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83 thoughts on “Weekend Photo Caption Contest: Win a Telor Tactical ComfortAir Ankle Holster”

  1. From tombstone but in barney fife’so voice, “I have two guns, one for each of you.”

  2. Don’t lecture me about no dang trigger discipline! I’ve been shoot’n these hog-legs since before you were a twinkle in your daddies eye.

  3. Don’t care about your expensive Deagle, mister, I got you covered by my two Replica Arms six-shooters!

  4. (Sung to the Kim Carnes tune “She’s got Betty Davis eyes”)

    ?He’s got Marty Feldman eyes?

      • Dr. Frankenstein: “Igor, get the bags.”

        Igor: (Doing an off-the-cuff Groucho Marx imitation) “You take the blonde, I’ll take the one in the turban…”

        And who can forget – “What hump?”

  5. For the last time… Keep the beans out of the chili!!!

    It ain’t chili if it’s got beans!!!!

  6. I’ll shoot you with my right gun, or b!tchslap you with my cap gun,
    but you are giving up that there fangled ankle holster sonny………

  7. I’ll give up my cap guns when you pry my cold, dead eyes off of… wait. Don’t reckon that’s how it goes…

  8. 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announced today her nominee for the head of Homeland Security…

  9. Refer maddness made clem do thangs he shouldn’t outta do but he just needed one more score before he went to rehab……..that was the last anyone heard from clem.

  10. I got you lefties and righties covered, but I’m giving you folks in the middle a stern look, too!

  11. Damn, I knew I’d screw this up! Righty Tighty, Lefty Losey, oh hell. Can I get another stunt man? I’m pretty sure I killed this one when I shot him with the REAL gun.

  12. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men…

  13. One of these is a Mattel Ruff Righter – the loudest cap gun in the world, so you got to ask yourselves,
    “Do I feel lucky today?” – Well do ya punks?

  14. Police say they are still on the lookout for “Deadeye Dan” who was last seen brandishing a pair of Glock handguns near the M. Cyrus School for Girls…

  15. That’s the last time one of you snot-nosed kids leaves your baseball in my flower bed!

  16. “i can smell the worms in your nose. just take half, he says… who’s there? is that my phone?”

  17. Last picture of Bernie Sanders taken seconds after mounting the stage and charging the dais seconds after Hillary Clinton began her acceptance speech as the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States

  18. Wishing I was wall-eyed like Marty Feldman. Then I could get a sight picture on both guns!

  19. This time Bud was ready for for those beady-eyed squirrel bastards. “Those are MY pecans”

    Oh yes, he was ready

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