EDC everyday carry SIG Legion
Courtesy Jimmy Twotimes
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Jimmy Twotimes writes . . .

I haven’t really altered my daily carry other than adding a mask and gloves. I’m currently carrying a SIG P226 Legion in a Palmetto Leather Works OWB holster.

Also pictured is a Blade-Tech double magazine carrier loaded with Federal 147 +P Hydra-Shoks, a Microtech Ultratech OTF knife, a SureFire E2D Defender Ultra a SureFire E1B backup and finally an LAPD Robbery Homicide challenge coin.


[This post is part of our series, What I’m Carrying Now. If you’d like to submit a photo and description of the gun, holster and gear you’re carrying in the new world in which we live, send it to us at [email protected] with WICN in the subject field.]

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  1. A “Spider-Man” leather holster. You know what?…good for him. He should be comfortable with what he carries. I actually give this one a hearty thumbs-up.

    Because this is ‘Murica.

        • They are but it wasn’t always the case and some folks remember companies like AMrvel for what they used to be, entertainment before “social justice” b.s

    • “You know what?…good for him.”


      I sure hope if he ever needs to use it, a prosecutor looking to make a name for themselves doesn’t ask him on the stand –

      “So, you think you’re some kind of superhero, eh?”

      • No I am just a fan of Spider Man since my childhood. What a stupid remark, again.

        • Suck on it, jerkoff.

          And to no one’s surprise, you’re frozen at age 11, emotionally.

          Exactly the kind of person who shouldn’t have lethal weapons…

          *snicker* 😉

        • Actually YOU’RE obviously underestimating the ridiculous antics that take place in the modern court system…… THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE A QUESTION SOME GAY (MOST ARE) PROSECUTOR WOULD ASK….
          Apparently you haven’t been in a court in the past 20 years….n

      • I’d love to know what you did to that guy to make him Fk with you. And, it seems to be only you.

        • Well, there was this PG guy, methinks… Or was it Vlad? Miner?

          So many choices…

        • “Well, there was this PG guy, methinks… ”

          Kinda smells like him, but maybe not.

          Just some stupid shit pissed-off when I bitch-slapped him, most likely.

          Anyways, matters not, bring it, twerps!

  2. Can anyone identify the brand/model of the flashlight carrier? I’ve been looking for a one with a belt clip.

    • Reminds me of a dog I had.
      Named him “Twice”.

      Never would come if you called him once.

      • I once had a boat named AfterYou.

        “Of course I love you baby, hell, I even named my boat after you.”

        • i have a stepped tri- hull named waves of lucidity.
          dad named the pontoon pontius pilate.

  3. All new… no wear… never carried! But it’s ashamed, all of the gear is nice and quality made. I have all of these too ( minus peter parker) and other than the knife they stay in my safe as well. But alas this is supposed to be a carry post.😖

    • Skeptical, how do you know? The man puts his shit out there. Maybe he bought it yesterday. So what? Maybe the carry the day before was a S&W 36 with the blue worn to the frame. Let’s see your well worn custom pistol, carried in custom leather, (also well worn.) And knife. And light. With no finish.

      • I just bought a Mitch Rosen holster for my Walther. I’m going to post a picture of it so all the looks like it’s new nazis can get all butt hurt and whine and complain

      • 1. How do I know?—> easy…look at the picture. Outside of the small abrasion at the base of the grip where he either dropped it or banged it. No physical wear to be seen on any other product.
        2. Maybe he bought it yesterday?—> If you read his post he says he gear hasn’t been altered except gloves and masks. So no change for last 1-2 months minimum.
        3. Hypothetical previous carry scenario you made up, holds no water as again he wrote that he hasn’t changed his setup.
        4. For your viewing pleasure I’ll submit one. It will be a great educational opportunity for those wanting to see actual everyday carry items.


  4. I’ve thought hard and heavy over getting a Legion but everybody and their second cousin twice removed has 9mm and my P229 is .40 and I shoot that thing well. At this point I’m not willing to break something that’s not broken. If Sig ever make a P229 Legion in .40 I’ll bite.

      • Yeah but I steer away from common. Hell, if I do that, I might as well buy a Toyota Camry or a Subaru for that matter.

