Want to Know How People Will Vote? Ask Them If They Own Guns

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One side effect of [increased minority gun ownership] is the ongoing decay of the gun control movement. Last year, support for gun control fell to a seven-year low, thanks in part to the surge in crime. But it’s the long-term effect of the country gaining more than 7.5 million gun owners that stands out.

In the 2016 presidential election, there was no clearer indicator of preference than gun ownership. Voters in households with guns supported Donald Trump in every state except Vermont. Voters in households without guns backed Hillary Clinton in every state but West Virginia and Wyoming. Gun ownership saw a bigger partisan divide than race, religion, and union membership.

Republicans have already made gains among Hispanic and black voters in recent elections. New gun owners among those groups could help tip the scale even further. But even if new gun owners choose to be Democrats, the gun control movement is in for a rough time: Support for various gun control proposals, including banning “assault-style weapons,” drops among gun-owning Democrats.


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  1. i was looking around last night and thought, none of these dweebs are going to survive.
    it was my own fault for being behind lines, but pomme frites and buffalo balls…

    • I look at those two 2016 Election maps and think “how are they able to determine the gun ownership values?”.

      And then I remember there are NICS checks, 4473s, registrations (such as in CA), et al.

      And then I thank God nearly all my gats are completely off the grid and known only to me, and not to Big Brother (and no…I did not purchase any lowers online with a credit card).

  2. It has always been my opinion that how someone feels about the 2nd Amendment says everything about their politics. But, it is also amazing to me how many voters are completely ignorant regarding their rights.

    • One most gun owners (or more conservative ones) won’t actually answer the question so you won’t know for sure. Also gun owners are kinda stuck between RINOs who are ok with either betraying their base on gun control, slow walking it, or at best just leaving everything in place, and Dems who want to burn everything down. Lesser of evils sure, but the avowed second amendment supporters in the GOP usually don’t deliver much or even have a vision for what they would actually do given the chance, leading to some voters who probably just don’t vote for either.

      And like you said, plenty of voters who seem to vote against their own views for other reasons… Like Catholics voting for Dems even though the Dems seem to oppose most of what Catholics theoretically stand for (have a bunch of staunch always Catholic, always Democrat family members, yikes!), or Democrat gun owners who say “I have a gun, support the second” but vote for gun control, I guess they think it won’t apply to them?

  3. Don’t get too excited. Plenty of gun owners will be swayed by the dems modern platform of: legalized kiddy diddling, ending womens sports, making you pay for some upper class kids doctorate in basket weaving, vetting all information through the governments ministry of truth, releasing violent criminals if they’re even charged at all, putting pot shops on every corner, teaching your kids everything is their fault, teaching your kids there is no future so why bother, forcing medical experimentation on the public, letting anyone and everyone into the country, encouraging the looting and burning of local shops and homes, stoking perpetual wars around the globe, enabling billion dollar investment firms to steal your retirement through ESG fiduciary scamming, restricting travel and meat to only the wealthy.

    This is a winning platform if ever there was one and plenty of people would gladly give up the entire BoR to live in this utopic vision. You don’t want to be called racist, do you?

    A core tenant of the Dems has been, for some time now, that the world would be a better place if people were not in it. I know I’d trust a person or organization with my life, liberty and happiness if their main driving force was to eradicate me and my family.

    • Not every state is New York……………..but given how much noise we make this isn’t a unjustified view (note that I am not arguing any of your observed points)

    • Nicely done Shire-man! Though the only point I could argue is that there are (unfortunately) plenty of Republican voters who want pretty much the same things – they just want it all to happen slower!

    • Excellent summary Shire-man!

      What utterly and totally baffles me is how many people actually want and (apparently) vote for that platform.

    • Democrats/progressives come at things with the feelz, support of the public indoctrination system, media, celebs, and tech, so they are automatically the cool, relevant, fun party. Free stuff! Do what you want, be who you want, no need to be responsible, no consequences, unless you aren’t in one of their preferred groups. Immoral or amoral character swaps with moral character. They are like the frat house or party crowd in school.

