Eugene, Oregon antifa standoff guns
Courtesy Twitter


      • These senseless events occurring again and again need to stop. Enough is enough! The common element is the violent BLM and Antifa protestors who illegally block pedestrian prohibited traffic ways on foot or bike. These horrific protest violence would NOT occur if BLM and Antifa were banned from blocking roadways! Make it illegal and enforce the law so that never again BLM, Antifa or any other Marxist, Femocrat, or Progressive blocks a roadway again. Ban roadblocks now! If it saves just ONE life! Ban roadblock protests now!

        • RCW 9A.84.030
          Disorderly conduct.
          (1) A person is guilty of disorderly conduct if the person:
          (c) Intentionally obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic without lawful authority;
          (2) Disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor.

          It’s already illegal in WA. I’m sure there’s laws on the books in most other states too. The problem is it’s not being enforced in most places. Fortunately, in WA, at least, there is common law precedent set that any citizen who witnesses a misdemeanor being committed has the legal authority to make a citizen’s arrest of the perpetrator and deliver them to law enforcement or a judge within a reasonable, short amount of time. It would be very stressful to have to do so, and you become responsible for your detainee’s safety as soon as you restrain them, but in some cases you might not need to.

          Maybe it’s up to us as citizens to start holding these criminals accountable for their actions if the police won’t. If enough of us did, people would take notice that we are fed up with these “protests” and maybe then cities and counties would start doing their jobs. It’d be risky though, and you’d really have to know the use of force laws, be willing to fight someone who resists arrest, and have a video camera and body camera running through the whole incident that you wouldn’t mind giving up as evidence that you’ll never get back. You’d have to expect hours of your day to be just gone making statements, writing a report on what you saw and did, and then plan to go to court several times, as you’d be the one charging the perpetrator with the crime, not the state, not the district attorney.

          It can be done. It’d be hard work.

      • Well, that provides a better picture, but not a complete one.

        What started it in the first place?

        • It appears he had to stop for the light. when the light changed the crowd would not let him leave blocking his exit.

        • If you look back over the video before he opens the door there is no damage to the back end of the truck. @1:06 you hear aloud thump and he looks back then opens his door. The rear quarter panel behind the rear wheel is kicked in quite badly. That when the ass hole, who will pull the gun on him later, gets in his face and the driver pulls his gun. People have been shouting “Go That Way”, so I am assuming he was trying to make a left hand turn at the light. He pulled away but was stopped once again in the intersection(preventing his turn) when ass hole showed up again, this time with his gun drawn threatening to kill him if he continued to turn left.

          • Probably wouldn’t have happened, but it would have crossed my mind that since we already have guns pointed at each other, I might as well squeeze that trigger and shoot the biker in the face a few times. Then the lucid screeches of maniacal women (and men) would occur after the shots. They would scurry around like cockroaches and I’d hit the gas and run over as many of the people who think they are entitled to block the road as I could, and when the cops showed up, I’d pop them in the dome too, because they are useless and allowed the lawbreakers to form a “political blockade” to stop, harrass, and threaten people on their travels.

            • Just because you use the moniker of “Anonymous” doesn’t mean you are.

              Threatening to shoot the cops can get you red flagged buddy (I’d be happy to call it in myself). That makes you no better than the terrorists rioting in the streets. Most cops are on our side, but their hands are tied by Pols above them and the media. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I for one stand with the cops (right up to the point just before they come for our guns)

              • Just because you use the moniker of “Anonymous” doesn’t mean you are.

                I can make myself extremely anonymous if I want to.

                Threatening to shoot the cops can get you red flagged buddy (I’d be happy to call it in myself).

                I didn’t threaten to shoot the cops. In fact, I almost 100% side with the cops. But lately, the cops side with the lawless, with those committing illegal actions, by doing…. nothing.

                If, you, feel, that this is a threat. Call it in. Go on. Call it in. If you haven’t noticed. The streets are on fire, and forget about threats, people are attacking cops, for just being there. They don’t have time for a questionable threat (which isn’t a threat but a hypothetical story) on the internet.

                That makes you no better than the terrorists rioting in the streets.

                Yes it does. Because I am talking about hypothetical that cross my mind, not even a hypothetical I would commit to doing. Whereas actual terrorists are rioting in the streets. So that makes me much better than the terrorists rioting in the streets.

                Most cops are on our side, but their hands are tied by Pols above them and the media. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I for one stand with the cops (right up to the point just before they come for our guns)

                I agree with all of this.

        • @David Bradford

          The man was threatening to run people over once the light turned green. The crowd was trying to film his license plate and was told to get out the way. The protesters didn’t want people standing in front or behind the truck because they reasonably believed the man was going to commit a crime with his deadly weapon. That’s when a man told the driver what he was doing is a crime. Protesters were trying to deescalate and told the guy to drive away like everyone else was doing. The man got angry and pointed a gun at the head of one of the protesters. He drove into the intersection and stopped again. It appears he may have been pointing the gun at another person on the passenger side when a protester with a gun walked up to the driver side window.

          The man has no right to drive through a crowd. The man has no right to shoot people over property damage. The man has no right to point guns at people who are telling him he is breaking the law. The man has no right to enforce traffic codes and stop a protest.

          The man should have learned a lesson once he saw a gun pointed right at him by one of those weak little youths he thought he could intimidate without consequence. I don’t think he should be charged unless he thinks what he did was totally reasonable and righteous. He should simply apologize for letting his ego take over and the lack of control over his emotions. But if he thinks he was some badass taking on the commies he should lose his right to own a gun and vote.

          That protester with the gun was very forgiving. Some of us will not be. So don’t go around threatening people with a deadly weapon because they are protesting for things you don’t agree with.