      • Unless one thinks that they will one day be scavenging ‘loot’ ammo lying around the post-apocalypse waste land like in a video game or you can’t afford the ammo for your oddball chambered firearms before the apocalypse I suspect that it is probably not a major concern. I am wrong a lot though:-)

        • You’re not just wrong….. you’re a FKN MORON….
          When you have a Dillon 650, and you reload you’re own, “odd chambering” doesn’t mean a gd thing….
          Fkn dip$hit….
          Vic nighthorse?????….wtf is that, code for queers?

    • Couldn’t you buy the legion and swap barrels and magazine to make it a 40?

      I’m with you on liking less common calibers. I carry my P226 in .357 Sig – at least in the winter. I note that the coating does abrade with practice draws. So maybe the extra bucks for the legion not really worth it for edc.

      In all likelihood or edc’s will only ever be fired at the range, so it might as well be something fun.

    • Nice. I have an empty day. Maybe I’ll watch it for 50th time or so this afternoon.

      • My brother did that to me once.


        “Night Shift” also wasn’t bad…

  5. We call him Jimmy Two Times on account of he says everything twice, everything twice.

  6. Don’t listen to these lame keyboard warriors…. they all are jealous because you can afford nice EDC equipment….
    These lame azz homos probably have dildo holsters….
    This side likes his holster and I do too….
    I can ONLY IMAGINE what half of you “people” look like in prison…….fat and lazy….. and putting people down makes you feel better….
    5 minutes alone…..I would LOVE to have with you pathetic mfers….

  7. “5 minutes alone…..I would LOVE to have with you pathetic mfers….”

    Will you have a Space Ghost costume on..cause that would be freakin awesome!

  8. It’s amazing how low these discussions will sink.
    I guess too many kindergartens are still closed.

  9. Going to chime in here . This was my post .
    Firstly , the gun has been carried , a lot . I don’t know about you but the wear on my firearm is on the rails and slide ( you know like every other Sig ) as it’s been shot . My microtech is a 300 dollar knife , I take care of it don’t beat it up and alternate between it and a socom elite auto . Finally , both Stan Lee and spider-man are some of my heroes . The holster is custom made and features the amazing fantasy 15 cover . If you know anything about comics peters uncle was killed by a mugger , instead of using his powers for evil and to make money , he used them for good . The words with great power comes great responsibility are also on the holster , if you can think of a phrase more appropriate for carrying a firearm I’d like to hear it. As others have said I’m sorry I hurt your feelings by showing you what I carry.

    • Jimmy, not sure who is mad at ya, I’m sure not. I was only pointing out that I was skeptical of your load out being an everyday carry! I’m sure you’ve carried it before and shot it many times. Much like the knife the legion is a beautiful tool as well. And the holster!?!?! I’ve spent plenty of disposable income on custom things that I like or collect so no problem with that either. I just don’t believe this is an everyday carry… as in everyday. That was what this post intended when started years ago and now is what I carry now. As I stated earlier, I own most of the same items and I do carry them as well from time to time but not my primary load out due to many reasons. If that’s your thing then you do you, I would just like to see more real carry items and not just a look at my cool gear ( yes your gear is cool/nothing wrong with that). Hope that clarifies my stance.


    • Jimmy, not sure who is mad at ya, I’m sure not. I was only pointing out that I was skeptical of your load out being an everyday carry! I’m sure you’ve carried it before and shot it many times. Much like the knife the legion is a beautiful tool as well. And the holster!?!?! I’ve spent plenty of disposable income on custom things that I like or collect so no problem with that either. I just don’t believe this is an everyday carry… as in everyday. That was what this post intended when started years ago and now is what I carry now. As I stated earlier, I own most of the same items and I do carry them as well from time to time but not my primary load out due to many reasons. If that’s your thing then you do you, I would just like to see more real carry items and not just a look at my cool gear ( yes your gear is cool/nothing wrong with that). Hope that clarifies my stance.


      • Nothing says it nice better than saying it twice!!! Sorry for double post and yes that’s my email. Hit me up!

  10. I love reading the comments of basement dwellers , Living in their fantasies .

  11. Good Gun, spare mags, flashlight and knife. That hits the basic EDC checklist in my book. As for the Spiderman holster, whatever steers your canoe IMO. Haters gonna Hate no matter what you put out, so it’s best to just ignore them. Nice EDC kit, and thanks for sharing.

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