      The conservatives/GOP are like the party of your grandparents or parents, the old white guy telling you that you need to work hard, pay your dues, get a job, get up early, go to bed on a school night, moral character and success are important. Definitely not the fun party crowd vibe. Come join the economics or chess club for a good time! Years of “othering” means it’s not really socially acceptable to be on this side. The main ones seeming to have fun here are GOP politicians who say they line up here but secretly embrace the hooker/drugs/booze life, so they can say one thing and live another.

      So yeah, MTV or your teacher said to skip class and March for our Lives or your celebs on Twitter are wearing orange, follow them.

    • Heck, I just wish the States could do their own thing and it could/maybe get sorted. Birds of a feather and all. If Washington State wants to be freakish I got no issue, not going there either. The Fed gov trying to implement freakish stuff on everyone is a no-go to me. Both Party’s do this, although the hard core Leftists/progressive/dems are really starting to show their freakness. JFK would be a Conservitive gun owner in 2021.

    • “…Plenty of gun owners will be swayed by the dems modern platform of: legalized kiddy diddling, ending womens sports,…”

      (Snip long list of Leftist Scum ideals)

      I know it seems like it, but it’s really not as bad as it seems, and more importantly, not what they as a whole actually believe. Many, MANY of them are (properly, *thankfully*) revolted by that crap, but are too scared to admit it to anyone else besides immediate family. Even in immediate family, they swear them to secrecy.

      It’s not good, but it really isn’t that bad. (Caveat – Yet, and the tide is set to turn in ways they have been warned about, but choose to ignore, or think it’s bad data.)

      The nut-job whacko crap is being grossly amplified by a small number of their ‘true believers’. For about 10 years now, they have been breathlessly predicting the demographics of America are about to shift in their favor permanently, saying things like “There may never be another Republican president again!”.

      Oh, are they in for a very rude surprise… (hopefully, but things are looking very positive, as I’ll ‘splain right now.)

      They have lost the Spanish-speaking immigrant vote, and they refuse to believe that. There has been a *massive* shift away from the democrat party, and they refuse to recognize it, thinking it’s a statistical ‘blip’, when in reality, it’s about as fundamental as it gets, on several levels. Level 1 – Those from central and south America have personal, horrifying experience of what the lies of a socialist utopia actually means. Family members ‘disappearing’, never to be seen again. Crushing poverty. And knowing the only way out requires tools they are never allowed to possess. (In Possum-speak, “Gunms”.) I have personally seen this from behind the gun counter here in a central Florida Pawn and Gun. They come into the store, their children are polite, and they like quality firearms, especially 1911s.

      Level 2 – The poorer ones tend to be rather devout Catholics, and have little tolerance for homosexuality. And who’s rubbing everyone’s noses in the trans and homosexuality?

      Level 3 – Surprise, surprise, they don’t like being referred to as Latino, and especially not ‘Latinx’. (Shudder). They didn’t rip up their lives to come to America to be a Latino, they came to America to be *AMERICANS*, and want to be referred to as such. That is such an alien concept for the identity-politics crowd, it just doesn’t compute for them. It’s a clear warning, but they dismiss it. (Suckers!)

      The election trends over the past few major election cycles are showing this, but they refuse to believe the hard data. Good. (Insert Evil Laugh *here*). Suckers, they were warned!

      Level 4 – A whole lot of democrat voters are repulsed by the trans-crap being shoved in their faces. They won’t likely pull the lever for a Republican, but the nut-job whacko crap is turning off quite a few of them, and they are motivated to simply not show up on election day.

      There’s a lot more to this, but that’s the highlights. They thought they had a hard lock on a demographic, and they *don’t*.

      Let’s just keep paying out the rope that will hang them… 🙂

  4. As long as we have people around like dacian the stupid and MinorIQ, who are literally terrified of human liberty, and particularly terrified of having to be responsible for themselves, we’ll have a constant stream of idiot initiatives to do things to us “for our own good”. As Clive Staples Lewis famously said: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    Perfectly encapsulates the demented idiocy of our resident troll Leftist/fascists.

    • Meh…the plantation residents will still vote D. Free chit ya know?!? Tons of legal gat owner’s & CCL holder’s in Chiraq n Cook county. Solidly dim. As “Dr.” Willie Wilson battles Lori Lightweight for da mayor with dueling gasoline bribes(except rev Willie is using his own $).