          • Ain’t got time for your stupid shit. Punks wouldn’t get run over if they got out of the way (they wouldn’t daring him to run them over) They attacked his truck damaging the rear quarter panel. THEY WERE AT FAULT. You are an ass.

          • The man was threatening to run people over once the light turned green. The crowd was trying to film his license plate and was told to get out the way. The protesters didn’t want people standing in front or behind the truck because they reasonably believed the man was going to commit a crime with his deadly weapon.

            The driver also demanded the protesters “obey the law.” The “protesters” had already committed a crime by forming a blockade at the street light. Further, if you pulled your head out of your ***, and watched a bit of news, you would know that at these blockades, vehicles are often vandalized, tires punctured, windows smashed, and once in a while, the driver is pulled out and beaten up. So it’s pretty reasonable for him to be upset about the situation.

            That’s when a man told the driver what he was doing is a crime. Protesters were trying to deescalate and told the guy to drive away like everyone else was doing.

            Deescalate? You do have your head up your ***. If they wanted to “deescalate” they would get out of the road (which is illegal) and let him pass unabated. They would not stand around his car shouting profanities. They would not kick dents in his car. And when the driver reached a point that he would pull a gun on them, they pulled a gun on the driver. Deescalate. WTF. They were provoking him.

            The man got angry and pointed a gun at the head of one of the protesters.

            That’s because they were vandalizing his car while he was waiting for a green light. They were kicking dents in his car while he waited.

            He drove into the intersection and stopped again. It appears he may have been pointing the gun at another person on the passenger side when a protester with a gun walked up to the driver side window.

            Didn’t you just say they were trying to “deescalate?” So much for your argument.

            The man has no right to drive through a crowd.

            That’s retarded. He’s not driving through a crowd, he is driving through an intersection. It is the crowd that has no right to block the road with their political harassment blockade.

            The man has no right to shoot people over property damage.

            He does have a right to forcefully detain them until police arrive. If they attack him and he feels his life is in danger, he can lawfully shoot them then.

            The man has no right to point guns at people who are telling him he is breaking the law.

            He absolutely does. They are breaking the law and threatening his safety.

            The man has no right to enforce traffic codes and stop a protest.

            They are not peacefully protesting. Peaceful protesters don’t illegally block the road. He isn’t trying to enforce traffic codes. He is trying to drive to his destination. He is isn’t trying to stop a protest, he is trying to get to his destination. The degree of lying to yourself that you partake in order to justify these actions is astonishing.

            The man should have learned a lesson once he saw a gun pointed right at him by one of those weak little youths he thought he could intimidate without consequence.

            He didn’t want to intimidate them. He wanted to drive on the road to his destination. It was he crowd that intimidated him.

            I don’t think he should be charged unless he thinks what he did was totally reasonable and righteous.

            This is an insane statement. He should be charged if he broke the law, and the “protesters” should be charged if they broke the law. This “confess and all is forgiven” is pseudo religious cultist nonsense.

            He should simply apologize for letting his ego take over and the lack of control over his emotions.

            Right. Apologize. The left always want people to apologize. Why don’t they apologize for blocking the road? Why don’t they apologize for kicking a dent in his vehicle while he waited for the light? They were just talking until someone kicked a dent in his vehicle. Then the guns came out. Where is his apology? Total insanity.

            But if he thinks he was some badass taking on the commies he should lose his right to own a gun and vote.

            In marxism there are no rights. There is only historical materialism. Of course you would think he should lose his gun rights (and his right to vote! LOL) because he showed resistance to the political blockade illegally stationed in the middle of an intersection.

            That protester with the gun was very forgiving.

            No he was very provoking. And one day, he is going to provoke the wrong guy and his brains are going to splatter all over the crowd behind him. They should have stopped illegally blocking the road and let the traffic through. Forgiving…. Phhhhhhhhhht.

            Some of us will not be. So don’t go around threatening people with a deadly weapon because they are protesting for things you don’t agree with.

            Looks like we have a John Brown Gun Club man here. lol.
            Some of us will eventually not be. So you don’t go around threatening people with street blockades and then start vandalizing their car in the hopes that they speed through to justify your murderous urge to shoot at them.

        • Chief, I get the impression you have a longer video we’d like to see. As the comments demonstrate, the short four second clip makes it all too easy to draw the wrong conclusions about what’s going on. Got a link?

        • Dave, with all due respect, yes they were at fault, but these are not death penalty crimes. Better to just not be there. Certainly not worth letting a pissing contest escalate to mutual felonies at the least and multiple deaths at worst.

          • I don’t imagine the guy in the truck was looking for trouble. He likely had no idea that the intersection would be full of protesters. On his way home or to work minding his own business. But when the guy stuck a gun in his face the appropriate response would have been to shoot him DRT.

          • Oh, and BTW. I don’t gamble, I don’t play cards, the lottery or trust my luck at chance. I am not going to take the chance that someone may not really plan on killing me if they are pointing a weapon at me. I will defend myself without hesitation if I am ever put in that situation. I will do whatever I need to do to live to deal with whatever the consequences may be.

        • Chief does have a point. I was driving home from a party when a light pole jumped in front of my car. The dirty lying cop said I blew .24 but that’s impossible because I only had two beers at that party. Instead of blaming the pole (who was obviously at fault) the cop said that I was 100% percent liable for the collision. That’s not even the worst part; the insurance company agreed with him! The crony capitalist/government system is obviously corrupt and racist (24andme said I’m 1% West African and .001 Native American)! I will now yield the floor to any of my colleagues who will unequivocally say that black lives matter.

          Eric Swalwell 2020

        • “The crowd was trying to film his license plate”

          What do they think they’re going to do with that information, give it to the police? 🙂

        • an angry mob is itself an inherent threat of deadly force, especially considering the recent behaviors of such mobs in all parts of the country, and malicious intent was proven when they did probably $2500 damage to his quarter panel. and they wouldn’t let him leave. he had the right to display a weapon to get them to back off, and to get them to let him leave. in fact he probably had a right to start shooting them if they refused to let him leave, given the circumstances.

          the man had every right to shoot the jerk pointing the gun at him.

