WARNING: Don’t Watch Savage’s ‘Migration’ Waterfowl Hunting Videos Unless You Want to Get Hooked

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Those of us who love to hunt ducks, but never seem to be able to find the time to get out there will both love and hate Savage’s new ‘Migration’ series of videos highlighting waterfowl hunting across five states. I had the chance to share a blind with one of these four hunters a few years ago and I can’t wait to get back out there again at some point.

In the mean time watch these five beautifully produced videos and try to contain your jealousy.

Savage Arms is proud to announce the culmination of a new project: Savage Migration. This video series follows four avid hunters as they seek out waterfowl across the country. Savage Migration showcases the unique challenges each hunter faces and how they adapt to new landscapes, set ups, and weather.

“Waterfowlers are a unique breed of hunter,” said Savage Arms Marketing Director Beth Shimanski. “They devote countless hours to preparation for the season and even more time on their hunts. Savage’s new series explores the devotion required to track migrations and the lengths waterfowlers will go to as they scout for birds. Savage Migration shows how in-tune bird hunters can be with the rhythms of nature.”

Savage Migration is the result of a year spent following four hunters:

Serene River Bottom in Colorado: Water is scarce in Colorado, and that makes hunting migrating ducks difficult. Courtney Nicolson frequently hunts private land with on a section of the South Platte River that has been carefully managed to provide quality habitat. Hunting this honey hole with the landowner, Courtney helps a new hunter bag one of her first ducks.

Frozen Marsh in Utah: In his home state of Utah, Casey Smith hunts a frozen marsh and targets a hole in the ice. In the thick of winter, late season birds keep the water moving and the ice at bay as they feed. Hiding in white suits on the ice among silhouette decoys, Casey and his mentor Tony wait for the ducks to fly in.

Flooded Fields in Oregon: Marcus Gores lives and breathes hunting. When he’s not chasing big game around the world, he’s hunting the waterfowl migration in Oregon. Bad weather means good duck hunting. More than anything, duck hunting for Marcus is about spending time with his family and enjoying blind snacks together.

Missed Migration in South Dakota: Sometimes the migration isn’t where you expected, and you come up empty-handed. Sallie Doty’s duck hunt didn’t go as planned in South Dakota, but she didn’t want to waste an afternoon and had a different local bird in mind to hunt.

The final video in the series, Redhead Paradise | Texas, brings all four waterfowlers together for a final hunt at Bay Flats Lodge on the Gulf Coast of Texas where the group is able to experience a hunting a new location after a challenging 2020 season.

For more Migration Series: A Special Breed, visit https://savagearms.com/migration.

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  1. Love me some duck hunting. Although, it’s been too long. Used to go to Mississippi and Missouri every year. The only thing I like better than shooting a duck is eating it. And before anyone says “duck tastes like liver” let me say this, you over cooked it. Nothing like watching the sunrise over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers with the sky filling with greenheads and remembering that Lewis and Clark passed this way.

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  2. In my experience good, clear weather sucks for ducks and geese. They fly high and see you to well.

    Bad weather sucks. Unless you want ducks and geese. I even got a duck by default one foggy day. It flew low over my head and then smacked into a power line in the fog. I picked it up and added it to the bag.

  3. You just need to say waterfowl and I’ll be fully erect. If you know.. you know shit is better than crack. Especially when you are on the X.

  4. A farmer was standing by his barn when a wounded duck smacked into it. He watched a duck hunter cross his field, leaving gates open.
    The duck hunter approached the duck and started to pick it up.
    The farmer said “That’s my duck.”
    The hunter said “Mine I shot it.”
    The farmer said ” Okay we’ll settle this by kicking each other in the nuts, the winner gets the duck.”
    Hunter said “Okay”
    Farmer said “Me first”
    Then reared back and planted his size 11 clodhoppers square in the hunters nuts.
    After turning white and rolling around on the ground awhile the hunter got up and said, ” Okay, my turn.”
    The farmer said, “Nah, you can keep the duck.”

      • Seriously, if you open a gate, close it. If you find an open gate close it. Closing a gate is never the wrong thing. Just something I learned growing up in the woods.

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  5. My Father told of back during the Depression hunters used to Load Up homemade shotguns that had 5 to 6 foot barrels, tied to flatboats and harvest ducks by the hundreds. As they set on the water in the early morning. To help feed people with nothing else to eat. They have several shotguns like this and even longer at the State Museum in Des Moines. Hunting is for sport. Harvesting is for Survival.

  6. Hunted ducks since I was 10 , then those Robertson clan showed up then every yahoo with a boat & shotgun made it too dangerous for my liking. Bought me a piece of property with a nice Wood duck swamp, no more weekend warriors shooting my decoys, twice, while I nap waiting for the sun.

  7. Bob, you can choose your friends, to a lesser extent your neighbors and never your family. I have new hunting neighbors. The jury is out.

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