      • Pretty much EVERY blue city or state is a giant voter bribery scam. “Vote for us; we’ll steal money from other taxpayers to give you food stamps, free Obamaphones, etc.” Dimocrats couldn’t win elections without welfare bribery.

        • In the last two elections the Democrats have mastered the art of electoral fraud. They don’t need a bunch of good’ol’boys with guns at polling place to deter undesirable voters

          Watch how often close races are won by a Democrat candidate who always seem to find winning ballots out of nowhere.

        • Outside of electoral fraud, they used the intel agencies, the DOJ, the media and Big Tech to ride their 2018 blue midterm wave all based on a lie…the Russia Hoax. In 2020, they all came together again to hide true stories about the Bidens. Once again the “intelligence community” was involved. They signed a letter stating it was Russian disinformation so the media could ignore it and call it a lie. It turns out they were the liars, but of course we knew that.

        • “In the last two elections the Democrats have mastered the art of electoral fraud.”

          And the republican-controlled governments in several of those states have taken steps to correct that.

          Their base is hearing the extreme crap from the twitter army and are not pleased by it. Something is building, they have been warned, and they seem to believe they all think like they do.

          Watch what happens in 7 months and see…

    • “Perfectly encapsulates the demented idiocy of our resident troll Leftist/fascists.”

      Well put, sir. One of my favorite authors, and one of his more memorable passages.

  5. Will gun ownership change the way you vote?

    Well, if you purchased a gun because you are worried about all the violence in Dem-run cities, you have already begun your transformation.

    If you put the gun in a closet and haven’t touched it since the original excitement, maybe your transformation is waning.

    If you practice regularly, your transformation may be continuing.

    If you spend time thinking about home defense scenarios, you are moving toward enlightenment.

    If you are collecting ammo in anticipation of shortages and regulations, you have made significant progress in understanding the importance of the 2A.

    If you have purchased, or are longing to purchase, another firearm, then the 2A is becoming increasingly important to you.

    If you are carrying everyday, at home or away, you are committed to personal defense.

    If you have purchased carry insurance you have increased your financial security through a good investment in defense and liberty.

    So, will owning a gun increase the chances that you will vote for strong Constitutional candidates? It is really a question of behavior, not ownership.

  6. 𝐈 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 $𝟏𝟐,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞. 𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐛𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝟏𝟏 𝐭𝐨 𝟏𝟐 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭…𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊….
    =====))> 𝐰𝐰𝐰.𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  7. From the article:

    But it’s the long-term [political power] effect of the country gaining more than 7.5 million gun owners…

    Not to worry: Democrats are ensuring that at least 7.5 million illegal immigrants from south of our nation’s border will stay in our nation and acquire voting rights to offset their loss of votes to firearm ownership.

    • uncommon,

      Well, that’s certainly their plan . . . but it ain’t workin’ out for them, is it??? Senile Joe now has the lowest approval ratings of any “President” in my lifetime . . . and his poll numbers have tanked hardest with blacks, Hispanics, asian-americans and Jews. Kamel-toe the Ho is even LOWER in the polls than Senile Joe the Serial Child Molester.

      The Dimocrats gonna get CURB-STOMPED come November. And I’m going to chortle heartily at the flood of Leftist/fascist tears. dacian the stupid and MinorIQ will probably have to cancel their daily circle jerk, they’ll be so distraught.

      • It’s still a numbers game. When have more Latinos voted for a Republican president? The answer is never in the history of this country. Republicans have had a majority of blacks and Asians before, but not Hispanic/Latino. The Puppet is busy trying to import a city’s worth of illegal immigrants into this country EVERY WEEK. Do the math.

        The Latinos/Hispanics that have started to vote for Republicans are American citizens. They probably have more respect for this country if they came legally. The people coming in illegally all say they’re here because of Biden. If given the choice, who do you think they’ll vote for? The Dems tried to insert legislation so that everyone would automatically be registered to vote. It also said that non-citizen immigrants wouldn’t held liable if they voted. Now why would they try to pass that? Hmm…

        • “When have more Latinos voted for a Republican president? The answer is never in the history of this country.”