        • CC as ignorant a moron as ever. IF he actually has the info he spews it is because he is IN/part of the problem. Or just full of shit.

        • What started it? Looks like some dumb***es were blocking the street and he stopped at the red light waiting for a green. Then they wouldn’t let him pass.

          He probably thought, like other “protester” blockades, they would vandalize his vehicle, puncture the tires out, harass and threaten him. And possibly “Reginald Denny” him. Seems reasonable.

        • You know, this happens all the time in my city.

          A basketball game ends at the local Colosseum, people start leaving the building, crossing the street to the parking garage in droves.
          Then the light turns green for traffic, but the street is still full of game attendees, flooding across the street towards the parking garage.

          Oh yeah, lots of motorist pull directly into the middle of the pedestrians, honking the horn and shaking their fist and cussing the pedestrians.
          Sometimes they pull guns and point them at pedestrians, yelling at them to not block the road.

          Yeah, that never happens, the drivers are patient and wait 10 minutes until everybody moves on past.

          Because they’re not racist assholes who are upset about people marching for the safety of blacks and other minorities.

        • Miner,

          You know, this happens all the time in my city. A basketball game ends at the local Colosseum, people start leaving the building, crossing the street to the parking garage in droves.
          Then the light turns green for traffic, but the street is still full of game attendees, flooding across the street towards the parking garage.

          Yeah, that happens to everyone. And that’s fine. I have no problem with that. Because those people are moving, and those people have NOT organized a political barricade at the traffic light. If you slowly move through a crowd of people at the basketball game. They slowly walk around your car. They DON’T demand you turn right. They don’t make any demands of you. You slowly push through and they slowly move and when they get their car out of the parking garage they do the exact same thing. They slowly push through the crowd with their car and the crowd slowly moves around them. That is different from a political barricade, blocking the street that make demands of drivers, and then threaten them and vandalize their vehicle if they try to slowly push through the crowd.

          Oh yeah, lots of motorist pull directly into the middle of the pedestrians, honking the horn and shaking their fist and cussing the pedestrians.
          Sometimes they pull guns and point them at pedestrians, yelling at them to not block the road. Yeah, that never happens, the drivers are patient and wait 10 minutes until everybody moves on past.

          Yeah – I don’t see this at stadiums or other large events. I only seem to see this at political gatherings blocking the street.

          Because they’re not racist assholes who are upset about people marching for the safety of blacks and other minorities.

          Sure. Tell yourself whatever you need to justify the crowds illegal and provoking behavior.

          • Anon,

            Miner is not justifying anything to himself…everything he posts is a directed attack on Conservative values. Most likely one of the Troll Army hired, paid and directed by the Leftist billionaires desiring a global oligarchy Communism with them as the sole puppet masters…he is one of “the useful idiots”.

        • “Threatening to shoot the cops can get you red flagged buddy (I’d be happy to call it in myself).”

          Whatever you weenie hall monitor wannabe.

          • So you think it’s okay to threaten to murder a cop in cold blood just because you don’t like that he’s not doing the job the way you think he should be doing it? You sound just like BLM.

      • That would have been one dead son of a bitch if it had been me in the truck. And that goes for anyone in front of my vehicle too. If you stick a gun in my face one of us is going to be DRT. And I’m not sticking around for the mob retaliation either so you best get out of the way, I’m leaving NOW. I’m far too old to try to fight off young punks but far too young to die just quite yet.

        • likewise, get in front of my truck like that you better get ready to run because it turns green I am taking off

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  1. Hmm. Who is the attacker and who is the defender? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    • reaching into the window, open door or not can be considered attempted car-jacking maybe???

      • In Florida, lethal force is good-to-go in defense of an attempted car-jacking.

        (Your state, perhaps not-so-much. Know your local laws…)

        • I haven’t check the latest 2020 updates to our Penal Code, but I believe that here in Los Angeles we’re supposed to respond to an aggressive show of arms by placing the vehicle in Park, leaving the keys in the ignition, calmly stepping out, removing wallet/money/CCs and place on driver seat, facing your carjacker and taking a knee while listing five reasons why you apologize for being white, conservative, and fully culpable of all modern social injustices. Then you crawl away from your carjacker with head bowed and wishing your new beneficiary a happy and prosperous life.

        • “Then you crawl away from your carjacker with head bowed and wishing your new beneficiary a happy and prosperous life.”

          For crying out loud, Haz, don’t give them any *ideas*…

        • @Haz

          You had me dangling on the hook right through the fourth line of your comment…I’m old and sometimes it takes a few wait cycles for sarcasm to process through my CPU.

          Good one!

    • The man in the truck was trying to force his way through a protest. He was arguing with the crowd and got frustrated. The driver said he would start running people over once the light turned green. When a man said the driver was threatening people with a lethal weapon [truck] he pulled out a handgun and put it to the head of the man informing the driver what he was doing is highly illegal. Then another man pulled out his gun after seeing the driver pointing a gun at people and had a little chit chat with the old man. Eventually the old man conceded and went about his life.

      If you are ever in a Mexican standoff simply shoot the cranium to drop the threat instantly. Works 100% of the time if the threat doesn’t have his finger on the trigger.

      • The people in the road illegally blocked his way, damaged his property and threatened his life.

        That’s how I see it partner.

        • There is video evidence. There is a timeline of events documented.

          The driver should apologize for his bad behavior and go about his life in peace. Otherwise, he will likely find himself with a felony or two.

