Lori Lightfoot
Voters had a message for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)
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Readers of TTAG know all how Murder City, USA gained its moniker. But Wirepoints, a non-profit research service, evaluated homicide statistics from America’s 75 largest states and confirmed that in sheer numbers, Chicago easily earns the top spot.  In fact, Chicago has earned that spot for eleven years in a row!

Meanwhile, in terms of the homicide rate, New Orleans captured the crown for most killings per 100,000.

Chicago earned the title of most homicides with 697 according to Wirepoints.  HeyJackass.com, the local authority, pegs the true number at 737. Why the difference? Because Lori Lightfoot’s administration massaged the numbers to exclude homicides that take place where the Chicago PD doesn’t have primary jurisdiction…think: Interstates, university property, forest preserves, etc.

It’s all part of the games they play to pretend that crime isn’t as bad in the Windy City as it really is. Her Honor really wanted that homidice total to start with a six instead of a seven.

Base image courtesy Wirepoints.org. Used with permission.

Wirepoints has the dirty details . . .

Just 90 minutes into the new year came Chicago’s first criminal homicide of 2023. Dead was 38-year-old Austin McAllister. No activists picketed City Hall the next morning. No one cried, “Say His Name.” Why? 2022 had just ended with far too many Chicago homicides to remember any names – a nation-leading 697.

In Baltimore, after yet another December murder, Mayor Brandon Scott could only ask, “why are people shooting and killing each other?” And in New Orleans, when pressed for answers on the city’s nation-leading homicide rate, Mayor LaToya Cantrell could only resort to blaming covid and guns.

Local governments in America’s homicide hot-spots continue to falter in their role as protectors of public safety, even though the nation is now more than two years removed from George Floyd’s murder and the pandemic is largely in the rear view mirror.

Wirepoints surveyed publicly-available crime data from the 75 largest U.S. cities to identify which suffered the most and least criminal homicides in 2022, and to track the upward trend in violence since 2019. That was the year before George Floyd’s death roiled the nation and helped spark an ongoing wave of violent crime. See Appendix A for the complete 75-city ranking.

This report ends with a deeper look at the causes of the crises occurring in the nation’s worst homicide hubs. Chicago suffers from a trifecta of failure: Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, the county’s Chief Judge Timothy Evans and Mayor Lori Lightfoot have crippled criminal justice and destroyed police morale. Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner blames everything but his own permissive policies for his city’s crime wave. And New Orleans’ ethically-challenged Mayor Cantrell has shown no leadership in dealing with her city’s worsening violence. 

This report’s key findings include: 

    • Chicago’s 697 criminal homicides in 2022 were the most in the nation for the 11th-straight year. Philadelphia suffered the 2nd-most with 516. New York City (438), Houston (435) and Los Angeles (382) rounded out the top 5. By contrast, cities with the fewest homicides out of the 75 surveyed were Plano, TX and Gilbert, AZ. They suffered 1 and 3 murders, respectively.
  • New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell (David Grunfeld/The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate via AP)
    • New Orleans’ 2022 homicide rate of 74.3 homicides per 100,000 residents was the nation’s highest of the 75 cities surveyed. Rounding out the top 5 were St. Louis (68.2), Baltimore (58.1), Detroit (48.9) and Memphis (45.9). By comparison the nationwide homicide rate was 6.5 per 100,000 in 2020 (the most recent reliable national rate). 
    • The safest of the nation’s 75 largest cities by homicide rate was Plano, TX with just 0.3 per 100,000. Following were Gilbert, AZ at 1.1 per 100,000, Henderson, NV with 1.6, Chandler, AZ at 3.2 and San Jose, CA with 3.6.
    • The nation’s safe havens are increasingly concentrated in the West. All but one of the 10 cities with the nation’s highest homicide rates were located on or east of the Mississippi River in 2022. Of the 10 cities with the lowest homicide rates, all but one were located west of the Mississippi.
    • 2022 homicide rates were typically much worse across the nation’s 20 “homicide hubs” compared to 2019. Half of those cities experienced a 50 percent or higher increase in their homicide rate versus 2019. Pittsburgh’s homicide rate grew 92 percent between 2019 and 2022. New Orleans’ rate grew 139 percent and Milwaukee’s 129 percent. 

There’s a LOT more… go read the rest here.