          South Texas and south Florida, who used to be reliable Leftist Scum voters, have shifted something like 20 points over the last 2 national elections. They don’t like what they see, and are starting to vote accordingly…

        • Yeah, that is cool. That will help with local and state elections. It won’t do anything for the presidential elections when we already have the red states. The Dems are playing the long game to take over the swing states and even red states. Remember the constant media sob stories about the illegal immigrant kids to push for new versions of the Dream Act? You ain’t seen nuthin yet. “Path to citizenship” “Comprehensive immigration reform” “For the children” blah, blah, blah.

    • Well, you can, but the explosion of cameras everywhere makes getting away with it a lot more difficult… 🙂

  8. Owning guns has NOTHING to do with how someone votes. This is wishful thinking. Putin has guns. Many are very powerful. That doesn’t make him a good guy. Criminals often have them but they are not likely to vote for Republicans.

    2020 was not the end of a 50/50 country. It can be a bitter pill for some but MANY of this nations newest gun owners are lunatic socialists.

    • quote—————-Owning guns has NOTHING to do with how someone votes.—-quote

      Good God Prnell for once we agree on something.

  9. Sorry, but I am a JFK Democrat. I believe in a strong manufacturing base, union jobs, marksmanship classes for kids. I want to make America great. A strong middle class is the answer. With the 2 parties at different sides, fighting about stuff they should get together on, we have a problem. The secret here is that both parties work for the same masters – they kow-tow to the corporations in control(who always get what they want and keep us squabbling over things that do not matter to them).
    They want a transient work force who they pay no benefits for. Truth be told, both parties want guns out of the lower class hands, but the only way they can get those votes is to pretend to be pro 2nd.
    Neither party wants to support the middle class(Trump did, that is why the Republican Party allowed the Dems to win).
    It is true that the really rich are just getting richer – our tax structure has a lot to do with that – maybe going back to a 60s style income tax structure would be better – it worked then.

    • That Democrat party no longer exists. The looney left wing faction has taken over the party.

  10. This is one of the reasons I reject Twitter. This is misinformation. You follow Twitter and your likely going to be lied to.

  11. The Radical Far Right Paramilitary Lunatic Fringe believe that every gun owner is on their side of radicalism and racism. In reality the average gun owner is nothing like the Far Right paramilitary lunatic fringe.

    In my gun club of now over 1,000 members the majority of them vote Decorate. Most also support Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage laws. And you would be surprised how many of them do not approve of the ownership of assault rifles. I do own some and have been chastised on more than one occasion when they saw me shooting them on the range.

    The average gun owner may own a shotgun for hunting and a low budget .22 rimfire rifle for plinking on weekends, they do not own an arsenal of assault weapons and a bunker full of ammo that would supply the entire Russian Army for a decade or more. Many do not even own even 1 handgun and would never consider carrying one because of the liability connected with it if they lost their temper and shoot someone with a handgun and then be sued for millions. Some who do own a handgun have told me they would never carry one for the above mentioned reason.

    One must remember that ordinary people do not view firearms ownership as their only reason for their existence. They look at their wallets and assets first and their ability to afford health insurance and education and or retraining for themselves and their children and get a decent paying job with benefits, none of which they will ever get with the Republicans in power and they damn well know it.

    Republicans are the workingman’s worst enemy and the working people damn well know it.

    They have seen the gangster criminal Republicans cut their unemployment benefits in half or take them away altogether in tough economic times.

    They have seen the Republicans time after time try to take away their Social Security benefits and their retirement benefits and up the age of retirement so that they are forced to work at their jobs until they drop dead from old age.

    They have seen the Republicans try and try to destroy their current health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act.

    Paul Ryan even tried to fk his mother out of her social security retirement benefits by advocating privatizing Social Security benefits. In that speech half the Republican voters sitting there got up and walked out while giving Ryan the middle finger.

    • Well, no one needs any approval to own anything at all based on whatever your gun club might think…one way or the other. It’s simply irrelevant.

      You are a great example as to how being a gun owner doesn’t mean being pro-2A or pro-Republican.

    • Is that that all white 1000 member gun club you claim to belong to, herr dacian?

