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205 thoughts on “Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win a CMC AR Trigger”

  1. No guns in the convention hall, guys. The NYT, Salon, HuffPo, WaPo, Mother Jones, MsNBC, Bloomberg, MDA, USAToday, AddictingInfo, and DailyKos all say so, so it must be true!

  2. We stood in line for 14 hours for the chance to have our lives upgraded, but they were all sold out. Bummer.

  3. They all assumed it wasn’t the excitement of being together at NRAAM, and that it was indeed a gun in their pockets, but then they realized it was in a holster on their hips…

  4. 3 pairs of boots, 3 collared shirts, 3 holstered pistols….. Still 0 right-swipes on Tinder!

  5. Why did you PhotoShop Shannon out of the photo, that’s the only reason Nick is smiling!!!!!!!

    • Look how safe this place is, we just set our high dollar camera on the ground and turn our backs and it’s still there!

      Obviously not taken in Detroit!

  6. Hey, you’re in Nashville Tenessee, guess what you can all do?

    Three armed bloggers walk into a Bar…

  7. Is it just me, or does this look like a Texas Ranger catching the manager of a Chili’s in the act of molesting one of his employees?

  8. What they are thinking:

    Robert – This is for Business
    Dan – This is for Business
    Nick – Yeah right, this is for “Business”

    • More like –

      “Nick – Where’s ‘Fate of Destinee’ and ‘Kirsten Joy Weiss’, and can I get them really stinking drunk?”

        • More power to ya, geek comprende… Uber-Geek more like it. Guns, flying and telcom crossbar switchgear geek. Never knew that combo existed…

          I hope you’re getting booth-babe pics for posting later…

  9. The second amendment protects the rights of everyone, regardless of age, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

  10. “Here we have a group of OFWG’s and… dangit Nick, way to ruin MDA’s sterotypes. Try to stick out your stomach or something.”

  11. One for each other and all for one
    the Three brave Amigos are we
    Brother to Brother and everyone
    A brave amigo
    Fighting for justice and liberty
    where ever you find is where we will be
    for the three brave amigos are we

  12. Apparently:
    Robert has gone full-textard
    Nick’s got AIDS
    Dan’s still the only handsome one

  13. “Wherever there is injustice you will find us. Wherever there is suffering, we’ll be there.
    Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find… THE THREE AMIGOS!”

  14. And nobody thought of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”? Just pm me for my address to send the prize. LOL

  15. A new book from Leslea Newman, the author of “Heather has Two Mommies” …”Waldo has Two Daddies.”

  16. Even at the NRA Convention our intrepid heroes are asked to wait in the alternates line for a Life Upgrade!

  17. And so, the line to get into the Blue Oyster Bar was pretty much static. But we were determined to hang on for the ride.

  18. On a completely unrelated note: I’ve gotta say, Nick it looks like you’ve been putting your money where your mouth is and seriously trimming down. You mentioned it in another recent post and nobody commented on it, but it looks like you’re on the right track. Major props for that, sir.

  19. TTAG proves that the Anti’s lied about real fully functional guns being at the NRA convention.

  20. Hailing from Austin via London Atlanta Johannesburg, it’s a guy in a funny hat and his buddies.

  21. Is that Alton Brown, in the cowboy hat, from the cooking channel? If there were a cooking show called Guns and Grub it would be on to watch list.

  22. Always armed and ready, these three musketeers (from L-R) Athos, Porthos and Aramis, pose briefly before re-entering the fray.

  23. 2015 NRAAM – Life Upgrades, Special Shows, Well Endowed Patrons, Penetration Hall Passes.

  24. ” OK on the count of three yell this is where the line forms to catch a sneek peak at two wraps of the recoil spring on the new glock 44…. 1,…….2……..”

  25. Nicks thought bubble: “I’m glad I’m not sharing a room with those two yahoos. I got my own room.”

  26. The hall monitors at my high school. What did you have to do to get a Hall Pass from them? You don’t wanna know!

  27. “Old!”
    “White guys! ”

    ” By your powers combined, I am Captain TTAG! “

  28. The Red, The White and The Blue,
    Jeans and some Khaki,
    Boots and Real Boots,
    3 Pistols a Packing,
    And a Hat to Hoot.
    This is what’s True,
    and leaves Shannon lacking.

  29. Hey guys, I think maybe we picked the wrong booth, does that sign behind me say something about “castration”

  30. No no, still wrong, lets try again.. Red, White and Blue from the Camera point of view!

  31. Rule #1: Always keep your lens pointed in a safe direction
    Rule #2: Keep your finger off the shutter until your target is in your viewfinder
    Rule #3……

  32. You’re the red, white and blue
    Oh the funny things you do
    America, America this is you

    Ladies and gentlemen
    Bob Saget

  33. Behind the screen for Shannon Watts episode of the “Dating Game.”
    Bachelor #1 – Which caliber would you use to describe your bedroom prowess?

  34. Hank, Bill and Boomhauer in Nashville checking out firearms and firearm accessories, I tell you whut!

  35. The media that packs! One packs a stetson, one packs a belly, one packs a smirk. The guns? Those are tools, son.

  36. Top Gear USA goes in a new direction, shifting focus from cars to guns and has been recast with Clarkson, May, and Hammond’s dorky American cousins.

  37. I remember back in the day, when TTAG only shared pictures of guns and Israeli models [oiften holding guns] on their facebook page

    Sidenote: I’ve never had to scroll so far to get to the comment bar

  38. What we see here is the American gun owner(libertus defenderii) in its natural habit. Note the plumage of the alpha male to the left.

  39. Just a FYI for dan: if you’d wear your watch on your left hand you wouldn’t always dump your beer out when you check the time.

    • Unless you fellows are going for the “incognito keyboard operator” look? If so you nailed it

  40. “Be not afraid of any Moms;
    No matter what their lies;
    When antis threaten call on us-
    And we will journalize!”

  41. Some say we carry to “compensate”, if they knew we just upgraded to “endowment”…

  42. And here we have the ghastly trio. They are displaying their firearms, lubricated with the tears of Shannon Watts and Michael Bloomberg.

  43. Nick: “That’s not where the silencer goes, Dan!”
    Dan: “Oops, my bad.”
    Robert: “How do I look in my cool hat?”

  44. We had an army in case Mom’s Demand Action decided to attack. Only 100 showed up, so we sent these guys.

  45. Hank and Bill, I tell you what… I don’t think we’re at the dang ol’ dang ol’ propane convention….

  46. Ok guys, let’s pose so that super loyal TTAG reader Stephen Rivera can win a better trigger for his AR without having to explain to his lovely wife why there’s another gun in the safe….

  47. Opon seeing these three in the path Dorothy uttered her now famous line, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”

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