It’s a damning indictment of the “progressive” soft-on-crime policies and non-prosecuting prosecutors that make these cities hellholes for law-abiding people who haven’t yet moved to safer spaces.

It also makes claims that Atlanta is “too dangerous” to host the Democrat National Convention because of Georgia’s commitment to safeguarding Constitutional rights even more laughable.  No serious person could make that argument.

Meanwhile, in Florida under the leadership of Ron DeSantis, crime is at 50-year lows.  This despite an influx of new immigrants.  Go figure.

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  1. Oh, the irony just after the last article with Chicago saying “It would be too dangerous to have the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. Come to Chicago, we are safe!”

    • these urban centers just don’t want to confront the reality because of the racial angle…but it’s a huge factor in these rising rates…anyone who lives there and watches the evening news knows where the problem really lies…

    • Tell that to the 695 people shot and killed in Chiraq during 2022. Oh wait you can’t because they are DEAD. Well you can at least tell the 2832 who were just shot.

    • minor49iq…At least you did not zero in on firearms which is what most people do who are positioned to sling mud at firearms…I mean there are a lot of other ways to kill which are purposely omitted in order to keep the gun violence banner waving…It’s the nature of sneaky Gun Control ratbassturds. And to be fair at least you did not use the topic as a deranged justification to zero in on skin color like some do while obviously holding back on what they really want to say, after all where there is bigot smoke there is bigot fire.

    • MINOR Miner49er Oh, I see! When it is proven factually, that your DEMONcRAT solutions don’t work, you complain about how the conclusion is reached? Yet, when one of dacian, the DUNDERHEAD posts his “studies” you consider them gospel.

    • I really don’t see the spin when they’re plainly laying out the facts. Both total numbers and rate are important figures to know. This holds true for a variety of subjects.

  2. For you city leaders in Chicago and New Orleans who give up something for Lent, try giving up murder.

  3. “It also makes claims that Atlanta is “too dangerous” to host the Democrat National Convention because of Georgia’s commitment to safeguarding Constitutional rights even more laughable. No serious person could make that argument.“

    Yes, Georgia is doing so well…

    “For the third consecutive year, homicide investigations have increased in the city. Atlanta police investigated 170 homicides in 2022. That rate has slowed down, however, since it increased by approximately 60% from 2019 to 2020.

    Homicides in Zone 5 (36) doubled in 2022 compared to 2021. The zone, which covers Midtown and Downtown, has the most businesses and tourist attractions.

    Atlanta passed the 100 homicide mark in August 2022.“


    • Are you talking about Georgia as a state or Atlanta as a city? Or are you disingenuously mixing comparisons? At a quick glance Georgia as a state is a tad under the national average rate of violent crime while Atlanta is more than double. For murder specifically the Atlanta rate is around 4.5 times the national Average.

      • and not to forget that the over 600 number is after Lori Lightfoot applied some number tricks. The actual number of homicides in Chicago for 2022 was 737 (https://heyjackass.com/category/chicago-crime-2022/)

        Lori Lightfoot’s administration plays number tricks to exclude homicides that take place where the Chicago PD doesn’t have primary jurisdiction (but still jurisdiction, just not primary jurisdiction – but its still Chicago) (e.g. Interstates, university property, forest preserves, etc…)

        Yeah, Atlanta did great compared to Chicago in 2022.

        Miner49er (AKA Innocent Bystander), keep out of discussions for subject matter you don’t know anything about.

      • “Yeah, Atlanta did great compared to Chicago in 2022“

        Let’s ask the locals:

        “Even though Chicago is a larger city with more crime, per capita, the likelihood of being a victim of certain crimes is higher in Atlanta.
        Author: Hope Ford
        Published: 9:46 PM EDT July 27, 2022
        Updated: 5:30 PM EDT July 28, 2022


        Is Atlanta’s crime rate worse or similar to Chicago’s?

        Atlanta Police Department Crime Data for 2021 and 2022, year to date.
        Chicago Police Department Crime Data for 2021 and 2022, year to date.
        2020 Census Data
        The original story was done in May of 2021, so we used five months of data from both police departments in the cities.
        This time, 11Alive looked at statistics from January to July – so 11Alive’s Hope Ford also looked at two additional months of data compared to her last report in 2021. We’re also including all crimes reported on both police departments’ websites, to give a full picture of crime in both cities.

        THE ANSWER

        This is true.
        Yes — for certain crimes, especially what is considered violent.

