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  1. Is that Mom’s Demanding Action against Tyranny with the proper tools for resolving such a problem.

    • Given the Yugoslavian communist appearance, I’m guessing they were defending one type of tyranny from another.

      JasonM (from WA, if it matters)

    • Was there a time when she claimed they didn’t want a registry? Where is that tweet/comment? The two should be combined.

    • Note to TTAG staff: Please do something with that image to get it permanently saved on the interwebs(maybe a short article with the image saved under your domain and with dranosh’s permission, of course). Imgur sometimes makes personal images disappear if your account isn’t active…

      • That’s all it’s intended to do, and all it can do. What’s interesting is she seems to be admitting that is the entire purpose of UBC, as well.

    • The image loaded (finally). Here’s the exchange:

      Bill: When all CRIMINALS give up their guns I will consider registering mine!
      Shannon: Actually, you’ll need to register it when we close the background check loophole [sic] in Florida…

      So not only does Shannon Watts believe in gun registration, but she believes universal background checks are equivalent to registration. Funny…she said the exact opposite in her many speeches in support of WA I-594.

      Also, note the absence of any claim that background checks will make those criminals give up their guns. Isn’t that the entire MDA spiel?

    • Great cap, tyrannical tendencies gonna get tyrannical, especially with those .gov loving lackeys. We support the 2A, but we actually fvckin hate it, wait delete that tweet 🙂

  2. Hint to the girl in foreground: if you sharpen your bayonet you might be able to shave your legs with it

    • To play off of your comment…

      “Women in Russia don’t need California’s stupid ‘Consent’ law, they know how to prevent rape.”

  3. “Women’s Self-Defense Course: Ladies learn ‘Ball-Shooting Stance,’ said to be effective at turning wife-beaters and rapists into little sissies.”

  4. Not shown, just to the right of the frame, is the programmer responsible for TTAG’s comments code.

    Ready… Aim…

    • Now, that was excellent!

      BTW, why are the bayonets not the standard spike type that come with the Mosins?

        • This is confusing. The uniforms appear Soviet, WWII. I would expect that Soviet troops, especially women, would have been issued Mosins. The female troops, even snipers or pilots, were generally issued second-rate equipment. In any case, they could have captured German Mausers and ammo, but how would they get hold of Yugoslavian equipment?

        • Depending on which time during (or after) WW2 that is, they can well be Yugoslav soldiers in Soviet uniforms. Soviets dumped a lot of supplies and arms onto the local resistance movements (Communist-aligned for preference) as they advanced.

  5. January 1943: Having found the last silk stockings in New York, Nellie and her roomies secure first place in line as they wait for Macy’s to open.

  6. “Alright girls, if you run out of ammunition, drop to one knee and thrust the bayonet into the crotch. Even if you miss, the psychological terror will cause the enemy to flee.”

  7. As Yuri the convicted rapist marched out to the yard, he saw the firing squad’s lowered point of aim, and his testes immediately retreated into his abdomen.

  8. As you can see the Glorious Vanguard Defenders of the Female Guard of the People’s Federal Republic of Yugoslavia practices marksmanship to defend our people from the evil capitalists in the West and the Soviet revisionists to the East but our biggest threat to our homeland more than the other two are those pesky Albanians!!!!

    Death to the Stalinist Albanians who wish to take our Kosovo!!!

    Scott P

  9. Black Friday. We’re going to show you the real meaning of Black Friday.

    JWM here. Why do all my comments get credited to uncommon sense?

  10. Being the second ring of defense of Moscow, these woman are neither complainers nor whiners but to this point, their husbands know who the ones are that put the Nag in Mosin Nagant.

  11. The Russian Army instructor suddenly realized his mistake when he started off with:

    “Aim small, miss small”

  12. Thanks TTAG! I have a tendency to get distracted and forget that, when it comes to chicks and guns, the combination should be confined to giggles and/or lewd commentary. So, please keep reminding readers, whenever possible, that when chicks and guns mix, a hearty laugh or carnal desire is clearly to only reasonable response.

  13. The are Yugoslavian women after WWII. The are using German Mauser Gewehr 98 rifles. The Nazis had a factory in Yugoslavia produce them during the war and over 50,000 of these weapons were left in storage in brand new condition for decades until Mitchell arms decided to buy them and sell them in the USA. The head gear and color of the uniform is similar to the Russian but Russian females used boots not low quarter shoes and many look like tractor drivers not delicate like these girls.

  14. The only women that haven’t accused Bill Cosby of rape. “Steady girls, he’ll be here any minute.”

    If they’re getting paid off, I’ll be the first guy to claim he roofied me, too!

  15. I feel a you feel a draft?
    The one with the black socks is the fake Paul.
    None of us has a magazine?
    “But Ward, where’s the Beaver?”
    Those hats(?)look like camel toes.

  16. This should do it, girls. When the midgets attack, hit them square in the chest. Any that get through, stab then toss over your shoulder!

    Then we’ll go after the site owners for a better comments system.

  17. “Remind me, how do we tell the difference between the de Gaulle resistance and the communist resistance?!”

  18. To the uninformed: girl scouts with guns.

    To those who know: some of the USSR’s most effective snipers were women…

  19. Thoroughly inspired by Billy Blank’s Tae Bo, sister Dima demonstrates her spin-off workout regimen with a move called the “lunge thrust.”

  20. Bud the firearms instructor couldn’t remember what comes after “Ready, Aim….” when he got a glimpse of Lucy’s lucious ankle….

  21. No matter how hi-tech your military is. In spite of smart weapons and laser this or FLIR that. At the end of the day some poor sod with a bayonet has to go drive the other poor sod out.

    The grunt always gets the dirty end of the stick.

  22. “remember, ladies. If we do well in this battle maybe they’ll let us have ammo for the next one.”

  23. I am being totally serious when I say that any one of these ladies would have probably been a GREAT wife. What my grandfather would have called “good prairie stock.” The kind of wife where you go away on a business trip and when you come home, there is a large bear skin drying outside your house. Yeah, you are going to get yelled at for not being there, but the bear skin is proof that the woman of the house can hold her own in any situation. That is the kind of woman I want when things go bad. None of these ladies will sit down and cry that they broke a nail, instead they will cover your butt. Probably can sew their own clothes and are decent cooks too.

    • The traditional Russian description of a “makes a good practical wife” type of woman is, “can stop a running horse and can enter a burning house”.

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