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What Did You Learn About the Second Amendment in History Class? Question of the Day

I’m stunned by the image above. If the grammatically-challenged protester really wanted to know why someone owns an AR-15 — someone who has no plans to murder anyone — why doesn’t she ask an AR15 owner? Preferably before revealing her ignorance on the subject. Before calling for a ban on AR ownership. Hang on . . .

The protest went down in New York, where AR-15s are banned. So she’d have to, I dunno, go online?

Clearly, the youth’s history teacher didn’t teach her thing one about the Second Amendment. Like why we have it. ‘Cause if he knew that, he’d know the reason why the U.S. Constitution protects AR-15 ownership. And what they’re for — aside from hunting, plinking and none of your damn business.

What did your school teach you about the Second Amendment?

72 thoughts on “What Did You Learn About the Second Amendment in History Class? Question of the Day”

    • CAN I ADD ONE THING TO THIS DISCUSSION ……………….?. add your high school graduation date or DOB to your comments , now I will post my comment below .

  1. Really nothing. One day I got tired of other people telling me what it meant. I got motivated me to do the research myself and I am pretty comfortable with the motivation behind it and its meaning.

  2. The High School I went to spent a lot of time on Bill of Rights in my AP US History class, including some study of the language of the day. I consider myself lucky to have gone to a decent public school in the 1980s (graduated a semester early with 12 college units).

  3. I had a teacher try to tell me the militia was the national guard. Didn’t really buy that.

  4. Hmmm, considering that I took high school civics class slightly more than 50 years ago, I can’t remember that my civics teacher said much about the 2A except that it was part of the original Bill of Rights. What I know about the 2A now has all been picked up since then, and I’ve had to sort it out for myself.

    • Same here, the blather was more about the defects of the Articles of Confederation and the wonders of the new Federal Constitution being able to tax and spend.





    Would that mean you don’t need it? Per the 2nd Paragraph of the Declaration of Independence you might A) be absolutely justified in killing everyone in your government (and its supporters both foreign and domestic); and B) need more than an AR-15.

    • My favorite exchange with a nuisance troublemaker that wandered into my store one day:
      “AR15s are only made to kill people!”
      “My rifle gets fired pretty regularly but has never killed anyone – does that mean I’m not using it correctly?”

      • I just tell him the truth, that the 5.56 was developed to wound enemy troops because it cost more to take care of a wounded soldier than it did a dead one so in fact the AR-15 is the derivative of rifle whose intent was not to kill people.

        • Yea, Karl…did you actually READ what you wrote?
          “…the 5.56 was developed to WOUND enemy troops because it COST MORE to take care of a wounded soldier THAN it did A DEAD ONE so in fact the AR-15 is the derivative of rifle whose INTENT WAS not TO KILL PEOPLE.eMPHASIS MINE)”
          You are saying the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are trying to claim.
          IF wounded troops cost resources, WHY would someone design a weapon to just wound and NOT kill?
          THIS is what confirmation bias looks like in the flesh–you are so desperate to prove your belief you don’t even see that you are contradicting yourself.
          The chat I quote below explains the REAL reason for the .556 rounds–VOLUME. They wanted a soldier to be able to CARRY MORE AMMO so they could PUT MORE SHOTS ON TARGET.

          From a chat:

          Old September 2, 2006, 03:26 AM #2
          Senior Member

          Join Date: December 16, 2004
          Location: Grand Forks, ND
          Posts: 5,328
          No, a guy that is not dead can still shoot back and still do you harm. The point of the smaller bullet/more ammo setup was that MOST SHOTS WERE MISSES SO YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO CARRY MORE AMMO SO YOU COULD GET MORE HITS(emphasis mine).. The first shot might kill him, it might wound them. If the first shot doesn’t so it, shoot them again.

          The POINT of an AR 15 is to incapacitate, yes…it is designed to inflict as much pain and misery on as many combatants as possible.
          It is a WEAPON OF WAR designed to wound and main and kill Human Beings, nothing else…NOT “target practice” or “sport shooting” or “hunting”(unless you’re planning on hunting Humans….)