          You can’t really make a reasonable argument in his favor because there was many people driving past that wasn’t confronted, didn’t have their property damaged and didn’t find themselves in a deadly encounter. That’s because they followed the law and avoided trouble.

          • There is video evidence. There is a timeline of events documented.
            YES THERE IS!
            The protester refused to get out of his way so he may very well have threatened to run them over. THEIR FAULT
            If you look back over the video before he opens the door there is no damage to the back end of the truck. @1:06 you hear aloud thump and he looks back then opens his door. The rear quarter panel behind the rear wheel is kicked in quite badly. That when the ass hole, who will pull the gun on him later, gets in his face and the driver pulls his gun ordering them to “GET BACK”. People have been shouting “Go That Way”, so I am assuming he was trying to make a left hand turn at the light. He pulled away but was stopped once again in the intersection(preventing his turn) when ass hole showed up again, this time with his gun drawn threatening to kill him if he continued to turn left. He was just trying to go about his business and was blocked then attacked by terrorists.

          • There is video evidence. There is a timeline of events documented.

            There is video evidence. That’s right. They blocked the road (illegal). Tried to direct traffic (illegal). Threatened him, shouted at him, shouted profanities at him (possibly disturbing the peace in some areas), and someone kicked a big dent in his truck (illegal). Then it escalated to guns pointed at each other.

            The driver should apologize for his bad behavior and go about his life in peace. Otherwise, he will likely find himself with a felony or two.

            The driver did nothing wrong and should apologize for nothing. Don’t apologize if you do nothing wrong. And certainly don’t apologize to a mob. The fact that you would ask him to apologize is weird/strange behavior. The “apologize and all is forgiven” nonsense seems like Spanish inquisition garbage.

            You can’t really make a reasonable argument in his favor because there was many people driving past that wasn’t confronted, didn’t have their property damaged and didn’t find themselves in a deadly encounter. That’s because they followed the law and avoided trouble.

            Of course you can. Maybe like the Tulsa incident of marixist screeching zombies, where they let a black driver go through the crowd and then stopped a white guy driving a truck and trailer and told him he had to wait and harassed him. So your assertion that because some cars went through and his was confronted therefore he is at fault does not take into consideration other factors.


        • Agreed they were blocking a public right of way, not in a crosswalk, isn’t J walking a felony? /s /

        • “The protester refused to get out of his way so he may very well have threatened to run them over. THEIR FAULT”

          Wow, you are one sick puppy.

          Do you believe that if a person doesn’t get out of the crosswalk or street fast enough for you, you can run them over without consequence?

          Do you understand the threat is in fact a violation of the law against terroristic threatening?

          Do you understand that if you run over the individual in the crosswalk you’ll be guilty of murder?

          The penalty for jaywalking is not death, and you are not the executioner just because you were inconvenienced for a few minutes.

          • “The protester refused to get out of his way so he may very well have threatened to run them over. THEIR FAULT”

            They illegal blocked the road. They illegal directed traffic. They illegally detained him. They illegally damaged his vehicle. Then they escalated the situation to guns pointed at each other.

            Like a basketball game where people are walking to the stadium, why didn’t they just walk around his truck as he slowly drove through their crowd? Because they weren’t peaceful protesters – that’s why. LOL.

            Do you believe that if a person doesn’t get out of the crosswalk or street fast enough for you, you can run them over without consequence?

            Nope. But if they block your vehicle, that is illegal. If they try to direct you to other routes. That is illegal. If they kick dents in your vehicle, that is illegal. And if a guy reasonably feels a non peaceful protest going on right outside his truck is going to turn into a Reginald Denny, then he is going to barrel them over, and I support that.


            Do you understand the threat is in fact a violation of the law against terroristic threatening?


            Do you understand that if you run over the individual in the crosswalk you’ll be guilty of murder?

            LOL. They weren’t in a crosswalk. They were in the street. They formed a political barricade in the street.

            The penalty for jaywalking is not death, and you are not the executioner just because you were inconvenienced for a few minutes.

            LOL. What a contortion of the events that transpired. He was stopped at the light. He wasn’t trying to run over jaywalkers. He was trying to get to his destination and they stopped him and tried to direct traffic. Jaywalkers… do not direct traffic. Jaywalkers do not block the road – they walk through the road. This crowd of people were walking on. They were standing around his vehicle, shouting profanies, and one or more of them vandalized his car. Your portrayal they were jaywalkers, is nonsensical bulls**t.

      • “The man in the truck was trying to force his way through a protest . . .” Looks to me like he was just trying to drive on a public street that was blocked by an illegal mob. Since when do “protesters” have authority to prohibit other people from using a public street? Riots are not sacred events.

        • Especially if they are for bullshit reasons and fake causes put on by cosplay larpers Who should seriously look at getting a job and who better damn well stay in their commie antifag cities and out of American areas.

      • The man in the truck was trying to force his way through a protest.

        Which is fine. At the local sports games in my city, people are walking all over the street and drivers are slowly driving through the crowd and the crowd is slowly walking around their vehicles. All fine. And expected.

        He was arguing with the crowd and got frustrated.

        Uh.. no. He was arguing with the crowd because they were blocking his vehicle, and wouldn’t let him through, and making demands of him to go in directions he did not want to go in. If you block an intersection, or stand in the road blocking traffic, that is illegal and breaking the law.

        The driver said he would start running people over once the light turned green.

        The driver was upset and likely to some degree, afraid of the crowd. He didn’t want to run anyone over. He wanted to travel from point A to point B in his vehicle. he wanted to get through the green light and be on his way. The “protesters” wanted to make demands of him and block his vehicle. And protesters were agitated, shouting at him and spouting profanities.

        When a man said the driver was threatening people with a lethal weapon [truck] he pulled out a handgun and put it to the head of the man informing the driver what he was doing is highly illegal.

