Weekend Photo Caption Contest: Win a Copy Steve Wiegand’s ‘1876: Year of the Gun’

UN gun sculpture knot revolver
(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Enter the best caption for this photo in the comments below by Sunday at midnight central time and you’ll win a copy of ‘1876: Year of the Gun‘ by Steve Wiegand. Good luck.

Veteran journalist and historian Steve Wiegand takes readers across the post-Civil War Wild West. Wiegand introduces―or re-introduces―us to lawmen such as Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp and outlaws such as the Younger and James Brothers, as well as larger-than-life figures such as Buffalo Bill and George Custer. He details the stories of these real-life legends, the aftermath and legacies they left behind, and the innumerable myths frequently attributed to them. Juxtaposing their real lives with the often-outlandish accounts of their exploits, 1876 swings from lighthearted humor to cliff-hanger suspense. It also portrays how the Wild West’s initial, tantalizing promise of fame and glamour often disintegrated.


  1. Hhhmmm
    Another Hollywood remake.

    I’ve seen variations on a theme. The left goes nuts over things that are not even real. It’s all just story telling at it’s finest.

  2. The Penis/Gun fixation the left has results in some very strange things.

    This is a photo of bill clintons penis after hillary saw it on their wedding night.

  3. Since I don’t understand why the guy with the selfie stick is taking a picture facing away from the statue instead of having it in the background, I can’t possible think up a caption.

  4. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” perfectly fits the Democrat modus operandi. Sir Walter Scott had the right of it over two hundred years ago. Fortunately, it appears that many of the sheeple who have blindly followed the Democrat pipers for years are seeing the Light and digging in their heels regarding further encroachments on our shared Liberties.

    Carville’s quote from 1992 “The economy, stupid” is more true today than when it was first penned. The Democrats, under the guise of following Biden’s lead, have given us the worst inflation, prices, etc for the last FORTY years – just about every metric for defining a bad economy has been exceeded this past two years with their reckless spending and rabid, fanatical hatred of everything good Trump accomplished.

    • And you guys are far from alone. I have no doubt it’s a collaborated(?) effort. The stupid have as much to answer for as the greedy and dishonest.

  5. Photographing the “Death of Gun Control”, post SCOTUS Bruen decision. When do these 28 statues get torn down?

      • We should never try to rewrite history. Pulling down statues and the like means someone else will come back and do it all over again. Leaving them up and showing the public how stupid they were will tell the real story, maybe so it doesn’t get repeated.

        • Yes, I think we should leave up the statues of Robert E Lee, some snowflakes get upset if their participation trophies aren’t on public display.

          Just add a noose around the neck.

  6. Capturing how twisted and contorted Gun Control arguments really are


    I support the 2nd Amendment BUT

  7. I remember that thing. I thought it was a waist of what could have been a decent 6″ Python at the time. I’ve always liked a Python. Instead I thought, “This could be a thing. Let’s manufacture this thing from zinc. Load it with double charged .357 magnum loads. And give them away where they would then serve the best purpose.” Just me. I’m on a roll tonight.

    • What’s weird is it’s supposed to be a Charter Arms Undercover. The gun used on John Lennon. The “artist” was a friend of his.

      • St. Michael, the patron saint of paratroopers and law enforcement, (I was both) came to me in a dream. He said that it a sin to withhold knowledge from the ignorant. I see your keeping tabs on my comments. I hope they’re helping.

        • Nope. Not keeping tabs. Just strolling through and can’t help noticing the obvious. Carry on.

  8. “Knotus Idiotus,” Harry Potterson Device exclaimed, waving his selfie stick frantically. The enormous revolver twisted like a shoelace, and the reign of He Who Shall Not Be Left Unattended Near Democrats, Children, and Alec Baldwin was over.

  9. Dustin wonders whether this will be like one of those party favors that unravel when you blow into it.

  10. “First he ties my double barrel in a bow, and now he knots up my Python ! DWAT dat Wascawwy Wabbit !”

  11. Looking at this sculpture, Cameron took comfort in thinking there might not be a problem with his 3-D printer, after all.

  12. “That reminds me…Gotta call my wife’s shrink and see if he’s up for some range time next week.”

  13. “Mom I’m a politician now and you don’t understand, things are different. Guns these days are dangerous and you never tried to talk to the Nazis anyway. You just chose violence.”

  14. Nasa’s youngest orbital rocket propulsion engineer tries his hand at enhancing pistol cartridge velocities. Once.

  15. Woke Vlogger in 2022:
    “Yo fam! We out here live in NYC at the UN building pushing that gun control! The rest of the crew couldn’t make it because they got stabbed in the subway on the way here… Don’t forget to like and subscribe!”

  16. Note to self: edit out knot, insert huge muzzle blast, add crazy loud gunfire audio. Video magic. I’m scared to get within twenty feet of this thing already. Sweet! End video with statue sitting in middle of the street blocking traffic due to the recoil.

  17. Matt thought to himself: “Even if I can find one of these, it will probably need a custom holster”.

  18. The demise of the firearm has led to generations of metrosexual spy boys resembling men vaguely.

  19. Jeff snaps a photo of his mangled revolver for proof that he lost it in a tragic water pipe bending accident.

  20. Knotty guns – by the people who fear naughty guns.

    Knot my gun? Not my gun. My gun’s not naughty.

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