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The Greenwood, Indiana PD has a gun problem. As in too many of them. Or too many of the wrong kind, to be more accurate. And by the wrong kind, we mean six Glock full-auto machine pistols. What do cops patrolling an exurb of Indianapolis with about 50,000 citizens need with automatic pistols? That’s what Chief Rick McQueary wants to know…

Wisely, the Chief doesn’t see the need for the Glocks, and wants to get rid of them. The vision of his cops spraying lead around the small Hoosier town probably gives him the willies. And well it should.

Never mind that these are apparently magic guns. They somehow just ‘appeared’ out of thin air one day and no one knows who ordered the guns or why. The same goes for the 10,000 rounds of ammo that came with them. It’s a mystery worthy of the X Files, but the truth is surely out there. Someone signed that PO. I’ll venture a WAG that they were an easy way to soak up unused budget dollars at the end of a flush fiscal year.

But Chief McQueary’s problem now is how to get rid of the unwanted pistols. He can’t unload them on a local dealer unless they have a class 3 license. And any dealer who could buy them would then have to find customers willing to go through all the PITA federal paperwork and fees to purchase one.

Let’s just pray no one at the NYPD gives the chief a call, offering to take them off of his hands. They do quite well showering lead around the Big Apple with standard-issue pistols as it is, thank you very much.

Then there’s all that ammo. The 10,000 rounds (surely 9mm) are useless to the Greenwood cops as their duty guns are a different flavor, probably .40 cal. That’s really not a biggie, though. Getting rid of all that 9mm should be a breeze compared to disposing of those guns.

Maybe if the department has leftover money at the end of this fiscal year, they can buy something they can really use. Like maybe typewriters. Or grenade launchers.

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  1. I will not rest until my local PD has at least a dozen Sherman tanks, in the eventuality that the Nazis invade while we’re still entrenched in 3 illegal wars.

  2. Can you actually hit a target with one of these things, or is it a spray and pray type weapon?

    What year were they manufactured? A class 3 license may not be sufficient.

    • Probably current production, and I’ve seen a competition shooter empty half the magazine at a time into a silhouette target.

      • A competition shooter could probably do well with this, at close range.

        A cop probably wouldn’t hit anything except several houses full of children down the block. We all know (or should know) that cops are lucky to hit badguys a fraction of the time with semi-automatic weapons.

    • +1 If they are post-86 then they are essentially worthless. They best they could do is take them to Camden or Nassau county and get a couple of toys-r-us gift cards.

      • Or they could just remove the stupid post-86 ban……

        But who are we kidding, that would require politicians to have an IQ over 5.

      • FOPA86 only limited the transfer of machineguns manufactured in the US after its enactment in 1986. As the Glock 18 were produced in Austria, they fall under the GCA68 restrictions on the transfer of machineguns imported to the US after its enactment in 1968. Thus, the pistols can only be transferred to a SOT as a dealer sample or to a government or military agency.

  3. i think i’d be ok with a bunch of glock 18’s s and 10,000 rounds showing up at my door.

    these guns were developed for the Austrian CT unit EKO Cobra, I somehow doubt that cops in jerkwater USA would have a need for these. This author is confused as to the function of guns

    “six Glock machine pistols, or pistols that fire the way machine guns do.”


  4. Don’t all government purchase orders of just about everything require a PO# and buyer name? That PO should, in theory, be easy to trace (then again, our federal government ‘lost’ track of billion$ in bail out money to the big banks even if the transfer process requires multiple recorded steps). Perhaps the Chicago PD might like to buy them as there is often an inverse relationship between governments that are against the common people (citizens) owning guns and the vast amount of weaponry the government claims it needs to govern and protect the people.

  5. Let me see, here. The G-18’s cyclic rate is somewhere north of 1000 rpm. 10,000 rounds gets you less than 10 minutes of joy. Chief McQueary, I think it would be in everyone’s best interest for you to ship these ammo-burners directly to myself. In return, I promise to keep at least 4 of them trigger-locked at all times. Really. I swear.

  6. Fund raising idea for the city: Have a monthly “shoot a machine pistol with the PD” event at the city range. $50 gets you one or two magazines to spray downrange (under expert police supervision, of course). Hey, they should be able to double the city budget.

  7. Quite impractical, the .50 cal Barrett would be a better choice for a small police force like this to spend thousands of dollars on.

  8. If the are somehow pre-86 they are probably worth at least $20K each. But I would assume they are not, which makes them worth maybe $500 each, because anyone who can own them can also buy a new one from Glock.

  9. Something similar happened to the gun dealer I go to, the local sheriffs dep. wanted to off load some M16’s, Sadly he isn’t a class III dealer and even if he was I couldn’t afford one any way. Damn 1986 MG ban, 1968 GCA, and ’34 NFA Act.

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