      How can you tell herr dacian is lying? He’s commenting on ttag.

    • Your gun club that only takes members that are trained to Recon, Sniper, Airborne, Ranger, SEAL, Delta, HRT, and NYPD standards. And that is to get through the front door.

    • You have told us several times you belong to a racist gun club. I doubt you actually belong to a legitimate gun club as the better ones require NRA membership and all the best clubs use certified NRA trainers and safety personnel. At best you and a few insurrectionists shoot in someone’s field and call yourselves a club.

      “Many do not even own even 1 handgun and would never consider carrying one because of the liability connected with it if they lost their temper and shoot someone with a handgun and then be sued for millions. Some who do own a handgun have told me they would never carry one for the above mentioned reason.”

      If the typical leftists has these sort of thoughts and lack of self control, they shouldn’t own a firearm, or even drive a motor vehicle. You hang around some seriously deranged individuals.

      I was going to pick apart the rest of your screed, but only true believers will think your post is truth. Anyone with basic common sense understands you are a lot like your friends, deranged.

      • to Storm Trooper

        Your entire post is one big fat lie. You do not know me or anything about me. I never said I belonged to a racist gun club. I never said it was all white because I have never met all 1,000 members. And new and old members come and go as well. Jethro and yourself simply make stuff up as you go along to satisfy your own warped fantasies and ego’s and demented ideologies and hatreds of anyone not exactly like yourself. Its typical of the Far Right.

        quote—————At best you and a few insurrectionists shoot in someone’s field and call yourselves a club.———–quote

        More outrageous lies on your part since you do not even know what club I belong to but I will give you a hint. Its been in existence since the 1920’s and holds one of the biggest annual pistol matches in the U.S.

        And your ranting that people right or left wing cannot lose control of them selves in an emotionally charged setting shows it is you who should not be trusted with owning a firearm. Carrying a firearm is a huge responsibility and it is the mature thinking individual who may deicide that “I am not going to risk it” and anyone who condemns him or her for that personal decision as being stupid or not towing the Far Right Party line is the real nut case that should not be trusted with a firearm.

        I have said many time before this forum does not in anyway shape or form represent the average law abiding gun owner who is not a paramilitary lunatic, does not want a 1 party system with Trump as a dictator, and they are not racist, anti-immigrant or anti-refugee and again most are Democratic voters. As a matter of fact I have met some foreign people who at various times belonged to our gun club. The most interesting was a French Man that gave me some interesting stories on how they hunt deer in France as well as other wild game. Again proof that if the club was racist they would not have allowed him to join.

        I have found it rather amazing that some of the Far Right nut cases that hang out on this forum cannot believe that liberals, Democrats, Socialists, minorities, and foreign workers own guns in the U.S. and belong to gun clubs or are hunters or gun collectors. You would be surprised how many guest workers and temporary residents from the Orient I have met in the past years who owned guns and attended gun shows in my area. But then again it should not surprise me as the Far Right are also ignorant of just about everything else in this country.

        And thank God that the Far Right Nut cases on this forum are just a small tiny minority of American gun owners who are nothing at all like they are.

        • Lying sack of shit. You claimed here that you belonged to an all white 1000 member gun club and implied them to be mostly racists.

          Mentally deranged lunatic that you are.

        • “I never said I belonged to a racist gun club. I never said it was all white because I have never met all 1,000 members.”

          BS. You stated there were no minorities in your racists club. I do sincerely doubt you belong to a club at all. I know plenty about you, you are a liar and someone not to be trusted. Your words here make that very clear.

          “And your ranting that people right or left wing cannot lose control of them selves in an emotionally charged setting shows it is you who should not be trusted with owning a firearm. ”

          You are the one who stated your friends may shoot people if they owned firearms. No one in my circle has made such statements. I don’t harbor your fantasies of insurrection or violence. You make deranged statements and hang with deranged people and you think i am not trustworthy. How laughable.

          “I have found it rather amazing that some of the Far Right nut cases that hang out on this forum cannot believe that liberals, Democrats, Socialists, minorities, and foreign workers own guns in the U.S. and belong to gun clubs or are hunters or gun collectors. You would be surprised how many guest workers and temporary residents from the Orient I have met in the past years who owned guns and attended gun shows in my area.”

