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98 thoughts on “Weekend Photo Caption Contest”

  1. Owning a gun no more makes you a gunslinger than owning a guitar makes you a musician. Practice, practice, practice.

  2. Oh wow a level three warrior bard!!! Those are rarely seen in the wild due to their high mortality rate and over zealous trainers evolving them into a warrior mage.

    • I LOLed.

      An axe in his hands and a gun slung on his back…this guy is on top of the world.

  3. As soon as I get those pesky Israelis to drop their guard with my soothing music, I’ll whip this AK into action!

  4. Suspect is wanted for Lacey Act violations. Last seen open carrying an illegal rosewood Gibson guitar.

  5. Antonio Banderas found more time to pursue his hobbies after splitting with Melanie Griffith.

  6. Mom: “Don’t take your guns to town son, don’t take your guns to town.”
    Son: “Oh mom! All the other kids are taking their AK’s!”

  7. Yin and Yang, light and dark. masculine and feminine. peace and war, love and hate, guitar and AK; life is about harmonizing the opposites.


  9. In bygone days, the Bard could walk untouched through any battle, chronicling for posterity the greatness of both sides.

    Alas, these days noone is a noncombatant.

  10. Hmmm never knew anyone that cosplayed Roland of Gilead… the gun’s wrong but hey give him an E for effort.

  11. Is member of Kalashnikov company band. Music so bad, sometimes audience shoot at us, so we always ready to shoot back. Welcome to Mother Russia. Have a nice day.

  12. …and we were singing,
    bye, bye Mr. Taliban guy.
    drove my Hi-Lux to the levy,
    but the levy was dry…

  13. Happiness is a warm gun
    ( bang bang shoot shoot )
    Happiness is a warm gun, yes it is
    (bang bang shoot shoot)

    When I hold you in my arms (oh yes)
    When I feel my finger on your trigger (oh yes)
    I know nobody can do me no harm
    happiness is a warm gun, momma
    Happiness is a warm gun
    -Yes it is.
    Happiness is a warm, yes it is…
    Well don’t ya know that happiness is a warm gun, momma? (yeah)

  14. All I’ve got is a red guitar, three chords, and The Truth About Guns.

    (Apologies to Bob Dylan)

  15. When I hold an AK in my hands, I get feels I don’t understand, man
    Feels like pop, pop, like chop, chop
    This bitch just never jams
    it does what I demand

  16. There must be some kind of way outta here
    Said the joker to the thief
    There’s too much confusion
    I can’t get no relief

    Business men, they drink my wine
    Plowman dig my earth
    None were level on the mind
    Nobody up at his word
    Hey, hey

    No reason to get excited
    The thief he kindly spoke
    There are many here among us
    Who feel that life is but a joke
    But, uh, but you and I, we’ve been through that
    And this is not our fate
    So let us stop talkin’ falsely now
    The hour’s getting late, hey

    All along the watchtower
    Princes kept the view
    While all the women came and went
    Barefoot servants, too
    Outside in the cold distance
    A wildcat did growl
    Two riders were approaching
    And the wind began to howl
    All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix

  17. When music, the international language, fails to get the point across, always have a plan B.

  18. All we are saaaay-in’ is give peace a chance.

    All we are saaaay-in’ is give piece a chance.

  19. “Got them “Obama banned imports of Kalashnikovs and cheap Russki ammo” blues… Wo, wo, wo”

  20. I got no funny quote but I will tell the guy in the picture that he is an idiot. You don’t walk in the middle of the street in a war torn country (which I presume it is by the scenery and him OCing a rifle), also you don’t move in a city during daytime in situations like that. Seriously, in Bosnia in 92-95 he would be dead within minutes.

    I am not a keyboard commando/survivor, my parents and my neighbourhood survived 4 years of war and they taught me a lot.

    • Having expended the last of his x39 ammo, he reached into his trusty guitar case for his Tommy Gun, but to his surprise…..

    • Yeah, it’s just some retard desperately trying to look cool in front of a camera. I doubt he can even play guitar…… it would be: PLING – PLANG – PLING PLING- PLANG.

  21. “Bernado, having run out of ammo, grabbed his guitar. He knew he would never ran out of tunes.”

  22. “Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard, a discouraging word….”

  23. “I will open the show for this…Miley Cyprus. But I am not Blurred Lines man. If she tries to twerk on me – it will go badly.”

  24. In Syria, as in the United States, artists still have to defend themselves from hecklers. They just do so more effectively.

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