do? The same union hacks give millions of dollars to the Demos, is that how the members want their money spent?
    I have been a life long GOP voter ….NO MORE!. the Rinos are in control and the ones who vote the way I want have no voice, so now I can’t vote GOP and will never vote Demo.

    I’m now an Independent – Libertarian – Anarchist, My country is being raped in the ass by that Black communist / Muslim treasonous bastard in the white house, the Demos are helping him, as are the gutless GOP swine.

    Yes, if I don’t vote GOP my vote is thrown away, well Brothers, my vote has been thrown away since the first time I voted, MAYBE, Regan was ok but over all in the last 50+ years I’d say for the most part my vote has been wasted.

    It’s time for a complete house cleaning in DC and it’s never gonna happen if “We the People” don’t stand up and do it.

    Of course the problem is “We the People” are the ones who have jobs to be at, homes to pay for, taxes to pay, we don’t get bussed to DC to protest, we have to do it on our dime. And who among us can afford to just one day leave and go to DC and stay there screaming until the bastards listen?

    Obama is doing all he can to get enough new demo voters into the country, if it works, the DimoCRAPS will be in control forever and all is lost.

    How can we win with the deck stacked against us? Well we do own all the guns in the country, until they come to take them away, Will you then hand them over and quietly go back to work to pay those taxes to support the Dimo voters who won’t/don’t work?

    Hard times my friends, hard times they be comin

    • IMHO, so long as you actually vote, your vote is never wasted. Candidates don’t GAS, but campaign managers track how many voted vs how many voted for who. As the percentage of votes cast which were not for either Ds or Rs increases, those managers will be forced to discover/explain why their candndates did not get those votes.

      Several times I have refused to vote for either major candidate, but I always voted for someone, with the attitude that I want them to know my vote was there, but they did not earn it.

    • Not everyone agrees with the GOP positions on various issues. I am very pro-same sex marriage, but it is rare for me to vote Democrat because I generally disagree with them on most things.

  9. Isn’t Mental Illness a clinical diagnosis?

    Wouldn’t that put it squarely under the guide and guidance of the HIPPA laws put in place back in 1990-whatever? Including and especially the confidentiality of medical records?

    Just askin….

  10. Can’t get to excited over those measures, I would think they’d be doing those things already.

  11. Fyi.
    S.31 I’d dead
    S.141 is the new bill with the 2 parts of s.31 in it that have been modified. It’s in the senate now being debated.

  12. FYI Sara……… S31 doesn’t exist anymore so you won’t find any updates! DUH!
    It was replaced by S141

  13. I like the hunter orange outfit, fitting huh?

    Also if you really think there are “two” partys you are dumb. There is only one- The gimmie,gimmie mo money F*** U party.

    • Love Rand Paul’s statement that he is a firm believer in the 2-party system, so much so that he would love to see the US have a second party.

  14. For a the hooplah, I expect this to get no serious traction.

    It’s like trying to sell veggie-burgers in San Antonio.

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