          First of all, the Far Right boogeyman of your dreams is a rare thing. For you far Right is left of Stalin. Firearms ownership has no race, creed, origin or color, it is a Right of our Country as recognized by our Constitution. So to say such crap to anyone on this site is intellectually lazy. Look it up if you don’t understand.

          You protest too much young man. And if you feel you can prove me wrong, I travel thru Ohio a few times a year for work. I’ll agree to meet you somewhere, public, so you can prove me wrong. Unarmed of course, I would not want to scare you.

        • To Storm Trooper/and Jethro

          You do not know what club I belong to but you claim the club does not exist and that it is all white and they are all racist. Well you must read tea leaves and gaze into crystal balls all day long.

          And as I said before I have not met all 1,000 members and we get new member all the time.

        • to Jehtro and Storm Trooper.

          Yes both of you both live in your own little warped world of unreality. According to your laughable statements no one who is a liberal or socialist or who votes Democrat owns firearms or belongs to a gun club.. Sane people are really rolling in the isles when they read your ranting’s.

        • I’ll give you this. . You are committed to your cause.

          “According to your laughable statements no one who is a liberal or socialist or who votes Democrat owns firearms or belongs to a gun club.”

          I have never stated that. I have my doubts about you personally. Only you, not all Socialists. Don’t bring in lies about what has been said.

          Yu made statements about your clubs membership. We reminded you of those statements. Lies are hard for you to keep track of.

  12. Seems like West Virginians are the smartest folks in the polled sample set.
    1) They don’t admit to random pollsters that they own guns
    2) and they voted for Trump

    On the other hand, if this poll was done by a land line phone call then the whole sample set is rather suspect since they still have a wired phone in the year 2022.

    Now days you can’t even give the folks in the hinterlands a pass for still having a wired phone because there is a thing called Starlink.

    • And, no. Many of us out here in flyover country don’t use the Starlink system because of expense. And, out in flyover country, land line phones work even if the power is out for a week or more. Plug in the old desk/wall phone and it is powered by the phone system and not reliant on external power. Secondly, while cell phones are in use, again, coverage can be spotty. Exactly the reason I still have a hardwire phone. Sometimes my cell works and sometimes it doesn’t
      Same with satellite service for Television. I have the service, but still use service from an antenna and free streaming services through the hardwired phone system.

  13. Asking people if they own a gun is rather personal. Somewhere on the same scale as asking people if they wear underwear. Almost everyone does, those who don’t are probably embarrassed to tell you, only the odd person here or there will cheerfully tell you that he goes commando.

  14. Excuse me if I use this forum to bring two things to your attention that are not directly related to the article. The first, if I read it correctly is that Alec Baldwin has been exonerated of any criminal liability in the shooting on the Rust set. As a result, I am contacting each of the 4 firearm organizations to which I belong and asking them to protest this decision. The failure of law enforcement and the prosecutor’s office to charge him with a crime is outrageous. Any respectable gun owner knows that it is the person handling the firearm who is responsible when it is discharged and not someone else handing you a firearm and telling you it is not loaded with live ammunition. Second, Homeland security is starting a program of investigating misinformation which translated means that if you say anything they don’t like you are likely to be called on the carpet for it. If that happens my advice to you is to fight and not allow them to do that even once.

    • “The first, if I read it correctly is that Alec Baldwin has been exonerated of any criminal liability in the shooting on the Rust set.”

      That has *nothing* to do with the civil lawsuits he has to deal with…

  15. “Want to Know How People Will Vote? Ask Them If They Own Guns”

    Dumb premise. I know gun owning and carrying people who are liberal on some issues but solid on Constitutional Carry, the right of self defense. The problem is the two big political parties have been preaching Absolutism for several decades now. The dysfunction they have wrought is at a peak, everyone is being blasted with the message that you either perfectly align with the Party Thinking, or you are an enemy.

    The non-Party Member voters are having to pick the least offensive candidate in every election and their options just keep getting more and more disgusting.

    This absolutist, Party Member Purity Testing bullshit is what’s threatening Freedom in our Republic more than any other factor.

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