        • I agree , the 5.56 round being designed to maim and not kill is a long standing rumor that was disputed by it’s designers and those who adopted it as the military round . The weight factor , the FPE rating , it’s function in the automatic format were all considerations . It has never been a US policy to wound instead of kill in combat . …………………………………….BUT , it does not matter , all weapons are guaranteed under the 2nd amendment . It is arguable that Jet fighters , tanks , missiles and Aircraft carriers are also guaranteed as a right of citizen ownership and arguably , US citizens own every weapon in the US arsenal , we own the government . The challenge is to keep as many weapons as possible unrestricted and at the ready to defend our rights against a government gone amuck . If SHWTHTF , it would be imperative that we take control of as many military bases as possible by American patriots . This so we the people could maintain control of OUR weaponry .

  6. More than 5 minutes ago, memory lost.

    But I wonder, is a regiment of militiamen showed up at Valley Forge with a stockpile of AR-15’s if General George Washington would have confiscated and destroyed those evil deadly black weapons.

      • If the Continental Army had M4s and the Redcoats had L85s, America would still kick their butts.

        • …………. but , if someone had approach Georgie W. with an AR 15 , demonstrated it’s capabilities and said they could manufacture 4,000 of them in 30 days , is there anyone out there who believes he would have said nah . no thanks , and if he had an AR 15 and the Continental army had AR-15’s to use in the war for independence , is there anyone out there who believes our founders would have excluded these guns when they penned the 2nd amendment ? NAH !

    • Yeah, it’s been a while since then for me too… I remember lectures about the Battle of Lexington and the Shot Heard Around the World…
      Here in Texas, we had an entire class in junior high for Texas History. We learned about our struggle for independence and the Mexican governments attempt to confiscate our weapons (we had CANNONS! Artillery dammit!). The Spartans had Molon Labe, we had plain English, “Come and Take It”.

      • Junior high? Maybe that’s the effect of creeping liberalism – when I grew up in Dallas in the 50’s, we had the illustrated Texas history comic books as soon as we could read with a little proficiency. But the Dallas schools were actually teaching young kids how to read back then!

  7. Here is what I would teach if a teach I was.

    The 2nd Amendment, a part of the Bill of Rights adopted December 15, 1791, neither grants nor limits the right of the People to keep and bear arms. As with the entire Bill of Rights it is nothing but a limit upon Government infringement. That the prefatory statement (not a clause folks) gives us insight as to one reason (not the only reason, but a good one) that the founders felt it was important to enumerate this pre-existing right. And as such clearly tells us that the right of the People to keep and bear arms includes ordinary, common, and modern military arms. I ask of you, from whom might the People who keep and bear arms need to be ensuring the security of a free state? Certainly not Bambi.

    • It also prevents the state from keeping a private militia from being formed, which is an even more powerful statement than the right to bear arms.

  8. Hrmmm… Come to think of it I don’t think the 2A was even covered. Then again, I slept though most of US history or was in the back of the classroom reading a more useful book.

    I just gave up on that class when we had a whole chapter on The Trail of Tears and all of a page on ALL of WWII.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing improper about studying the trail of tears but the space allotted to various subjects within the book/class made it clear that the class wasn’t worth my time.

      • Nothing? Really? Wow.

        I read a ton of US History books in that class and ended up with a better education than the class provided (got an A on everything, really ticked off the teacher). Also got through like half of Gibbon too.

  9. Funny how nobody was asking the AR-wielding cops at the Oscars whom they were intending to murder.

  10. I don’t remember. I graduated from high school in 1964. But my mother taught me years before that to understand that the basic human right of self defense has nothing at all to do with the “constitution” or the 2nd amendment.

  11. My exposure was decent but it was in the early 80s I know in the early 2000s several public schools in Indiana were just skipping it, and teachers were answering the few kids that questioned why 3 comes after 1 by saying “Oh that one doesn’t matter anymore”

  12. I graduated back in 09. I can’t recall for the life of me what, if anything, was said about it. I don’t think any teacher said anything, good or bad, about it.

  13. I asked my teacher why we had the second Amendment once, As I recall the exact words were:
    “Don’t raise your hand unless you actually have a serious question.”

  14. Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t the best student. Of course, high school is 40 years in my rear view mirror.

    I honestly wish I had paid more attention.

  15. I graduated from high school in 1979 in Sacramento California. They did not discuss the Second Amendment in school because that would have meant they would have to discussed the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense openly carrying guns which was legal in California back then.

    Also since local politicians like the white homosexual Tom Ammiano made sure that there was no 2nd Amendment education in San Francisco city high schools. He was responsible for destroying the rifle teams in the schools back then. Unfortunately there was no great outcry against what he did by the gun community. Apparently they are afraid of white homosexuals. The fact that Tom Ammiano help to destroy 2nd Amendment education and education about the Bill of Rights wasn’t enough for people to rise up against him, gay or straight.