        To verify, 11Alive used the same process as before, going straight for the data openly available on both police departments’ websites. Since Chicago is bigger than Atlanta with more than 2.6 million people compared to Atlanta’s near half a million residents, we broke down the crime rate per 100,000 people. We only looked at the cities themselves, so no metro areas and we did not use data from sheriffs’ departments.

        Adjusting for population, the murder rate for Chicago is 13 per 100,000, aggravated assault rate is 114 per 100,000, rape is 41 per 100,000, and, the robbery rate in Chicago is 161 per 100,000
        The murder rate for Atlanta is 17 per 100,000, aggravated assault 386 per 100,000, rape is 18 per 100,000, and the robbery rate is 76 per 100,000.

        Property Crimes

        Again, adjusting for population, the burglary rate is 145 per 100,000, motor vehicle theft is 266 per 100,000, and 354 per 100,000 for theft.
        For Atlanta, burglaries are 184 per 100,000, 318 per 100,000 for motor vehicle theft, and 1,440 per 100,000 for all other thefts.
        So, while there’s more crime in Chicago than in Atlanta, a person would be more likely to be a victim of murder, aggravated assault, burglary, theft, and auto theft than in Chicago.
        While in Chicago, a person is more likely to be a victim of sexual assault or robbery.“


    • “it increased by approximately 60% from 2019 to 2020”

      That really is nuts. We should look into what happened in 2020, and make sure it never happens again. Some of us called it out from the beginning and said people are going to die because of this.

      • these cities elect black mayors because they feel they know, understand and can properly deal with the “problem”….which has turned out to be a huge mistake…empathy, to a degree…can be a good thing…but it can rapidly turn into being an enabler…

        • The fix is easy, but no one wants to be called “names”.

          Put criminals and drug addicts that do not want to live inside the law in prison – and leave them there for a good long time.

          This is how you fix crime.

    • to quote your own words “in the city. ”
      AKA a demRAT run place surrounded by GOP areas that have near ZERO crime.

  4. Hunter Asks Dad To Pick Up His Paycheck As Long As He’s In Kyiv > https://babylonbee.com/news/hunter-asks-dad-to-pick-up-his-paycheck-as-long-as-hes-in-kiev

    “HUNTER: Yo, Pops, how’s it hangin’?

    BIG GUY: Eh? What now? Which kid are you?

    HUNTER: Hilarious, Dad. Hey, can you pick up my paycheck while you’re in Kyiv? I’m swamped this week. *SNORT* Big art show coming up. *SNORT*

    BIG GUY: Sure thing, Herman.

    HUNTER: Thanks, Dad, you’re the best. Also, I have a package waiting for me there. Could you pick that up too?

    BIG GUY: Squirrel wizard.

    HUNTER: K, cool. Brown paper package. Guy named Borysko the Blade has it.

    BIG GUY: Baboonsky the Bard. Got it.

    HUNTER: Just go to the address written in your notebook —

    BIG GUY: Yum

    HUNTER: Stop eating it; you need that address.

    BIG GUY: Papa hungry. NURSE!

    HUNTER: One more thing I need you to pick up. A busload of, um, ladies of the night.

    BIG GUY: Janitorial staff?

    HUNTER: No, bawdy tarts.

    BIG GUY: Fruit snacks?

    HUNTER: Forbidden women. Brazen hussies.

    BIG GUY: Oh, town girls? Gotcha. Atta boy, son. Smartest guy I know.”


    • How interesting that you are amused by satirical articles with no truth, entertaining the masses is so easy.

      Meanwhile, in the real world, good American citizens are moving to shut down the deceptive and corrupt Republican politicians who have concealed the truth from America:

      “Former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich did not release to the public findings from his office that showed a series of 2020 election fraud claims were not backed up by evidence, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor.

      Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat who took office last month, released the documents linked to the investigation into the handling of the election in the state.

      Agents from the office of Brnovich, a Republican, had spent over 10,000 hours looking into potential voting irregularities and allegations of illegal voting, Mayes’ office said in a news release. A September summary prepared by the attorney general’s Special Investigations Section showed it had not turned up evidence that backed up the claims.

      “In each instance and in each matter, the aforementioned parties did not provide any evidence to support their allegations,” the previously unreleased summary said. “The information that was provided was speculative in many instances and when investigated by our agents and support staff, was found to be inaccurate.”