        Negative. A large crowd of people was blocking the road (illegal), directing traffic (illegal – only police or road construction can direct traffic), and vandalizing his car (illegal). If you want him to run people over when the light turns green, start kicking his car. It’s like shouting “fire” in a theater (lol). Vandalizing vehicles at political road barricades induces panic. He got his gun and stepped out of his truck when the crowd of lawbreakers vandalized his truck.

        Then another man pulled out his gun after seeing the driver pointing a gun at people and had a little chit chat with the old man. Eventually the old man conceded and went about his life.

        Uh no. The driver was actually very tolerant and didn’t squeeze one off in the face of one of the members of the political barricade full of road pirates. They convinced each other that trading bullets might not be the best idea, and the crowd of road pirates conceded and let him pass through the light.

        If you are ever in a Mexican standoff simply shoot the cranium to drop the threat instantly. Works 100% of the time if the threat doesn’t have his finger on the trigger.

        That’s right!

      • I hope you get to experience the taste of your own medicine. If you really believe you would have come out better, please go out there and prove it to us rubes.

      • Don’t see any Mexicans. Looks more like a Good ol’ Boy is ready to pop some Antifa punk for reaching into his vehicle to me. It would have been better to leave the window up and the door locked, that way if the little ‘poop for brains’ would have broken the window, there would be no dispute about this being justified.

    • And waddya call an Irish standoff?

      You don’t, because it doesn’t exist. We dispense with all the “standing around staring at each other wondering who’s going to move first”, and just run right into the fight. One of us is going to end up the winner, so no sense delaying the fun…

        • Saran,

          Last night a buddy of mine texted to see if I want to go to the range later this week. When I reminded him that our first real heat wave of the summer is fast approaching and temps are forecast to hit as high as 109 in our area, he didn’t miss a beat and replied “so as soon as they open that day, then?”

          Some people just get it. 🙂

  2. God even looking at that scrawny little bastard pointing that gun pisses me off. That being said, hopefully no one got hurt and everyone went home. And then the lily white little shit fell down some stairs.

  3. If this had happened in Florida, where being in your car is legally the same as being in your home…

    • Exactly! Just get the right angle while arguing with the little turd and shoot his gun away with 2 shots and then 2 to the head.

  4. The stupid little turds still think they’re playin a fu**in video game! When ya lose, you CANT push “start over”!

  5. Score Keeping, Score unchanged

    Good Guys 1.5 (1 for AK commie shot in Austin, .5 for Seattle Antifa Bike Punch)
    Commies -6 (NFAC shot 3 of their own in Louisville, Aurora protester wounded 2 other protesters and another jumped off a bridge.)

    I am not tracking ties.

  6. If i was the dude in the truck, id have put a round through thats pissants neck, then parked my truck tire on his center mass. These commie fuckbags deserve to be eradicated. No peace or quarter.

  7. The people need to put these clowns in their place. These left wing crazy people dont own this country, and they shouldnt even be allowed to influence the lives of others. Im ready for good people to get off their butts.

    • Except that most of these, um, events are taking place in blue areas, so a defender might end up in front of the “wrong” DA.

      • “When the people fear the government….”
        That DA should be wondering if someone is going to plan a visit to their home in the middle of the night for them pushing their political commie nonsense. Politicians are about to outlive their usefulness as a whole in the next few months, time to prepare is now.

  8. Eek!

    Interesting to observe the apparent differing degree of tension in the participants. The guy in the truck looks like he’s ordering food to go and the antifa dork looks like he’s going to squeeze his gun into a ball.

    • Us old guys know the score. We all die. Sometimes peacefully in our sleep and sometimes after years of pain and lessening quality of life. We may welcome one last chance for a blaze of glory. Some of us have been there and done that. I have killed. But even those of us that haven’t done that have been through many stressful situations to get to our age in life. We’ve lost loved ones. Had hopes and dreams shattered.

      The young guy on the other hand still see’s this as some sort of video game larping. He just wants to have stories to tell his handlers when schools re-open and he continues his indoctrination. He likely has suffered very little in his lifetime, he’s too young for much of it.

      He suddenly realizes that old fart has the end of all his hopes and dreams right there in front of his face. And he will need a new diaper.

      • We are going to be counting heavily on (relative) old timers that still have some grit and a little fight left in them.

        There’s a different line in the sand that must be crossed for each individual, and for those with a young family to look out for and support that line is going to be a lot further than those with little or nothing to lose.

        The exuberant Marxist seem dead set on seeing just how far and how fast they can push decent Americans. It will not end well.

        • Don’t discount the younger crowd. I’m technically from the millennial generation, but I got plenty of swimming in ditch water “grit” from Uncle Sam, and even more from the dust storms overseas.

          RED AIR = gym day.


        • Yeah, well I might be a broken down old fart with a few missing parts but I still got some fight left in me. It’s just me and the dogs (they’re cute and well behaved so someone will take care of them) so if I end up on the short end of the stick it’s not going to inconvenience anyone (except me). I am not going to look for trouble, I’ll avoid the best I can, but I sure as hell am not going to cower in the face of aggression. I will defend myself without remorse.

        • but once the younger crowd with more to lose, crosses that rubicon… it’s gonna get really ugly

        • As a old millennial, I’m not discounting anyone.

          I’m just saying Antifa is going to learn a hard lesson very fast when some deer hunting geezer with a scoped 30-06 turns the head next to them into mist about 2 seconds before they hear the “boom!” or some old timer drops them with a K frame. F around and find out kiddos.

      • We may be old, but we have experience. Have you found yourself watching the antifa and thinking of a better way to assault the objective? We know how to think like them, we know how to defeat them.