    “Ammiano was instrumental in getting rid of San Francisco’s High School competitive .22 cal rifle teams, and worked to put an end to the junior ROTC program in San Francisco’s High Schools. Ammiano supported the ban on allowing gun owners to carry an unloaded gun in public. “Whether a gun is loaded or not, it’s still an act of intimidation and bullying,” Ammiano said.”

  16. She didn’t pay attention in English class either. She’s ending a sentence with a preposition.

  17. I left high school in ‘05. I don’t remember discussing anything really in depth except for the 1st, and ironically, the 10th. The 4th has a bit of exposure, but the other two really stick out. I also had one of those “white kids are the devil” teachers, so I wasn’t there a lot of the time.

  18. Graduated 1963. Don’t remember any discussion of the Constitution or the B.o.R. in any of the so-called “social studies” classes. American History seems to have begun about the time of the Civil War. I did take Modern European History, (at least they HAD it, unlike today where it isn’t even acknowledged to have happened). Never even got as far as WW1, never mind WW2. Of course that was in suburban Boston, which was already gone to the dogs at that point. One of the history teachers was an “out” Communist. I missed him, fortunately.

    • “One of the history teachers was an “out” Communist. I missed him, fortunately.”

      Is that because you forgot the fundamentals?

  19. Hmmm…I don’t remember a damn thing about the 2nd Amendment from at least 48 years ago history. And history was my favorite subject. My son has a degree in history but sadly is a fudd despite being in war zones and spying for the DOD. Golly what does the young Hogg boy know?!?😩

  20. Not a damn thing, really. And no care was taken to point out that, rather than granting rights from a benevolent government, the Constitution is intended to restrict the government from infringing on rights we have by virtue of being human beings. I learned that much later.

  21. When I was growing up in Northern Illinois (mid 1960’s), every student was required to pass a written exam over the US Constitution before being allowed to graduate Eighth Grade. (EIGHTH GRADE!).As a study guide, each student was issued a paperbound copy of the Constitution with legal commentary. I still have my copy. On the down side, the 2nd Amendment was given already being given the short shift, defined as a collective right and irrelevant to modern society.

    I wasn’t comfortable with that definition and later studied the matter in greater detail.

  22. I was “educated” in New York City by union members, so I learned nothing about the Second Amendment except that it had something to do with militias.

    Fortunately, I learned to read — with little help from those union members. No, really, my mother and grandfather began teaching me how to read before I started school.

    So now I know what the Second Amendment means. It means that the government is responsible to the people.

  23. Someone else said this someplace else, its not the “Bill of Needs”. Unless someone understand the concept of rights, including both natural and enumerated rights, then all they are doing is looking at the world through their own very narrow lens. This is something that any HS student should know. It might take an adult to understand that recognizing rights tends to be a 2 edged sword at times.

    My school teachers in the 60’s pretty much bypassed any meaningful discussion of the 2A, voting rights was the hot topic of the day.

  24. I was around during the mega national celebration that was the Bicentennial in 1976. I became interested in the American Revolution, Independence and American form of government because of it. No, I was never taught anything about the 2A in grade school, high school or in my “CONSTITUTIONAL” law class in college. My college law “professor” wouldn’t even discuss it in class, he dismissed it altogether. I basically taught myself, so I make it a point to teach others, like a 2A missionary.

  25. Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nada! 😉 I don’t recall much on the Constitution or American History being taught. Thankfully, the intertubes came along right when I became interested in guns. Learned about the 2A, the Constitution and the Founding Father’s. has a great resource on their homepage called the Liberty Library. It has all the historical documents the Founder’s used to create our country. Many of the links are broken but you can search them once you know what to look up!

  26. I’m sure the teacher covered it, but Margareta was wearing a dress and didn’t have any panties on and I kept dropping my pencil

    • I was a little worried a situation like this had blurred my memory also , or the everyday morning , lunch , and evening affair with Mary Wanna . Strawberry Fills , Chocolate and Purple Micro-dot , Yellow Jackets , Black Beauties , 714’s , Hash , Ti-sticks , Shroons , Marezines , etc. , but after reading all the comments here I can thankfully so NO , I was not educated at all about the 2nd amendment .

  27. We learned in 5th grade that it was to overthrow the government in case they got tyrannical. It didn’t really get brought up again until 12th grade AP Government class (we studied mostly world history between those years, except for 10th grade US History, but that had to cover colonization through Reconstruction, and then we reenacted a Civil War bayonet charge at the end of the year). The three teachers I had for those years were really cool guys, but the AP Gov teacher left after that year to get his Masters at Georgia.