      According to the summary, the agents looked over 638 complaints, which led to 430 investigations into information provided to agents that was “speculative in many instances” and that when investigated was “found to be inaccurate.” Only 22 cases were ultimately submitted for prosecutorial review, and at the time of the report, two indictments were obtained stemming from ballot harvesting.“


      Looks like Arizona wasted a few million dollars on the cyber ninjas bullshit, what a bunch of rubes.

        • Yep, his bloviating is a special category oF TLDR. Every time I bother, my BS detector goes off before I get far enough to actually respond. He is nothing more than an echo device of leftist talking points, and thus unworthy of the time expended to read much less respond.

      • minor49iq…I’m sure the investigations you find to be so clean and pure are like all the other concocted charges and investigations concerning POTUS DJT.
        When it comes to the disasterous accident waiting to happen self serving Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe and POTUS DJT…POTUS DJT is hands down the clean and pure one.

        • Furthermore minor49iq…Name any election in US History for POTUS where there were no crowds showing up during campaigns for the so called “winning candidate?” Do you realize joe’s magical vote count made him more popular than the crowd magnet self serving lord marshal b. h. obama? And don’t forget to answer naming the election per my request?

      • Minor, no one was bothering the Seminoles until they began raiding into N FL and S AL/GA. I used to swim in Indian Springs as a child. About 15 minutes from where I now sit. So named because a family was massacred there by a raiding party. So Andrew Jackson came to Florida. Twice. In the meantime the Creek Indian tribe has opened a card room between myself and Indian Springs. They want slots too. The Seminole Tribe is fighting the Creeks tooth and nail. I can recommend several good books if you’re interested in Florida history.

        • In kansas we pronounce creek crick unless we are talking about injuns but when the moter breaks in the tractor we fix the injun to get it running. Its complicated but at least I know a raydiator from a raddiator.
          Stupid Yankees.
          And John Deere parts are made in Japan.

        • agree about the rallys…Trump came to my town and they had to turn people away it was so crowded…Biden did a whistle stop tour and practically nobody showed…yet there were more Biden signs than Trump signs scattered around town….go figure….

        • Gadsen, MINOR Miner49er is not interested in real history. He’s still getting his brain washed with WOKE nonsense.

    • @miner49er

      “How interesting that you are amused by…”

      Its more informative and interesting than your continual grand tours of out of context stupid and adverse mental health illness obsessions.

  5. Never been to Chicago. I would like to visit the Field Museum though. Spent a bit of time in New Orleans. First time I saw the King Tut exhibition was in New Orleans. I can tell you it is very dangerous. My Uncle Howard was murdered in New Orleans. With a knife. I know that last part is a disappointing to minor and duncian. Never solved. Maybe if Uncle Howard had been armed with a firearm…

    • Louisiana is a shithole in general. My options were: Ft. Polk, Korea, and Campbell.
      I chose to ETS.
      Did Air Assault in Campbell, and it wasn’t “bad” but jfc man, boring.
      Went to polk to train a deploying unit… my god man… Was worse than some of the most humid areas I experienced overseas. It’s like the American version of India mixed with Florida.

      • Montana, I get you, but it’s the SE. I’m watching the local news now. 81 degrees. AC on. In February. It sucks. At least the wind is out of the West. Humidity is down a bit. Last couple of days it was out of the South. That means off the Gulf. Thirsty? Go outside and take a couple of deep breaths. Florida is not a paradise. All yankees should stay home. Did I mention the mosquitoes, snakes (they are often venomous and can get very large), alligators, sharks (both get big too), hurricanes and tornadoes. Don’t forget lighting strikes. More people killed by lightning in Florida than any other state. Then there’s the traffic, housing costs, etc. Of course, if the yankees would go back where they came from those problems would solve themselves. I have to guess that if you’re in Montana, you must be dealing with an unwanted migration. Especially, the politics they drag along. I empathize. We’ve been dealing with it for decades. I wish Flagler had never built that railroad.

        • “if the yankees would go back where they came from those problems would solve themselves“

          Strange, that’s exactly what the Seminoles said…

        • remember watching 12 hrs of Sebring when they zoomed in on this large black scorpion walking down the track…one of the drivers said if you hit the tire wall you might want to get out of the car…remember lying on the floor semi-stoned down at Marco Island when I was suddenly nose to nose with a really nasty looking centipede…buddy of mine said it was ok…”that kind won’t kill you”…when I asked how you could tell the difference he said he killed one of the other kind in the driveway yesterday….

