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“This territory has a lot of growing up to do,” rifleman Lucas McCain tells the stand-in sheriff [7:40]. “Until that’s done we can’t take away a man’s right to protect himself.” Until that’s done? You’d think The Rifleman would be a little more firm on gun rights. Anyway, gun control doesn’t work out in North Fork, New Mexico Territory. Just like it doesn’t work out in California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, etc. [h/t DG] As the Talking Heads would say, same as it ever was.

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    • That’s a “side-eye.” I gave it to a girl in third grade and she was on me like white on rice.

  1. people were a lot safer in the “wild west” days than we are now. We have more valid reason to go armed every day in modern CA than the old timers did in the “wild west”.

    But it ain’t about valid reason. As long as I’m not hurting anyone not deserving of hurting then my reasons are immaterial.

    • Agree 100%….The whole episode showed how dumb “gun control” is and proved it by using the three outlaws taking the sheriff hostage. But then in the end it was like the dumb ass kid could not see the lesson. I guess what they are saying is that in a police state (mature civilization), when there is an armed cop for every citizen then there would be no need for anyone to be armed. What a bunch of SHIT! Why do all these feel good liberals think that a king/dictator/president wont turn on the very people that put him in office? What is wrong with people that are so navie?

  2. “Glad to see you’re bringing some progressive ideas to this town, Marshal”

    Used to be one of my favorite shows growing up.

    • Heehee–said the wolf, licking his lips at the thought of all those sheep, now ready for shearing. How topical can you get?

  3. Also take a look at:
    The Rifleman
    ‘Gun Shy’
    Episode 153
    Mark learns guns, inanimate objects, are neither good or bad.

  4. For the record, a lot of episodes are worth watching. Within the last year, had the pleasure of introducing my son to “The Rifleman.”

    On a side note…met Chuck Connors once. Still have his autograph somewhere. Seemed like a nice guy…very tall.

  5. Until that’s done? Maybe the show was right. Because crime is never done. It never sleeps, it never has, it never will.
    It’s only a negative quote if you take it literally.

  6. The irony is that antis say the same thing but in reverse. Guns ‘may’ have been needed back then but we are civilized now. But the standard line is we must ban all guns to achieve civility. Sooo are we uncivilized and thus in need of guns? Because so long as guns are available we are by (their) definition not civilized.

  7. I think Diane Feinstein was there in those days….probably tried banning that little 10-32 screw in the lever that let him go rapid fire. But old Lucas did it all without being tacti-kewl. No Tracking Point on that old ’92.
    Micah, he like the SxS shottie for street sweeping.

    • Micah preferred the shotgun for its intimidation factor. He stated in at least one episode that when he showed up with the shotgun in hand, people stopped acting out and listened to reason. No shots needed to be fired.

  8. “THE RIFLEMAN” ran from 1958 to 1963. The show ran in a time period bracketed by the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In this time period very few states had any provision for concealed carry, and it was an article of faith in Hollywood that ordinary citizens should depend on the state to protect them. Even firearms manufacturers were already pushing for fiscal protection against imported surplus arms, (later achieved with the 1968 Gun Control Act).

    Considering the media mood of the times, it was only fitting that a show like “THE ANVIL CHORUS” episode would have some idealistic reference to a “future without guns” to offset the powerful “right to carry” message of this morality play in old-west clothing

  9. I love watching the Rifleman, and Cheyenne. Reminds me of my youth when these shows were new, and we had at best 7 tv channels to watch on a clear day.

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