  28. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

  29. “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” ― Mark Twain

    I recommend reading / listening to the audio book: “George Washington’s Military Genius” by Dave R. Palmer.

    Most of the “pre-Americans” that drove out the British SHOWED UP WITH THEIR OWN ARMS, and most served their ENTIRE ENLISTMENTS without a resupply other than powder and ball.


  30. I see her English teacher is doing a real bang up job too huh?

    (Never end a sentence with a preposition. Grammar 101)

  31. For perspective, we didn’t cover the Second Amendment in law school at all. That was before Heller & McDonald, but I’m pretty sure it’s still deemed a “second class” right by most law schools and their faculty.

    It’s barely mentioned in textbooks outside the rare few classes on firearms law offered in this country.

  32. If the writers of the Bill of Rights had used the word “any” instead of using “a” , the intent of the second amendment would be a little clearer. ” Any free state” vs. a free state means that you don’t even have to be American to keep arms to fight for your freedom. “A free state” sounds like it only applies to specific states within the union.

  33. Well little boy… We need an AR15 because throughout history there have been a lot of people that were quite happy to burn, rape, and otherwise pillage because they were following an ideology. Most of those dangerous ideologies have two things in common. A lack of critical thought (you know… because emotions), and a belief that their ends justify any of their means.

    Scary stuff eh comrade?

  34. Idiot teachers and professors quickly saying that the second amendment applied only to the national guard and that the national guard and the military provided the security for the country because the country is the free state…

    I crap you negative.

    Other than that, US history pre-1877 was all about slavery and the civil war, and 1877-present was FDR and the civil rights era… that’s it. Commie garbage.

    I learned everything I know about history because I actually took the time to learn it on my own.

  35. Short answer. Nothing… Aside from the right to bear arms being a fundamental human right our forefathers saw fit to enshrine in their list of 10 nasic human rights that the government should not and would not take away from its citizens. Then the next year Columbine happened and we were taught the right to bear arms was dangerous, outdated, and would kill us all. So I started reading and formulated my own belief.
    Moltar says: everybody has a right to own as many guns of any type as they damn well please for whatever reason they want. Long as they don’t infringe on someone else’s rights it’s all good but once you start intimidating or murdering folks you deserve death or incarceration.

  36. In School???

    I don’t remember it really being discussed until College. Fortunately, went to school in the 80’s which means that while the teachers were liberal, they didn’t wear their politics on their sleeve.

  37. Well, not enough actually. But I did learn at least that the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution were called the Bill of Rights and not the Bill of Needs.

  38. Second Amendment? Real question, Bob F., is “what did your history class teach you about the Constitution in general”? Oh, yeah- It’s a living, breathing document that the likes of Ruth BG thinks is antiquated for countries trying to rewrite their own, when she suggested people look to South Africa’s, where there is soon to be a Zimbabwe-like bounty on the heads of anyone who happens to be caucasian. Maybe Ruth ought to go over there without security and set them straight. (Then Trump would get to nominate a second justice…)

  39. That it was only for the national guard and another time that it just said we could own guns. Had a fudd teacher in high school who thought “assault rifles” should be banned, but didn’t seem to think that they’d get around to his sporterized springfield.

  40. quote: …South Africa’s, where there is soon to be a Zimbabwe-like bounty…”

    Venezuela and South Africa are good recent examples of how a government can go bad.

    The USA is traveling down that road, (Trump has interrupted the speed), and will get to that bad place when progressives and communists, I repeat myself, manage to get the vote for all illegals and permanently take over the government and the 2A is totally ignored.

    Will the surviving patriots stand up and fight then or will that be the end of the Shining Light Upon the Hill?

    Be Prepared !

  41. Graduate High School , WV , 1976 . No instruction on the second amendment , 1st was discussed in civics classed 11th grade , along with the 5th , and also spent a lot of time on voting and the role citizens play in a DEMOCRACY , no memory of discussing the difference between democracy and a republic . A lot of discussion on unions and the importance of unions etc.
    It was not until I left high school and started self educating myself that I realized my HS Civics teacher had actually began the early process of indoctrination into socialism/communism and was a bonafide progressive socialist/communist . I still credit him with sparking an interest in me in citizenship and for that merit I say he was a good teacher .
    I only thank God that I got a young lady pregnant in high school and had to derail my entrance into college while working to provide for my son which bought me time to learn about the founding of our nation and the penning of our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence on my own , without progressive liberal influence of college professors and their slanted commentary against independence and the the American Republic .