    • If you ever go to Chicago, make sure you visit The Bean at Millennium Park, a real testament to wasteful spending. The only good thing about it is, in your reflection you can see the muggers as they sneak up behind you…

        • The Chicago Picasso at Daley Plaza gets my vote for the most useless piece of “art”. It’s been in existence longer then me. The Bean at Millennium Park reminds of sweating copper pipe, it looks like a glob of solder.

          There was a time when you could have a blast in Chicago and not worry about crime. During the summer in the daytime it’s OK but we used to go to the Bluesfest, the fireworks (we avoided the taste) hung around at the Planetarium and Navy Pier and being the victim of some criminal act wasn’t a thing. Walking the lakefront or Riverwalk at 2AM with your girlfriend was fun.

          Now just driving down there you can get into a shootout on one of the expressways that all kind of dump into downtown.

          Times have changed

    • re: field museum, part of the campus with adler, and shedd. some world class exhibits. but, the lions of tsavo are poorly taxidermied dusty stuffed animals poised in an unconvincing display. creepy in an unintentional way. i think you’d be disappointed.

    • @Gadsden Flag
      I saw the King Tut exhibition at the Field Museum when I was young.
      The Field Museum and Museum of Science and Industry are must sees.
      In general Chicago has little going for it but those two should not be missed.
      Parts of it are a little creepy and aged but it is still World Class.

      • Museum of Science and Industry – Roger that! Plan on two whole days for this place. Wish we had. So, we’ll be going back when we visit our son and his family again.

    • New Orleans is a marvelous place…no other city quite like it…but stick to the main streets…especially after dark….

  6. Absolutely hilarious. No one ever ever ever talks about who, demographically speaking, is committing these murders. Why?? It’s like a third rail. Dare to touch it and you’re electrocuted.

    Until the country faces up to the truth, nothing can and will be done about it. They powers that be are just waiting for it to go away, because they cannot speak the truth. They would rather the murders continue than acknowledge the truth.


  7. GEE did you notice what all the listed cities have in common? They are all under democrat control, I wonder how we can fix that? WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  8. “Because Lori Lightfoot’s administration massaged the numbers to exclude homicides that take place where the Chicago PD doesn’t have primary jurisdiction…think: Interstates, university property, forest preserves, etc.”

    Lori Lightfoot’s administration does that for all crimes, not just murders. For example, the number of rapes is actually 75% higher, and knife attacks almost 90% higher (and more than 70% more prevalent than gun crime), after Lori Lightfoot’s administration number tricks are removed.

    Chicago is a cess pool in all areas, for example > Inspector Report Found Hundreds Of Chicago Teachers Allegedly Sexually Groomed, Raped Students > https://dailycaller.com/2023/01/06/chicago-sexually-assualted-teacher-student-lightfoot/

    • A better comparison would be Cook County, vs Chicago. Then all the “extra” homicides will be counted. I worked LAPD FOR 21 years before being retired out of a shooting at 39 th and Cimarron in S. Los Angeles. I am Really familiar with the crime problem. North of the Santa Monica was primarily Mexican, south was black. Some overlap, but not much. In both areas were a majority of folks just trying to get by, with 15-20% assholes. When I was injured, we were responding to a complaint that a gangbanger has puta 12 gauge hole in a woman’s screen door, cause she was thought to be a snitch. Myself and another sergeant wandered away to a corner, 50 feet away when the suspect returned home. I was injured but marked him for evidence. Turns out he was not a gang member, just a robber, from Belize or Jamaica, I was never able to find out.

      This was in late 1992, much worse nowadays. Suspect was arrested for A/Murder of a P.O., held to answer for ADW on a P.O. and plea bargained to a straight ADW. I was never called to court and he was out of prison before I was out of rehab.

      It is my firm opinion, that if more locals in high crime areas were able to be armed, the crime rate might not go down for a while, but the assholes would be in a world of hurt. To the rest of you stay safe and don’t press your luck by going here…you WILL be outnumbered.

  9. @Miner 49er
    Well, the crap I read says this,
    And the crap you read says this,
    Somewhere in the middle is the truth. Welcome, fellow Rube.