      • @jwm. I too am one of those Old Guys of which you speak. Lived a life time of good times and shitty times. Watched good people die from horrible diseases and bad choices. Some who were very close. If that times comes when I have to make that life or death choice. Face some scumbag who thinks their shit don’t stink. I will remove the problem from the equation. Due to health issues there’s nothing the government can do to me that ain’t gonna happen soon enough anyway. Freedom requires choices. When the citizenry fears the consequences of fighting for their Freedom/Rights more…Than they fear the loss of those Rights/Freedom. They are no longer Free and Tyranny prevails. Age should Never be a part of the Fear. Courage should Always be a part of the Choice. Keep’n My Powder Dry. Yours is Up to You. Die Free or Live Kneeling the choice is Up to You. Choose Wisely.

      • Correct.
        Too old to run.
        Bad attitude.
        Don’t care.
        Old guy was cool as a cucumber, young guy needed to change shorts.

      • At this point in our history as a result of our endless wars, America has probably has more privater citizens with direct combat experience than any other time since WWII. Combine that factoid with our current historic levels of guns and ammo sales and it’s pretty clear that our country is not only armed to the teeth but is also locked and loaded.

        Guns up.

        • “At this point in our history as a result of our endless wars, America has probably has more privater citizens with direct combat experience than any other time since WWII.”

          Yeah, the Leftists really haven’t seemed to grasp that yet. Pushing 20 *years* of troops in near constant combat, and quite a few of them have retired out by now. That has to be on the order of a few hundred thousand of them total. Uncle Sam trained how to shoot, small-unit tactics, communication, medical, all kinds of applicable skills valuable in combat. Scattered all across this great land, invisible to those that don’t know what to look for – the little things that say about a person “Ex-Military”.

          While they on the other hand read their Leftist propaganda and behave like this with a weapon in their hands :

  9. The time for shooting communists is very close, but not quite yet. Would have preferred for motorist to place a brain enema pill right in the middle of this dudes forehead but yea, something about the biggest gang in the world only wanting to enforce laws when its convenient for them and supports the narrative. The fact that we are even acknowledging police in a positive way in most major cities is a joke (sherriffs and other people who remember that oath they took not included), these mindless drones will happily come and treat you just like the Mccloskeys or Breonna Taylor, I imagine their response would be something alone the lines of the “Befehl ist befehl”. Case of the Mondays you aint lyin.

    • “The time for shooting communists is very close, but not quite yet.”

      I’m thinking that there are no bad times for shooting communists. There are only bad places.

    • The time for shooting communist was right then and right there. One command to drop the gun then pull the trigger. Running up to someone as you are commiting several crimes and the driver in reasonable fear for his safety does not give you clearance to use deadly force. Going into a bank and robbing it as then claim your in fear for your safety so you pull a weapon in self defense doesn’t work. Let’s see a jury convict you of anything. This is not even close. Any juror over forty won’t waste more than a couple of hours deleberating a not guilty on this asshat.

  10. 4 seconds of two guys squawking at each other? Someone was embarrassed over the outcome, and cut the video short. I presume an “activist” was filming his bro, so the video being cut short means the protestor dude backed off with his tail between his legs. As Rick the Bear points out, protestor is tense as can be, dude in the truck looks pretty relaxed. He’s looked down the barrel of a gun before, I would guess.

  11. Lean back …just a bit, kick the door HARD and put 2 in the brain pan. End of SD story.

  12. All i see is a carjacker that should have had a hollow point in his brain looooong before he had the opportunity to point his pistol inside the guys truck window.

    • They can’t because Trump shut down the economy and gave these people UBI. He paid them to not go to work. They are planning to do a third round of UBI so the youths can hang out in the streets all day and night.

      • People who are out of work should be re-inventing themselves at home. People have had nothing to do for months but sit on their ass at home, load DuoLingo on your phone and learn a second language! Get certified in it and you have a new, marketable skill that allows you to work from home!

        Grow cactus in your basement and make $10,000 a year at it.

        I’m personally self-learning the basics of chemistry right now, so I can move into Bio-chemistry. College classes are free online as well. I would like to be well versed in it and know what I’m doing before attending in-person on my GI bill.

      • They need to get off their ass. A man (or woman) that doesn’t work for their living will never achieve happiness.

        If I can’t do my given line of work, I go into construction and skilled trade.
        If I can’t do that, I grab a shovel and knock on doors asking who needs a hole dug.
        If I can’t do that, then I will plant turnips and raise chickens.

        As long as I can contribute, I will. I am happy without any drugs and consider myself successful.

      • Trump didn’t shut the economy down. The health tyrannists and governors shut the country down…

  13. Anyone catch the ELEVEN shitstains carjacking an EIGHTYONE(!) year old man white man in Chiraq?!? All on presumably stolen Divi bikes. Really sad and horrible. Anyone? Bring back lynching…oops I ain’t supposed to type that. Look it up. Scum of the earth😡You reach in my car you get a leaden greeting!

  14. Don’t be where trouble is. That is not cowardice, wait, pick your own time and place. Let them come to you, then kill them all, or at least as many as you can. It’s coming.

  15. We are witnessing both sides feeling out how the other side will react. Similar to the Sand Flea operations we did in Panama during the late 80s before Operation Just Cause.

    How will the opposition react if we block this road or yell insults. Likewise what is the reaction if they block the road and we continue to travel thru.

    Both sides will provoke more and more, increase the intensity of the provocations until a Lt. Paz moment occurs like December 16, 1989. Then a free for all breaks out until one is left standing. Lt Paz was a Columbian born US Marine shot by the Panamanian Defense Forces.