  42. A friend of mine did his law school thesis on the Second Amendment. It had not been a topic at all in the law school. He educated the school’s PhD Doctor of Laws instructors.
    The old text books from the 40s and 50s covered American history pretty well. The British Army occupation of Boston by 8,000 soldiers after the Boston Tea Party was covered as was the formation of rebel militia units, the Minutemen.
    The April 1775 ride of Paul Revere and Richard Dawes and others was covered, including the fact the the British were coming to Concord and Lexington to confiscate the arms and munitions in storage at those locations.
    The Minutemen knew that they had to resist or surrender to oppression by King George.
    A Year later the Declaration of Independence was drafted and signed, July 4, 1776.
    After years of war and a trial government the United Sates Constitution was written in 1788. The Militia was included in the Constitution but men such as Patrick Henry objected because the rights of the people were not properly protected.
    A Bill of Rights was demanded and written. The right of the people to keep and bear arms, their private arms was protected. The Senate rejected adding the words “for the common defence” to make it clear they were protecting the rights of individuals. The right to KEEP” was included so that private arms could not be required to be stored at central locations so they’d be safe from confiscation.
    There are many Supreme Court cases, often commentators misquote what the Court actually said, sometimes deliberately. Read Dred Scott, Cruikshank, Presser and Miller (1939) in whole to understand what they actually said.
    The 2008 Heller case has been misquoted too. Justice Scalia did not say that laws were constitutional, rather he said that the Court had not heard evidence or rendered an opinion on the thousand laws and until such time they could still be enforced.
    Just to make it easier to understand I’ve made a single change to the Second Amendment to make it clear.
    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state ?
    “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

  43. I graduated in 1979. I went to public school in Hawaii, a liberal paradise. Barely touched on the bill of rights and hardly any detail about the 2nd amendment. It is way worse across the nation now. I saw a book say the 2nd amendment was “The right to arm militias.”

  44. Speed limits mostly are 75 mph on interstates why does anyone need a car that can go faster?
    Just as dumb a question.
    I have a well why do I need bottled water?
    It can get sillier if you begin the comparisons.

    • @ zebra dun
      I suggest you look up the term “False Equivalency” and perhaps you’ll be able to glean just why your “comparison” is not, and why it misses the mark so badly. Cheers!

  45. “Tell me what anyone needs and AR-15 for, other than murdering others?”

    Homicide. Killing the whack-job who’s busy trying to kill you and yours … homicide, not murder.

    So, Sign-Wielder, someone “needs” an AR-15 when a sign isn’t enough to stop the whack-job shooting up a school: homicide, maybe; murder no.

    When a sign won’t stop them, yours or “Gun Free Zone”, I’d like people to have the most effective tool they can get for that. Homeland Security says that’s an intermediate-power AR-pattern carbine.

    An AR-15 (pattern — you’re going after more than strictly AR-15s) is so someone with the courage to do whatever they can for kids under fire, can maybe #shootback. Comparing Parkland to the more recent one, where an armed defender shot back, that’s worth something over 14(*) lives, net.

    (*) I’m using “anti-gunner counting” here. The two students shot before the BG was stopped count as dead, because they might die. The dead whack-job counts against: stopping the murderer is still a “gun death.” What do you expect from people who can’t tell the difference between “murder” and “homicide?”


  46. In high school, nothing, in California at time Constitutional history was taught in the 8th grade.
    The history of the Second Amendment goes back well into European history as does the history behind the other 9 in the Bill of Rights. Only the royalty, the Church and their standing arming were allowed significant weapons. Peasants were not even allowed bows as they lived on their Lords land, any hunting was considered poaching and you could be executed on the spot if caught. This also kept them enslaved to their Lords, no weapons, no uprising.
    Well before the colonists had considered independence they just wanted to be represented, just like any other British citizen. When the colonist started to push for this, the British government started housing soldier in private citizens homes and passed a law to confiscate all weapons (1793). The Massachusett colony resisted and others followed suit.
    The Second Amendment was taught by my teacher as an individual right and was there to prevent any government, including our own, from denying us what the Constitution guarantees.
    Class of 73
    PS. Sometime after this the ACLU got involved and this class was considered discriminatory. Not sure why the ACLU would not want all individuals to study the Constitution.

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