  10. Anyone notice and interesting shared characteristic among ALL of the cities listed on those two lists???

    Something to do with years of Dimocrat “leadership”???

    Nah, that’s just crazy talk.

  11. New Orleans was settled by pirates about 300 years ago and it is a sleazy filth infested smutty X-rated violent drunken cesspool and even a lot of perverts can’t stand it for more than a couple of days.

    New Orleans is exactly what the pirate mob envisioned. They liked that stuff.

      • In a super gay sort of way at Mardi Gras.
        It wasn’t what I envisioned at all.
        I got Mardi Gras off of my bucket list before Katrina.
        This was long before the wokeness came.

    • people go to Vegas and work hard at having fun…in New Orleans you don’t have to work for it at all..only city I ever visited where the music was constant…people walking around with instruments everywhere…sleazy? and smutty?…oh yeah…part of the charm of the place…whatever you’re looking for you can find it there…it’s a “good times” town

  12. “…homicide statistics from America’s 75 largest states…”

    How many states now? How long did I sleep again?

    • well, there is now ‘The State Of Confusion’, ‘The State of Wokeness’, ‘The Biden State of the Union, ‘The State of Criminality’, and a lot more states.

  13. My town is totally safe, they could have their DNC convention here, oh wait this town votes 98% Republican, so maybe that wouldn’t work?
    hmmm funny a republican town is safe for Democrats but a Democrat town isnt safe for anyone.
    Let’s Go Brandon

  14. Haven’t been to NO in more than 20 years. No reason to go there. Same with Chicago. As well as most other cities. Bad enough I have to go to Mobile, or P’cola now and then.
    What I find telling is all of these cities have been under Democrat control for decades.

    • why do I seem to hear so much Spanish coming out of the PA at O’hare or Midway?…this is America…right?

      • The last I checked it was but go to the Illinois Secretary of State.
        You can take the written drivers test in English, Spanish, Polish,
        Russian, Korean or Chinese.
        The road signs in Illinois are all in English.
        If you cant read English, should you have a drivers license?

  15. Her mask has a message I can get behind. I will stay home, which means I’ll stay out of her shithole city.

    Like several large businesses have recently decided, Chicago will get $0 from me.

  16. Another city that’s really a mess right now is Indianapolis. The homicide rate is through the roof in recent years, at times higher than Chicago’s. The current mayor is a complete boob who has botched everything he’s touched, and the city council isn’t much better.

    • maybe they could send for Pete…[assuming he’s willing to come]…he cleaned up South Bend..right?

      • In other news Pete Buttigieg briefly stopped by East Palestine, Ohio.
        His late response to the environmental disaster has started an investigation:

        “Republicans on the House Oversight Committee launched an investigation Friday into Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s response to this month’s train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, accusing him of being slow to respond as partisan tensions mount over what the small town’s residents say is an ongoing environmental disaster.”

        Petey isn’t capable of cleaning the bathroom and being the wife, that’s his job. He pees by sitting on the toilet and thinks he can be the next POTUS?

    • I was ASTOUNDED at Indianan in 2017 when I visited, all I got from the residents was “goody two-shows”, I was delighted, but that confused them as it was supposed to be a slur…

  17. Well, St. Louis was a strong contender hampered only the Defective Citizens not being able to hit the broadside of City Hall and unable to afford more ammo Please send ammo. They be tryin’ harder in 2023.

  18. Dazz bee waycisss……

    Is the FINAL expression of : “forced bussing-1970”

    WHO was “forced” and why?
    All we got for the 1964 “great experiment” was a sacrificed blue eyed president, black panthers and eric holder (waco/ruby ridge) and (C)rap music.
    I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!

  19. “…….evaluated homicide statistics from America’s 75 largest states…..”

    WOW……I expected the normal suspects leading the homicides and rates, but wait, when did the U S. double the number of states and where are they??😇

  20. I live about 45 miles from N. O. so our daily news is from N. O. It amazes me that they always start their headlines with ‘Breaking News’, someone was shot in east N.O. or in the 9th ward or on I-10 (lots of people being shot driving on the interstate). It is NOT BREAKING NEWS! It is N.O. normal with a mayor that shows up at a carjackers court appearance to support him. A D.A that didn’t file charges within the time limit for a juvenile escapee that shot a man during a carjacking. The news keeps trying to make this ‘news’ but it is New Orleans normal.

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