    • Except “we” are not traveling through… we are stopping in the middle of it. Instead of stopping, just keep rolling. We saw how fast they moved when that semi came plowing through, and like an idiot, he stopped. He was totally acquitted and found not guilty because the state ruled it illegal to block traffic… yet here these idiots are, blocking traffic. They will certainly be able to stop some vehicles one way or another, but once it’s clear they intentions people will just start going faster and not allowing them to ever get the upper hand. If they try to barricade a zone that’s when a team of trucks show up and firing squads hop out to remove the barriers. In Montana, we are already covering these things at meetings. Just last week our goal was to find the most open range so we could practice multi vehicle blockade removal. Pretty intense right? Almost like people are going to have to sack up and take back their own communities because nobody else is going to do it for them. Their gatherings are no secret, it won’t be hard to spot them, and it won’t be hard to shut them down when your numbers are more powerful than theirs. We have already seen the limitations of the government agencies, police, and military. Dems will do all they can to limit their power. They don’t control you. You are a free citizen. You are supposed to control them, and reminding them of that is your duty in life, because freedom is violent and dangerous, and certainly NOT FREE. I’m willing to be every dollar I have that if you show up with a platoon sized element to somewhere like Portland and instantly start “removing the threats” continuing to push forward and freeing those fed bois, the majority will favor your decision and back you as well. If not now, then when? Time to travel through.

  16. I looked at that earlier on a different website. It looks like the old man has a Sig and the hammer is cocked back and he’s ready to go to work with good trigger discipline. The other guy is holding his weapon like a total douche.

  17. Neither of these characters was more than a big noise, a lot of bluster and some very dangerous posturing. Not feeling sympathy for either of them.

    1. If you want to protest and march, get a permit or take your chances.

    2. If you want to drive where someone has a permit to protest and march, tough shit.

    3. If you want to drive where protesters have no permit to march in the street, they are wrong, but it is still tough shit on you. Stings a bit? Don’t it?

    4. Why? Because pedestrians in the roadway have the right of way even if they are in the wrong place. Unless they run out in front of you and you are deprived the opportunity to stop, you may not proceed.

    5. Don’t go surrounding a motor vehicle of any size with your human bodies. If you do, understand the risk of all that mass and metal and power compared to your frail flesh and bones. Does not matter who is right or wrong, the risk to your body is massive. The motor vehicle? A bit of paint, some Bondo, maybe just a garden hose to wash away your bodily fluids and brain matter. Does even have to be deliberate, a driver’s foot slips off the brake and the automatic transmission moves it forward six inches or more before he recovers. Now there you are, on the pavement, broken pelvis, internal soft organ injuries, screaming in horrific agony.

    Trust me, been an EMT on more than a few human versus vehicle calls. Big strong men can scream and whine and beg like you wouldn’t believe with a scrunched pelvis. Every motion of the body is felt there, and not just a little bit.

    Curiously, women tend to handle the agony of serious injury better. Don’t know why, seen it myself more than once.

    But I digress.

    6. Don’t go pointing a gun at anybody unless the need to squeeze that trigger is right damned now. If you are not serious, you are playing a variation of Russian Roulette, but both guns are loaded and the random chance is which idiot goes full-on asshole first is what’s being debated. This is not an argument to be involved in.

    That’s about it.

    • “…pedestrians in the roadway have the right of way…”

      until causing a blockade. comin’ thru.

      “Don’t go surrounding a motor vehicle of any size with your human bodies.”

      because pelvis. tough shit, eh?

    • On #6, I am right with you. For over 20 years I have heard people ramble about just having a gun to wave it around and scare people off. Wave it around at me, I will shoot you. Maybe twice. Some people, no shit, do not even get ammo for their guns, “oh, gee, I could never shoot anybody!” Now and then you hear somebody bragging how good it worked for him, how smart he is. You won’t ever hear such a person explaining how it did not work, since he is dead and his gun has been stolen.
      Drawandfire is one word.

  18. All of the people who say the man with the truck was in the wrong and should have slinked off with his tail between his legs need a lesson in mob violence. A group of superior numbers telling you to fk off and the like is a grey area, they can pull you out of the vehicle and smash you very quickly, think Reginald Denny. It is also illegal to block a road or highway.

    Now if someone puts a gun in my window there will be a shot. That is not a way to play around. Either the idiot is using the gun to scare you or they are going to shoot you and you had better be quicker than he is. If a prosecutor wants to make an example of me so be it. I realize that little Johnny would never hurt anyone but he threatened me with deadly force.

  19. Your car is a better weapon than a gun in almost any situation on the road. Unlike a gun, it is also an escape.

    You weren’t trying to hit people- you were just trying to escape and they got in your way.

    Shooting someone doesn’t necessarily get you out of there, physically.

      • How about when a person lights you up from behind while you’re in the driver’s seat?

        A car is a terrible place to have a gunfight from.

    • In AZ we’ve had a few instances of people attempting to block the highways and were hit by the vehicles. Law enforcement stated protests should stay off the highway and no charges were filed.

  20. A little grand political strategy is needed here. Many of us old farts remember the Rodney King riots. (I was at a traffic light at the intersection of Martin Luther King Blvd and Killingsworth, Portland Oregon, when the verdict was announced.). We remember the rapidly escalating looting and burning. We remember the Reginald Denny beating. We remember the LAPD bravely running away and declaring a let burn policy on South Central LA.

    Everyone needs to remember that while taking care of yourself and family is your primary responsibility, there are political considerations. Overreacting advances the political agenda of the leftists. To be blunt, these mobs are being carefully mentored and moderated by their masters in an effort to not provoke the fear and hatred of the majority. George Soros wants political control. Soros wants Creepy Joe Biden to be POTUS. The mobs have not yet become as violent as the Rodney King rioters. While cowardice is inexcusable, discretion advances a greater agenda.

    The good news is that these mobs are not as well disciplined as their masters would like. Because of the Covidvirus lockdowns, these mobs are unemployed. They have a vague understanding that the unemployment money will not last forever. They are violent. They are looting and burning. They are killing people. J Q Public is getting annoyed and frightened by 60 days of rioting. The mobs are getting frustrated and angry. The mobs will get our of control. The police will go AWOL. When the shit his the fan and large numbers of people (mostly shit brained liberals who are expendable) start getting killed by the mobs, the mobs and their political masters will lose the sympathy of the majority. Then it will become morally, legally and politically permissable too take aggressive action against the mobs. Come November, Creepy Joe will be relegated to molesting children rather than being POTUS.

    • Not yet as violent?

      What the fuck? Dude the violence is 10 fold what it was back then.

      • I was very cognizant of what was going on during the Rodney King riots. Dozens of people were killed in only one city. What is going on now is tame in comparison.

  21. Lol…
    Step in front of my vehicle…. to block my path…. you will pay the ultimate price for such stupidity….
    Pull a gun on me!!??…..DRT

  22. You mean like the turncoats in the supreme court who refused to hear, act, repeal, or Do their Fu***** job under our US Constitution. If these communist Asswholes aren’t stopped. It will get worse, like shooting war kind of ugly! Just to fight for our freedoms, liberties and rights!

      • I can see him now: Bright vest, helmet, elbow and knee pads with a lance armstrong style bike trying to block a 2500 cummins. I just hope it’s my 2500.

  23. There’s a lot of hateful comments. But what about the civil rights act? I’m sure those people marched in the streets and they were beaten unmercifully by the fucking government and you guys think government is your friend smh. I guess most of you guys don’t respect civil disobedience. I guess most of you guys are racists. Let me know if I’m wrong.

    • Huge majority of those rioting in Austin are rich white kids. You think opposing them is racist? Huge majority of assailants trying to burn Fed building in Portland are white. Might want to update your prejudices/lies.

      • This is true. The portland NAACP president came out in an editorial and wrote the same thing. White people having a party and paying for it with black lives.

        Throwing shit at the police guarding a building isn’t going to stop the next George Floyd.

    • I see a lot of white racist think they are doing things for black folks by illegally assaulting and rioting against businesses, commuters and Federal courthouses. Not much civil rights being championed.

    • Funny i don’t recall Dr. King leading mobs to burn and loot. So yes you’re wrong and also a marxist tool.

    • Jackass outside of the truck must have been trying out the latest video game grip/ stance… probably would have lost his left thumb and jammed up the slide with other parts of hand if he had pulled the trigger. These dumbasses are going to start realizing that real life is a lot tougher on you than mom’s basement is. At least he listened to her about”wear your helmet ” when he left after breakfast… such a good boy

  24. Stay out of the road morons. You aren’t helping anyone. Actually, you’re hurting them. What’s the death toll up to now because of BLM?

    BLM rioters in Colorado accidentally shot a fellow commie as they were trying to execute a family that just wanted to drive down the public road. They were attacking the Jeep, so Jeep dude made a run for it. You can see the Jeep has a flat tire before they open fire on it. Then they literally blame the police for not protecting them, and in another video, they blame racism. Stop taking these people seriously. They’re deranged.

    • Read another account of this, and the Jeep damage is from a truck pulling in front of it when the Jeep was trying to get through the crowd. A girl jumped off the highway, and fell 15 feet, breaking her leg. Another person showed up at the hospital that was grazed by a bullet. So the rioter shot two fellow commies. The “white supremacist terrorists” (they’re literally calling them that) in the Jeep weren’t injured.

      • These idiots call ANYONE who does not support them something along the lines of “Nazi’s” and “racists” etc etc. They are literally asking for what happens next, and they won’t last long.

        • Funny thing is they are the new brown shirts. Think they know what happened to the SA once their boy adolf got into power?

  25. Only incentive for the truck driver not to shoot in that situation, is to avoid sitting down with the police after the fact for five minutes. As far as I am concerned, all those terrorists were committing the felony of FALSE IMPRISONMENT, by not letting the driver leave. Last time I checked, your allowed to use lethal force to escape from mob imprisonment. Bang, bang, bang, bang, 4 dead in wherever, should of been done long ago….where are the tin soldiers….. there not coming to save you, your finally on your own, kill 4 more and go home.

    • Just because we think he’s fully justified doesn’t mean a prosecutor will. And that can ruin your life, even if you’re found not guilty.

  26. Oh these are exciting times! We’re one mag dump away from kicking this thing off right! Let’s go ahead and get started so we can have it wrapped up before spring training next year.

  27. Um guys guy….lets make sure we get the proper technical information…Terminology is necessary.

    LOL All these are just unfortunate events….kinda like the unfortunate event where the Black Lies Matter or actually NFAC (whatever) shot his buddies in Louisville.

    And yes, stopping vehicles in free travel is False Imprisonment…sadly the police would actually have to be willing to pursue and prosecute.

    Rather I think we can solve all this by having a federal charge of “Commision of a Crime while Protesting”

    kinda like being charged for carrying a weapons while committing a crime. It gets added on.

    There will be no prison time (other than the party time these maggots spend in jail awaiting arraignment which will ensure his constipation problems are cleaned up) but they will be convicted and the sentence will revoke ALL, access to government funded assistance (inclduding loans, grants, scholarships, AFDC, Social Security, health care etc) for a period of 10 years.

    If Junior lives with mommy and has a school loan…he loses the loan, and if Mommy has any mortgage ensured by the government (Fannie, Freddy, VA) he must vacate the premises.

    If they work for some organization (school, NGO , Panhandler Broadcasting etc) they will lose their job.

    So as an example Kyle and Karen Shitbag live in Kyle’s moms basement and attend “Rumphump University” on govt loans or scholarships studying “advanced theorietical underwater basketweaving” Its all gone. That job at the university as a “teaching assistant” (and occasional Fling of the Professor) All gone for ten years.

    Will it stop them all…NAH but it will be fun to watch them hit realityworld

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